Rollinson H.R. Using geochemical data: evaluation, presentation, interpretation (Harlow, 1993). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRollinson H.R. Using geochemical data: evaluation, presentation, interpretation. - Harlow: Pearson / Prentice Hall, 1993. - xxvi, 352 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.316-343. - Ind.: 344-352. - ISBN 978-0-582-06701-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xix
Acknowledgements .............................................. xxi
Glossary .................................................... xxiii
G.I  Abbreviations of mineral names used in the text ........ xxiii
G.2  Other abbreviations and symbols used in the text ........ xxiv

Chapter 1  Geochemical data ..................................... 1

1.1  Introduction ............................................... 1
1.2  Geological processes and their geochemical signatures ...... 3
     1.2.1  Processes which control the chemical composition
            of igneous rocks .................................... 3
     1.2.2  Processes which control the chemical composition
            of sedimentary rocks ................................ 5
     1.2.3  Processes which control the chemical composition
            of metamorphic rocks ................................ 7
1.3  Geological controls on geochemical data .................... 9
1.4  Analytical methods in geochemistry ......................... 9
     1.4.1  X-ray fluorescence (XRF) ........................... 10
     1.4.2  Neutron activation analysis (INAA and RNAA) ........ 13
     1.4.3  Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry
            (ICP) .............................................. 13
     1.4.4  Atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) .......... 14
     1.4.5  Mass spectrometry .................................. 14
            Isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) .......... 15
            Inductively coupled plasma emission mass
            spectrometry (ICP-MS) .............................. 15
            Spark source mass spectrometry (SSMS) .............. 15
     1.4.6  Electron microprobe analysis ....................... 15
     1.4.7  The ion microprobe ................................. 16
1.5  Selecting an appropriate analytical technique ............. 16
1.6  Sources of error in geochemical analysis .................. 17
     1.6.1  Contamination ...................................... 17
     1.6.2  Calibration ........................................ 18
     1.6.3  Peak overlap ....................................... 18
     1.6.4  Detecting errors in geochemical data ............... 18

Chapter 2  Analysing geochemical data .......................... 19

2.1  Introduction .............................................. 19
2.2  Averages .................................................. 21
2.3  Correlation ............................................... 22
     2.3.1  The correlation coefficient ........................ 23
     2.3.2  The significance of the correlation coefficient
            (r) ................................................ 23
     2.3.3  Assumptions in the calculation of the product-
            moment coefficient of correlation .................. 24
     2.3.4  Spearman rank correlation .......................... 25
     2.3.5  Correlation matrices ............................... 26
     2.3.6  Correlation coefficient patterns ................... 27
2.4  Regression ................................................ 28
     2.4.1  Ordinary least squares regression .................. 29
     2.4.2  Reduced major axis regression ...................... 31
     2.4.3  Weighted least squares regression .................. 31
     2.4.4  Robust regression .................................. 32
     2.4.5  Some problems with traditional approaches to
            correlation and regression ......................... 32
2.5  Ratio correlation ......................................... 33
     2.5.1  An example of the improper use of ratio
            correlation — Pearce element ratio diagrams ........ 34
     2.5.2  Application to trace element diagrams .............. 36
     2.5.3  Ratio correlation in isotope geology ............... 36
2.6  The constant sum problem .................................. 37
     2.6.1  The consequences of closure ........................ 38
            Correlating compositional data ..................... 38
            The means of compositional data-sets ............... 38
            Invalid escape routes .............................. 38
     2.6.2  Aitchison's solution to the constant sum effect .... 38
            An example — basalts from Kilauea Iki lava lake,
            Hawaii ............................................. 41
            The interpretation of log-ratios ................... 41
2.7  The interpretation of trends on triangular diagrams ....... 42
2.8  Principal component analysis .............................. 42
2.9  Discriminant analysis ..................................... 44
     2.9.1  An example from igneous petrology .................. 44
     2.9.2  Other applications of discriminant analysis ........ 45
2.10 Whither geochemical data analysis? ........................ 46

