| Pleistocene palaeoart of the world: proc. of the XV world congress of the International union for prehistoric and protohistoric sciences, Lisbon, 4-9 september, 2006. Vol.19, Session C80 / ed. by R.G.Bednarik, D.Hodgston. - Oxford: Archaeopress, 2008. - iv, 75 p.: ill. - (BAR International series; 1804). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-1-4073-0291-1
Introduction and Summary ........................................ 1
Robert G. Bednarik
Where are the mur-e?: A behavioural approach to rock art
research ........................................................ 3
Yann-Pierre Montelle
Phi in the Acheulian: Lower Palaeolithic Intuition and the
natural Origins of Analogy ..................................... 11
John Feliks
The Lower Palaeolithic rock art of India ....................... 33
Robert G. Bednarik and Giriraj Kumar
The origins of "modern humans" and palaeoart reconsidered ...... 41
Robert G. Bednarik
Neurovisual theory, the visuo-motor System and Pleistocene
palaeoart ...................................................... 49
Derek Hodgson
The archaeology of graphic signs: evolutionary and systemic
approaches ..................................................... 57
Paul Bouissac
Lower Palaeolithic petroglyphs from excavations at Daraki-
Chattan in India ............................................... 63
Giriraj Kumar