Flow visualization: techniques and examples (London, 2000 (2010)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаFlow visualization: techniques and examples / ed. by A.J.Smits, T.T.Lim. - London: Imperial College Press, 2000 (2010). - xii, 396 p.: ill. (some col.). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN-10 1-86094-193-1; ISBN 1-86094-372-1

Оглавление / Contents
PREFACE ......................................................... v

1  INTERPRETATION OF FLOW VISUALIZATION ......................... 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  Critical Points in Flow Patterns ........................ 1
   1.3  Relationship between Streamlines, Pathlines and
        Streaklines ............................................. 9
   1.4  Sectional Streamlines .................................. 15
   1.5  Bifurcation Lines ...................................... 16
   1.6  Interpretation of Unsteady Flow Patterns with the Aid
        of Streaklines and Streamlines ......................... 18
   1.7  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 23
   1.8  References ............................................. 24

2  HYDROGEN BUBBLE VISUALIZATION ............................... 27
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 27
   2.2  The Hydrogen Bubble Generating System .................. 29
   2.3  Bubble Probes .......................................... 32
   2.4  Lighting ............................................... 36
   2.5  Unique Applications .................................... 37
   2.6  References ............................................. 41

3  DYE AND SMOKE VISUALIZATION ................................. 43
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 43
   3.2  Flow Visualization in Water ............................ 44
        3.2.1  Conventional dye ................................ 44
        3.2.2  Laundry brightener .............................. 45
        3.2.3  Milk ............................................ 45
        3.2.4  Fluorescent dye ................................. 45
        3.2.5  Methods of dye injection ........................ 46
        3.2.6  Rheoscopic fluid ................................ 48
        3.2.7  Electrolytic precipitation ...................... 49
   3.3  Flow Visualization in Air .............................. 52
        3.3.1  Smoke tunnel .................................... 52
        3.3.2  Smoke generator ................................. 53
        3.3.3  Smoke-wire technique ............................ 54
        3.3.4  Titanium tetrachloride .......................... 57
   3.4  Photographic Equipment and Techniques .................. 58
        3.4.1  Lighting ........................................ 58
        3.4.2  Camera .......................................... 61
        3.4.3  Lens ............................................ 63
        3.4.4  Film ............................................ 66
   3.5  Cautionary Notes ....................................... 66
   3.6  References ............................................. 69

4  MOLECULAR TAGGING VELOCIMETRY ............................... 73
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 73
   4.2  Properties of Photo-Sensitive Tracers .................. 74
        4.2.1  Photochromic dyes ............................... 74
        4.2.2  Phosphorescent supramolecules ................... 74
        4.2.3  Caged dyes ...................................... 76
   4.3  Examples of Molecular Tagging Measurements ............. 80
        4.3.1  Phosphorescent supramolecules ................... 80
        4.3.2  Caged dye tracers ............................... 82
   4.4  Image Processing and Experimental Accuracy ............. 86
        4.4.1  Line processing techniques ...................... 86
        4.4.2  Grid processing techniques ...................... 89
        4.4.3  Ray tracing ..................................... 89
   4.5  References ............................................. 90

5  PLANAR LASER IMAGING ........................................ 93
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 93
   5.2  Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence ...................... 95
   5.3  Rayleigh Imaging from Molecules and Particles ......... 102
   5.4  Filtered Rayleigh Scattering .......................... 105
   5.5  Planar Doppler Velocimetry ............................ 111
   5.6  Summary ............................................... 117
   5.7  References ............................................ 118

6  DIGITAL PARTICLE IMAGE VELOCIMETRY ......................... 123
   6.1  Quantitative Flow Visualization ....................... 123
   6.2  DPIV Experimental Setup ............................... 124
   6.3  Particle Image Velocimetry: A Visual Presentation ..... 125
   6.4  Image Correlation ..................................... 126
        6.4.1  Peak finding ................................... 129
        6.4.2  Computational implementation of DPIV in
               frequency space ................................ 130
   6.5  Video Imaging ......................................... 130
   6.6  Post Processing ....................................... 132
        6.6.1  Outlier removal ................................ 132
        6.6.2  Differentiable flow properties ................. 133
        6.6.3  Integrable flow properties ..................... 135
   6.7  Sources of Error ...................................... 135
        6.7.1  Uncertainty due to particle image density ...... 136
        6.7.2  Uncertainty due to velocity gradients within
               the interro-gation Windows ..................... 136
        6.7.3  Uncertainty due to different particle size
               imaging ........................................ 137
        6.7.4  Effects of using different size interrogation
               Windows ........................................ 137
        6.7.5  Mean-bias error removal ........................ 138
   6.8  DPIV Applications ..................................... 141
        6.8.1  Investigation of vortex ring formation ......... 141
        6.8.2  A novel application for force prediction
               DPIV ........................................... 141
        6.8.3  DPIV and a CFD counterpart: a common ground .... 141
   6.9  Conclusion ............................................ 143
   6.10 References ............................................ 145

   CRYSTALS ................................................... 149
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 149
        7.1.1  Calibration techniques ......................... 150
        7.1.2  Convective heat transfer coefficient
               measurement techniques ......................... 151
   7.2  Implementation ........................................ 155
        7.2.1  Sensing sheet preparation ...................... 155
        7.2.2  Test surface illumination ...................... 156
        7.2.3  Data reduction ................................. 157
        7.2.4  Calibration .................................... 159
        7.2.5  Establishing uncertainty ....................... 161
   7.3  Examples .............................................. 161
        7.3.1  Turbine cascade ................................ 161
        7.3.2  Turbulent spot and boundary layer .............. 162
        7.3.3  Turbulent juncture flow ........................ 163
   7.4  Concluding Remarks .................................... 165
   7.5  References ............................................ 166

