Selected papers on photon-counting detectors (Bellingham, 1998). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSelected papers on photon-counting detectors / ed. by A.Smith. - Bellingham: SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1998. - xxii, 574 p.: ill. - (SPIE milestone series; Vol.MS 143). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 0-8194-2788-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Introduction ................................................... xv
   Alan Smith

Section One. Gas Detectors 

Proportional Counters

An electrical method of counting the number of a particles
from radio-active substances .................................... 3
   E. Rutherford, H. Geiger (Proceedings of the Royal Society
   of London A 1908)
The use of multiwire proportional counters to select and 
localize charged particles ..................................... 24
   G. Charpak, R. Bouclier, T. Bressani, J. Favier, 
   Č. Zupančič (Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1968)
Analysis of potential distribution in a gaseous counter of
rectangular cross-section ...................................... 31
   T. Tomitani (Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1972)

Position-Sensitive Proportional Counters

Design and properties of position-sensitive proportional 
counters using resistance-capacitance position encoding ........ 44
   C.J. Borkowski, M.K. Kopp (Review of Scientific 
   Instruments 1975)     
The position sensitive proportional counter of the Rosat 
telescope ...................................................... 56
   U.G. Briel, E. Pfeffermann (Nuclear Instruments and 
   Methods in Physics Research A 1986)

Gas Scintillation Proportional Counters

Improves resolution for low energies with gas proportional
scintillation counters ......................................... 62
   A.J.P.L. Policarpo, M.A.F. Alves, M.C.M. Dos Santos,
   M.J.T. Carvalho (Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1972)
Energy resolution limitations in a gas scintillation 
proportional counter ........................................... 74
   D.G. Simons, P.A.J. de Korte, A. Peacock, J.A.M. Bleeker
   (in X-Ray Instrumentation in Astronomy, J.L. Culhane, 
   editor, 1985)

An imaging gas scintillation proportional counter for the 
detection of subkiloelectron-volt x-rays ....................... 83
   Charles J. Hailey, William H.-M. Ku, Michael 
   H. Vartanian (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 1982)

High pressure gas scintillation drift chambers with 
wave-shifter readout ........................................... 87
   B. Sadoulet, Т.К. Edberg, S. Weiss, A. Parsons, 
   J. Wilkerson, K. Hurley, R.P. Lin, G. Smith (in EUV, 
   X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy and 
   Atomic Physics, C.J. Hailey and O.H.W. Siegmund, 
   editors, 1989)

Penning Detectors

The starting potential of the glow discharge in neon argon
mixtures between large parallel plates. II. Discussion of
the ionisation and excitation by electrons and metastable 
atoms .......................................................... 99
   F.M. Penning (Physica 1934)

Energy resolution of the proportional counter ................. 116
   Heikki Sipilä (Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1976)

The performance of the Penning gas imager ..................... 118
   Jon S. Lapington, David M. Walton, Hugo E. Schwarz 
   (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 
   A 1988)

Microstrip Detectors

Position-sensitive detector with microstrip anode for 
electron multiplication with gases ............................ 124
   A. Oed (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics 
   Research A 1988)
Features of the microstrip proportional counter technology .... 133
   Carl Budtz-Jørgensen (Review of Scientific Instruments

Section Two. Photocathode detectors


&Uber;ber einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes
betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt ...................... 143
   A. Einstein (Annalen der Physik 1905)

Photoelectric emission from thin films of cesium .............. 160
   L.R. Koller (Physical Review 1930)

The photoelectric emission of thin films ...................... 169
   N.R. Campbell (Philosophical Magazine 1931)

GaAs-Cs: a new type of photoemitter ........................... 182
   J.J. Scheer, J. van Laar (Solid State Communications 

Channel Electron Multipliers

Energy and spatial dependence of the electron detection 
efficiencies of single channel electron multipliers used in
electron spectroscopy ......................................... 187
   M.P. Seah, G.C. Smith (Review of Scientific Instruments

Photomultiplier Tubes

Ultrafast microchannel plate photomultipliers ................. 194
   H. Kume, K. Koyama, K. Nakatsugawa, S. Suzuki, David 
   Fatlowitz (Applied Optics 1988)

New type of position sensitive photomultiplier ................ 203
   Kei-ichi Kuroda, Daniel Sillou, Fujio Takeutchi (Review 
   of Scientific Instruments 1981)

Image Intensifiers, Including MicroChannel Plate Devices

Investigation of large format microchannel plate Z 
configurations ................................................ 213
   O.H.W. Siegmund, K. Coburn, R.F. Malina (IEEETransactions
   on Nuclear Science 1985)

Wedge-and-strip anodes for centroid-finding position-
sensitive photon and particle detectors ....................... 218
   C. Martin, P. Jelinsky, M. Lampton, R.F. Malina,
   H.O. Anger (Review of Scientific Instruments 1981)

