Acknowledgements ............................................... ix
An introduction by the editors to all three volumes appears
in Volume ....................................................... i
1. W.G. Hoffmann ([1931] 1958), 'The Pattern of Industrial
Growth', in The Growth of Industrial Economies,
translated from the German by W.O. Henderson and W.H.
Chaloner, Chapter IV, Manchester: Manchester University
Press, 67-101 ............................................... 3
2. Allan G.B. Fisher (1939), 'Production, Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary', Economic Record, 15, June, 24-38 ............ 38
3. Simon Kuznets (1971), 'Summary and Interrelations', in
Economic Growth of Nations: Total Output and Production
Structure, Chapter VII, Cambridge, MA and London: Belknap
Press, 303-54 .............................................. 53
4. Ingvar Svennilson (1954), 'The Process of Economic
Growth', in Growth and Stagnation in the European
Economy, Chapter 1, Geneva: United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe, 3-15 ............................... 105
5. Nathan Rosenberg (1963), 'Capital Goods, Technology, and
Economic Growth', Oxford Economic Papers, 15 (3), New
Series, November, 217-27 .................................. 118
6. Moses Abramovitz (1986), 'Catching Up, Forging Ahead,
and Falling Behind', Journal of Economic History, XLVI
(2), June, 385-106 ........................................ 129
7. Bart Verspagen (1995), 'Convergence in the Global
Economy. A Broad Historical Viewpoint', Structural
Change and Economic Dynamics, 6 (2), June, 143-65 ......... 151
8. Danny T. Quah (1996), 'Empirics for Economic Growth and
Convergence', European Economic Review, 40 (6), June,
1353-75 ................................................... 174
9. P.N. Rosenstein-Rodan (1943), 'Problems of
Industrialisation of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe',
Economic Journal, LIII, June-September, 202-11 ............ 199
10. Paul Streeten (1959), 'Unbalanced Growth', Oxford
Economic Papers, 11 (2), New Series, June, 167-90 ......... 209
11. Shigeru Ishikawa (1967), 'Initial Conditions', in
Economic Development in Asian Perspective, Economic
Research Series, Number 8, Chapter 1, Tokyo: Kinokuniya
Bookstore Co., 1-29, references, appendix ................. 233
12. Hollis B. Chenery and Lance Taylor (1968), 'Development
Patterns: Among Countries and Over Time', Review of
Economics and Statistics, L (4), November, 391l-416 ....... 286
13. Sukhamoy Chakravarty (1980), 'Relevance of Growth
Models to Development Planning', Pakistan Development
Review, XIX (2), Summer, 101-12 ........................... 312
14. Kevin M. Murphy, Andrei Shleifer and Robert W. Vishny
(1989), 'Industrialization and the Big Push', Journal
of Political Economy, 97 (5), October, 1003-26 ............ 324
15. Chin-Lih Wang, Juh-Luh Sun and Tein-Chen Chou (1992),
'Sources of Economic Growth and Structural Change:
A Revised Approach', Journal of Development Economics,
38, 383-401 ............................................... 348
16. Kiminori Matsuyama (1992), 'Agricultural Productivity,
Comparative Advantage, and Economic Growth', Journal of
Economic Theory, 58 (2), December, 317-34 ................. 367
17. Hans P. Neisser (1942), '"Permanent" Technological
Unemployment: "Demand for Commodities Is Not Demand
for Labor"', American Economic Review, 32 (1), March,
50-71 ..................................................... 387
18. Wassily Leontief and Faye Duchin (1986), 'The Future
Impact of Automation on Employment', in The Future
Impact of Automation on Workers, Chapter 1, New York and
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-29 ..................... 409
19. David M. Lilien (1982), 'Sectoral Shifts and Cyclical
Unemployment', Journal of Political Economy, 90 (4),
777-93 .................................................... 436
20. Eileen Appelbaum and Ronald Schettkat (1995),
'Employment and Productivity in Industrialized
Economies', International Labour Review, 134 (4-5),
605-23 .................................................... 453
21. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1986), 'The Entropy Law and
the Economic Process in Retrospect', Eastern Economic
Journal, XII (1), January-March, 3-25 ..................... 475
22. Charles Perrings (1987), 'Closed Physical Systems:
A Model', in Economy and Environment: A Theoretical
Essay on the Interdependence of Economic and
Environmental Systems, Chapter 2, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 17-30, references ....................... 498
23. Robert Ayres (1991), 'Evolutionary Economics and
Environmental Imperatives', Structural Change and
Economic Dynamics, 2 (2), December, 255-73 ................ 513
24. Robert Costanza and Herman E. Daly (1992), 'Natural
Capital and Sustainable Development', Conservation
Biology, 6 (1), March, 37-46 .............................. 532
25. Irma Adelman and Cynthia Taft Morris (1967), 'The Long-
Run Analysis', in Society, Politics and Economic
Development: A Quantitative Approach, Chapter IV,
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 149-72, references ........ 545
26. Adam Przeworski and Fernando Limongi (1993), 'Political
Regimes and Economic Growth', Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 7 (3), Summer, 51-69 ........................ 570
27. Albert O. Hirschman (1994), 'The On-and-Off Connection
Between Political and Economic Progress', American
Economic Review, 84(2), May, 343-8 ........................ 589
28. Mancur Olson (1993), 'Dictatorship, Democracy, and
Development', American Political Science Review, 87 (3),
September, 567-76 ......................................... 595
29. Douglass С. North (1984), 'Transaction Costs,
Institutions, and Economic History', Zeitschrift für die
gesamte Staatswissenschaft: Journal of Institutional and
Theoretical Economics, 140 (1), March, 7-17 ............... 605
30. Paul A. David (1994), 'Why Are Institutions the
"Carriers of History"?: Path Dependence and the
Evolution of Conventions, Organizations and
Institutions', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics,
5 (2), December, 205-20 ................................... 616
31. T.C. Koopmans and O. Reiersøl (1950), 'The
Identification of Structural Characteristics', Annals
of Mathematical Statistics, XXI, 165-81 ................... 635
32. R.L. Brown, J. Durbin and J.M. Evans (1975), 'Techniques
for Testing the Constancy of Regression Relationships
over Time', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,
Series В (Methodological), 37 (2), 149-63 ................. 652
33. Dale J. Poirier (1991), 'The Econometrics of Structural
Change: A Retrospective View', Structural Change and
Economic Dynamics, 2(2), 395-404 .......................... 667
34. Jushan Bai and Pierre Perron (1998), 'Estimating and
Testing Linear Models with Multiple Structural Changes',
Econometrica, 66 (1), January, 47-78 ...................... 677
35. David F. Hendry (2000), 'On Detectable and Non-
detectable Structural Change', Structural Change and
Economic Dynamics, 11 (1-2), July, 45-65 .................. 709
Name Index .................................................... 731