Pleines T. Evolution and speciation mechanisms in New World Hordeum (Poaceae): Diss. … Dr. rer. Nat. (Halle, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPleines T. Evolution and speciation mechanisms in New World Hordeum (Poaceae): Diss. … Dr. rer. Nat. - Halle: Martin-Luther Universität, 2009. - iv, 206 p.: ill.

Оглавление / Contents
List of abbreviations .......................................... iv

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   Species concepts ............................................. 1
   Speciation ................................................... 3
   The genus Hordeum ............................................ 4
   The New World Hordeum clade .................................. 6
   Incongruence between nuclear and chloroplast sequence data ... 7
   Objectives of this study ..................................... 8
2  An AFLP phylogeny of the diploid New World Hordeum species ... 9
   2.1  Introduction ............................................ 9
        The AFLP method ........................................ 10
   2.2  Material and Methods ................................... 10
        Sampling ............................................... 10
        DNA extraction ......................................... 11
        AFLP procedure ......................................... 11
        Data analysis .......................................... 13
   2.3  Results ................................................ 14
        Phenetic analysis ...................................... 14
        Cladistic analysis ..................................... 16
   2.4  Discussion ............................................. 16
        Monophyly and taxonomic value of the species ........... 17
        Species groups ......................................... 19
        Biogeographical implications ........................... 21
3  Phylogeography of the North American Hordeum
   brachyantherum group ........................................ 23
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 23
        Climatic history of the study area ..................... 23
        Principles of phylogeography ........................... 26
        Phylogeographic studies on western North American 
        taxa ................................................... 29
        The study group ........................................ 30
        Aims of the study ...................................... 32
   3.2  Material and Methods ................................... 32
        Taxon sampling ......................................... 32
        DNA extraction ......................................... 32
        PCR amplification ...................................... 32
        Data analysis .......................................... 33
   3.3  Results ................................................ 35
        Outgroup weights ....................................... 36
        General geographic patterns of haplotype 
        distribution ........................................... 36
        Nested clade phylogeographic analysis .................. 39
        Phylogeographic patterns in the individual taxa ........ 42
   3.4  Discussion ............................................. 46
        Nested clade analysis and the general patterns of
        haplotype distribution ................................. 47
        Inferences about the histories of the single taxa ...... 49
        Conclusions and outlook ................................ 54
4  Ecological adaptation in three Patagonian Hordeum species ... 56
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 49
   4.2  Gene expression analyses ............................... 60
        4.2.1  Introduction .................................... 60
               Genetic response to abiotic stress .............. 60
               Evolution of gene expression .................... 65
        4.2.2  Material and Methods ............................ 66
               Cultivation of the material and stress
               treatment ....................................... 66
               RNA extraction .................................. 67
               cDNA synthesis and labeling ..................... 68
               Macroarray hybridization ........................ 69
               Data analysis ................................... 70
        4.2.3  Results ......................................... 71
               Response to osmotic stress ...................... 72
               Response to salt stress ......................... 79
               Response to cold stress ......................... 86
               Comparison of response to different abiotic 
               stresses within species ......................... 90
        4.2.4  Discussion ...................................... 94
               Macroarrays and experiment design ............... 95
               Stress response ................................. 98
               Outlook ........................................ 102
   4.3  Common garden experiment in greenhouses ............... 103
        4.3.1  Introduction ................................... 103
        4.3.2  Material and Methods ........................... 104
               Greenhouse preparation ......................... 104
               Measurement of soil salt content ............... 106
               Recording of growth and reproduction ........... 106
        4.3.3  Results ........................................ 106
               Soil salt content .............................. 106
               Vegetative growth .............................. 107
               Reproduction ................................... 110
        4.3.4  Discussion ..................................... 115
   4.4  Synthesis of the results from common garden and gene
        expression experiments ................................ 117
5  Conclusions ................................................ 120
   General patterns ........................................... 120
   Speciation modes ........................................... 121
   Outlook .................................................... 124

Acknowledgements .............................................. 125

Summary ....................................................... 127

Zusammenfassung ............................................... 129

Literature cited .............................................. 132

Appendices .................................................... 146
   Appendix 1. Samples used in chapter 2 ...................... 146
   Appendix 2. Samples used in chapter 3 ...................... 147
   Appendix 3. ANOVA results for root material under osmotic
               stress ......................................... 157
   Appendix 4. ANOVA results for shoot material under
               osmotic stress ................................. 171
   Appendix 5. ANOVA results for root material under salt
               stress ......................................... 177
   Appendix 6. ANOVA results for shoot material under salt
               stress ......................................... 183
   Appendix 7. ANOVA results for root material under cold
               stress ......................................... 194
   Appendix 8. ANOVA results for shoot material under cold 
               stress ......................................... 198

Eigenständigkeitserklärung .................................... 204

Lebenslauf .................................................... 205

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