Chapter 3  Using major element data ............................ 48

3.1  Introduction .............................................. 48
3.2  Rock classification ....................................... 48
     3.2.1  Classifying igneous rocks using oxide-oxide plots    49
            The total alkalis-silica diagram (TAS) ............. 49
            (a) Using TAS with volcanic rocks .................. 50
            (b) A TAS diagram for plutonic rocks ............... 50
            (c) Discrimination between the alkaline and
                subalkaline series using TAS ................... 51 
                The K2O vs SiO2 diagram for the subdivision 
                of the subalkaline series ...................... 51
     3.2.2  Classifying igneous rocks using the norm ........... 52
            Cation norms ....................................... 57
            Norm calculations and the oxidation state of
            iron ............................................... 57
            Basalt classification using the Ne-Di-OI-Hy-Q
            diagram of Thompson (1984) ......................... 57
            Granite classification using the Ab-An-Or diagram
            of O'Connor (1965) ................................. 58
            The Q'(F')-ANOR diagram of Streckeisen and
            Le Maitre (1979) ................................... 60
     3.2.3  Classifying igneous rocks using cations ............ 61
            The R1-R2 diagram of de la Roche et al. (1980) ..... 61
            The Jensen cation plot (Jensen, 1976) .............. 63
     3.2.4  The chemical classification of sedimentary rocks ... 64
            Arenite/wacke ...................................... 64
            Mudrocks ........................................... 65
     3.2.5  Discussion ......................................... 66
3.3  Variation diagrams ........................................ 66
     3.3.1  Recognizing geochemical processes on a major
            element variation diagram .......................... 66
            Fractional crystallization ......................... 67
            Assimilation and fractional crystallization ........ 69
            Partial melting .................................... 69
            Mixing lines in sedimentary rocks .................. 69
            The identification of former weathering
            conditions from sedimentary rocks .................. 70
            Mixing in metamorphic rocks ........................ 71
            Element mobility ................................... 71
            Artificial trends .................................. 73
     3.3.2  Selecting a variation diagram ...................... 73
            Bivariate plots .................................... 73
            (a) Harker diagrams — bivariate plots using
                SiO2 along the x-axis .......................... 73
            (b) Bivariate plots which use MgO on the x-axis .... 74
            (c) Bivariate plots using cations .................. 74
            (d) Bivariate plots using the magnesium number ..... 74
            Triangular variation diagrams ...................... 74
            (a) The AFM diagram ................................ 75
            (b) Problems in the use of the AFM diagram ......... 76
     3.3.3  Interpreting trends on variation diagrams .......... 78
            Extract calculations ............................... 78
            Addition-subtraction diagrams ...................... 79
            Trends showing an inflection ....................... 79
            Scattered trends ................................... 79
            A computer-based approach to mixing calculations ... 81
     3.3.4  Modelling major element processes in igneous
            rocks .............................................. 82
     3.3.5  Discussion ......................................... 84
3.4  Diagrams on which rock chemistry can be plotted together
     with experimentally determined phase boundaries ........... 84
     3.4.1  The normative albite-orthoclase-quartz diagram -
            the 'granite system' ............................... 86
            Water-undersaturated equilibria .................... 88
            The presence of anorthite .......................... 88
     3.4.2  The silica-undersaturated portion of the
            normative nepheline—kalsilite—silica diagram -
            the 'nepheline syenite  system' .................... 88
     3.4.3  Basaltic experimental systems ...................... 89
            CMAS diagrams ...................................... 90
            (a) Projecting rock compositions into CMAS ......... 91
            (b) Interpreting CMAS diagrams ..................... 93
            Diagrams based upon the Yoder-Tilley (1962) CIPW
            normative tetrahedron .............................. 94
            (a) Projections in the tholeiite basalt
                tetrahedron OI-PI-Di-Q ......................... 94
            (b) The normative Ne-Di-OI-Hy-Q diagram ............ 96
            (c) The low-pressure tholeiitic basalt phase
                diagram (Cox et al., 1979) ..................... 97
            (d) Problems with CIPW normative projections ....... 99
     3.4.4  Experimental systems for calc-alkaline rocks ....... 99
            The olivine-clinopyroxene-silica projection of
            Grove et al. (1982) ................................ 99
            The projections of Baker and Eggler(1983, 1987) .... 99
     3.4.5  Discussion ........................................ 100

