Challenges of economic sciences in the 21st century (Belgrade, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаChallenges of economic sciences in the 21st century / ed. by J.-P.Guichard et al. - Belgrade: Institute of Economic Sciences, 2008. - xii, 801 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. – ISBN 978-86-80315-79-9

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi


Influence of Distribution Channel on Development of 
Agricultural Sector Case: Agricultural Sector of Herzegovina .... 3
Sanja Bijakšić, Sandra Jelčić
Determinants of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Country-image ......... 10
Nenad Brkić, Denis Berberović, Melnisa Šabović
Istrian Sustainable Tourism Destinations ....................... 19
Jasmina Gržinić
Sustainable Development in Term of Spa and Rural Tourism in 
Serbia ......................................................... 28
Vladana Hamović, Drago Cvijanović, Željko Arsenijević
Process of Fiscal Decentralisation in the Slovak Republic in
Comparison with Chosen Countries ............................... 33
Lenka Horváthová, Marianna Neupauerová
Possibilities of Implementing "Flexicurity" Concept in 
Western Balkans Countries ...................................... 41
Maja Jandrić
Gravity Model and International Trade: the Case of OECD
Countries ...................................................... 49
Mislav Jošić
Fair Industry and Participant Satisfaction ..................... 56
Miodrag Koprivica
Infrastructure and Service Providing Companies Business 
Activities ..................................................... 62
Dušan Kostić, Božo Drašković, Zoran Rajкоvić
The Use of Factor and Cluster Analysis to Support Regional
Development Policy and Adoption of Nuts Classification in 
Bosnia and Herzegovina ......................................... 70
Jasmina Osmanković, Rabija Somun, Emina Resić, Muamer 
Farm Level Income Impact of Using GM Technology ................ 77
Tatjana Papić
The Causes of Limited Success and Mutual Differences in 
Post-communist Transition Among the Countries of South-
Eastern Europe ................................................. 84
Milenko Petrović
Transitional Pains of the Serbian Industry ..................... 95
Ljubodrag Savić
Accountancy as a Means of Strenghtening Farmers'
Competitiveness ............................................... 103
Duško Šnjegota
Economic Crisis and Crisis of Economics Thought (What about 
if Friedman was wrong?) ....................................... 115
Dragoljub Stojanov, Vinko Kandžija
Privatization and Restructuring of Serbian Economy Real and 
Banking Sector ................................................ 125
Ivan Stošić, Saša Stefanović, Gordana Vukotić-Cotič
Development of Dental Tourism in the Sarajevo Region .......... 132
Boris Tihi, Almir Peštek, Sanid Vlajčić
Minimum Wage and Average Wage in Slovakia ..................... 139
Renáta Vokorokosová
The Image of Leasing Services as a Factor in Increasing
Investment Activity in Countries in Transition ................ 145
Slobodan Vujić, Saša Vujić
The Free Movement of Capital Under the Stabilisation and 
Association Agreement ......................................... 154
Jovan Zafiroski
Models of Public Administration Reform: Which to Choose for
Serbia? ....................................................... 162
Jelena Žarković-Rakić, Milena Lazarević
Economic and Political Cooperation in the Region of
Southeastern Europe Within the Framework of the CEFTA
Agreement ..................................................... 170
Mina Zirojević, Sanja Jelisavac
Organic Food Market Development - The Case of Serbia .......... 179
Jovan Zubović, Ivana Domazet

ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SME ACTIVITIES ........................... 191

