Gray M.R. Upgrading petroleum residues and heavy oils (New York, 1994). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаGray M.R. Upgrading petroleum residues and heavy oils. - New York: M. Dekker, 1994. - xvi, 348 p.: ill. - (Chemical industries; 56). - Ref.: p.320-338. - Ind.: p.339-348. - ISBN 0-8247-9211-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v

1  Heavy Oil and Residue Properties and Composition ............. 1
   1.1  Definition of Petroleum Residues, Heavy Oils, and 
        Bitumens ................................................ 1
   1.2  Physical Properties ..................................... 2
        1.2.1  Hydrogen to carbon ratio ......................... 4
        1.2.2  Heteroatom content ............................... 5
        1.2.3  Class fractionation .............................. 6
        1.2.4  Boiling cuts ..................................... 8
        1.2.5  Other properties ................................ 16
   1.3  Chemical Composition of Residues
        1.3.1  Hydrocarbon groups .............................. 16
        1.3.2  Heteroatomic groups ............................. 18
        1.3.3  Asphaltene composition and structure ............ 22
   1.4  Chemical Analysis of Residues .......................... 23
        1.4.1  Chemical group analysis by NMR .................. 26
        1.4.2  Average molecular weight and molecular weight 
               distribution .................................... 31
        1.4.3  Mass spectrometry of residues ................... 34
   1.5  Environmental Properties of Heavy Oils and Residues .... 35
        1.5.1  Acute toxicity .................................. 35
        1.5.2  Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity ................ 36
   1.6  Product Specifications for Bitumen, Heavy Oil, and 
        Residue ................................................ 37
        Notation ............................................... 39
        Problems ............................................... 39
2  Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Heavy Oil and
   Bitumen ..................................................... 41
   2.1  Equations of State for Hydrocarbon Mixtures ............ 41
        2.1.1  Cubic equations of state ........................ 42
        2.1.2  Mixing rules for cubic equations ................ 44
   2.2  Phase Behavior of Undefined Mixtures ................... 45
   2.3  Measurement of Oil Distillation Chacteristics .......... 46
        2.3.1  Batch distillation .............................. 46
        2.3.2  Simulated distillation .......................... 48
        2.3.3  True boiling point (TBP) distillation ........... 52
        2.3.4  Equilibrium flash vaporization (EFV) curves ..... 52
        2.3.5  Conversion of ASTM boiling point data to true
               boiling points .................................. 52
        2.3.6  Specific gravity ................................ 55
   2.4  Calculation of Mean Boiling Points ..................... 55
   2.5  Estimation of Critical Properties ...................... 58
        2.5.1  Critical temperature ............................ 60
        2.5.2  Critical volume ................................. 60
        2.5.3  Critical pressure ............................... 60
        2.5.4  Molecular weight ................................ 61
        2.5.5  Acentric factor ................................. 61
   2.6  Selection of Pseudocomponents .......................... 62
   2.7  Critical Properties of Residue Fractions ............... 64
        2.7.1  Single pseudocomponent .......................... 64
        2.7.2  Multiple pseudocomponents by extrapolation ...... 65
        2.7.3  Chemical characterization of residue ............ 66
   2.8  Hydrogen Solubility .................................... 68
   2.9  Precipitation of Solids ................................ 69
   2.10 Thermal Properties of Petroleum Fractions .............. 73
   2.11 Surface Tension ........................................ 74
   2.12 Transport Properties ................................... 75
        2.12.1 Viscosity ....................................... 75
        2.12.1 Thermal conductivity ............................ 78
        2.12.2 Diffusivity ..................................... 79
        Notation ............................................... 79
        Problems ............................................... 81

3  Chemistry of Upgrading and Hydrotreating Reactions .......... 83
   3.1  Overall Objectives of Primary Upgrading ................ 83
   3.2  Thermal Reactions ...................................... 84
        3.2.1  Carbon-carbon bond breakage ..................... 84
        3.2.2  Limits on catalytic C-C bond breakage in
               residues ........................................ 85
        3.2.3  Cracking of paraffins ........................... 86
        3.2.4  Further reactions of olefins .................... 90
        3.2.5  Reactions of naphthenes ......................... 91
        3.2.6  Reactions of alkylaromatics and aromatics ....... 93
        3.2.7  Reactions of bridged aromatics .................. 94
        3.2.8  Example: Cracking of a hypothetical residue
               molecule ........................................ 95
        3.2.9  Reactions of mixtures ........................... 97
        3.2.10 Sulfur compounds ................................ 97
   3.3  Catalytic Reactions .................................... 98
        3.3.1  Catalyst composition ............................ 98
        3.3.2  Reactions of aromatic compounds ................. 99
        3.3.3  Reactions of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen
               compounds ...................................... 104
        3.3.4  Demetallization reactions ...................... 108
        3.3.5  Catalytic C-C bond breakage in distillates ..... 108
   3.4  Interactions Between Catalytic and Thermal
        Reactions ............................................. 111
        3.4.1  Mechanisms of thermal and catalytic
               interactions ................................... 111
        3.4.2  Reaction scheme for residue conversion ......... 113
        Notation .............................................. 115
        Problems .............................................. 115

