Endemic plants of the Altai mountain country (Old Basing, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEndemic plants of the Altai mountain country / A.I.Pyak et al. - Old Basing: Wild Guides, 2008. - 368 p.: col. ill., maps. - Bibliog.: p.355-358. - ISBN 978-1-903657-22-5

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 7

Introduction .................................................... 9

The Altai Mountain Country - a cross-border highland region .... 12

Vegetation of the Altai Mountain Country ....................... 30

Endemism in the flora of the Altai Mountain Country ............ 59

Conservation in the Altai Mountain Country ..................... 72

Visiting the Altai Mountain Country ............................ 87


Introduction to the species accounts ........................... 92
Dwarf Silver Wormwood Artemisia argyrophylla ................... 96
Woody Aster Asterothamnus heteropappoides ...................... 98
Krylov's Yellow Chrysanthemum Brachanthemum krylovii .......... 100
Shishkin's Thistle Cirsium schischkinii ....................... 102
Pink Shrub Chrysanthemum Dendranthema sinuatum ................ 104
Dwarf Globe-thistle Echinops humilis .......................... 106
Altai Aster Gaiatella altaica ................................. 108
Altai Leopard-plant Ligularia altaica ......................... 110
Keller's Pyrethrum Pyrethrum kelleri .......................... 112
Desert-Steppe Aster Rhinactinidia eremophila subsp.
   eremophila ................................................. 114
Frolov's Saw-wort Saussurea frolovii .......................... 116
Jadrinzev's Saw-wort Saussurea jadrinzevii .................... 118
Butterbur Saw-wort Saussurea orgaadayi ........................ 120
Price's Saw-wort Saussurea pricei ............................. 122
Grey Saw-wort Serratula kirghisorum ........................... 124
Altai Dandelion Taraxacum lyratum ............................. 126
Grey Skull-fruit Craniospermum canescens ...................... 128
Pallas's Bluebell Mertensia pallasii .......................... 130
Stemless Leiospora Leiospora exscapa .......................... 132
Large-flowered Whitlow-grass Pachyneurum grandiflorum ......... 134
Altai Smelowskia Smelowskia altaica ........................... 136
Schmakov's Sterigmostemum Sterigmostemum schmakovii ........... 138
Mongol Sandwort Eremogone mongolica ........................... 140
Two-coloured Gypsophila Gypsophila sericea .................... 142
Martyanov's Stitchwort Mesostemma martjanovii ................. 144
Grass-leaved Bladder Campion Silene turgida ................... 146
Mountain Marsh Stitchwort Stellaria imbricata ................. 148
Mossy Stitchwort Stellaria pulvinata .......................... 150
Shrubby Stinking Goosefoot Chenopodium frutescens ............. 152
Krylov's Bug-seed Cohspermum krylovii ......................... 154
Chuya Seepweed Suaeda tschujensis ............................. 156
Ice Roseroot Rhodiola algida .................................. 158
Krylov's Roseroot Rhodiola krylovii ........................... 160
Cut-leaved Orpine Sedum populifolium .......................... 162
Alpine Spurge Euphorbia alpina ................................ 164
Fleshy-rooted Yellow Spurge Euphorbia macrorhiza .............. 166
Mongolian Spurge Euphorbia mongolica .......................... 168
Purple Rock Spurge Euphorbia rupestris ........................ 170
Chuya Spurge Euphorbia tshuiensis ............................. 172
Purple Woody Milk-vetch Astragalus ceratoides ................. 174
Oval-fruited Yellow Milk-vetch Astragalus ellipsoideus ........ 176
Gubanov's Yellow Milk-vetch Astragalus gubanovii .............. 178
Many-stemmed Lilac Milk-vetch Astragalus multicaulis .......... 180
Thick-fruited White Milk-vetch Astragalus pycnolobus .......... 182
Chuya Bladder Milk-vetch Astragalus tschuensis ................ 184
White Milk-vetch Astragalus vaginatus ......................... 186
Yellow Tree Milk-vetch Astragalus xanthotrichus ............... 188
Red Mountain Sainfoin Hedysarum tschuense ..................... 190
Whorled Spiny Oxytrope Oxytropis acanthacea ................... 192
