University lecture series; 50 (Providence, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBaldwin J.T. Categoricity. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2009. - xi, 235 p. - (University lecture series; Vol.50). - Bibliogr.: p.227-232. - Ind.: p.233-235. - ISBN 978-0-8218-4893-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................. vii

Part 1.  Quasiminimal Excellence and Complex Exponentiation ..... 1

Chapter 1.  Combinatorial Geometries and Infinitary Logics ...... 3

   1.1.  Combinatorial Geometries ............................... 3
   1.2.  Infinitary Logic ....................................... 4

Chapter 2.  Abstract Quasiminimality ............................ 7

Chapter 3.  Covers of the Multiplicative Group of fig.9 ............ 17

Part 2.  Abstract Elementary Classes ........................... 25

Chapter 4.  Abstract Elementary Classes ........................ 27

Chapter 5.  Two Basic Results about Lωl(Q) .................... 39
   5.1.  Non-definability of Well-order in Lωl(Q) ............. 39
   5.2.  The Number of Models in ω1 ............................ 41

Chapter 6.  Categoricity Implies Completeness .................. 45

   6.1.  Completeness .......................................... 45
   6.2.  Arbitrarily Large Models .............................. 50
   6.3.  Few Models in Small Cardinals ......................... 52
   6.4.  Categoricity and Completeness for Lωl(Q) ............. 54

Chapter 7.  A Model in fig.92 ...................................... 57

Part 3.  Abstract Elementary Classes with Arbitrarily Large
         Models ................................................ 63

Chapter 8.  Galois types, Saturation, and Stability ............ 67

Chapter 9.  Brimful Models ..................................... 73

Chapter 10. Special, Limit and Saturated Models ................ 75

Chapter 11. Locality and Tameness............................... 83

Chapter 12. Splitting and Minimality ........................... 91

Chapter 13. Upward Categoricity Transfer ....................... 99

Chapter 14. Omitting Types and Downward Categoricity .......... 105

Chapter 15. Unions of Saturated Models ........................ 113

Chapter 16. Life without Amalgamation ......................... 119

Chapter 17. Amalgamation and Few Models ....................... 125

Part 4.  Categoricity in Lωl ................................. 133

Chapter 18. Atomic AEC ........................................ 137

Chapter 19. Independence in ω-stable Classes .................. 143

Chapter 20. Good Systems ...................................... 151

Chapter 21. Excellence Goes Up ................................ 159

Chapter 22. Very Few Models Implies Excellence ................ 165

Chapter 23. Very Few Models Implies Amalgamation over Pairs ... 173

Chapter 24. Excellence and *-Excellence ....................... 179

Chapter 25. Quasiminimal Sets and Categoricity Transfer ....... 185

Chapter 26. Demystifying Non-excellence ....................... 193

   26.1. The Basic Structure .................................. 193
   26.2. Solutions and Categoricity ........................... 196
   26.3. Disjoint Amalgamation for Models of fig.14k ............... 200
   26.4. Tameness ............................................. 201
   26.5. Instability and Non-tameness ......................... 202

Appendix A. Morley's Omitting Types Theorem ................... 205
Appendix B. Omitting Types in Uncountable Models .............. 211
Appendix C. Weak Diamonds ..................................... 217
Appendix D. Problems .......................................... 223

Bibliography .................................................. 227

Index ......................................................... 233

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