4  Fundamentals for Kinetic Analysis of Upgrading Reactions ... 116
   4.1  Thermal Reactions ..................................... 116
        4.1.1  Example of thermal cracking: Kinetics for
               cracking of n-hexadecane ....................... 119
        4.1.2  Cracking of mixtures ........................... 122
   4.2  Catalytic Reactions ................................... 126
        4.2.1  Catalytic kinetics ............................. 126
        4.2.2  Steady-state kinetics of catalytic reactions ... 134
        4.2.3  Kinetics of reversible reactions ............... 139
   4.3  Mass Transfer and Catalytic Reactions ................. 143
        4.3.1  Hindered diffusion in porous catalysts ......... 143
        4.3.2  Catalyst effectiveness due to internal
               diffusion ...................................... 149
        4.3.3  External mass transfer resistances ............. 154
   4.4  Lumping of Complex Reaction Mixtures .................. 159
        4.4.1  Desulfurization of gas oil in a PFR ............ 163
        4.4.2  Desulfurization of gas oil in a CSTR ........... 164
        4.4.3  Limits to fractional order for mixture
               reactions ...................................... 170
        4.4.4  Error in lumping a distribution of reaction
               rates .......................................... 171
        4.4.5 Activation energy of lumped reactions ........... 178
        Notation .............................................. 179

5  Residue Hydroconversion Processes .......................... 182
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 182
   5.2  Fixed-Bed Catalytic Processes ......................... 184
   5.3  Catalytic Ebullated Bed Processes ..................... 186
        5.3.1  Moderate conversion of residue ................. 186
        5.3.2  Processing for high conversion of residue ...... 191
        5.3.3  Reactor hydrodynamics .......................... 191
   5.4  Catalyst Deactivation ................................. 193
        5.4.1  Coke deposition on residue conversion
               catalysts ...................................... 193
        5.4.2  Metal deposition on residue conversion
               catalysts ...................................... 195
        5.4.3  Kinetics of deactivation of demetallization
               catalyst ....................................... 197
        5.4.4  Activity as a function of time-on-stream ....... 200
        5.4.5  Catalyst regeneration .......................... 203
   5.5  Additive-Based Processes .............................. 205
        5.5.1  Process description ............................ 205
        5.5.2  Reactor hydrodynamics .......................... 209
   5.6  Sediment formation .................................... 209
   5.7  Kinetics of Hydroconversion Reactions ................. 215
        5.7.1  Residue conversion ............................. 215
        5.7.2  Kinetics of sulfur removal ..................... 223
        5.7.3  Uptake of hydrogen ............................. 226
        5.7.4  Kinetics of nitrogen and metals removal ........ 227
        5.7.5  Kinetics of heat release ....................... 227
   5.8  Hydroconversion Preprocesses and Modifications ........ 228
        5.8.1 Solvent deasphalting ............................ 228
        5.8.2  Low-temperature hydrogenation .................. 228
        5.8.3  Coprocessing of residue and coal ............... 229
   5.9  Environmental Aspects of Residue Hydroconversion ...... 230
        Notation .............................................. 231
        Problems .............................................. 232

6  Thermal and Coking Processes ............................... 237
   6.1  Severity of Thermal Processes ......................... 237
   6.2  Thermal Viscosity Reduction (Visbreaking) ............. 239
   6.3  Delayed Coking ........................................ 244
   6.4  Fluid Coking .......................................... 246
   6.5  Coke Yields and Properties ............................ 251
   6.6  Kinetics and Mechanism of Coke Formation .............. 253
   6.7  Integration of Coking and Hydroconversion Processes ... 257
   6.8  Environmental Aspects of Thermal Processes ............ 259
        Notation .............................................. 260
        Problems .............................................. 260

7  Fluid Catalytic Cracking of Residues ....................... 262
   7.1  Process Description ................................... 262
        7.1.1  Catalytic cracking chemistry ................... 262
        7.1.2  Cracking in riser reactors ..................... 263
        7.1.3  Catalyst compostion ............................ 267
        7.1.4  Enthalpies and kinetics of FCC units ........... 267
   7.2  Effects of Residue Feed on FCC Operation .............. 269
   7.3  Catalyst Modifications for Residue FCC ................ 275
        7.3.1  Metal-resistant catalysts ...................... 275
        7.3.2  Trapping of sulfur ............................. 275
        7.3.3  High-boiling feed .............................. 276
   7.4  Process Modifications for Residue FCC ................. 277
        7.4.1  Catalyst regeneration .......................... 277
        7.4.2  Reactor modifications .......................... 278
        7.4.3  Pretreatment of FCC feed ....................... 278
   7.5  Environmental Aspects of Residue FCC .................. 280
        Notation .............................................. 281
        Problems .............................................. 282

8  Hydrotreating of Cracked Products .......................... 284
   8.1  Properties of Feeds for Hydrotreating ................. 285
   8.2  Characteristics of Cracked Distillates ................ 286
   8.3  Process Description ................................... 286
   8.4  Reaction Chemistry .................................... 291
        8.4.1  Sulfur removal ................................. 291
        8.4.2  Nitrogen removal ............................... 291
        8.4.3  Oxygen removal ................................. 295
        8.4.4  Hydrogen consumption and aromatics
               conversion ..................................... 295
        8.4.5  Relative removal of heteroatomic compounds ..... 295
        8.4.6  Thermal reactions .............................. 298
   8.5  Kinetics and Hydrodynamics of Hydrotreating ........... 298
        8.5.1  Apparent reaction order and kinetics ........... 298
        8.5.2  Reactor hydrodynamics .......................... 301
        8.5.3  Stoichiometry of hydrotreating ................. 304
   8.6  Catalyst Properties ................................... 305
        8.6.1  Catalyst selection ............................. 305
        8.6.2  Catalyst deactivation .......................... 307
        8.6.3  Regeneration of spent hydrotreating
               catalysts ...................................... 314
   8.7 Secondary Hydrotreating of Distillates ................. 314

Notation ...................................................... 317

Problems ...................................................... 318

References .................................................... 320

Index ......................................................... 339

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