The Cave of Hearths: Makapan middle pleistocene research project (Oxford, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe Cave of Hearths: Makapan middle pleistocene research project: field research by Anthony Sinclair and Patrick Quinney, 1996-2001 / ed. by J.McNabb, A.Sinclair. - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2009. - xii, 193 p.: ill. (some col.), maps. - (BAR international series; 1940) (University of Southampton series in archaeology; N 1). - Bibliogr.: p.179-193. - ISBN 978-1-4073-0420-5

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................. i

Contents ....................................................... ii

Illustrations ................................................... v

Tables ....................................................... viii

Foreward. Kevin Kuykendall ..................................... xi

Chapter 1.  Introduction.  Lyn Wadley & John McNabb ............. 1
   Background to the ESA in the Cave of Hearths and
   the characterisation of ESA technology in South Africa ....... 2
   Earlier Stone Age subsistence ................................ 7
   Behaviour .................................................... 7
   Background to the Middle Stone Age ........................... 7
   What characterizes Middle Stone Age technology and how does
   it change through time? ...................................... 8
   Middle Stone Age subsistence ................................ 10
   Middle Stone Age social behaviour ........................... 10
   The future of MSA studies in South Africa ................... 10

Chapter 2.  An Overview of the Archaeological History of
the Cave of Hearths and its Lithic Assemblages.
John McNabb and Anthony Sinclair ............................... 12
   The 1953 field season ....................................... 18
   The 1954 field season ....................................... 20
   Mason's interpretation of the sequence of events in the 
   cave ........................................................ 21
   The Cave of Hearths and Revil Mason's new methodology for
   the analysis of South African Lithic Assemblages ............ 23
   Mason's interpretation of the Early Stone Age assemblage .... 25
   Mason's interpretation of the Middle Stone Age assemblage ... 27
   The Archaeological collections from the Cave of Hearths ..... 28
   Conclusions ................................................. 28

Chapter 3.  An Overview of the Physical Setting of Makapan.
Judy Maguire ................................................... 29
   Introduction ................................................ 29
   Physical setting of the Cave of Hearths, Makapan ............ 30
   The geology and geomorphology of Makapan .................... 32
   The Transvaal Supergroup at Makapan: an overview ............ 34
   Stratigraphy and lithology of the study area ................ 34
   Intrusives (igneous rocks intruded into the sediments) ...... 36
   Geomorphology of Makapan, and its relationship to 
   the biosphere ............................................... 38
   The modern climate of Makapan ............................... 40
   Vegetation .................................................. 42

Chapter 4.  The Formation and Sedimentary Infilling of
the Cave of Hearths and Gwaša/Historic Cave Complex, Makapan,
South Africa. Alf Latham and Andy Herries ...................... 49
   The Cave of Hearths ......................................... 50
   The speleogenesis of caves in carbonate rocks ............... 51
   Description and survey ...................................... 51
   The Makapan river hypothesis ................................ 54
   The Cave of Hearths: the lower half-cavern .................. 55
   The Cave of Hearths: the upper cavern shape and early
   stratigraphy ................................................ 56
   The Cave of Hearths archaeological stratigraphy and 
   occupation .................................................. 57
   Conclusions ................................................. 58
Chapter 5.  Archaeomagnetic Studies at the Cave of Hearths.
Andy Hemes and Alf Latham ...................................... 59
   Evidence for fire at Cave of Hearths and sampling 
   strategy .................................................... 59
   Results and discussion ...................................... 61
   Conclusions ................................................. 64

Chapter 6.  The Taphonomy of the Cave of Hearths Acheulean
Faunal Assemblage.  Christine Ogola ............................ 65
   Preliminary considerations .................................. 65
   Methods ..................................................... 65
   Identification of bone modification ......................... 66
   Long bone shaft fragments and bone fracture attribute 
   analysis .................................................... 68
   Measures of skeletal element and taxa frequencies ........... 69
   The results of the analysis of the faunal assemblages from
   the undisturbed areas of Cave of Hearths .................... 70
   Discussion .................................................. 72
   Conclusions ................................................. 74

