Forschungsbericht; 10-10 (Koln, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаProceedings of the 2nd international conference on transport, atmosphere and climate (TAC-2), Aachen, Germany, and Maastricht, the Netherlands, 22 to 25 june 2009 / ed. by R.Sausen, P.F.J. van Velthoven, C.Brüning, A.Blum; Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen. - Köln, 2010. - 258 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht; 10-10). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.257-258. - ISSN 1434-8454

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 3
Program Committee ............................................... 4
Table of Contents ............................................... 5
Conference Agenda ............................................... 9
List of Posters ................................................ 14
Opening address at the Second International Conference on 
Transport, Atmosphere and Climate, TAC-2, ...................... 16
Extended Abstracts ............................................. 19

An Overview of the NASA Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiment 
(AAFEX) ........................................................ 21
   Andreas Beyersdorf, Bruce Anderson, AAFEX Science Team
Effects of Alternative Fuels on Hydrocarbon and Particle 
Emissions from Aircraft Engines ................................ 26
   R.C. Miake-Lye, E.C. Wood, M.T. Timko, Z. Yu, 
   S.C. Herndon, B. Lee, G. Santoni, W.B. Knighton

Impact of atmospheric composition I

Transport and Transformation of Air Pollution from Road and 
Ship Transport - Joint Analysis of Regional Scale
Impacts and Interactions ....................................... 33
   G. Gadzhev, K. Ganev, G. Jordanov, N. Miloshev, 
   A. Todorova, D. Syrakov, M. Prodanova
Characterisation of particulate matter and gaseous emissions
from a large ship diesel engine ................................ 38
   Jana Moldanová, Erik Fridell, Olga Popovicheva, Benjamin
   Demirdjian, Victoria Tishkova, Alessandro Faccinetto, 
   Cristian Focsa

Clouds and cloud effects

Trends in man-made and natural cirrus clouds for the period
1984-2004 ...................................................... 45
   Kostas Eleftheratos, Christos S. Zerefos, Patrick Minnis
Ice nucleation on soot in contrails and cirrus: laboratory
view ........................................................... 51
   O.B. Popovicheva, P.J. DeMott, K.A. Koehler, 
   S.M. Kreidenweis, M.D. Petters, С.М. Carrico, N. Shonija,
   E. Kireeva
Detection of young contrails - selected results from 'the 
CONCERT (CONtrail and Cirrus ExpeRimenT) campaign .............. 57
   C. Voigt, U. Schumann, T. Jurkat, D. Schäuble,
   H. Schlager, M. Lichtenstern, M. Scheibe, T. Hamburger, 
   A. Petzold, F. Arnold, A. Dörnbrack, F. Holzäpfel, 
   J.-F. Gayet, C. Gourbeyre, M. Krämer, M. Kübbeler,
   J. Meyer, J. Schneider, J. Schmale, H. Eichler, W. Frey,
   S. Molleker, S. Borrmann
Quantitative forecast model of contrail formation and
prospects of its application ................................... 63
   V.T. Dedesh, R.Kh. Tenishev, S.N. Kiose, V.V. Popov, 
   E.G. Pavlova, I.V. Voronich, M.A. Lavrov, V.P. Mogilnikov, 
   A.I. Lanshin, A.A. Evstigneev, A.N. Nevzorov, 
   O.B. Popovicheva
A Contrail Cirrus Prediction Tool .............................. 69
   J. Schumann
A global ship track climatology from ATSR-2: January 1999
January 2001 ................................................... 75
   A.M. Sayer, R.G. Grainger, E. Campmany

Clouds and cloud effects

Risk assessment of contrail formation using AIRS, MOZAIC and 
AERO2k databases ............................................... 80
   N. Lamquin, C.J. Stubenrauch, S. Cros, H. Smit
Aviation emissions under climate stabilization at 450ppmv and
below .......................................................... 86
   H.J. Preston, L.L. Lim, D.S. Lee and P.D. Hooper

Impact on climate I

Global temperature change from the transport sectors: 
Historical development and future scenarios .................... 93
   R.B. Skeie, J.S. Fuglestvedt, T. Berntsen, M.T. Lund, 
   G. Myhre, K. Rypdal

