The economics of structural change; 2 (Cheltenham, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe economics of structural change. Vol.2: Growth, cycles and technological change: structural approaches / ed. by H.Hagemann, M.Landesmann, R.Scazzieri. - Cheltenham: Elgar Reference Collection, 2003. - x, 650 p.: ill. - (The international library of critical writings in economics; 157). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 1-85898-552-8

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................... ix
An introduction by the editors to all three volumes appears
in Volume ....................................................... i


1.  Adolph Lowe (1955), 'Structural Analysis of Real Capital
    Formation', in Capital Formation and Economic Growth: 
    A Conference of the Universities-National Bureau
    Committee for Economic Research, Princeton, NJ: Princeton
    University Press, 581-634 ................................... 3
2.  John Hicks (1985), 'Structural Disequilibrium-
    Traverse' and 'Traverse Again: The Austrian Method',
    in Methods of Dynamic Economics, Chapters 13 and 14,
    Oxford: Clarendon Press, 131-43, 144-585 .................... 7
3.  Luigi L. Pasinetti (1993), 'Structural Dynamics', 
    in Structural Economic Dynamics: A Theory of the Economic
    Consequences of Human Learning, Chapter IV, Cambridge:
    Cambridge University Press, 36-59, references .............. 85
4.  Harald Hagemann (1990), 'The Structural Theory of
    Economic Growth', in Mauro Baranzini and Roberto 
    Scazzieri (eds), The Economic Theory of Structure and 
    Change, Chapter 6, Cambridge: Cambridge University 
    Press, 144-71 ............................................. 110
5.  Alberto Quadrio-Curzio (1986), 'Technological Scarcity:
    An Essay on Production and Structural Change', in Mauro
    Baranzini and Roberto Scazzieri (eds), Foundations of 
    Economics: Structures of Inquiry and Economic Theory, 
    Chapter 10, Oxford and New York: Basil Blackwell, 
    311-38 .................................................... 138
6.  William J. Baumol (1967), 'Macroeconomics of Unbalanced 
    Growth: The Anatomy of Urban Crisis', American Economic
    Review, 57 (3), June, 415-26 .............................. 166


7.  Dennis Holme Robertson (1915), 'Temptations to Over-
    Investment' and 'Aggravations of Depression', in 
    A Study of Industrial Fluctuation: An Enquiry into the
    Character and Causes of the So-called Cyclical
    Movements of Trade, Chapters 1 and 2, London: P.S.
    King & Son, 13-30, 31-45 .................................. 181
8.  A. Spiethoff ([ 1933] 1937), 'Overproduction', in 
    Edwin R.A. Seligman and Alvin Johnson (eds), 
    Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, Volume 11, 
    New York: Macmillan, 513-17 ............................... 214
9.  Albert Aftalion (1927), 'The Theory of Economic Cycles 
    Based on the Capitalistic Technique of Production', 
    Review of Economic Statistics, 9 (4), October, 165-70 ..... 219
10. Franco Nardini (1990), 'Cycle-trend Dynamics in 
    a Fixwage Neo-Austrian Model of Traverse', Structural 
    Change and Economic Dynamics, 1(1), June, 165-94 .......... 225
11. Mario Amendola and Jean-Luc Gaffard (1998), 'Change', in
    Out of Equilibrium, Chapter 5, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 
    106-33, references ........................................ 255
12. Ragnar Frisch (1933), 'Propagation Problems and Impulse
    Problems in Dynamic Economies', in K. Koch (ed.),
    Economic Essays in Honour of Gustav Cassel, London: 
    George Allen and Unwin, 171-205 ........................... 285
13. Eugen Slutzky (1937), 'The Summation of Random Causes as
    the Source of Cyclic Processes', Econometrica, 5, 
    105-34 .................................................... 320
14. Joseph Schumpeter (1928), 'The Instability of 
    Capitalism', Economic Journal, XXXVIII (151), September,
    361-86 .................................................... 350
15. Philippe Aghian and Peter Howitt (1992), 'A Model of
    Growth Through Creative Destruction', Econometrica, 60
    (2), March, 323-51 ........................................ 376
16. Gerald Silverberg and Doris Lehnert (1993), 'Long Waves
    and "Evolutionary Chaos" in a Simple Schumpeterian Model
    of Embodied Technical Change', Structural Change and 
    Economic Dynamics, 4(1), June, 9-37 ....................... 405


17. Nicholas Kaldor ([ 1961 ] 1963), 'Capital Accumulation 
    and Economic Growth', in FA. Lutz and D.C. Hague (eds),
    The Theory of Capital: Proceedings of a Conference Held
    by the International Economic Association, Chapter 10,
    London: Macmillan, 177-222 ................................ 437
18. Kenneth J. Arrow (1962), 'The Economic Implications of
    Learning by Doing', Review of Economic Studies, 
    XXIX (3), June, 155-73 .................................... 483
19. W.E.G. Salter ([I960] 1969), 'A Model of the Delay in 
    the Utilisation of New Techniques of Production' and 
    'Factor Prices and the Adjustment Process', in
    Productivity and Technical Change, Chapters IV and V, 
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 48-65, 66-73 ....... 502
20. Christopher Bliss (1968), 'On Putty-Clay', Review of 
    Economic Studies, 35 (2), April, 105-32 ................... 528
21. Paul A. David (1985), 'Clio and the Economics of
    QWERTY', American Economic Review, 75 (2), May, 332-7 ..... 556
22. W. Brian Arthur (1989), 'Competing Technologies, 
    Increasing Returns, and Lock-in by Historical Events',
    Economic Journal, 99, March, 116-31 ....................... 562
23. Giovanni Dosi (1982), 'Technological Paradigms and 
    Technological Trajectories: A Suggested Interpretation 
    of the Determinants and Directions of Technical Change',
    Research Policy, 11 (3), June, 147-62 ..................... 578
24. Edward Ames and Nathan Rosenberg (1964), 'The 
    Progressive Division and Specialization of Industries',
    Journal of Development Studies, 1(1), October, 363-83 ..... 594
25. Xiaokai Yang and Jeff Borland (1991), 'A Microeconomic
    Mechanism for Economic Growth', Journal of Political 
    Economy, 99 (3), June, 460-82 ............................. 615
26. Danny T. Quah (1997), 'Increasingly Weightless 
    Economies', Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, 37 (1),
    February, 49-56 ........................................... 638

Name Index .................................................... 641

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