Contributors page ............................................. vii
Editor's acknowledgements .................................... viii
Introduction: the new physics for the twenty-first century ...... 1
Part I
Matter and the Universe ........................................ 11
1. Cosmology .................................................. 13
Wendy L. Freedman and Edward W. Kolb
2. Gravity .................................................... 41
Ronald Adler
3. The new astronomy .......................................... 69
Arnon Dar
4. Particles and the Standard Model ........................... 86
Chris Quigg
5. Superstring theory ........................................ 119
Michael B. Green
Part II
Quantum matter ................................................ 143
6. Manipulating atoms with photons ........................... 145
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and Jean Dalibard
7. The quantum world of ultra-cold atoms ..................... 171
William Phillips and Christopher Foot
8. Superfluids ............................................... 200
Henry Hall
9. Quantum phase transitions ................................. 229
Subir Sachdev
Part III
Quanta in action .............................................. 255
10. Essential quantum entanglement ............................ 257
Anton Zeilinger
11. Quanta, ciphers, and computers ............................ 268
Artur Ekert
12. Small-scale structures and "nanoscience" .................. 284
Yoseph Imry
10. Part IV
Calculation and computation ............................... 309
13. Physics of chaotic systems ................................ 311
Henry D. I. Abarbanel
14. Complex systems ........................................... 334
Antonio Politi
15. Collaborative physics, e-Science, and the Grid - realizing
Licklider's dream ......................................... 370
Tony Hey and Anne Trefethen
Part V
Science in action ............................................. 403
16. Biophysics and biomolecular materials ..................... 405
Cyrus R. Safinya
17. Medical physics ........................................... 444
Nikolaj Pavel
18. Physics of materials ...................................... 481
Robert Cahn
19. Physics and Society ....................................... 505
Ugo Amaldi
Index ......................................................... 532