Entrepreneurship Dynamics Conceptualized Through Regional
Economic Systems .............................................. 193
Marika Basheska-Gjorgjieska, Aleksandar Gjuroski
Women Entrepreneurship in Science and Technology: Impetus 
for Female Participation in National Development in Nigeria ... 201
J.B. Bilesanmi-Awoderu, O.O. Kalesanwo
The Necessity of a New Legal Framework for the 
Reorganisation of the Cooperatives ............................ 207
Sonja Bunčić
Accountant Analysis Tools in Function of Qualitative Company 
Management .................................................... 213
Rifet Đogić
Service Economy and Tourism with Special View on Rural 
Tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina ............................. 221
Aleksandar Djurić, Tatjana Vujić, Ferhat Ćejvanović
Female Entrepreneurship in Serbia ............................. 227
Radmila Grozdanić, Mirjana Radović-Marković, Milanka Vučić
The Different Form of Financing Small and Medium-Sized 
Enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina ......................... 238
Zijad Džafić, Adnan Rovčanin, Nermin Klopić
The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises for Economy
Development ................................................... 245
Miroslav Gveroski, Aneta Risteska
Using Free Software Solutions to Improve Micro - and Small 
Business Bottom-line .......................................... 251
Aida Habul, Zoltan Milić
Business Dressing and Culture ................................. 257
Ana Langović-Milićević, Tatjana Cvetkovski, Zlatko Langović,
Violeta Cvetkovska-Ocokoljić
Marketing Mix Application in Degree-granting Educational
Institutions .................................................. 261
Biljana Lazić
Entrepreneurship - Development Factor in Transitional 
Economies ..................................................... 268
Svetislav Paunović
Microcredit as a Cure for Poverty: The Case of Serbia ......... 274
Bojana Radovanović
Development and Features of Female Self-employment in Bosnia-
Herzegovina ................................................... 279
Mirjana Radović-Marković, Snežana Lekić
Women and Informal Activities in Transitional Countries and 
Serbia: Old and New Views ..................................... 284
Mirjana Radović-Marković
Women Activism in Nepal Micro Credit Movement Towards 
Selfreliants Economy and Happiness ............................ 291
Raghu Bir Bista
In Tune With Business Entrepreneurial Opinion on "In Tune
With Business" Programme ...................................... 301
Peter Szirmai, Katalin Mihalkov Szakács
Doing Business - The Challenges of Establishing Small and
Medium Enterprises in Bosnia-Herzegovina ...................... 310
Mira Šunjic-Beus, Danijcla Martinović, Ljiljan Veselinović
Development of Entrepreneurship and the SME Sectors in 
South-Eastern Europe .......................................... 318
Antal Szabó
The Influence of Marketing Activities of Small Enterprises 
on Economic Growth and Development ............................ 327
Igor Trandafilović, Srdjan Žikić, Marija
Vidanović, Suzana Živković
Entrepreneurship Environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina in
International Perspective ..................................... 331
Bahrija Umihanić, Rasim Tulumović
Female Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Growth: A Case of
Countries in Transition ....................................... 339
Mirjana Radović-Marković, Imani Silver Kyaruzi


Global Standard 1 (GSl): Key E-Business Performance in the 
Supply Chain Management ....................................... 343
Slobodan Acimović, Ivana Stojanović
Regional Differences in Human Capital: The Case of Croatia .... 351
Ana Aleksić, Fran Galetić, Ivana Načinović
The Okun Law and its Application to the Portuguese Economy .... 360
João Sousa Andrade
Strategic Management Planning as a Tool in Advanced Local 
Governments ................................................... 372
Zvonko Brnjas, Dejan Erić, Ivan Stošić
Accounting Case as an Application of the Graph Theory ......... 379
Jozef Bucko, Vladimir Gazda, Radoslav Tušan
A Comparative Analysis of Internet Banking in Bosnia and 
Hercegovina and Serbia ........................................ 388
Marija Čutura, Igor Živko
Taxpayer Services as a Part of E-Government ................... 394
Mališa Đukić
Factors Determining Modes of Entry of MVNO on Southeast 
Europe Mobile Communications Market ........................... 402
Anto Domazet, Nadžida Sarić
Human Resource Management - Developing Force of Tourist 
Industry ...................................................... 409
Marija Džopalić, Jovan Zubović, Ivana Domazet 
The E-Logistics System ........................................ 417
Dragan Ilić
Challenges of Strategic Marketing in XXI Century .............. 424
Karolina Ilieska
Human Resources Management .................................... 428
Dejan Ječmenica
New Ways of Increasing Nation Wealth in the Creative Age ...... 433
Biserka Komnenić, Hristina Mikić
Human Capital Management in Fair Events Organization .......... 441
Vasilj Koprivica
Consulting Services as a Factor of Economy Knowledge
Development ................................................... 446
Branko Mihailović, Zoran Simonović, Vesna Paraušić
Human Capital Management ...................................... 453
Dragan Mihajlović, Biljana Ilić
Individual Versus Composite Indexes for Digital Divide 
Measuring ..................................................... 457
Đorđe Mitrović
Creative Industries, Creative Economy and Knowledge Economy:
The Holly Trinity of a New Economic Growth Paradigm ........... 463
Saša Popović
Challenging Human Capital Measurement - Learning Process ...... 471
Živka Pržulj, Gordana Vukelić, Marija 
Vuksan Delić
Appliance of the Concept of Learning Organization in 
Developing Tourism of Bosnia and Herzegovina .................. 476
Zijada Rahimić, Amra Kožo
E-Presentation of Accounting Information ...................... 486
Andijana Rogošić, Branka Ramljak, Ivana Bilić
Is It Possible to Teach Leadership? ........................... 493
Laurent Lapierre, Pierre-Péladeau, Dragan Milinkovic Fimon

