Properties of perovskites and other oxides (Singapore; Hackensack, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаProperties of perovskites and other oxides / ed. by K.A.Müller, T.W.Kool. - Singapore; Hackensack: World Scientific, 2010. - xviii, 562 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN-10 981-4317-69-1; ISBN-13 978-981-4317-69-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Introduction ................................................... xv

I.   Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ............................ 1
     IA.  EPR of Transition-Metal Ions in SrTiO3 ................ 1
          IA1.  Paramagnetische Resonanz von Fe3+ in SrTiO3-
                Einkristallen (thesis, originally in German,
                translated into English), K.A. Müller, Helv.
                Phys. Acta 31, 173-204 (1958) ................... 3
          IA2.  Electron paramagnetic resonance of manganese
                IV in SrТiO3, K.A. Müller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2,
                341-343 (1959) ................................. 30
          IA3.  Resonance paramagnetique du Cr3+ dans des
                monocristaux de SrТiO3, K.A. Müller, Arch. 
                Sci. (Genève) 11, 150-152 (1958) ............... 33
          IA4.  Photochromic Fe5+ (3d3) in SrTiO3, evidence
                from paramagnetic resonance, K.A. Müller, 
                Th. von Waldkirch, W. Berlinger and
                B.W. Faughnan, Solid State Commun. 9, 1097-
                1101 (1971) .................................... 36
          IA5.  Paramagnetic resonance and optical absorption
                of Co4+ in SrTiO3, K.W. Blazey and
                K.A. Müller, J. Phys. C: Solid State 
                Phys. 16, 5491-5502 (1983) ..................... 41
          1А6.  Paramagnetic Ru5+ and Ru3+ centers in TiO2:Ru,
                K.W. Blazey, K.A. Müller, W. Berlinger, 
                P. Triggs and F. Levy, Solid State Commun. 54,
                1039-1041 (1985) ............................... 53
          IA7.  V2+ in SrTiO3: An extreme double acceptor, 
                K.A. Müller, M. Aguilar, W. Berlinger and 
                K.W. Blazey, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 2, 
                2735-2741 (1990) ............................... 56
     IB.  Hyperfine and Superhyperfine Interactions ............ 63
          IB1.  Paramagnetic resonance of Cr3+ in the layer
                structure of NaInS2, K.A. Müller and W. 
                Berlinger, Phys. Rev. 175, 503-511 (1968) ...... 64
          IB2.  Covalency and hyperfine structure constant A
                of iron group impurities in crystals, E. 
                Simanek and K.A. Müller, J. Phys. Chem.
                Solids 31, 1027-1040 (1970) .................... 73
     IС.  Unusual Phenomena in the Linewidth and Defect 
          Centers .............................................. 87
          IC1.  The temperature dependence of the linewidth
                of iron group ions in MgO, A.M. Stoneham, 
                K.A. Müller and W. Berlinger, Solid State
                Commun. 10, 1005-1008 (1972) ................... 88
          IC2.  Defects in neutron-irradiated strontium 
                titanate: Ti3+ "off center" on a Sr2+ site, 
                O.F. Schirmer and K.A. Müller, Phys. Rev. 
                В7, 2986-2995 (1973) ........................... 92
          IC3.  Holes trapped near Mg2+ and Al3+ impurities
                in SrТiO3, O.F. Schirmer, W. Berlinger and 
                K.A. Müller, Solid State Commun. 18, 
                1505-1508 (1976) .............................. 102
          IC4.  Electron paramagnetic resonance of 
                photochromic Fe2+O- in SrТiO3, Th.W. Kool 
                and M. Glasbeek, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
                5, 361-370 (1993) ............................. 106
          IC5.  O- holes associated with alkali acceptors in
                BaTiO3, Т. Varnhorst, O.F. Schirmer, 
                H. Kröse, R. Scharfschwerdt and Th.W. Kool, 
                Phys. Rev. В53, 116-125 (1996) ................ 116
          1C6.  Characterization of particle orientations in
                ceramics by electron paramagnetic resonance, 
                F. Mehran, K.A. Müller, W.J. Fitzpatrick,
                W. Berlinger and M.S. Fung, J. Am. Ceram.
                Soc. 64, C129-C130 (1981) ..................... 126