Chapter 4  Using trace element data ........................... 102

4.1  Introduction ............................................. 102
     4.1.1  Classification of trace elements according to
            their geochemical behaviour ....................... 102
            Trace element groupings in the periodic table ..... 102
            Trace element behaviour in magmatic systems ....... 103
4.2  Controls on trace element distribution ................... 104
     4.2.1  Partition coefficients ............................ 106
            Measuring partition coefficients .................. 106
            Physical controls on the value of partition
            coefficients in mineral-melt systems .............. 107
            (a) Composition ................................... 107
            (b) Temperature ................................... 107
            (c) Pressure ...................................... 111
            (d) Oxygen activity ............................... 113
            (e) Crystal chemistry ............................. 113
            (f) Water content of the melt ..................... 115
            (g) Selecting a partition coefficient ............. 115
            Partition coefficients in basalts and basaltic
            andesites ......................................... 116
            Partition coefficients in andesites ............... 117
            Partition coefficients in dacites and rhyolites ... 117
     4.2.2  Geological controls on the distribution of trace
            elements .......................................... 119
            Element mobility .................................. 120
            Partial melting ................................... 121
            (a) Batch melting ................................. 121
            (b) Fractional melting ............................ 122
            Crystal fractionation ............................. 124
            (a) Equilibrium crystallization ................... 124
            (b) Fractional crystallization/Rayleigh
                fractionation ................................. 124
            (c) In situ crystallization ....................... 127
            Contamination ..................................... 127
            (a) AFC processes ................................. 127
            (b) Zone refining ................................. 130
            Dynamic models .................................... 130
            (a) Dynamic melting ............................... 130
            (b) The RTF magma chamber ......................... 131
            Sedimentary processes ............................. 132
4.3  Rare earth elements (REE) ................................ 133
     4.3.1  The chemistry of the REE .......................... 134
     4.3.2  Presenting REE data ............................... 135
            (a) Difficulties with chondnte normalization ...... 136
            (b) Choosing a set of normalizing values .......... 136
            REE ratio diagrams ................................ 137
            NASC normalization for sediments .................. 137
            Rock normalization ................................ 137
     4.3.3  Interpreting REE patterns ......................... 137
            REE patterns in igneous rocks ..................... 138
            REE patterns in sea and river water ............... 140
            REE patterns in sediments ......................... 140
            (a) Clastic sediments ............................. 140
            (b) Chemical sediments ............................ 141
4.4  Normalized multi-element diagrams or incompatible
     element diagrams (spider diagrams) ....................... 142
     4.4.1  Multi-element diagrams for igneous rocks .......... 142
            Primordial (primitive) mantle-normalized spider
            diagrams .......................................... 142
            Chondrite-normalized spider diagrams .............. 143
            MORB-normalized spider diagrams ................... 145
            Which spider diagrams do we use? .................. 147
            Interpreting multi-element diagrams for igneous
            rocks ............................................. 148
     4.4.2  Multi-element diagrams for sediments .............. 148
            Interpreting multi-element diagrams for
            sediments ......................................... 149
4.5  Platinum metal group element (PGE) plots ................. 150
     4.5.1  Presenting PGE data ............................... 151
            Chondrite normalization ........................... 151
            Primitive mantle normalization .................... 152
     4.5.2  Interpreting PGE patterns ......................... 153
4.6  Transition metal plots ................................... 154
4.7  Bivariate trace element plots ............................ 156
     4.7.1  The selection of trace elements in igneous rocks
            for plotting on bivariate graphs .................. 156
            Incompatible element plots ........................ 157
            (a) Identification of igneous source 
                characteristics from incompatible element
                plots ......................................... 157
            (b) Identification of igneous source
                characteristics from incompatible element
                ratio-ratio plots ............................. 157
            (c) Calculation of partition coefficients from
                reciprocal concentration trace element
                plots ......................................... 158
            Compatible element plots .......................... 158
     4.7.2  Bivariate plots in sedimentary rocks .............. 159
4.8  Enrichment-depletion diagrams ............................ 159
4.9  Modelling trace element processes in igneous rocks ....... 160
     4.9.1  Vector diagrams ................................... 161
     4.9.2  Modelling on multivariate diagrams ................ 162
     4.9.3  Petrogenetic modelling - examples ................. 166
            Partial melting ................................... 166
            Crystal fractionation ............................. 166
            Crustal contamination and AFC processes ........... 166
            Open system processes ............................. 167
            Magma and source mixing ........................... 168
            Demonstrating element mobility .................... 168
     4.9.4  Inversion techniques using trace elements ......... 168
            Constraining fractional crystallization using an
            inversion method .................................. 169
            Constraining partial melting using an inversion
            method ............................................ 170
     4.9.5  A final comment on geochemical modelling .......... 170

