Sambrook J. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual; Vol.2 (New York, 2001). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSambrook J. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. Vol.2 / J.Sambrook, D.W.Russell. - 3rd ed. - New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2001. - xxvii, P.8.1-14.53 (various pagings): ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-087969577-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xxi
Acknowledgments ............................................. xxiii
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols Online ........................... xxv
Quotation Credits ........................................... xxvii

Volume 2

Chapter 8
In Vitro Amplification of DNA by the Polymerase Chain
Reaction ...................................................... 8.1

1  The Basic Polymerase Chain Reaction ....................... 8.18
2  Purification of PCR Products in Preparation for Cloning ... 8.25
3  Removal of Oligonucleotides and Excess dNTPs from
   Amplified DNA by Ultrafiltration .......................... 8.27
   Introduction to Cloning PCR Products (Protocols 4-7) ...... 8.30
4  Blunt-end Cloning of PCR Products ......................... 8.32
5  Cloning PCR Products into T Vectors ....................... 8.35
6  Cloning PCR Products by Addition of Restriction Sites to
   the Termini of Amplified DNA .............................. 8.37
7  Genetic Engineering with PCR .............................. 8.42
8  Amplification of cDNA Generated by Reverse Transcription
   of mRNA (RT-PCR) .......................................... 8.46
9  Rapid Amplification of 5' cDNA Ends (5'-RACE) ............. 8.54
10 Rapid Amplification of 3' cDNA Ends (3'-RACE) ............. 8.61
11 Mixed Oligonucleotide-primed Amplification of cDNA
   (MOPAC) ................................................... 8.66
12 Rapid Characterization of DNAs Cloned in Prokaryotic
   Vectors ................................................... 8.72
   · Additional Protocol: Screening Yeast Colonies by PCR .... 8.75
   ·Additional Protocol: Screening Bacteriophage λ
    Libraries ................................................ 8.76
13 Long PCR .................................................. 8.77
14 Inverse PCR ............................................... 8.81
15 Quantitative PCR .......................................... 8.86
16 Differential Display-PCR (DD-PCR) ......................... 8.96

Multiplex PCR ............................................... 8.107
Taq DNA Polymerase .......................................... 8.108
Hot Start PCR ............................................... 8.110
Ribonuclease H .............................................. 8.111
Terminal Transferase ........................................ 8.111
Touchdown PCR ............................................... 8.112
Use of Inosine in Degenerate Pools of Oligonucleotides
Used for PCR ................................................ 8.113
Universal Primers ........................................... 8.113

Chapter 9
Preparation of Radiolabeled DNA and RNA Probes ................ 9.1

1  Random Priming: Radiolabeling of Purified DNA Fragments
   by Extension of Random Oligonucleotides .................... 9.4
2  Random Priming: Radiolabeling of DNA by Extension of
   Random Oligonucleotides in the Presence of Melted
   Agarose .................................................... 9.9
   ·Nick Translation: An Historical Note ..................... 9.12
3  Radiolabeling of DNA Probes by the Polymerase Chain
   Reaction .................................................. 9.14
   ·Additional Protocol: Asymmetric Probes ................... 9.18
4  Synthesis of Single-stranded DNA Probes of Defined
   Length from Bacteriophage M13 Templates ................... 9.19
5  Synthesis of Single-stranded DNA Probes of Heterogeneous
   Length from Bacteriophage M13 Templates ................... 9.25
6  Synthesis of Single-stranded RNA Probes by In Vitro
   Transcription ............................................. 9.29
   ·Additional Protocol: Using PCR to Add Promoters for
    Bacteriophage-encoded RNA Polymerases to Fragments of
    DNA ...................................................... 9.36
7  Synthesis of cDNA Probes from mRNA Using Random
   Oligonucleotide Primers ................................... 9.38
8  Synthesis of Radiolabeled, Subtracted cDNA Probes Using
   Oligo(dT) as a Primer ..................................... 9.41
9  Radiolabeling of Subtracted cDNA Probes by Random
   Oligonucleotide Extension ................................. 9.46
10 Labeling 3' Termini of Double-stranded DNA Using the
   Klenow Fragment off. coli DNA Polymerase I ................ 9.51
11 Labeling 3' Termini of Double-stranded DNA with
   Bacteriophage T4 DNA Polymerase ........................... 9.57
12 End Labeling Protruding 3' Termini of Double-stranded
   DNA with [α-32P]Cordycepin 5' Triphosphate or
   [α-32P]dideoxy ATP ........................................ 9.60
13 Dephosphorylation of DNA Fragments with Alkaline
   Phosphatase ............................................... 9.62
14 Phosphorylation of DNA Molecules with Protruding 5'-
   Hydroxyl Termini .......................................... 9.66
15 Phosphorylation of DNA Molecules with Dephosphorylated
   Blunt Ends or Recessed 5' Termini ......................... 9.70
16 Phosphorylation of DNA Molecules with Protruding 5'
   Termini by the Exchange Reaction .......................... 9.73