Chapter 7.  The ESA Stone Tool Assemblage from the Cave of
Hearths, Beds 1-3.  John McNabb ................................ 75
   Initial considerations ...................................... 75
   Is there any evidence for the artefacts being in-situ? ...... 77
   Artefact condition .......................................... 79
   How much did raw material and blank type affect what was
   made at Cave of Hearths? .................................... 79
   The non-prepared core technology (i.e. non-PCT/non-
   Levallois) technogroup ...................................... 89
   The flake/debitage technogroup .............................. 94
   The small retouched tool (SRT)/flake tool technogroup ....... 95
   The Unknapped technogroup .................................. 100
   Prepared Core Technology (PCT)/Levallois in the Acheulean
   at Cave of Hearths ......................................... 102
   Overview of the tool behaviours discernable from the 
   analysis of the stone tool assemblages from the ESA at 
   the Cave of Hearths ........................................ 102

Chapter 8.  The MSA Stone Tool Assemblage from the Cave of
Hearths, Beds 4-9.  Anthony Sinclair .......................... 105
   The excavation and formation of the deposits ............... 105
   The current condition of the MSA assemblages ............... 107
   Research issues for the Middle Stone Age assemblages at
   the Cave of Hearths ........................................ 108
   Research aims .............................................. 109
   The recording system for the Cave of Hearths MSA 
   assemblages ................................................ 109
   The usefulness of the Cave of Hearths MSA assemblages 
   today ...................................................... 110
   A brief overview of the MSA assemblages of the Cave of 
   Hearths .................................................... 113
   The nature of the MSA lithic technology at the Cave of
   Hearths .................................................... 114
   The provisioning and use of raw materials through time ..... 114
   The changing use of raw materials through time ............. 118
   The relationship between raw material type and PCT ......... 119
   The preparation of cores ................................... 119
   The maintenance and discard of cores ....................... 122
   Key features of MSA prepared core technology ............... 123
   The retouched tools ........................................ 128
   Variability and the question of identity in MSA 
   technology ................................................. 134

Chapter 9.  The Mandible from Bed 3, Cave of Hearths.
Darren Curnoe ................................................. 138
   Preservation ............................................... 139
   Developmental age .......................................... 139
   Morphological affinities ................................... 141
   Dentition .................................................. 143
   Classification and implications ............................ 148

Chapter 10. Overview and Broader Significance of the ESA 
and MSA at the Cave of Hearths.
John McNabb, Anthony Sinclair, David Underhill ................ 150
   The ESA at the Cave of Hearths (JM and DU) ................. 150
   The Cave of Hearths ESA in its broader Acheulean context ... 152
   The Cave of Hearths and hominin behaviour in
   the Acheulean .............................................. 154
   The MSA at the Cave of Hearths (AS) ........................ 157
   Typological classification of the MSA at the Cave of
   Hearths .................................................... 157
   Technological activity at the Cave of Hearths MSA .......... 158
   Behavioural comparisons between the Cave of Hearths MSA 
   and other southern African sites ........................... 161
   Variability in technological skills within MSA hominin 
   groups ..................................................... 162
   The future of Cave of Hearths .............................. 163

Appendices .................................................... 164
   Appendix 5.1  Details of the Magnetic Analyses ............. 164
   Appendix 7.1  Lithic Recording ............................. 165
   Appendix 8.1a Features and Observations Recorded for 
                 the Cave of Hearths Assemblages, 8.1b Major
                 and Minor Tool Types in the MSA Assemblages
                 at the Cave of Hearth ........................ 169
   Appendix 8.2  The Frequency of Debitage Pieces by 
                 Technological Type and Spit for Locally-
                 Sourced Black Quartzite ...................... 171
   Appendix 8.3  The Frequency of Debitage Pieces by
                 Technological Type and Spit for Locally-
                 Sourced Grey Quartzite ....................... 172
   Appendix 8.4  The Frequency of Debitage Pieces by 
                 Technological Type and Spit for Locally-
                 Sourced Andesite ............................. 173
   Appendix 8.5  The Frequency of Debitage Pieces by 
                 Technological Type and Spit for Locally-
                 Sourced Chert ................................ 174
   Appendix 8.6  The Frequency of Debitage Pieces by 
                 Technological Type and Spit for Locally-
                 Sourced Quartz ............................... 175
   Appendix 8.7  The Frequency of Debitage Pieces by
                 Technological Type and Spit for Locally-
                 Sourced(?) Indurated Shale ................... 176
   Appendix 8.8  The Frequency of Debitage Pieces by 
                 Technological Type and Spit for Hornfels ..... 177
   Appendix 8.9  The Frequency of Debitage Pieces by 
                 Technological Type and Spit for Felsite ...... 178

Bibliography .................................................. 179

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