Fischer R.E. Optical system design (New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFischer R.E. Optical system design / R.E.Fischer, B.Tadic-Galeb, P.R.Yoder; with contributions by R.Galeb et al. - 2nd ed. - New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. - xv, 809 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.785-786. - Ind.: p.789-809. - ISBN 978-0-07-147248-7

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ................................................... ХIII
   Acknowledgments ............................................. xv
Chapter 1.  Basic Optics and Optical System Specifications ...... 1
   The Purpose of an Imaging Optical System ..................... 1
   How to Specify Your Optical System: Basic Parameters ......... 4
   Basic Definition of Terms ................................... 11
   Useful First-Order Relationships ............................ 15
Chapter 2.  Stops and Pupils and Other Basic Principles ........ 29
   The Role of the Aperture Stop ............................... 29
   Entrance and Exit Pupils .................................... 31
   Vignetting .................................................. 32

Chapter 3.  Diffraction, Aberrations, and Image Quality ........ 35

   What Image Quality Is All About ............................. 35
   What Are Geometrical Aberrations and Where Do They Come 
      From? .................................................... 36
   What Is Diffraction? ........................................ 40
   Diffraction-Limited Performance ............................. 43
   Derivation of System Specifications ......................... 45

Chapter 4.  The Concept of Optical Path Difference ............. 49

   Optical Path Difference (OPD) and the Rayleigh Criteria ..... 49
   Peak-to-Valley and RMS Wavefront Error ...................... 52
   The Wave Aberration Polynomial .............................. 55
   Depth of Focus .............................................. 56

Chapter 5.  Review of Specific Geometrical Aberrations and 
            How to Get Rid of Them ............................. 59
   Spherical Aberration ........................................ 60
   Coma ........................................................ 72
   Astigmatism ................................................. 75
   Field Curvature and the Role of Field Lenses ................ 78
   Distortion .................................................. 85
   Axial Color ................................................. 89
   Lateral Color ............................................... 90
   Parametric Analysis of Aberrations Introduced by Plane 
      Parallel Plates .......................................... 91

Chapter 6.  Glass Selection (Including Plastics) ............... 95

   Material Properties Overview ................................ 95
   The Glass Map and Partial Dispersion ........................ 96
   Parametric Examples of Glass Selection ..................... 102
   How to Select Glass ........................................ 106
   Plastic Optical Materials .................................. 109
   A Visual Aid to Glass Selection ............................ 111

Chapter 7.  Spherical and Aspheric Surfaces ................... 115

   Definition of an Aspheric Surface .......................... 115
   Conic Surfaces ............................................. 117
   Application of Aspheric Surfaces in Reflective and 
      Refractive Systems ...................................... 119
   Guidelines in the Use of Aspheric Surfaces ................. 124
   Specification of Aspheric Surfaces ......................... 126

Chapter 8.  Design Forms ...................................... 129

   Introduction ............................................... 129
   System Configurations for Refractive Systems ............... 131
   System Configurations for Reflective Systems ............... 138
   Reflective Systems, Relative Merits ........................ 144
   Refractive Systems, Relative Merits ........................ 146
   Mirrors and Prisms ......................................... 147
   Design of Visual Systems ................................... 155

Chapter 9.  The Optical Design Process ........................ 167

   What Do We Do When We Optimize a Lens System? .............. 168
   How Does the Designer Approach the Optical Design Task? .... 171
   Sample Lens Design Problem ................................. 176

Chapter 10. Computer Performance Evaluation ................... 179

   What Is Meant by Performance Evaluation .................... 179
   What Is Resolution? ........................................ 180
   Ray Trace Curves ........................................... 181
   Spot Diagrams .............................................. 187
   Optical Path Difference .................................... 189
   Encircled Energy ........................................... 189
   MTF ........................................................ 191

Chapter 11. Gaussian Beam Imagery ............................. 199

   Beam Waist and Beam Divergence ............................. 201
   Collimation of Laser Beams ................................. 203
   Propagation of Gaussian Beams and Focusing into a Small 
      Spot .................................................... 204
   Truncation of a Gaussian Beam .............................. 205
   Application of Gaussian Beam Optics in Laser Systems ....... 208
   F-6 Lenses in Laser Scanners ............................... 211
Chapter 12. Basics of Thermal Infrared Imaging in the 3- to 
            5- and 8- to 12-цт Spectral Bands (Plus UV 
            Optics] ........................................... 213

