Computational structural biology: methods and applications (Singapore; Hackensack; London, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаComputational structural biology: methods and applications / [ed. by] T.Schwede, M.Peitsch. - Singapore; Hackensack; London: World Scientific, 2008. - x, 779 p.: ill. (some col.). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.771-779. - ISBN-10 981-277-877-2; ISBN-13 978-981-277-877-2

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v


Chapter 1  Protein Structure Modeling ........................... 3
           T. Schwede, A. Sali, N. Eswar and M.C. Peitsch
Chapter 2  Protein Fold Recognition and Threading .............. 37
           L. J. McGuffin
Chapter 3  Scoring Functions for Protein Structure 
           Prediction .......................................... 61
           Francisco Melo and Ernest Feytmans
Chapter 4  Assessment of Protein Structure Predictions ......... 89
           E. Capriotti and M.A. Marti-Renom
Chapter 5  The Biological Applications of Protein Models ...... 111
           A. Tramontano


Chapter 6  Evolution of Protein Folds ......................... 131
           A.N. Lupas and К.К. Koretke
Chapter 7  Classification of Protein Structures ............... 153
           A. Cuff, O. Redfern and C. Orengo
Chapter 8  Methods to Characterize the Structure of Enzyme
           Binding Sites ...................................... 189
           A. Kahraman and J.M. Thornton
Chapter 9  Atomistic Simulations of Reactions and Transition
           States ............................................. 223
           M. Meuwly
Chapter 10 Functional Motions in Biomolecules: Insights from
           Computational Studies at Multiple Scales ........... 253
           A.W. van Wynsberghe, L. Ma, X. Chen and Q. Cui
Chapter 11 Protein-Protein Interactions and Aggregation 
           Processes .......................................... 299
           R.I. Dima
Chapter 12 Modeling and Simulation of Ion Channels ............ 325
           S. Bernèche and B. Roux
Chapter 13 Milestones in Molecular Dynamics Simulations 
           of RNA Systems ..................................... 363
           Y. Hashem, E. Westhof and R. Auffinger
Chapter 14 Computational Protein Design ....................... 401
           J.G. Saven
Chapter 15 Prediction and Identification of В Cell
           Epitopes Using Protein Sequence and Structure 
           Information  ....................................... 425
           P. Andersen, D. Mkhailov and O. Lund
Chapter 16 Computational Antibody Engineering ................. 445
           Т.К. Nevanen, N. Munck and U. Lamminmäki

Section III DRUG DISCOVERY AND PHARMACOLOGY ................... 467

Chapter 17 Small Molecule Docking ............................. 469
           R.A. Friesner, M. Repasky and R. Farid
Chapter 18 Structure-based Pharmacophores and Screening ....... 501
           R. Lewis and R.G. Karki
Chapter 19 Molecular Dynamics-based Free Energy 
           Simulations ........................................ 513
           M.A. Cuendet, V. Zoete and O. Michielin
Chapter 20 Structure-based Computational Pharmacology and
           Toxicology ......................................... 549
            Angelo Vedani and Martin Smiesko
Chapter 21 Structure-based Computational Approaches
           to Drug Metabolism ................................. 573
           M.A. Lill


Chapter 22 New Frontiers in X-ray Crystallography ............. 601
           C.U. Stirnimann and M.G. Grütter
Chapter 23 New Frontiers in High-Resolution Electron 
           Microscopy ......................................... 623
           А. Еgel
Chapter 24 New Frontiers in Characterizing Structure	and 
           Dynamics by NMR .................................... 655
           M. Nilges, P. Markwick, T. Malliavin, 
           W. Rieping and M. Habeck

Section V SELECTED TOPICS ..................................... 681

Chapter 25 Docking for Neglected Diseases as Community 
           Efforts ............................................ 683
           M. Podvinec, T. Schwede and M.C. Peitsch
Chapter 26 Protein Structure Databases ........................ 705
           D. Dimitropoulos, M. John, E. Krissinel,
           R. Newman and G.J. Swaminathan
Chapter 27 Molecular Graphics in Structural Biology ........... 729
           A.M. Lesk, H.J. Bernstein and F.C. Bernstein

Index ......................................................... 771

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