ASM handbook; 19 (Materials Park, 1996 (2007)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаASM handbook. Vol.19: Fatigue and fracture / prepared under the direction of the ASM International Handbook Committee; techn. ed. S.R.Lampman; ed. assist. A.Hammel et al. - Materials Park: ASM International, 1996 (2007). - xi, 1057 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.1005-1057. - ISBN-10 0-87170-385-8; ISBN-13 978-0-87170-385-9

Оглавление / Contents
Section 1: Introduction	......................................... 1

Industrial Significance of Fatigue Problems ..................... 3
Fracture and Structure .......................................... 5
Fatigue Properties in Engineering .............................. 15
Alloy Design for Fatigue and Fracture .......................... 27
Micromechanisms of Monotonic and Cyclic Crack Growth ........... 42

Section 2: Fatigue Mechanisms, Crack Growth, and Testing ....... 61

Fatigue Failure in Metals ...................................... 63
Cyclic Stress-Strain Response and Microstructure ............... 73
Fatigue Crack Nucleation and Microstructure .................... 96
Fatigue Crack Growth under Variable-Amplitude Loading ......... 110
Fatigue Crack Thresholds ...................................... 134
Behavior of Small Fatigue Cracks .............................. 153
Effect of Crack Shape on Fatigue Crack Growth ................. 159
Fatigue Crack Growth Testing .................................. 168
Appendix: High-Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Testing ....... 181
Mechanisms of Corrosion Fatigue ............................... 185
Corrosion Fatigue Testing ..................................... 193
Detection and Monitoring of Fatigue Cracks .................... 210

Section 3: Fatigue Strength Prediction and Analysis ........... 225

Fundamentals of Modern Fatigue Analysis for Design ............ 227
Estimating Fatigue Life ....................................... 250
Multiaxial Fatigue Strength ................................... 263
Factors Influencing Weldment Fatigue .......................... 274
Fatigue of Mechanically Fastened Joints ....................... 287
Statistical Considerations in Fatigue ......................... 295
Planning and Evaluation of Fatigue Tests ...................... 303
Surface Effects on Fatigue
Effect of Surface Conditions and Processing on Fatigue
   Performance ................................................ 314
Fretting Fatigue .............................................. 321
Contact Fatigue ............................................... 331
Fatigue of Special Forms or Components 
Fatigue and Fracture Control for Powder Metallurgy 
   Components ................................................ 337
Fatigue and Life Prediction of Gears ......................... 345
Fatigue and Life Prediction of Bearings ...................... 355
Fatigue of Springs ........................................... 363

Section 4: Fracture Mechanics, Damage Tolerance, and Life
           Assessment ........................................ 369

An Introduction to Fracture Mechanics ........................ 371
Fracture Resistance of Structural Alloys ..................... 381
Fracture Toughness Testing ................................... 393
Concepts of Fracture Control and Damage Tolerance ............ 410
The Practice of Damage Tolerance Analysis .................... 420
Residual Strength of Metal Structures ........................ 427
Fatigue and Fracture Control of Weldments .................... 434
Fracture Mechanics in Failure Analysis ....................... 450
Stress Maps for Failure Control .............................. 457
Failure Control in Process Operations ........................ 468
Environmental Effects
Stress Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement ......... 483
Elevated-Temperature Crack Growth ............................ 507
High-Temperature Life Assessment ............................. 520
Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue of Structural 
   Alloys .................................................... 527
Damage Tolerance of Aircraft Systems
Life Extension and Damage Tolerance of Aging Aircraft ........ 557
Damage Tolerance Certification of Commercial Aircraft ........ 566
The Air Force Approach to Aircraft Damage Tolerant Design .... 577

Section 5: Fatigue and Fracture Resistance of Ferrous
           Alloys ............................................ 589

Fracture and Fatigue Properties of Structural Steels ......... 591
Fatigue Resistance and Microstructure of Ferrous Alloys ...... 605
Fracture Mechanics Properties of Carbon and Alloy Steels ..... 614
Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Cast Steels ............... 655
Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Cast Irons ................ 665
Bending Fatigue of Carburized Steels ......................... 680
Contact Fatigue of Hardened Steels ........................... 691
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics of Heat-Resistant (Cr-Mo)
   Ferritic Steels ........................................... 704
Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Stainless Steels .......... 712
Fracture Toughness of Austenitic Stainless Steels and Their
   Welds ..................................................... 733
Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Duplex Stainless Steels ... 757

Section 6: Fatigue and Fracture Resistance of Nonferrous
           Alloys ............................................ 769

Selecting Aluminum Alloys to Resist Failure by Fracture 
   Mechanisms ................................................ 771
Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Cast Aluminum Alloys ...... 813
Fatigue Strength of Aluminum Alloy Welds ..................... 823
Fatigue and Fracture Resistance of Titanium Alloys ........... 829
Fatigue and Fracture Properties of Superalloys ............... 854
Fatigue Properties of Copper Alloys .......................... 869
Fatigue and Fracture Resistance of Magnesium Alloys .......... 874
Fatigue of Solders and Electronic Materials .................. 882

Section 7: Fatigue and Fracture of Composites, Ceramics, 
           and Glasses ....................................... 893

Fracture and Fatigue of DRA Composites ....................... 895
Fatigue of Composite Laminates ............................... 905
Residual Strength with Damage in Composite Aircraft
   Structures ................................................ 920
Fatigue of Brittle Materials ................................. 936
Toughening and Strengthening Models for Nominally Brittle
   Materials ................................................. 946
Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Glasses ..................... 955

Appendices ................................................... 961

   Parameters for Estimating Fatigue Life .................... 963
   Stress Intensity Factors .................................. 980

Metric Conversion Guide	..................................... 1001

Abbreviations and Symbols ................................... 1003

Index ....................................................... 1005

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