ASM handbook; 11 (Materials Park, 2002 (2007)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаASM handbook. Vol.11: Failure analysis and prevention / prepared under the direction of the ASM International Handbook Committee; vol. ed. W.T.Becker, R.J.Shipley. - Materials Park: ASM International, 2002 (2007). - xiv, 1164 p.: ill.: - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.1090-1164. - ISBN-10 0-87170-704-7; ISBN-13 978-087170-704-8

Оглавление / Contents
For a more detailed Table of Contents ........................... x

Engineering Aspects of Failure and Prevention ................... 1
Chairperson: James Scutti

Introduction to Failure Analysis and Prevention ................. 3
Materials Selection for Failure Prevention ..................... 24
Design Review for Failure Analysis and Prevention .............. 40
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis ............................. 50
Reliability-Centered Maintenance ............................... 60
Products Liability and Design .................................. 71

Manufacturing Aspects of Failure and Prevention ................ 79

Failures Related to Metalworking ............................... 81
Failures Related to Casting ................................... 103
Failures Related to Welding ................................... 156
Failures Related to Heat Treating Operations .................. 192

Structural Life Assessment Methods ............................ 225
Chairperson: Dan Benac

Failure Analysis and Life Assessment of Structural
Components and Equipment ...................................... 227
Failure Assessment Diagrams ................................... 243
Analysis Methods for Probabilistic Life Assessment ............ 250
Nondestructive Evaluation and Life Assessment ................. 269
Fatigue-Life Assessment ....................................... 276
Elevated-Temperature Life Assessment for Turbine Components,
Piping, and Tubing ............................................ 289

Principles and Practice of Failure AnalysiS ................... 313
Chairpersons: Debbie Aliya, Aaron Tanzer, and Steve

The Failure Analysis Process: An Overview ..................... 315
Organization of a Failure Investigation ....................... 324
Conducting a Failure Examination .............................. 333
Determination and Classification of Damage .................... 343
Examination of Damage and Material Evaluation ................. 351
Modeling and Accident Reconstruction .......................... 371
Finite Element Modeling in Failure Analysis ................... 380

Tools and Techniques in Failure Analysis ...................... 391

Practices in Failure Analysis ................................. 393
Photography in Failure Analysis ............................... 418
Chemical Analysis of Metals in Failure Analysis ............... 429
Characterization of Plastics in Failure Analysis .............. 437
Stress Analysis and Fracture Mechanics ........................ 460
X-Ray Diffraction Residual Stress Measurement in Failure
   Analysis ................................................... 484
Metallographic Techniques in Failure Analysis ................. 498
Scanning Electron Microscopy .................................. 516
Chemical Characterization of Surfaces ......................... 527
Quantitative Fractography ..................................... 538

Fracture ...................................................... 557
Chairperson: William Becker

Fracture Appearance and Mechanisms of Deformation and 
   Fracture ................................................... 559
Mechanisms and Appearances of Ductile and Brittle Fracture
   in Metals .................................................. 587
Fatigue Fracture Appearances .................................. 627
Intergranular Fracture ........................................ 641
Fracture of Plastics .......................................... 650
Fracture Modes and Appearances in Ceramics .................... 662
Overload Failures ............................................. 671
Fatigue Failures .............................................. 700
Creep and Stress Rupture Failures ............................. 728
Thermomechanical Fatigue: Mechanisms and Practical Life 
   Analysis ................................................... 738

Corrosion-Related Failures .................................... 747
Chairperson: Ron Parrington

Analysis and Prevention of Corrosion-Related Failures ......... 749
Forms of Corrosion ............................................ 761
Effect of Environment on the Performance of Plastics .......... 796
Corrosion Failures of Industrial Refractories and Technical
   Ceramics ................................................... 800
Hydrogen Damage and Embrittlement ............................. 809
Stress-Corrosion Cracking ..................................... 823
Liquid Metal and Solid Metal Induced Embrittlement ............ 861
High-Temperature Corrosion-Related Failures ................... 868
Biological Corrosion Failures ................................. 881

Wear Failures ................................................. 899
Chairpersons: Jeff Hawk and Richard Wilson

Fundamentals of Wear Failures ................................. 901
Abrasive Wear Failures ........................................ 906
Fretting Wear Failures ........................................ 922
Rolling Contact Fatigue ....................................... 941
Rolling-Contact Fatigue of Ceramics ........................... 957
Impact Wear Failures .......................................... 965
Spalling from Impact Events ................................... 975
Corrosive Wear Failures ....................................... 989
Erosive Wear Failures ......................................... 995
Cavitation Erosion ........................................... 1002
Liquid-Impact Erosion ........................................ 1013
Wear Failures of Plastics .................................... 1019
Wear Failures of Reinforced Polymers ......................... 1028
Distortion ................................................... 1045
Analysis of Distortion and Deformation ....................... 1047
Reference Information ........................................ 1059
Glossary ..................................................... 1061
Metric Conversion Guide ...................................... 1078
Abbreviations and Symbols .................................... 1081
Directory of Examples of Failure Analysis .................... 1084
Index ........................................................ 1090

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