Annual review of phytopathology; 48 (Palo Alto, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAnnual review of phytopathology. Vol.48 / ed. by N.K. van Alfen, G.Briening, J.E.Leach. - Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2010. - viii, 479 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-0-8243-1348-7; ISSN 0066-4286

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Оглавление / Contents
Go Where the Science Leads You
   Richard S. Hussey ............................................ 1
Induced Systemic Resistance and Plant Responses to Fungal
Biocontrol Agents
   Michal Shoresh, Gary E. Harman, and Fatemeh Mastouri ........ 21
Plant Proteins Involved in Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic
   Stanton B. Gelvin ........................................... 45
Cellular Remodeling During Plant Virus Infection
   Jean-François Laliberté and Hélène Sanfaçon ................. 69
The Strigolactone Story
   Xiaonan Xie, Kaori Yoneyama, and Koichi Yoneyama ............ 93
Current Epidemiological Understanding of Citrus Huanglongbing
   Tim R. Gottwald ............................................ 119
Pathogen Refuge: A Key to Understanding Biological Control
   Kenneth B. Johnson ......................................... 141
Companion Cropping to Manage Parasitic Plants
   John A. Pickett, Mary L. Hamilton, Antony M. Hooper, 
   Zeyaur R. Khan, and Charles A.O. Midega .................... 161
Principles of Predicting Plant Virus Disease Epidemics
   Roger A.C. Jones, Moin U. Salam, Timothy J. Maling, 
   Arthur J. Diggle, and Deborah J. Thackray .................. 179
Potyviruses and the Digital Revolution 
   Adrian Gibbs and Kazusato Ohshima .......................... 205
Role of Small RNAs in Host-Microbe Interactions
   Surekha Katiyar-Agarwal and Hailing Jin .................... 225
Quantitative Disease Resistance and Quantitative Resistance
Loci in Breeding
   Dina A.St. Clair ........................................... 247
Engineering Pathogen Resistance in Crop Plants: Current 
Trends and Future Prospects
   David B. Collinge, Hans J.L. Jørgensen, Ole S. Lund, and
   Michael E. Lyngkjær ........................................ 269
Plant Pathology: A Story About Biology
   Thomas R. Gordon and Johan H.J. Leveau ..................... 293
Managing Nematodes Without Methyl Bromide
   Inga A. Zasada, John M. Halbrendt, Nancy Kokalis-Burelle,
   James LaMondia, Michael V. McKenry, and Joe W. Noling ...... 311
Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis as a Pathogen Model
   Mary E. Coates and Jim L. Beynon ........................... 329
Playing the "Harp": Evolution of Our Understanding of 
hrp/hrc Genes
   Anastasia P. Tampakaki, Nicholas Skandalis, Anastasia 
   D. Gazi, Marina N. Bastaki, Panagiotis F. Sarris, 
   Spyridoula N. Charova, Michael Kokkinidis, and Nickolas
   J. Panopoulos .............................................. 347
Ecology of Plant and Free-Living Nematodes in Natural and
Agricultural Soil
   Deborah A. Neher ........................................... 371
Translational Research on Trichoderma: From 'Omics to 
the Field
   Matteo Lorito, Sheridan L. Woo, Gary E. Harman, and 
   Enrique Monte .............................................. 395
Xanthomonas AvrBs3 Family-Type III Effectors: Discovery
and Function
   Jens Boch and Ulla Bonas ................................... 419
Cowpea mosaic Virus: The Plant Virus-Based Biotechnology 
   Frank Sainsbury, M. Carmen Cañizares, and George P. 
   Lomonossoff ................................................ 437
Studying Plant-Pathogen Interactions in the Genomics Era:
Beyond Molecular Koch's Postulates to Systems Biology
   David J. Schneider and Alan Collmer ........................ 457

An online log of corrections to Annual Review of 
Phytopathology articles may be found at 
http ://phyto. annualreviews. org/

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