Performance characteristics of SPAN position readout 
systems ....................................................... 226
   J.S. Lapington, A.A. Breeveld, M.L. Edgar, A. Smith 
   (in EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for 
   Astronomy III, O.H.W. Siegmund, editor, 1992)

Multi-anode microchannel arrays ............................... 238
   J. Gethyn Timothy, George H. Mount, Richard L. Bybee 
   (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 1981)

Speckle imaging with the PAPA detector ........................ 247
   Costas Papaliolios, Peter Nisenson, Steven Ebstein 
   (Applied Optics 1985)

The Ranicon: a resistive anode image converter ................ 253
   Michael Lampton, Francesco Paresce (Review of Scientific
   Instruments 1974)
Delay line anodes for microchannel-plate spectrometers ........ 261
   M. Lampton, O. Siegmund, R. Raffanti (Review of
   Scientific Instruments 1987)

The High Resolution Imaging instrument for HEAO-B ............. 269
   K. Kubierschky, G.K. Austin, D.C. Harrison, A.G. Roy 
   (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 1978)

Magnetic focusing of image tubes .............................. 276
   W.A. Baum (in Photo-Electronic Image Devices, J.D. McGee
   et al., editors, 1966)

The MIC photon counting detector .............................. 288
   J.L.A. Fordham, J.G. Bellis, D.A. Bone, J.T. Norton (in
   Electron Image Tubes and Image Intensifiers II, 
   I.P. Csorba, editor, 1991)

The University College London image photon counting system:
performance and observing configuration ....................... 300
   A. Boksenberg, D.E. Burgess (in Astronomical Observations
   with Television-Type Sensors, J.W. Glaspey and
   G.A.H. Walker, editors, 1973)

Section Three. Scintillators

Alkali halide scintillation counters .......................... 325
   Robert Hofstadter (Physical Review 1948)

CsI(Na) scintillation crystals ................................ 327
   P. Brinckmann (Physics Letters 1965)

Bismuth germanate: a high-Z gamma-ray and charged particle 
detector ...................................................... 328
   O.H. Nestor, C.Y. Huang (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear
   Science 1975)

The UCSD/MTT hard x-ray and low energy gamma-ray experiment
for HEAO-I: design and early results .......................... 332
   James L. Matteson (in AIAA 16th Aerospace Sciences
   Meeting 1978)

Development of the EXITE detector: a new imaging detector
for 20-300 keV astronomy ...................................... 340
   M.R. Garcia, J.E. Grindlay, R. Burg, S.S. Murray, 
   J. Flanagan (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 1986)

Section Four. Semiconductors


Ion drift in an n-p junction .................................. 349
   E.M. Pell (Journal of Applied Physics 1960)

The Goddard Space Flight Center Solid State Spectrometer for
the HEAO-B mission ............................................ 361
   Robert M. Joyce, Robert H. Becker, Francis B. Birsa, 
   Stephen S. Holt, Marion P. Noordzy (IEEE Transactions on
   Nuclear Science 1978)


A preamplifier with 0.7 keV resolution for semiconductor 
radiation detectors ........................................... 367
   E. Elad (Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1965)

A satellite-borne high-resolution Ge(Li) gamma-ray 
spectrometer system. Part 1: Description of the instrument
and gamma-ray backgrounds in earth orbit ...................... 370
   G.H. Nakano, W.L. Imhof, R.G. Johnson (IEEE Transactions
   on Nuclear Science 1974)

The HEAO 3 gamma-ray spectrometer ............................. 375
   W.A. Mahoney, J.С Ling, A.S. Jacobson, R.M. Tapphorn 
   (Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1980)

GRIS background reduction results using isotopically
enriched Ge ................................................... 394
   S.D. Barthelmy, L.M. Bartlett, N. Gehrels, M. Leventhal,
   B.J. Teegarden, J. Tueller, S. Belyaev, V. Lebedev, 
   H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus (Astrophysical Journal 1994)

Avalanche Photodiodes

Avalanche diode low energy x-ray and nuclear particle 
detector ...................................................... 397
   M.R. Squillante, R. Farrell, J.C. Lund, F. Sinclair, 
   G. Entine, K.R. Keller (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear
   Science 1986)

Solid-State Photomultipliers

Solid state infrared quantum counters ......................... 401
   N. Bloembergen (Physical Review Letters 1959)

Detection of individual 0.4-28 цт wavelength photons via 
impurity-impact ionization in a solid-state 
photomultiplier ............................................... 403
   M.D. Petroff, M.G. Stapelbroek, W.A. Kleinhans (Applied
   Physics Letters 1987)

Silicon Drift Chambers
Semiconductor drift chamber—an application of a novel 
charge transport scheme ....................................... 406
   Emilio Gatti, Pavel Rehak (Nuclear Instruments and 
   Methods in Physics Research A 1984)

Progress in semiconductor drift detectors ..................... 413
   Pavel Rehak, Jack Walton, Emilio Gatti, Antonio Longoni,
   Marco Sanpietro, Josef Kemmer, Hans Dietl, Peter Holl,
   Robert Klanner, Gerhard Lutz, Andrew Wylie, Hubert
   Becker (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics 
   Research A 1986)

