Nova Acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge; Bd.112, N 384 (Halle (Saale), 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаContinents under climate change: conference on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, April 21 to 23, 2010, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin / ed.: W.Endlicher, F.-W.Gerstengarbe; Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, Halle (Saale). - Halle (Saale): Dt. Akad. der Naturforscher Leopoldina; Stuttgart: Wiss. Verl.-Ges., 2010. - 317 p.: ill., graph. - (Nova Acta Leopoldina. Neue Folge; Bd.112, N 384). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-8047-2795-3; ISSN 0369-5034

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Оглавление / Contents
Endlicher Wilfried, and Gerstengarbe Friedrich-Wilhelm: 
   Preface ...................................................... 9

Welcome Addresses

Markschies Christoph: Welcome Note ............................. 13
Schellnhuber Hans Joachim: Greetings ........................... 15
Berg Gunnar: Welcome Address ................................... 17
Westerwelle Guido: Address ..................................... 21
Wowereit Klaus: Message ........................................ 23
Lompscher Katrin: Address ...................................... 25


Huber Veronika, and Schellnhuber Hans Joachim: A Tipping-
   Elements Expedition in the Footsteps of Alexander von
   Humboldt .................................................... 29


Wanner Heinz, and Neukom Raphael: Changes of the Climate
   System in Europe ............................................ 45

Edenhofer Ottmar, Knopf Brigitte, and Luderer, Gunnar: From
   Utopia to Common Sense: Global Climate Policy that Could
   Work ........................................................ 59

Jacob Daniela, and Podzun Ralf: Global Warming below 2°C 
   Relative to Pre-Industrial Level: How Might Climate Look
   Like in Europe? ............................................. 71

Fröhle Peter: Sea Level Rise and Coastal Protection - 
   Adaptation Strategies for Sandy Coasts ...................... 77

Jentsch Anke, and Beierkuhnlein Carl: Simulating the Future -
   Responses of Ecosystems, Key Species, and European 
   Provenances to Expected Climatic Trends and Events .......... 89

Fischer Dominik, Thomas Stephanie, und Beierkuhnlein Carl: 
   Climate Change Effects on Vector-Borne Diseases in Europe ... 99

Dirschauer Wolfgang, and Schirmer Antje: Vattenfall's 
   Experience with CCS Technology ............................. 109

Görg Christoph: Adaptive Governance within Europe - the Need
   for Integrated Adaptation Strategies ....................... 121

Polar Regions

Lochte Karin, Gerdes Rüdiger, Hubberten Hans-Wolfgang, and 
   Lemke Peter: Changes of the Climate System in the Polar
   Regions .................................................... 131

Schneider Christoph, Scherer Dieter, Braun Matthias, Möller
   Marco, Käsmacher, Oliver and Finkelnburg Roman: Climate 
   Variability and Glacier Response at Vestfonna - A Case 
   Study of Arctic Climate and Glacier Dynamics at
   Nordaustlandet (Svalbard) in Recent Years .................. 145


Hertig Elke, and Jacobeit Jucundus: Downscaling of Future 
   Climate Change for the Mediterranean Region ................ 155

Rathmann Joachim, and Jacobeit Jucundus: Solar Signals in 
   African Climate since 1901 ................................. 165

Schilling Janpeter, Scheffran Jürgen, and Link P. Michael:
   Climate Change and Land Use Conflicts in Northern Africa ... 173

Haensler Andreas, Hagemann Stefan, and Jacob Daniela: How
   Will the Future Climate of the Southern African Region
   Might Look Like: Results of a High-Resolution Regional
   Climate Change Projection .................................. 183

Fink Andreas H., Christoph Michael, Diekkrüger Bernd, 
   Goldbach Heiner, Heckelei Thomas, Reichert Barbara, 
   Rössler Martin, and Speth Peter: Impacts of Global Change
   on the Hydrological Cycle in West and Northwest Africa ..... 193

Leal Walter: Climate Change Adaptation in Africa and Asia:
   Challenges Ahead and Action Needed ......................... 201


Takeuchi Kazuhiko, and Herath Srikantha: Sustainability: 
   Engaging in Global Change through Harmonious Adaptation
   in Asia .................................................... 213

Sastri A.S.R.A.S.: Climate Change in Indian Sub-Continent 
   and its Impact on Agriculture .............................. 227

Beltrando Gérard: Observed and Projected Sea Level Rise, 
   Impact on the Pacific and Indian Tropical Islands .......... 241


Marengo Jose A., Nobre Carlos A., and Salazar Luis R: 
   Regional Climate Change Scenarios in South America in 
   the Late XXI Century: Projections and Expected Impacts ..... 251

Krellenberg Kerstin, and Heinrichs, Dirk: Urban Latin 
   America under Climate Change: Do Adaptation Strategies of
   City-Regions Respond to the Challenges? .................... 267

Trennepohl Natascha: Climate Change in Brazil: The Impacts 
   of Different Actors on the Creation of the National
   Policy ..................................................... 275

Leopold Matthias, Voelkel Joerg, Dethier David, Williams 
   Mark, and Caine Nel: Mountain Permafrost - A Valid 
   Archive to Study Climate Change? Examples from the Rocky
   Mountains Front Range of Colorado, USA ..................... 281


Nicholls Neville: Impacts of Climate Change in Australia ...... 293

Fleming Kevin, Awange Joseph, Kuhn Michael, and Featherstone
   Will: Satellite Observations for Identifying Continental-
   Scale Climate Change over Australia ........................ 309

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