Nonradioactive Labeling of Nucleic Acids ..................... 9.76
E. coli DNA Polymerase I and the Klenow Fragment ............. 9.82
In Vitro Transcription Systems ............................... 9.87
Isolating Differentially Expressed cDNAs by Differential
Screening and Cloning ........................................ 9.89
Alkaline Phosphatase ......................................... 9.92

Chapter 10
Working with Synthetic Oligonucleotide Probes ................ 10.1

1  Purification of Synthetic Oligonucleotides by
   Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis ....................... 10.11
2  Phosphorylating the 5'Termini of Oligonucleotides ........ 10.17
3  Purification of Radiolabeled Oligonucleotides by
   Precipitation with Ethanol ............................... 10.20
4  Purification of Radiolabeled Oligonucleotides by
   Precipitation with Cetylpyridinium Bromide ............... 10.22
5  Purification of Radiolabeled Oligonucleotides by Size-
   exclusion Chromatography ................................. 10.25
6  Purification of Radiolabeled Oligonucleotides by
   Chromatography on a Sep-Pak C18 Column ................... 10.28
7  Labeling of Synthetic Oligonucleotides Using the Klenow
   Fragment of E. coli DNA Polymerase I ..................... 10.30
8  Hybridization of Oligonucleotide Probes in Aqueous
   Solutions: Washing in Buffers Containing Quaternary
   Ammonium Salts ........................................... 10.35
9  Empirical Measurement of Melting Temperature ............. 10.38

Oligonucleotide Synthesis ................................... 10.42
Melting Temperatures ........................................ 10.47
Methods Used to Purify Synthetic Oligonucleotides ........... 10.48

Chapter 11
Preparation of cDNA Libraries and Gene Identification ........ 11.1

1  Construction of cDNA Libraries ........................... 11.38
   Stage 1: Synthesis of First-strand cDNA Catalyzed by
            Reverse Transcriptase ........................... 11.39
   Stage 2: Second-strand Synthesis ......................... 11.44
   Stage 3: Methylation of cDNA ............................. 11.49
   Stage 4: Attachment of Linkers or Adaptors ............... 11.52
   Stage 5: Fractionation of cDNA by Gel Filtration
            through Sepharose CL-4B ......................... 11.57
   Stage 6: Ligation of cDNA to Bacteriophage λ Arms ........ 11.60
   ·Alternative Protocol: Ligation of cDNA into a Plasmid
    Vector .................................................. 11.64
   ·Additional Protocol: Amplification of cDNA Libraries .... 11.65
2  Construction and Screening of Eukaryotic Expression
   Libraries ................................................ 11.68
   Stage 1: Construction of cDNA Libraries in Eukaryotic
            Expression Vectors .............................. 11.69
   Stage 2: Screening cDNA Libraries Constructed in
            Eukaryotic Expression Vectors ................... 11.75
3  Exon Trapping and Amplification .......................... 11.80
   Stage 1: Construction of the Library ..................... 11.82
   Stage 2: Electroporation of the Library into COS-7
            Cells ........................................... 11.87
   Stage 3: Harvesting the mRNA ............................. 11.89
   Stage 4: Reverse Transcriptase-PCR ....................... 11.91
   Stage 5: Analysis of Clones .............................. 11.96
4  Direct Selection of cDNAs with Large Genomic DNA
   Clones ................................................... 11.98