II.  Transition-Metal Ions in Pyramidal Oxygen Coordination ... 129
     IIA. The Observation of Me-VO Centers .................... 129
          IIA1. Strong axial electron paramagnetic resonance
                spectrum of Fe3+ in SrTiO3 due to nearest-
                neighbor charge compensation, 
                E.S. Kirkpatrick, K.A. Müller and 
                R.S. Rubins, Phys. Rev. 135, A86-A90 (1964) ... 131
          IIA2. Analysis of the Fe3+-VO center in the
                tetragonal phase of SrTiO3, Th. von
                Waldkirch, K.A. Müller and W. Berlinger, 
                Phys. Rev. В 5, 4324-4334 (1972) .............. 136
          IIА3. Observation of two charged states of 
                a nickel-oxygen vacancy pair in SrTiO3 by 
                paramagnetic resonance, K.A. Müller, 
                W. Berlinger and R.S. Rubins, Phys. Rev. 
                186, 361-371 (1969) ........................... 147
          IIA4. Electron spin resonance and optical 
                identification of Fe4+-VO in SrTiO3, 
                O.F. Schirmer, W. Berlinger and 
                K.A. Müller, Solid State Commun. 16, 1289-
                1292 (1975) ................................... 158
          IIA5. Electron paramagnetic resonance of three
                manganese centers in reduced SrTiO3, 
                R.A. Serway, W. Berlinger, K.A. Müller and
                R.W. Collins, Phys. Rev. В 16, 4761-4768 
                (1977) ........................................ 162
     IIВ. The Structure of the Me-VO Centers .................. 170
          IIB1. Structure of transition-metal-oxygen-vacancy
                pair centers, E. Siegel and K.A. Müller, 
                Phys. Rev. В 19, 109-120 (1979) ............... 171
          IIB2. Structure of the Cr3+-VO centers in W03, 
                K.A. Müller, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 55, 719-722
                (1986) ........................................ 183
          IIB3. Superposition model for sixfold-coordinated
                Cr3+ in oxide crystals, K.A. Müller and 
                W. Berlinger, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys.
                16, 6861-6874 (1983) .......................... 187
          IIB4. Oxygen vacancy-transition metal-ion impurity
                association in SrTiO3, K.W. Blazey, 
                J.M. Cabrera and K.A. Müller, Solid State
                Commun. 45, 903-906 (1983) .................... 201
     IIC. The Axial Gd3+-O2- Center in RbCaF3 .................. 205
          IIC1. EPR of the Gd3+-O2- pair as a probe to 
                establish the phase diagram of [lll]-
                stressed RbCaF3, J.Y. Buzaré, W. Berlinger
                and K.A. Müller, Proc. of the XXII Congress
                Ampère, Zürich, 1984, eds. K.A. Müller,
                R. Kind and J. Roos (Zürich Ampère
                Committee, 1984), pp. 30-31 ................... 206

III. Photochromism ............................................ 209
     III1.Identification of charge-transfer bands by EPR
          conversion-rate measurements, K.A. Müller, in
          Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter - Recent 
          Developments, eds. R. Blinc and G. Lahajnar
          (Ljubljana, 1977), pp. 663-679 ...................... 211
     III2.Identification of Fe4+ and Fe5+ charge-transfer 
          photochromic absorption bands in SrTiO3, 
          K.W. Blazey, O.F. Schirmer, W. Berlinger and
          K.A. Müller, Solid State Commun. 16, 589-592 
          (1975) .............................................. 228
     III3.Photochromism in Ni-doped SrTiO3, P. Koidl, 
          K.W. Blazey, W. Berlinger and K.A. Müller, Phys. 
          Rev. В 14, 2703-2708 (1976) ......................... 232