8  PRESSURE AND SHEAR SENSITIVE COATINGS ...................... 169
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 169
   8.2  Pressure-Sensitive Paint .............................. 170
        8.2.1  Obtaining and applying pressure-sensitive
               paint .......................................... 173
        8.2.2  Lamps .......................................... 175
        8.2.3  Cameras ........................................ 176
        8.2.4  Data reduction ................................. 178
   8.3  Shear-Sensitive Liquid Crystal Coating Method ......... 180
        8.3.1  Color-change responses to shear ................ 181
        8.3.2  Coating application ............................ 183
        8.3.3  Lighting and imaging ........................... 184
        8.3.4  Data acquisition and analysis .................. 185
        8.3.5  Example: Visualization of transition and
               Separation ..................................... 187
        8.3.6  Example: Application of shear vector method .... 190
   8.4  Fringe Imaging Skin Friction Interferometry ........... 192
        8.4.1  Physical principles ............................ 192
        8.4.2  Surface preparation ............................ 193
        8.4.3  Lighting ....................................... 194
        8.4.4  Imaging ........................................ 196
        8.4.5  Calibration .................................... 197
        8.4.6  Data reduction ................................. 197
        8.4.7  Uncertainty .................................... 199
        8.4.8  Examples ....................................... 200
   8.5  References ............................................ 201

9  METHODS FOR COMPRESSIBLE FLOWS ............................. 205
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 205
   9.2  Basic Optical Concepts ................................ 206
   9.3  Index of Refraction for a Gas ......................... 209
   9.4  Light Ray Deflection and Retardation in a Refractive
        Field ................................................. 211
   9.5  Shadowgraph ........................................... 213
   9.6  Schlieren Method ...................................... 219
   9.7  Interferometry ........................................ 221
   9.8  Interference .......................................... 224
   9.9  Mach-Zehnder Interferometer ........................... 226
   9.10 Holography ............................................ 230
   9.11 Holographic Interferometry ............................ 232
   9.12 Applications .......................................... 237
   9.13 Summary ............................................... 240
   9.14 References ............................................ 242

10 THREE-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING .................................. 245
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 245
   10.2 3-D Imaging Techniques ................................ 245
   10.3 Image Data Types ...................................... 249
   10.4 Laser Scanner Designs ................................. 250
   10.5 Discrete Laser Sheet Systems .......................... 251
   10.6 Double Scan Laser Sweep Systems ....................... 252
   10.7 Single Scan Laser Sweep Systems (Discrete) ............ 256
   10.8 Drum Scanners ......................................... 258
   10.9 Multiple Fixed Laser Sheets ........................... 260
   10.10 Moving Laser Sheet Systems ........................... 262
   10.11 Imaging Issues and Trade-OfTs ........................ 263
        10.11.1 Position aecuraey of laser sheets ............. 263
        10.11.2 Illumination issues ........................... 264
        10.11.3 Sweeps versus sheets for CW lasers ............ 265
        10.11.4 Optical components ............................ 267
        10.11.5 Methods of control ............................ 268
        10.11.6 Operational considerations .................... 269
        10.11.7 Imaging devices ............................... 272
   10.12 Detailed Example ..................................... 273
        10.12.1 Control system design ......................... 276
   10.13 Analysis and Display of Data ......................... 279
        10.13.1 Processing and analysis of data ............... 279
        10.13.2 Methods of presentation and display ........... 280
   10.14 Concluding remarks ................................... 283
   10.15 Acknowledgments ...................................... 283
   10.16 References ........................................... 284

   FOUR-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING ................................... 289
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 289
   11.2 Technical Considerations .............................. 291
        11.2.1 Laser induced fluorescence ..................... 291
        11.2.2 Beam scanning electronics ...................... 291
        11.2.3 Data acquisition System ........................ 294
        11.2.4 Signal levels .................................. 295
        11.2.5 Signal-to-noise ratio .......................... 300
        11.2.6 Spatial and temporal resolution ................ 302
        11.2.7 Data processing ................................ 306
   11.3 Sample Applications ................................... 308
        11.3.1 Fine structure of turbulent scalar fields ...... 308
        11.3.2 Assessment of Taylor's hypothesis .............. 310
        11.3.3 Scalar imaging velocimetry ..................... 311
        11.3.4 Fractal scaling of turbulent scalar fields ..... 311
   11.4 Further Information ................................... 313
   11.5 References ............................................ 315

   FLOWS ...................................................... 317
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 317
        12.1.1 Fundamental configuration ...................... 318
   12.2  Visualization Techniques ............................. 321
        12.2.1 Numerical analog of experimental techniques .... 321
        12.2.2 Smoothing and noise suppression ................ 325
        12.2.3 Selection of variables for visualization ....... 325
   12.3 Quantification of Shocks and Contacts ................. 327
        12.3.1 One-dimensional example ........................ 328
        12.3.2 Algorithm ...................................... 328
        12.3.3 Two-dimensional example ........................ 333
        12.3.4 Contact tracking and convergence of
               simulations .................................... 334
        12.3.5 Quantification of local shock properties ....... 337
   12.4 Conclusion ............................................ 339
   12.5 References ............................................ 343

COLOR PLATES AND FLOW GALLERY ................................. 345

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