Chapter 5  Discriminating between tectonic environments
           using geochemical data ............................. 171
5.1  Introduction ............................................. 171
     5.1.1  Discriminant analysis ............................. 171
     5.1.2  Immobile trace elements ........................... 172
     5.1.3  Tectonic environments ............................. 172
     5.1.4  Using discrimination diagrams ..................... 173
5.2  Discrimination diagrams for rocks of basaltic to
     andesitic composition .................................... 174
     5.2.1  Trace element discrimination diagrams ............. 174
            The Ti-Zr, Ti-Zr-Y and Ti-Zr-Sr diagrams (Pearce
            and Cann, 1973) ................................... 174
            (a) The Ti-Zr-Y diagram ........................... 174
            (b) The Ti-Zr diagram ............................. 176
            (c) The Ti-Zr-Sr diagram .......................... 178
            (d) Discussion .................................... 179
            Other discrimination diagrams using Ti-Zr-Y-Nb
            variations ........................................ 180
            (a) The Zr/Y-Zr diagram for basalts (Pearce and
                Norry, 1979) .................................. 180
            (b) The Ti/Y-Nb/Y diagram (Pearce, 1982) .......... 180
            (c) The Zr-Nb-Y diagram (Meschede, 1986) .......... 180
            (d) The causes of Ti-Zr-Y-Nb variations in
                basalts from different tectonic settings ...... 182
            The Th-Hf-Ta diagram of Wood (1980) ............... 182
            The Ti-V diagram of Shervais (1982) ............... 184
            The La-Y-Nb diagram of Cabanis and Lecolle
            (1989) ............................................ 184
            Diagrams which preferentially select
            volcanic-arc basalts .............................. 186
            (a) The Cr-Y diagram (Pearce, 1982) ............... 186
            (b) The Cr-Ce/Sr diagram .......................... 187
            Distinguishing between different types of
            volcanic-arc basalt ............................... 188
            The K2O/Yb-Ta/Yb diagram ......................... 189
            Diagrams which distinguish between different
            types of volcanic-arc andesite (Bailey, 1981) ..... 190
            Diagrams which discriminate between the alkali
            basalt and tholeiitic magma series ................ 190
            (a) The TiO2-Y/Nb diagram (Floyd and 
            Winchester, 1975) ................................. 190
            (b) The P2O5-Zr diagram 
                (Floyd and Winchester, 1975) .................. 191
            (c) The TiO2-Zr/P2O5 diagram
                (Floyd and Winchester, 1975) .................. 192
            (d) The Nb/Y-Zr/P2O5 diagram 
                (Floyd and Winchester, 1975) .................. 192
            (e) Discussion .................................... 193
     5.2.2  Discrimination diagrams for basalts based upon
            major elements .................................... 193