   The Basics of Thermal Infrared Imaging ..................... 213
   The Dewar, Cold Stop, and Cold Shield ...................... 217
   Cold Stop Efficiency ....................................... 219
   Scanning Methods ........................................... 222
   IR Materials ............................................... 229
   Reduced Aberrations with IR Materials ...................... 236
   Image Anomalies ............................................ 239
   Athermalization ............................................ 246
   System Design Examples ..................................... 250
   Optical Systems for the UV ................................. 255

Chapter 13.  Diffractive Optics ............................... 259

   Introduction ............................................... 259
   The Many Faces of Diffractive Optics ....................... 262
   What Design and Modeling Tools Should I Use? ............... 277
   How Are Diffractives Fabricated? ........................... 287
   Where Are Diffractives Used? ............................... 308
   References ................................................. 318

Chapter 14.  Design of Illumination Systems ................... 321

   Introduction ............................................... 321
   Kohler and Abbe Illumination ............................... 322
   Optical Invariant and Etendue .............................. 324
   Other Types of Illumination Systems ........................ 329

Chapter 15.  Performance Evaluation and Optical Testing ....... 333

   Testing with the Standard 1951 U.S. Air Force Target ....... 333
   The Modulation Transfer Function ........................... 337
   Interferometry ............................................. 340
   Other Tests ................................................ 344

Chapter 16.  Tolerancing and Producibility .................... 347

   Introduction ............................................... 347
   What Are Testplates and Why Are They Important? ............ 348
   How to Tolerance an Optical System ......................... 353
   How Image Degradations from Different Tolerances Are 
      Summed .................................................. 356
   Forms of Tolerances ........................................ 359
   Adjusting Parameters ....................................... 364
   Typical Tolerances for Various Cost Models ................. 366
   Example of Tolerance Analysis .............................. 367
   Surface Irregularities ..................................... 374
   How Does Correlation Relate to Performance? ................ 376
   Effect to Spot Diameter .................................... 377
   Effect to MTF: The Optical Quality Factor .................. 379
   Beam Diameter and Surface Irregularity ..................... 383
   The Final Results .......................................... 384

Chapter 17. Optomechanical Design ............................. 389

   Environmental Considerations ............................... 389
   Applicable Design Guidelines ............................... 393
   Environmental Testing Methods .............................. 393
   Mechanical Parameters and Properties ....................... 393
   Typical Mechanical Property Values for Selected
      Materials ............................................... 394
   Structural Design .......................................... 396
   Vibration, Self-Weight Deflection, and Fundamental
      Frequency ............................................... 398
   Shock ...................................................... 400
   Rigid Housing Configurations ............................... 400
   Modular Construction ....................................... 401
   Support Structure Configurations ........................... 405
   Establishing Axial and Lateral Preload Requirements ........ 414
   Spherical and Crowned Lens Rims ............................ 415
   Interfaces for Other Optical Components .................... 416
   Individual Lens Mounting Techniques ........................ 419
   Surface Contact Interface Shapes ........................... 426
   Mounting Windows, Shells, and Domes ........................ 429
   Stress Consequences of Axial Preload ....................... 434
   Temperature Effects on Axial Preload ....................... 436
   Radial Stresses and Their Variations with Temperature ...... 439
   Bending Effects in Rotationally Symmetric Optics ........... 439
   Multiple-Component Lens Assemblies ......................... 441
   Incorporating Prisms into the Design ....................... 452
   Mirror Mountings ........................................... 459
   Mechanical Athermalization Techniques ...................... 467
   References ................................................. 476
Chapter 18.  Optical Manufacturing Considerations ............. 479

   Material ................................................... 480
   Manufacturing .............................................. 485
   Special Fabrication Considerations ......................... 492
   Relative Manufacturing Cost ................................ 502
   Sourcing Considerations .................................... 502
   Conclusion ................................................. 504

Chapter 19.  Polarization Issues in Optical Design ............ 507

   Introduction ............................................... 507
   Introduction to Polarization ............................... 508
   The Mathematical Description of Polarized Light ............ 513
   Some Polarization Phenomena ................................ 523
   Polarization Control Nuts and Bolts ........................ 535
   Polarization Analysis of an Optical System ................. 555
   Minimizing Polarization Problems in Optical Design ......... 559
   Polarization as a Tool in Optical System Design ............ 560
   Summary .................................................... 565
   Bibliography ............................................... 567

