An introduction to optoelectronic sensors (Singapore, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAn introduction to optoelectronic sensors / ed. by G.C.Righini, A.Tajani, A.Cutolo. - Singapore: World Scientific, 2009. - xiii, 570 p.: ill. - (Series in optics and photonics; Vol.7). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.565-570. - ISBN 981-283-412-5; ISBN 978-981-283-412-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii

Part I: Optoelectronic Sensors Technologies

1  Fiber and Integrated Optics Sensors: Fundamentals and
   Applications ................................................. 1
      G.C. Righini, A.G. Mignani, I. Cacciari and M. Brenci
2  Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors: Industrial Applications ........ 34
      C. Ambrosino, A. Iadicicco, S. Campopiano, A. Cutolo,
      M. Giordano and A. Cusano
3  Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors ........................... 77
      R. Bernini, A. Minardo and L. Zeni
4  Lightwave Technologies for Interrogation Systems of Fiber
   Bragg Gratings Sensors ...................................... 95
      D. Donisi, R. Beccherelli and A. d'Alessandro
5  Surface Plasmon Resonance: Applications in Sensors and
   Biosensors ................................................. 111
      R. Rella and M. G. Manera
6  Microresonators for Sensing Applications ................... 126
      S. Berneschi, G. Nunzi Conti, S. Pelli and S. Soria
7  Photonic Crystals: Towards a Novel Generation of
   Integrated Optical Devices for Chemical and Biological 
   Detection .................................................. 146
      A. Ricciardi, C. Ciminelli, M. Pisco, S. Campopiano,
      C.E. Campanella, E. Scivittaro, M.N. Armenise,
      A. Cutolo and A. Cusano
8  Micromachining Technologies for Sensor Applications ........ 173
      P.M. Sarro, A. Irace and P.J. French
9  Spectroscopic Techniques for Sensors ....................... 197
      S. Pelli, A. Chiasera, M. Ferrari and G.С. Righini
10 Laser Doppler Vibrometry ................................... 216
      P. Castellini, G. M. Revel and E. P. Tomasini
11 Laser Doppler Velocimetry .................................. 230
      N. Paone, L. Scalise and E.P. Tomasini
12 Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Using Semiconductor Lasers ...... 257
      M. Lugarà, A. Elia and C. Di Franco
13 Digital Holography: A non-Destructive Technique for
   Inspection of MEMS ......................................... 281
      G. Coppola, S. Grilli, P. Ferraro, S. De Nicola and
      A. Finizio
14 Infrared Detectors ......................................... 303
      C. Corsi
15 Terahertz: The Far-IR Challenge ............................ 328
      M. Dispenza, A.M. Fiorello, A. Secchi and M. Varasi
16 Sensing by Squeezed States of Light ........................ 358
      V. D'Auria, A. Porzio and S. Solimeno

Part II - Application Areas

17 Fiber Optic Sensors in Structural Health Monitoring ....... 378
      M. Giordano, J. Sharawi Nasser, M. Zarrelli, A. 
      Cusano and A. Cutolo
18 Electro-optic and Micromachined Gyroscopes ................ 403
      V. Annovazzi-Lodi, S. Merlo, M. Norgia, G. Spinola,
      B. Vigna and S. Zerbini
19 Optical Sensors in Medicine ............................... 423
      F. Baldini
20 Environmental and Atmospheric Monitoring by LIDAR 
   Systems ................................................... 442
       A. Palucci
21 Laser-based In Situ Gas Sensors for Environmental 
   Monitoring ................................................ 468
      M. De Rosa, G. Gagliardi, P. Maddaloni, P. Malara, 
      A. Rocco and P. De Natale
22 Laser Welding Process Monitoring Systems: Advanced 
   Signal Analysis for Quality Assurance ..................... 494
      G. D'Angelo
23 Applications of Optical Sensors to the Detection of 
   Light Scattered from Gelling Systems ...................... 515
      D. Bulone, M. Manno, P.L. San Biagio and
      V. Martorana
24 Contactless Characterization for Electronic
   Applications .............................................. 536
      L. Rossi, G. Breglio, A. Irace and A. Cutolo

Index ........................................................ 565

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