Commercial Kits for cDNA Synthesis and Library
Construction ............................................... 11.109
Mo-MLV Reverse Transcriptase ............................... 11.111
Homopolymeric Tailing ...................................... 11.112
λgtl0 and λgt11 ............................................ 11.113
Constructing cDNA Libraries from Small Numbers of Cells .... 11.114
In Vitro Packaging ......................................... 11.115
COS Cells .................................................. 11.116
Biotin ..................................................... 11.117
Magnetic Beads ............................................. 11.120
Ligation-independent Cloning ............................... 11.123

Chapter 12
DNA Sequencing ............................................... 12.1

INTRODUCTION PROTOCOLS ....................................... 12.1
1  Generation of a Library of Randomly Overlapping DNA
   Inserts .................................................. 12.10
   ·Alternative Protocol: Preparation of Small Numbers of
    Single-stranded DNA Templates from Bacteriophage M13 .... 12.23
   ·Additional Protocol: Preparation of Dephosphorylated
    Blunt-ended Bacteriophage M13 Vector DNA for Shotgun
    Cloning ................................................. 12.24
2  Preparing Denatured Double-stranded DNA Templates for
   Sequencing by Dideoxy-mediated Chain Termination ......... 12.26
   ·Additional Protocol: Rapid Denaturation of Double-
    stranded DNA ............................................ 12.30
   ·Additional Protocol: Purification of Plasmid DNA from
    Small-scale Cultures by Precipitation with PEG .......... 12.31
3  Dideoxy-mediated Sequencing Reactions Using
   Bacteriophage T7 DNA Polymerase (Sequenase) .............. 12.32
4  Dideoxy-mediated Sequencing Reactions Using the Klenow
   Fragment of E. coli MAO DNA Polymerase I and Single-
   stranded DNA Templates ................................... 12.40
5  Dideoxy-mediated Sequencing of DNA Using Taq DNA
   Polymerase ............................................... 12.45
6  Cycle Sequencing: Dideoxy-mediated Sequencing Reactions
   Using PCR and End-labeled Primers ........................ 12.51
   ·Additional Protocol: Cycle Sequencing Reactions Using
    PCR and Internal Labeling with [α-32P]dNTPs ............. 12.60
7  Chemical Sequencing ...................................... 12.61
   ·Alternative Protocol: Rapid Maxam-Gilbert Sequencing .... 12.70
   ·Additional Protocol: Preparation of End-labeled DNA for
    Chemical Sequencing ..................................... 12.73
8  Preparation of Denaturing Polyacrylamide Gels ............ 12.74
9  Preparation of Denaturing Polyacrylamide Gels
   Containing Formamide ..................................... 12.81
10 Preparation of Electrolyte Gradient Gels ................. 12.83
11 Loading and Running DNA-sequencing Gels .................. 12.85
12 Autoradiography and Reading of Sequencing Gels ........... 12.90

   Automated DNA Sequencing ................................. 12.94
   Microliter Plates ....................................... 12.100
   The Klenow Fragment of E. coli DNA Polymerase I ......... 12.101
   Preparation of Stock Solutions of Oligonucleotide
   Primers for DNA Sequencing .............................. 12.103
   Sequenase ............................................... 12.104
   Conventional Chain-termination Sequencing of PCR-
   amplified DNA ........................................... 12.106
   Preparation of Stock Solutions of dNTPs and ddNTPs for
   DNA Sequencing .......................................... 12.107
   Glycerol in DNA Sequencing Reactions .................... 12.108
   Compressions in DNA Sequencing Gels ..................... 12.109
   7-deaza-dGTP ............................................ 12.111
   Dichlorodimethylsilane .................................. 12.112
   Reading an Autoradiograph ............................... 12.113
   Electrical Mobility of DNA .............................. 12.114