            The F1-F2-F3 diagrams of J.A. Pearce (1976) ....... 194
            The MgO-FeO-AI2O3 diagram of Т.Н. Pearce 
            et al. (1977) ..................................... 196
     5.2.3  Discrimination diagrams for basalts based upon
            minor elements .................................... 196
            The TiO2-K2O-P2O5 
            diagram of Т.Н. Pearce et al.(1975) ............... 196
            The MnO-TiO2-P2O5 diagram
            of Mullen (1983) .................................. 198
            The K2O-H2O diagram of Muenow et al.
            (1990) ............................................ 199
     5.2.4  Discrimination diagrams for basalts based upon
            clinopyroxene composition ......................... 200
5.3  Discrimination diagrams for rocks of granitic
     composition .............................................. 201
     5.3.1  Discrimination diagrams for granites based upon
            Rb-Y-Nb and Rb-Yb-Ta variations (Pearce et al.,
            1984) ............................................. 202
            The Nb-Y and Ta-Yb discrimination diagrams ........ 204
            The Rb-(Y + Nb) and Rb-(Yb + Та) discrimination
            diagrams .......................................... 204
     5.3.2  Discrimination diagrams for granites based upon
            Hf-Rb-Ta variations ............................... 205
     5.3.3  A measure of arc maturity for volcanic-arc
            granites .......................................... 205
5.4  Discrimination diagrams for clastic sediments ............ 206
     5.4.1  Discrimination diagrams for clastic sediments
            using major elements .............................. 207
            The sandstone discriminant function diagram
            (Bhatia, 1983) .................................... 207
            Bivariate plots as sandstone discrimination
            diagrams (Bhatia, 1983) ........................... 208
            The K2O/Na2O vs SiO2 
            sandstone-mudstone discrimination diagram 
            (Roser and Korsch, 1986) .......................... 208
            Provenance signatures of sandstone-mudstone
            suites using major elements (Roser and Korsch,
            1988) ............................................. 208
     5.4.2  Discrimination diagrams for clastic sediments
            using trace elements .............................. 209
            Greywackes ........................................ 209
            Spider diagrams as discriminants of tectonic
            setting for shales (Winchester and Max, 1989) ..... 209
            Provenance studies (Cullers et ai, 1988) .......... 210
     5.4.3  Discussion ........................................ 211
5.5  Tectonic controls on magmatic and sedimentary
     geochemistry ............................................. 212
     5.5.1  An expert system for identifying the tectonic
            environment of ancient volcanic rocks (Pearce,
            1987) ............................................. 213
     5.5.2  Do tectonic discrimination diagrams still have
            a function? ....................................... 213