IV.  The Jahn-Teller Effect ................................... 239
     IV1. Observation of the Jahn-Teller splitting of three-
          valent d7 ions via Orbach relaxation, U. Höchli
          and K.A. Müller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 12, 730-733
          (1964) .............................................. 241
     IV2. Jahn-Teller effect in magnetic resonance,
          K.A. Müller, in Proc. of the International 
          Conference on Magnetic Resonance and Relaxation.
          XIV Colloque Ampère, Ljubljana, ed. R. Blinc 
          (North-Holland, 1967), pp. 192-208 .................. 245
     IV3. V4+ in SrTiO3: A Jahn-Teller impurity, Th.W. Kool 
          and M. Glasbeek, Solid State Commun. 32, 1099-1101
          (1979) .............................................. 262
     IV4. Electric field effects in EPR of the SrTiO3: V4+
          Jahn-Teller system, Th.W. Kool and M. Glasbeek,
          J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 3, 9747-9755 (1991) ....... 265
     IV5. Dynamic Jahn-Teller effect of an impurity in 
          a spontaneously distorted crystal,  
          J.C. Slonczewski, K.A. Müller and W. Berlinger,
          Phys. Rev. В 1, 3545-3551 (1970) .................... 274
     IV6. Conduction states in oxide perovskites: Three
          manifestations of Ti3+ Jahn-Teller polarons in 
          barium titanate, S. Lenjer, O.F. Schirmer,
          H. Hesse and Th.W. Kool, Phys. Rev. В 66, 
          165106-1-12 (2002) .................................. 281
     IV7. Jahn-Teller and off-center defects in BaTiO3: Ni+,
          Rh2+, Pt3+ and Fe5+ as studied by EPR under
          uniaxial stress, Th.W. Kool, S. Lenjer and 
          O.F. Schirmer, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 19, 
          496214-1-15 (2007) .................................. 293
     IV8. Theory of a structural phase transition induced by
          the Jahn-Teller effect, H. Thomas and K.A. Müller,
          Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 820-823 (1972) ................. 308

V.   Non-Kramers Ions ......................................... 313
     V1.  Effective-spin Hamiltonian for "non-Kramers" 
          doublets, K.A. Müller,  Phys. Rev. 171, 350-354 
          (1968) .............................................. 315
          "VV Electric-field-modulated resonance lines of
          non-Kramers ions, P. Wysling and K.A. Müller, 
          J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 9, 635-645 (1976) ..... 320

VI.  Off-Center Ions and a Special Cr3+ Center ................ 331
     VIA. Off-Center Ions ..................................... 331
          VIA1. An off-center ion near a Ba site in BaTiO3 as
                studied by EPR under uniaxial stress, 
                S. Lehjer, R. Scharfschwerdt, Th.W. Kool and
                O.F. Schirmer, Solid State Commun. 116,
                133-136 (2000) ................................ 333
          VIA2. Tetrahedrally coordinated Cr5+ in SrTiO3,
                K.A. Müller, K.W. Blazey and Th.W. Kool, 
                Solid State Commun. 85, 381-384 (1993) ........ 337
          VIA3. Electric field effects in the EPR of
                tetrahedrally coordinated Cr5+ in SrTiO3, 
                Th.W. Kool, H.J. de Jong and M. Glasbeek, 
                J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 6, 1571-1576
                (1994) ........................................ 341
     VIB. A Special Cr3+ Center in SrTiO3 ..................... 347
          VIBi. Controlled oxygen vacancies and space 
                correlation with Cr3+ in SrTiO3, F. La 
                Mattina, J.G. Bednorz, S.F. Alvarado, 
                A. Shengelaya, K.A. Müller and H. Keller, 
                Phys. Rev. В 80, 075122-1-8 (2009) ............ 348

VII. Structural Phase Transitions ............................. 357
     VIIA.Methodological Aspects and Experimental	
          Techniques (Sees. 1.2-1.3) .......................... 357
     VIIB.Oxide Ferroelectrics (Sec. 1.4) ..................... 357
     VIIC.Antiferrodistortive Transitions (Sec. 1.5) .......... 359
     VIID.Experiments on Multicritical Points (Sec. 1.6) ...... 359
     VIIE.Order-Disorder Transitions (Sec. 1.7) ............... 361
     VIIF.Incommensurate Phases (Sec. 1.8) .................... 362
          VII1. K.A. Müller, in Structural Phase 
                Transitions I, eds. K.A. Müller and
                H. Thomas (Springer-Verlag, 1981), pp. 1-8 .... 364
          VII2. K.A. Müller and J.C. Fayet, in Structural
                Phase Transitions II, eds. K.A. Müller and
                H. Thomas (Springer-Verlag, 1991), 
                pp. 1-82 ...................................... 372
          VII3. Order-disorder phenomena in the low-
                temperature phase of BaTiO3, G. Völkel and 
                K.A. Müller, Phys. Rev. В 76, 094105-1-8 
                (2007) ........................................ 454
          VII4. Photochromic Fe5+ in non-cubic local fields
                in SrTiO3, Th.W. Kool and M. Glasbeek, Solid
                State Commun. 22, 193-197 (1977) .............. 462