Chapter 20. Optical Thin Films ................................ 569

   Introduction ............................................... 569
   Designing Optical Coatings ................................. 570
   Various Categories of Optical Coatings ..................... 571
   Optical Coating Process .................................... 578
   Coating Performance Versus Number of Layers ................ 582
   Specifying Coating Requirements ............................ 583
   Relationship Between Production Cost, Tolerances, and
      Quality ................................................. 584
   Bibliography ............................................... 585

Chapter 21. Hardware Design Issues ............................ 587

   Off-the-Shelf Optics ....................................... 587
   How to Effectively Work with Off-the-Shelf Optics .......... 589
   Working with Off-the-Shelf Singlets and Doublets ........... 590
   Example of Lens Used at Conjugates Different from What It
      Was Designed ............................................ 591
   Pupil Matching ............................................. 594
   Development of a Lab Mockup Using Off-the-Shelf Optics ..... 595
   Stray Light Control ........................................ 595
   Optomechanical Design ...................................... 600

Chapter 22. Lens Design Optimization Case Studies ............. 603

   Error Function Construction ................................ 603
   Achromatic Doublet Lens Design ............................. 605
   Double Gauss Lens Design ................................... 610
   Digital Camera Lens ........................................ 632
   Binocular Design ........................................... 642
   Parametric Design Study of Simple Lenses Using Advanced
      Manufacturing Methods ................................... 646
   Design Data for Double Gauss ............................... 655

Chapter 23. Optical Sensor Systems Modeling and Analysis ...... 659

   Introduction ............................................... 659
   Image Formation ............................................ 660
   Detector Arrays ............................................ 663
   Optical System Noise Characteristics ....................... 669
   Color Sensors .............................................. 691
   Electronic Correction ...................................... 696
   Camera Connectivity ........................................ 697
   Bibliography ............................................... 701

Chapter 24. Stray Light and Optical Scattering ................ 703

   Introduction ............................................... 703
   Stray Light Scatter Sources ................................ 703
   Types of Scatter ........................................... 711
   Modeling and Analysis Techniques ........................... 713
   Veiling Glare .............................................. 715
   Cleanliness ................................................ 716
   Suppression Techniques ..................................... 717
   Bright Field and Dark Field ................................ 731
   How to Avoid Unwanted Stray Light .......................... 736
   Bibliography ............................................... 737
   Color Sensors .............................................. 691
   Electronic Correction ...................................... 696
   Camera Connectivity ........................................ 697
   Bibliography ............................................... 701
   Introduction ............................................... 703
   Stray Light Scatter Sources ................................ 703
   Types of Scatter ........................................... 711
   Modeling and Analysis Techniques ........................... 713
   Veiling Glare .............................................. 715
   Cleanliness ................................................ 716
   Suppression Techniques ..................................... 717
   Bright Field and Dark Field ................................ 731
   How to Avoid Unwanted Stray Light .......................... 736
   Bibliography ............................................... 737

Chapter 25. Bloopers and Blunders in Optics ................... 739

   Distortion in a 1:1 Imaging Lens ........................... 739
   Zoom Periscope ............................................. 740
   Sign of Distortion ......................................... 742
   Lens Elements That Are Not Necessary ....................... 744
   Pupil Problems ............................................. 744
   Not Enough Light ........................................... 745
   Athermalization Using Teflon ............................... 746
   Athermalization Specifications ............................. 746
   Bad Glass Choice ........................................... 747
   Elements in Backward ....................................... 747
   Insufficient Sampling of Fields of View or Aperture ........ 748
   Images Upside Down or Rotated .............................. 749
   The Hubble Telescope Null Lens Problem ..................... 750
   Wrong Glass Type in a Precision Lens System ................ 755
   Single Use Camera with a Diffractive Achromat .............. 755
   Wrong Image Handedness ..................................... 756
   Cemented Triplet as Part of an Imaging System .............. 757
   Total Internal Reflection in a Cube Beamsplitter ........... 758
   Diffractive Optics Issues .................................. 760
   Case of the Miscoated Mangin ............................... 763
   Telescopes and Polarization ................................ 765
   Chapter 26.     Rule of Thumb and Hints .................... 767
   General Optical Design Topics .............................. 767
   Optomechanical Topics ...................................... 770
   Diffractive Optics ......................................... 772

   Glossary ................................................... 775

   Bibliography ............................................... 785

   Index ...................................................... 787

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