Chapter 6  Using radiogenic isotope data ...................... 215

6 1  Introduction ............................................. 215
6.2  Radiogenic isotopes in geochronology ..................... 215
     6.2.1  Isochron calculations ............................. 216
            Pb isotope isochrons .............................. 218
            Fitting an isochron ............................... 218
            Errorchrons ....................................... 219
            The geochron ...................................... 219
     6.2.2  Model ages ........................................ 220
            T-CHUR model ages ................................ 221
            T-depleted mantle (DM) model ages ................ 221
            Assumptions made in the calculation of model
            ages .............................................. 221
     6.2.3  Interpreting geochronological data ................ 224
            Blocking temperatures ............................. 224
            Concepts of geological age ........................ 225
            (a) Cooling age ................................... 226
            (b) Crystallization age ........................... 226
            (c) Metamorphic age ............................... 226
            (d) Crust formation age ........................... 226
            (e) Crust residence age ........................... 226
            The interpretation of whole-rock ages ............. 226
            (a) The Rb-Sr system .............................. 226
            (b) Pb isotopes ................................... 227
            (c) The Sm-Nd system .............................. 227
            The interpretation of mineral ages ................ 226
            (a) Rb-Sr mineral ages ............................ 228
            (b) Argon methods ................................. 228
            (c) Sm-Nd mineral ages ............................ 229
            (d)U-Pb dating of zircon .......................... 229
            The interpretation of model ages .................. 229
6.3  Radiogenic isotopes in petrogenesis ...................... 231
     6.3.1  The role of different isotopic systems in
            identifying reservoirs and processes .............. 232
     6.3.2  Recognizing isotopic reservoirs ................... 234
            Oceanic mantle sources ............................ 237
            (a) Depleted mantle (DM) .......................... 237
            (b) HIMU mantle ................................... 237
            (c) Enriched mantle ............................... 237
            (d) PREMA ......................................... 241
            (e) Bulk Earth (Bulk Silicate Earth - BSE) ........ 241
            (f) The origin of oceanic basalts ................. 241
            (g) Trace elements and mantle end-member
                compositions .................................. 241
            Continental crustal sources ....................... 241
            (a) Upper continental crust ....................... 242
            (b) Middle continental crust ...................... 242
            (c) Lower continental crust ....................... 242
            (d) Subcontinental lithosphere .................... 242
            Seawater .......................................... 243
     6.3.3  The evolution of mantle reservoirs with time -
            mantle evolution diagrams ......................... 244
            The evolution of Sr isotopes with time ............ 244
            The evolution of Nd isotopes with time ............ 247
            The evolution of Pb isotopes with time ............ 248
     6.3.4  The epsilon notation .............................. 249
            Calculating epsilon values ........................ 249
            (a) Epsilon values calculated for an isochron ..... 250
            (b) Epsilon values for individual rocks at the
                time of their formation ....................... 251
            (c) Epsilon values for individual rocks at the
                present day ................................... 253
            Epsilon values for Sr isotopes .................... 253
            Calculating the uncertainties in epsilon values
            when they are determined for isochron diagrams .... 254
            The meaning of epsilon values ..................... 254
            The fractionation factor fSm/Nd ................... 255
            Epsilon-Nd time plots ............................. 255
     6.3.5  Isotope correlation diagrams ...................... 256
            Using isotope correlation diagrams and epsilon
            plots to recognize mixing processes ............... 257
            (a) Mixing between sources ........................ 257
            (b) Mixing in a magma chamber ..................... 258
            Applications to contamination ..................... 259
            (a) Contamination of magmas by the continental
                crust ......................................... 259
            (b) Crustal contamination and AFC processes ....... 260
            (c) Contamination with seawater ................... 260
            Isotope vs trace (and major) element plots ........ 261
     6.3.6  Mantle-crust geodynamics .......................... 263
            Plumbotectonics ................................... 263
            Geodynamics ....................................... 263