VIII.Dipolar and Quantum Paraelectric Behavior ................ 467
     VIII1.Dipolar behaviour in KTa0,9Nb0,1O3, R. Kind and
           K.A. Müller, Commun. Phys. 1, 223-228 (1976) ...... 470
     VIII2.Non-Curie-Weiss behavior in ferroelectric 
           perovskites, H. Bilz, R. Migoni, G. Meissner and
           K.A. Müller, Abstract Booklet, 4th European 
           Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Portoroz, Yugoslavia
           (J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, 1979) p. 32 ....... 476
     VIII3.SrTiO3: An intrinsic quantum paraelectric below
           4 K, K.A. Müller and H. Burkard, Phys. Rev. В 
           19, 3593-3602 (1979) ............................... 477
     VIII4.Sr1-xCaxTiO3: An XY quantum ferroelectric with 
           transition to randomness, J.G. Bednorz and 
           K.A. Müller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52,  2289-2292 
           (1984) ............................................. 487
     VIII5.Domain state properties of the random-field xу-
           model system Sr1-xCaxTiO3, W. Kleemann,
           F.J. Schäfer, K.A. Müller and J.G. Bednorz,
           Ferroelectrics 80, part III, 297-300 (1988) ........ 491
     VIII6.Indication for a novel phase in the quantum 
           paraelectric regime of SrTiO3, K.A. Müller, 
           W. Berlinger and E. Tosatti, Z. Phys. В - Cond. 
           Matter. 84, 277-283 (1991) ......................... 495

IX.  Electronic Structure of SrTiO3 ........................... 503
     IX1. Valance-band splitting of SrTiO3, K.W. Blazey, 
          M. Aguilar, J.G. Bednorz and K.A. Müller, Phys.
          Rev. В27, 5836-5838 (1983) .......................... 504
     IX2. Electronic structure of strontium titanate, 
          B. Reihl, J.G. Bednorz, K.A. Müller, Y. Jugnet, 
          G. Landgren and J.F. Morar, Phys. Rev. В30, 
          803-806 (1984) ...................................... 507

X.   Experimental Evidence of Fermi Glasses and 
     Itinerant Polarons ....................................... 511
     XA.  Fermi Glasses ....................................... 511
          XA1. Pauli paramagnetism in a Fermi glass, K.A. 
               Müller, T. Penney,  M.W. Shafer and W.J. 
               Fitzpatrick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 138-142 
               (1981) ......................................... 512
          XA2. LaBaNiO4: A Fermi glass, A. Schilling, 
               R. Dell'Amore, J. Karpinski, Z. Bukowski, 
               M. Medarde, E. Pomjakushina and K.A. Müller,
               J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 21, 015701-1-7 
               (2009) ......................................... 517
     XB.  Polarons ............................................ 524
          XBi. E.S.R. of BF-4-doped polythiophene, M. Schärli,
          H. Kiess, G. Harbeke, W. Berlinger, K.W. Blazey
          and K.A. Müller, Synthetic Metals 22, 317-336
          (1988) .............................................. 525

XI.  Superconductivity ........................................ 545
     XI1. Inhomogeneous superconducting transitions in 
          granular Al, K.A. Müller, M. Pomerantz,
          C.M. Knoedler and D. Abraham, Phys. Rev. Lett. 
          45, 832-835 (1980) .................................. 546
     XI2. Possible high Tc superconductivity in the Ba-La-
          Cu-O system, J.G. Bednorz and K.A. Müller, 
          Z. Phys. B - Cond. Matter. 64, 189-193 (1986) ....... 550
     XI3. Susceptibility measurements support high-Tc
          superconductivity in the Ba-La-Cu-0 system, 
          J.G. Bednorz, M. Takashige and K.A. Müller,
          Europhys. Lett. 3, 379-386 (1987) ................... 555

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