The economics of structural change; Vol.1 (Cheltenham, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe economics of structural change. Vol.1: Economic structure and change: concepts and theories / ed. by H.Hagemann, M.Landesmann, R.Scazzieri. - Cheltenham: Elgar Reference Collection, 2003. - xlii, 452 p.: ill. - (The international library of critical writings in economics; 157). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 1-85898-552-8

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgements ............................................... ix
   Harald Hagemann, Michael Landesmann and Roberto Scazzieri ... xi


1.  A.R.J. Turgot ([1766] 1973), 'Reflections on the 
    Formation and the Distribution of Wealth', in Ronald
    L. Meek (ed.), Turgot on Progress, Sociology and 
    Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 119-34 .... 3
2.  James Steuart ([1767]1966), 'Introduction', in Andrew S.
    Skinner (ed.), An Inquiry into the Principles of Political
    Oeconomy, Volume I, Book I, Edinburgh and London: Oliver
    and Boyd, 15-19 ............................................ 19
3.  Adam Smith ([1776] 1976), 'Of the Natural Progress of
    Opulence', in R.H. Campbell, A.S. Skinner and W.B. Todd
    (eds), An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
    Wealth of Nations, Volume I, Book III, Chapter I, Oxford:
    Clarendon Press, 376-80 .................................... 24
4.  François Quesnay ([ 1758] 1972), Tableau Economique, 3rd
    edition, translated and edited by Marguerite Kuczynski 
    and Ronald L. Meek, Chapter 3, London: Macmillan and New
    York: Augustus M. Kelley, Tableau and i-xii ................ 29
5.  Karl Marx ([1885] 1956), 'III: Schematic Presentation of
    Accumulation' and 'IV: Supplementary Remarks', from 
    Chapter XXI: 'Reproduction and Circulation of Social
    Capital: Accumulation on an Extended Scale', translated 
    from the German, Volume II, Book Two, edited by 
    Frederick Engels, Capital: A Critique of Political 
    Economy, The Process of Circulation and Capital, London:
    Lawrence and Wishart, 510-27 ............................... 42
6.  Eugen v. Böhm-Bawerk ([1891] 1930), 'The Theory of the
    Formation of Capital', in The Positive Theory of Capital,
    translated by William Smart, Book II, Chapter IV, New 
    York: G.E. Stechert and Co., 100-105 ....................... 60
7.  John Bates Clark (1899), 'Capital and Capital-Goods 
    Contrasted', in The Distribution of Wealth: A Theory of
    Wages, Interest and Profits, Chapter IX, New York and
    London: Macmillan, 116-40 .................................. 66


8.  Adam Smith ([1763] 1978), 'Division of Labour', in 
    R.L. Meek, D.D. Raphael and P.G. Stein (eds), Lectures on
    Jurisprudence, Lecture of Tuesday, 29 March 1763, Oxford:
    Clarendon Press, 340-49 .................................... 93
9.  John Rae (1834), 'Of the Principle of the Division of 
    Labor', in Statement of Some New Principles on the 
    Subject of Political Economy, Exposing the Fallacies of
    the System of Free Trade, and of Some Other Doctrines
    Maintained in the 'Wealth of Nations', Book II, 
    Appendix, Boston: Hilliard, Gray, and Co., 352-7 .......... 103
10. T.R. Malthus (1820), excerpt from 'On the Immediate 
    Causes of the Progress of Wealth', in Principles of 
    Political Economy, Chapter VII, London: John Murray, 
    345-51 .................................................... 109
11. David Ricardo ([1817] 1951), 'On Rent', in Piero Sraffa
    and M.H. Dobb (eds), The Works and Correspondence of
    David Ricardo, Volume I: 'On the Principles of Political
    Economy and Taxation', Chapter II, Cambridge: Cambridge
    University Press, 67-84 ................................... 116
12. Erik Dahmèn (1955), 'Technology, Innovation and 
    International Industrial Transformation', in Lėon H. 
    Dupriez and Douglas C. Hague (eds), Economic Progress: 
    Papers and Proceedings of a Round Table Held by the 
    International Economic Association, Louvain: Jnstitut
    de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, 293-306 ............ 134
13. John Hicks (1973), 'The Mainspring of Economic Growth',
    Swedish Journal of Economics, 75 (4), December, 336-48 .... 148


14. Wassily Leontief (1928), 'The Economy as a Circular 
    Flow', Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2(1),
    June 1991, 181-212 ........................................ 163
15. Ragnar Nurkse (1935), 'The Schematic Representation of 
    the Structure of Production', Review of Economic
    Studies, II, 232-44 ....................................... 195
16. J. v. Neumann (1937), 'A Model of General Economic 
    Equilibrium', Review of Economic Studies, XIII (1), 
    1945, 1-9 ................................................. 208
17. Piero Sraffa (1960), 'On "Sub-Systems'", in Production
    of Commodities by Means of Commodities: Prelude to a
    Critique of Economic Theory, Appendix A, Cambridge:
    Cambridge University Press, 89 ............................ 217
18. Luigi L. Pasinetti (1973), 'The Notion of Vertical 
    Integration in Economic Analysis', Metroeconomica, XXV
    (1), January-April, 1-29 .................................. 218
19. John Hicks (1973), 'The Process and its Profiles', in
    Capital and Time: A Neo-Austrian Theory, Chapter II, 
    Oxford: Clarendon Press, 14-26 ............................ 247
20. Salvatore Baldone (1996), 'Vertical Integration, the
    Temporal Structure of Production Processes and
    Transition Between Techniques', in Michael Landesmann
    and Roberto Scazzieri (eds), Production and Economic 
    Dynamics, Chapter 2, Cambridge: Cambridge University
    Press, 81-104 ............................................. 260
21. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1971), 'The Analytical 
    Representation of Process and the Economics of 
    Production', in The Entropy Law and the Economic 
    Process, Chapter IX, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
    Press, 211-75 ............................................. 284
22. Herbert A. Simon and Albert Ando (1961), 'Aggregation of
    Variables in Dynamic Systems', Econometrica, 29 (2),
    April, 111-38 ............................................. 349
23. Camilo Dagum (1969), 'Structural Permanence',
    Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 125,
    211-35 .................................................... 377
24. R.M. Goodwin (1976), 'Use of Normalized General
    Coordinates in Linear Value and Distribution Theory',
    in Karen R. Polenske and Jiri V. Skolka (eds), Advances 
    in Input-Output Analysis, Chapter 29, Cambridge, MA:
    Ballinger Publishing Company, 581-602 ..................... 402
25. Michael A. Landesmann and Roberto Scazzieri (1990),
    'Specification of Structure and Economic Dynamics', in
    Mauro Baranzini and Roberto Scazzieri (eds), The
    Economic Theory of Structure qnd Change, Chapter 4, 
    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 95-121 ............. 424

Name Index .................................................... 451

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