Chapter 13
Mutagenesis .................................................. 13.1

1  Preparation of Uracil-containing Single-stranded
   Bacteriophage M13 DNA .................................... 13.11
2  Oligonucleotide-directed Mutagenesis of Single-stranded
   DNA ...................................................... 13.15
3  In Vitro Mutagenesis Using Double-stranded DNA
   Templates: Selection of Mutants with Dpnl ................ 13.19
4  Oligonucleotide-directed Mutagenesis by Elimination of
   a Unique Restriction Site (USE Mutagenesis) .............. 13.26
5  Rapid and Efficient Site-directed Mutagenesis by
  the Single-tube Megaprimer PCR Method ..................... 13.31
6  Site-specific Mutagenesis by Overlap Extension ........... 13.36
7  Screening Recombinant Clones for Site-directed
   Mutagenesis by Hybridization to Radiolabeled
   Oligonucleotides ......................................... 13.40
   ·Alternative Protocol: Screening Phagemid-containing
    Bacterial Colonies by Hybridization to Radiolabeled
    Oligonucleotides ........................................ 13.47
   ·Alternative Protocol: Detection of Defined Mutants by
    PCR ..................................................... 13.48
8  Detection of Mutations by Single-strand Conformational
   Polymorphism and Heteroduplex Analysis ................... 13.49
9  Generation of Sets of Nested Deletion Mutants with
   Exonuclease III .......................................... 13.57
10 Generation of Bidirectional Sets of Deletion Mutants by
   Digestion with BAL 31 Nuclease ........................... 13.62

BAL 31 ...................................................... 13.68
Exonuclease III ............................................. 13.72
Linker-scanning Mutagenesis ................................. 13.75
Random Mutagenesis .......................................... 13.78
Alanine-scanning Mutagenesis ................................ 13.81
Mutagenic Oligonucleotides .................................. 13.82
Selecting against Wild-type DNA in Site-directed
Mutagenesis ................................................. 13.84
N6-methyladenine, Dam Methylase, and Methylation-
sensitive Restriction Enzymes ............................... 13.87
Commercial Kits for Site-directed Mutagenesis ............... 13.89
Glycerol .................................................... 13.90
Mutation Detection .......................................... 13.91

Chapter 14
Screening Expression Libraries ............................... 14.1

1  Screening Expression Libraries Constructed in
   Bacteriophage λ Vectors ................................... 14.4
2  Screening Expression Libraries Constructed in Plasmid
   Vectors .................................................. 14.14
3  Removal of Cross-reactive Antibodies from Antiserum:
   Pseudoscreening .......................................... 14.23
   ·Alternative Protocol: Adsorbing Antibodies with Lysates
    of Bacteriophage-infected Cells ......................... 14.25
4  Removal of Cross-reactive Antibodies from Antiserum:
   Incubation with E. coli Lysate ........................... 14.26
5  Removal of Cross-reactive Antibodies from Antiserum:
   Affinity Chromatography .................................. 14.28
6  Identifying DNA-binding Proteins in Bacteriophage λ
   Expression Libraries ..................................... 14.31
7  Preparation of Lysates Containing Fusion Proteins
   Encoded by Bacteriophage λ Lysogens: Lysis of Bacterial
   Colonies ................................................. 14.37
8  Preparation of Lysates Containing Fusion Proteins
   Encoded by Bacteriophage λ:  Lytic Infections on Agar
   Plates ................................................... 14.41
9  Preparation of Lysates Containing Fusion Proteins
   Encoded by Bacteriophage λ: Lytic Infections in Liquid
   Medium ................................................... 14.44

Plasmid and Bacteriophage λ Expression Vectors .............. 14.47
Using Antibodies in Immunological Screening ................. 14.50

INDEX 1.1 ................................................... 14.50

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