Altai Bladder Oxytrope Oxytropis altaica ...................... 194
Bunge's Swollen-fruited Oxytrope Oxytropis bungei ............. 196
Mongolian Fragile-leaved Oxytrope Oxytropis fragilifolia ...... 198
Narrow-leaved Whorled Bladder Oxytrope Oxytropis inaria ....... 200
Woolly-fruited Nut Oxytrope Oxytropis intermedia .............. 202
Kaspan Oxytrope Oxytropis kaspensis ........................... 204
Martyanov's Oxytrope Oxytropis martjanovii .................... 206
Dwarf Snow-white Oxytrope Oxytropis nivea ..................... 208
Small-leaved Mountain Oxytrope Oxytropis oligantha ............ 210
Grey Bladder Oxytrope Oxytropis раuciflora .................... 212
Whorled Bladder Oxytrope Oxytropis physocarpa ................. 214
Dwarf Bladder Oxytrope Oxytropis pumila ....................... 216
Sapozhnikov's Bladder Oxytrope Oxytropis saposhnikovii ........ 218
Long-bracted Nut Oxytrope Oxytropis setosa .................... 220
Narrow-leaved Nut Oxytrope Oxytropis stenophylla .............. 222
Showy Purple Oxytrope Oxytropis teres ......................... 224
Hairy-fruited Whorled Bladder Oxytrope Oxytropis 
   trichophysa ................................................ 226
Dwarf Chuya Oxytrope Oxytropis tschujae ....................... 228
Noble Corydalis Corydalis nobilis ............................. 230
Few-flowered Purple Corydalis Corydalis pauciflora ............ 232
Sweet Biebersteinia Biebersteinia odora ....................... 234
Woolly Dragon's Head Dracocephalum bungeanum .................. 236
Darwin's Horebound Lagopsis darwiniana ........................ 238
Krylov's False Catmint Lophanthus krylovii .................... 240
Grey False Motherwort Panzerina canescens ..................... 242
Dense-flowered Statice Limonium congestum ..................... 244
Krylov's Yellow Monkshood Aconitum krylovii ................... 246
Kazakhstan Wood Anemone Anemone umbrosa ....................... 248
Confused Mountain Larkspur Delphinium inconspicuum ............ 250
Showy Mountain Larkspur Delphinium mirabile ................... 252
Akkem Buttercup Ranunculus akkemensis ......................... 254
Hairy-fruited Buttercup Ranunculus lasiocarpus ................ 256
Revushkin's Buttercup Ranunculus revushkinii .................. 258
Sapozhnikov's Dwarf Alpine Buttercup Ranunculus 
   sapozhnikovii .............................................. 260
Shishkin's Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus schischkinii ........... 262
Vetch-leaved Silverweed Potentilla astragalifolia ............. 264
Lake Duruu Cinquefoil Potentilla laevipes ..................... 266
Intermediate Burnet Sanguisorba azovtsevii .................... 268
Siberian Spiraea Sibiraea laevigata ........................... 270
Cross-leaved Lady's Bedstraw Galium coriaceum ................. 272
Yellow Whorled Lousewort Pedicularis abrotanifolia ............ 274
Altai White Figwort Scrophularia altaica ...................... 276
Altai Mezereon Daphne altaica ................................. 278
Altai Stelleropsis Stelleropsis altaica ....................... 280
Chemal Violet Viola czemalensis ............................... 282
Fischer's Yellow Violet Viola fischeri ........................ 284
Berried Bean-Caper Zygophyllum melongena ...................... 286
Ludwig's Iris ludwigii ........................................ 288
Dwarf Chives Allium pumilum ................................... 290
Altai Star-of-Bethlehem Gagea altaica ......................... 292
Azutavian Star-of-Bethlehem Gagea azutavica ................... 294

Summary table for all the endemic and subendemic plants of 
   the Altai Mountain Country, with details of life form,
   height, flower colour, flowering times, habitats,
   distribution and RDB status ................................ 296

Glossary of technical terms ................................... 344

Selected bibliography and information sources ................. 355

Acknowledgements .............................................. 359

Photographic credits .......................................... 360

Index of English, scientific and Russian names ................ 361

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