IN THE EUROPEAN FINANCIAL SYSTEM .............................. 499

Financial Sector Restructuring and Integration of Western
Balkan Countries in the European Financial System ............. 501
Claude Berthomieu, Jean-Charles Briquet-Laugier, Irina
Syssoyeva (Masson)
Testing Convergence in Europe: The Case of Integration of 
Balkan Countries in the European Financial System ............. 510
Fabienne Bonetto, Anna Tykhonenko, Srdjan Redžepagić
The Relationship Between Bank and SME: Evolution After Basel
Capital Accord 2 .............................................. 521
Valter Cantino
Underground Banking: Legitimate Network or Money Laundering 
System? ....................................................... 530
Bojan Đordević
The World Financial Crisis and Effects on Serbian Financial 
Sector ........................................................ 538
Dorde Đukić, Mališa Đukić
Comparative Analysis of Bank Concentration in Selected South
East European Countries ....................................... 544
Kesnija Dumičić, Anite Čeh Časni, Irena Čibarić
Interdependence of Development of Financial Markets and 
Efficiency of Monetary-Credit Instrumentarium ................. 555
Milenko Dželetović, Slobodan Rakić, Andrea Andrejević
Private Equity Funds as Possible Source of Capital for SMEs
in Transitional Economies- Case of Serbia ..................... 562
Dejan Erić, Saša Stefanović, Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović
The Main Feature of B&H Financial Structure and Integration 
in EU Financial System ........................................ 570
Mila Gadžić, Igor Živko
La crise, l'Europe et les Balkans ............................. 577
Jean-Paul Guichard
Effects of Capital Account Liberalization on Interest Rates
in Croatia .................................................... 583
Tomislav Herceg, Fran Galetić
Deficiencies of Regional Securities Supervisors' Operational 
Independence with Particular Focus on the Serbian Securities
Commission .................................................... 591
Tatjana Jovanić
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: the Role of
Domestic Financial Sector ..................................... 600
Gradimir Kožetinac
Competitiveness in Banking Sector of Serbia ................... 609
Marija Lazarević, Milica Mladenović
Global Financial Meltdown: What Went Wrong, What Is Still 
Going Wrong and What the Consequences Will Be? ................ 617
Marko Malović
Balance of Payment as the Indicator of B&H Economy Situation
and Its Trends ................................................ 625
Željko Marić
Applying MGARCH Models in Finance ............................. 633
Jelena Minović, Ivana Simeunović
Venture Capital in the Central and Eastern European 
Countries and Croatia ......................................... 642
Bojan Morić Milovanović, Tihana Šmitran, Dajana Cvrlje
World Economy Crisis, Financial Hurricane or Structural
Breakdown ..................................................... 651
Ismail Musabegović
Role and Comparative Efficiency of European Banks in 
Serbia's Financial Sector ..................................... 656
Anastasia Ri, Kamilya Suleymanova, Aleksandar Zdravković
Stock Exchange Indexes on World Market - Influences on 
Financial Markets of Western Balkan Countries ................. 664
Adnan Rovčanin, Sejfudin Zahirović, Jasmina Okičić
Public Debt and the Financial Integration of the Balkan 
Countries in the Financial European System .................... 675
Marius Samizafy
The Importance of Required Reserves for Banks Liquidity 
Maintenance ................................................... 684
Slavica Stevanović, Grozdana Belopavlović
Various Innovating Instruments of Financial Markets 
Recommended in Case of a Fall in the Underlying Asset Price ... 689
Vincent Šoltés, Michal Šoltés
Integration of Financial System of Republic Serbia into 
Financial System of EU- Banking: Trends and Challenges ........ 696
Nataša Tanjević
Housing Actualities and Development of Housing Finance in 
Croatia ....................................................... 703
Mladen Mirko Tepuš
Internationalization of the Shareholder Capital in Banks and
Creation of the New Financial Products in Serbia .............. 713
Milan Vujović, Hasan Hanić
Structural Characteristics and Profitability of Banking in
Selected Transition Economies ................................. 722
Vlastimir Vuković

SOCIAL AND CIVIL DIALOGUE ..................................... 731

The Process of Establishing a Better Quality Higher 
Education System in Serbia .................................... 733
Maja Ćirić, Sanja Ðurđić
At the Turns of Centuries and Millennia - Challenges of 
Globalization and the Technology of the Information Society ... 742
Slavenko Grgurević
Training and Education of Employees as a Factor Affecting 
Competitiveness of Companies .................................. 750
Lidija Lesko, Zdenko Klepić
Arts and Market Economy ....................................... 758
Dragan Milinkovic Fimon
Change Management for Implementation of Health Informatics 
Programs in Serbia ............................................ 768
Jane Paunković, Nebojša Paunković, Vesna Baltezrević, Srđan 
Žikić, Nenad Crnčević
Social Dialogue for More Effective Education and Human 
Resources Development in Montenegro ........................... 775
Mladen Perazić
Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders Theory in 
Context of Transitional Countries ............................. 785
Bahrija Umihanić, Dijana Husaković
Development of Industrial Frame for Corporate Governance in
Bosnia and Herzegovina ........................................ 791
Zdenko Klepić, Josipa Grbavac, Nikola Papac
Business Operation and Technology Strategy .................... 801
Besim Ćulahović, Zvonko Brnjas

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