Chapter 7  Using stable isotope data .......................... 266

7.1  Introduction ............................................. 266
     7.1.1  Notation .......................................... 266
     7.1.2  Isotope fractionation ............................. 267
     7.1.3  Physical and chemical controls on stable isotope
            fractionation ..................................... 268
7.2  Using oxygen isotopes .................................... 270
     7.2.1  Variations of δ18O in nature ...................... 270
     7.2.2  Oxygen isotope thermometry ........................ 271
            Calibration of oxygen isotope thermometers ........ 272
            Tests of isotopic equilibrium ..................... 274
            Applications ...................................... 276
            (a) Low-temperature thermometry ................... 276
            (b) High-temperature thermometry .................. 277
     7.2.3  Oxygen isotope-radiogenic isotope correlation
            diagrams .......................................... 278
            Recognizing crust and mantle reservoirs ........... 278
            Recognizing crustal contamination in igneous
            rocks ............................................. 279
            Recognizing simple crystal fractionation in
            igneous rocks ..................................... 281
7.3  Fingerprinting hydrothermal solutions using oxygen and
     hydrogen isotopes — water-rock interaction ............... 282
     7.3.1  Hydrogen isotopes ................................. 283
     7.3.2  Calculating the isotopic composition of water
            from mineral compositions ......................... 285
     7.3.3  The isotopic composition of natural waters ........ 285
            (a) Meteoric water ................................ 285
            (b) Ocean water ................................... 287
            (c) Geothermal water .............................. 288
            (d) Formation water ............................... 288
            (e) Metamorphic water ............................. 289
            (f) Magmatic water ................................ 289
     7.3.4  Quantifying water/rock ratios ..................... 289
     7.3.5  Examples of water-rock interaction ................ 291
            (a) Interaction between igneous intrusions and
                groundwater ................................... 292
            (b) Interaction between ocean-floor basalt and
                seawater ...................................... 292
            (c) Water-rock interaction in metamorphic
                rocks ......................................... 292
            (d) Water-rock interaction during the formation
                of hydrothermal ore deposits .................. 294
            (e) Diagenesis of clastic sediments ............... 294
7.4  Using carbon isotopes .................................... 294
     7.4.1  The distribution of carbon isotopes in nature ..... 295
            Controls on the fractionation of carbon isotopes .. 295
     7.4.2  Combined oxygen and carbon isotope studies of
            carbonates — δ18O vs δ13C plots .................... 296
            Limestone diagenesis .............................. 297
            Hydrothermal calcite .............................. 300
     7.4.3  The δ13C composition of seawater .................. 300
     7.4.4  Biogeochemical evolution .......................... 300
     7.4.5  Carbon isotopes in CO2 ............................ 301
            CO2 dissolved in igneous melts ................... 301
            CO2 in metamorphic fluids ........................ 301
            (a) Granulites .................................... 301
            (b) The origin of metamorphic graphite ............ 301 
            CO2 in gold-mineralizing fluids .................. 302 
            CO2 fluid-rock interaction ....................... 302
     7.4.6  Carbon isotope thermometry ........................ 302
            The calcite-graphite δ13C thermometer ............. 302
            The CO2-graphite thermometer ..................... 303
     7.5   Using sulphur isotopes ............................. 303
            7.5.1  The distribution of sulphur isotopes in
                  nature ...................................... 304
            7.5.2  Controls on the fractionation of sulphur
                  isotopes .................................... 306
                   Sulphur isotope fractionation in igneous
                   rocks ...................................... 306
                   Sulphur isotope fractionation in
                   sedimentary rocks .......................... 306
                   (a) The bacterial reduction of sulphate
                       to sulphide ............................ 306
                   (b) The bacterial oxidation of sulphide
                       to sulphate ............................ 307
                   (c) The crystallization of sedimentary
                       sulphate from seawater - evaporite
                       formation .............................. 307
                   (d) The non-bacterial reduction of
                       sulphate to sulphide ................... 307
                   Sulphur isotope fractionation in
                   hydrothermal systems ....................... 308
                   Sulphur isotope fractionation between
                   sulphide and sulphate phases — sulphur
                   isotope thermometry ........................ 308
     7.5.3  Using sulphur isotopes in igneous petrogenesis .... 311
            (a) Outgassing of SO2 ............................ 311
            (b) Contamination ................................. 312
            (c) Crystal fractionation ......................... 312
     7.5.4  Using sulphur isotopes to understand the genesis
            of hydrothermal ore deposits ...................... 312
            Modern hydrothermal mineralization at mid-ocean
            ridges ............................................ 312
            Ancient hydrothermal mineralization ............... 313
            (a) High-temperature inorganic reduction of
                seawater sulphate ............................ 314
            (b) Low-temperature organic reduction of
                sulphate ...................................... 314
            (c) Low-temperature bacteriological reduction
                of sulphate ................................... 315
            (d) Sulphur of magmatic origin .................... 315

References .................................................... 316

Index ......................................................... 344

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