Charge-Coupled Devices

Charge coupled semiconductor devices .......................... 425
   W.S. Boyle, G.E. Smith (Bell System Technical Journal 

X-ray sensitivity of a charge-coupled-device array ............ 432
   M.C. Peckerar, W.D. Baker, D.J. Nagel (Journal of Applied
   Physics 1977)

Charge coupled devices for x-ray spectroscopy applications .... 437
   E.G. Chowanietz, D.H. Lumb, A.A. Wells (in X-Ray 
   Instrumentation in Astronomy, J.L. Culhane, editor, 1985)

Performance of the pn-CCD x-ray detector system designed 
for the XMM satellite mission ................................. 445
   H. Soltau, P. Holl, J. Kemmer, S. Krisch, C.v. Zanthier,
   D. Hauff, R. Richter, H. Bräuninger, R. Hartmann, 
   G. Hartner, N. Krause, N. Meidinger, E. Pfeffermann,
   С. Reppin, G. Schwaab, L. Strüder, J. Trümper,
   E. Kendziorra, J. Krämer (Nuclear Instruments and Methods
   in Physics Research A 1996)

Room-Temperature Semiconductors 


Halogen-doped cadmium telluride for detection of gamma rays ... 451
   F.V. Wald, R.O. Bell (Nature Physical Science 1972)

Undoped high-resistivity cadmium telluride for nuclear 
radiation detectors ........................................... 453
   R. Triboulet, Y. Marfaing, A. Cornet, P. Siffert (Journal
   of Applied Physics 1974) 


Die Darstellung grofier baufehlerarmer Hgl2-Einkristalle für 
die γ-Spektrometrie ........................................... 460
   H. Scholz (in Unsere Forschung in Deutschland 1980)

Review of mercuric iodide development program in Santa
Barbara ....................................................... 466
   H.A. Lamonds (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
   Research 1983)

Mercury iodide as a gamma spectrometer ........................ 474
   W.R. Willig (Nuclear Instruments and Methods 1971)

Advances in the development of encapsulants for mercuric
iodide x-ray detectors ........................................ 476
   J.S. Iwanczyk, Y.J. Wang, J.G. Bradley, A.L. Albee, 
   W.F. Schnepple (IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science

A HgI2 x-ray instrument for the Soviet Mars'94 mission ........ 481
   Т.Е. Economou, J.S. Iwanczyk, R. Rieder (Nuclear
   Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 1992)

High-resolution nuclear radiation detectors from epitaxial 
n-GaAs ........................................................ 487
   J.E. Eberhardt, R.D. Ryan, A.J. Tavendale (Applied 
   Physics Letters 1970)

Evaluation of epitaxial n-GaAs for nuclear radiation
detection ..................................................... 490
   J.E. Eberhardt, R.D. Ryan, A.J. Tavendale (Nuclear 
   Instruments and Methods 1971)

Section Five. Cryogenic Detectors


Application of low temperature calorimetry to radioactive 
measurements .................................................. 507
   F. Simon (Nature 1935)

Thermal detectors as x-ray spectrometers ...................... 508
   S.H. Moseley, J.С Mather, D. McCammon (Journal of Applied
   Physics 1984)

Experimental tests of a single-photon calorimeter for x-ray
spectroscopy .................................................. 514
   D. McCammon, S.H. Moseley, J.С Mather, R.F. Mushotzky 
   (Journal of Applied Physics 1984)

Thermal calorimeters for high resolution x-ray spectroscopy ... 518
   D. McCammon, W. Cui, M. Juda, J. Morgenthaler, J. Zhang, 
   R.L. Kelley, S.S. Holt, G.M. Madejski, S.H. Moseley,
   A.E. Szymkowiak (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in 
   Physics Research A 1993)

Superconducting Tunnel Junctions

Giaever-type superconducting tunnelling junctions as
high-resolution x-ray detectors ............................... 527
   D. Twerenbold (Europhysics Letters 1986)

High resolution x-ray spectroscopy with superconducting 
tunnel junctions .............................................. 533
   H. Kraus, J. Jochum, B. Kemmather, M. Gutsche, 
   F.V. Feilitzsch, R.L. Mössbauer (Nuclear Instruments and 
   Methods in Physics Research A 1993)

Optical photon counting using superconducting tunnel 
junctions ..................................................... 541
   M.A.C. Perryman, C.L. Foden, A. Peacock (Nuclear 
   Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 1993)

Section Six. Theory

On the theory of ionization yield of radiations in 
different substances .......................................... 551
   U. Fano (Physical Review 1946)

Ionization yield of radiations. II. The fluctuations of the
number of ions ................................................ 560
   U. Fano (Physical Review 1947)

Scintillation camera .......................................... 564
   Hal O. Anger (Review of Scientific Instruments 1958)

Author Index .................................................. 571
Subject Index ................................................. 573

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