Henneberger F. Semiconductor quantum bits (Singapore; London, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHenneberger F. Semiconductor quantum bits / F.Henneberger, O.Benson. - Singapore: Pan Stanford; London: Distributed by World Scientific, 2009. - ix, 504 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.497-498. - Sub. ind.: p.499-504. - ISBN-10 981-4241-05-9; ISBN-13 978-981-4241-05-2

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

Spin and Charge Qubits .......................................... 1

1  Coded Qubit Based on Electron Spin ........................... 3
   M. Korkusinski and P. Hawrylak
2  Quantum Optical Studies of Single Coupled Quantum Dot 
   Pairs ....................................................... 33
   G.J. Beirne, M. Jetter, and P. Michler
3  Nuclear Spin Bi-stability in Semiconductor Quantum Dots ..... 53
   A.I. Tartakovskii, M.S. Skolnick, A. Russell, and 
   V.I. Fal'ko
4  Nonequilibrium Optical Spin Cooling in Charged Quantum 
   Dots ........................................................ 81
   I.A. Akirnov, D.H. Feng, and F. Henneberger

Qubit Control, Readout, and Transfer .......................... 109

5  Electron Spin Quantum Bits in Quantum Dots: 
   Initialization, Decoherence, and Control ................... 111
   A. Greilich, D.R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, A. Shabaev, and 
   A.L. Efros
6  Optical Control of Quantum-Dot Spin States ................. 151
   M. Atatüre, J. Dreiser, A. Badolato, and A. Imamoğlu
7  Optical Read-out of Single Carrier Spin in Semiconductor
   Quantum Dots ............................................... 167
   F. Troiani, I. Wilson-Rae, and C. Tejedor
8  Quantum State Transfer from a Photon to an Electron Spin
   in Quantum Dots and Quantum Dynamics of Electron-Nuclei
   Coupled System ............................................. 179
   T. Takagahara and Ö. Ĉakir

Qubit Decoherence ............................................. 199

9  Spin Quantum-bits and Decoherence in InAs/GaAs Quantum
   Dots ....................................................... 201
   B. Urbaszek, T. Amand, O. Krebs, P. Renucci, and X. Marie
10 Electron and Hole Spin Dynamics and Decoherence in
   Quantum Dots ............................................... 229
   D. Klauser, D.V. Bulaev, W.A. Coish, and D. Loss
11 Microscopic Theory of Energy Dissipation and Decoherence
   in Semiconductor Nanodevices ............................... 249
   F. Rossi
12 Transient Four-wave Mixing of Excitons in Quantum Dots
   from Ensembles and Individuals ............................. 269
   P. Borri and W. Langbein

Flying Qubits ................................................. 321

13 Light-matter Interaction in Single Quantum Dot-
   Micropillar Cavity Systems ................................. 323
   S. Reitzenstein, J.-P. Reithmaier, and A. Forchel
14 Entangled Photons via Вicxciton-Resonant Hyperparemetric
   Scattering ................................................. 355
   K. Edamatsu
15 Entangled Photon Pair Emission and Interference from
   Single Quantum Dots ........................................ 369
   R.M. Stevenson, R.J. Young, and A.J. Shields

Qubit Applications ............................................ 387

16 Telecom-wavelength Single-photon Sources Based on
   Single Quantum Dots ........................................ 389
   M.B. Ward, A.J. Shields, B. Alloing, C. Zinoni, С. Monat,
   and A. Fiore
17 Quantum Information Processing with Quantum Dots in
   Photonic Crystals .......................................... 423
   J. Vuckovic, D. England, A. Faraon, I. Fushman, and 
   E. Waks
18 High-Speed Quantum Computers with Semiconductor Spins ...... 453
   T.D. Ladd, K. Sanaka, К.М. С. Fu, S. Koseki, D. Press,
   S.M. Clark, K. De Greve, and Y. Yamamoto
19 Quantum Dots: Single-Photon Sources for Quantum 
   Information ................................................ 481
   M. Scholz, T. Aichele, and O. Benson

Author Index .................................................. 497

Subject Index ................................................. 499

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