Impact on atmospheric composition II

Indications of Distinctive Efficacies for Transport Related
Ozone Perturbations ............................................ 95
   M. Ponaler, S. Dietmüller, N. Stuber, K.P. Shine,
   E.J. Highwood, G. Rädel

Investigation of NOi Pollutions on Board of Research Aircraft
(Some Results of QUANTIFY and POLARCAT Field Campaigns)	....... 102
   N. Sitnikov, V. Sitnikova, A. Ulanovskiy, A. Lukyanov, 
   H. Schlager, A. Roiger, M. Scheiber, M. Lichtenstern and 
   P. Stock, F. Ravegnani

High resolution simulations of aircraft condensation trails:
Contrails Evolution and Diffusion ............................. 108
   Sarrat C., R. Paugam, R. Paoli, D. Cariolle, L. Nybelen
The Effect of Ice Particles on the Tropospheric Ozone Budget
via Heterogeneous Conversion processes ........................ 112
   J.E. Williams, G.-J. van Zadelhoff and P.F.J. van

Impact on climate II

Short-haul Flights and Climate Change: What are the Effects
and Potential Alternatives? ................................... 119
   R. Каur, С. Dey
Exploring the uncertainties involved in calculating
temperature response from the transport sector ................ 126
   L.L. Lim, H.J. Preston, D.S. Lee

Metrics and mitigation

Abatement strategies to reduce air pollution from transport
in Germany .................................................... 134
   U. Kugler, J. Theloke, B. Thiruchittampalam, T. Geftler,
   M. Uzbasich, R. Köble, R. Friedrich, P. Builtjes, 
   H. Denier van der Gon, R. Stern, W. Jörß, U. Dämmgen,
   J. Appelhans
EC ATS - Mission of Association for an environmentally 
compatible air transport system ............................... 140
   S. Matthes, G. Erhardt, K. Gierens, A. Petzold, P. Brok, 
   M. Hagström, C. Helmis, Ivar S. Isaksen, P. Laroche,
   X. Vancassel, D. Lee, D. Raper, T. Panidis, 
   K. Mathioudakis, T. Tsalavoutas, R. Kurtenhach, 
   P. Wiesen, C. Wilson, P. Habisreuther, K. Schäfer, 
   N. Zarzalis

Poster sessions

B. Impact on atmospheric composition

SPIDER model simulations of aircraft plume dilution ........... 146
   N. Dotzek, S. Matthes, and R. Sausen
ECHAM5 simulations with the HO2 + NO → HNO3 reaction .......... 153
   A.T. Gottschaldt, С. Voigt, B. Kärcher
Long-term 3D Simulation of Aviation Impact on Ozone
Precursor Chemistry using MOZART-2 ............................ 157
   J. Hurley
QUANTIFY model evaluation of global chemistry models: carbon
monoxide ...................................................... 163
   C. Schnadt Poberaj, J. Staehelin, R. Bintania, P. van
   Velthoven, O. Dessens, M. Gauss, I.S.A. Isaksen, V. Grewe,
   P. Jöckel, P. Hoor, B. Koffi, D. Hauglustaine, D. Olivié

C. Clouds and could effects

Properties of Ice-Supersaturated Layers Based on Radiosonde 
Data Analysis ................................................. 169
   S.L. Baughcum, M.Y. Danilin, L.M. Miloshevich, 
   A.J. Heymsfield
Condensation Trails in the regional Climate Model CCLM ........ 174
   A. Ferrone, P. Marbaix, R. Lescroart, J.-P. van Ypersele
Some evidence of aviation fingerprint in diurnal cycle of 
cirrus over the North Atlantic ................................ 180
   K. Graf, H. Mannstein, B. Mayer, U. Schumann
Aviation and ship soot as freezing nuclei of water/sulfate 
cloud droplets ................................................ 186
   E. Kireeva, O. Popovicheva, N. Persiantseva, N. Shonija,
   T. Khokhlova
Large Eddy Simulation of Persistent Contrails ................. 191
   A.D. Naiman, S.M. Lele, F. Ham, J.T. Wilkerson, 
   M.Z. Jacobson
Uptake of nitric acid in ice crystals in persistent
contrails ..................................................... 197
   D. Schäuble, С. Voigt, B. Kärcher, P. Stock, H. Schlager,
   M. Krämer, С. Schiller, R. Bauer, N. Spelten, M. de Reus, 
   M. Szakáll, S. Borrmann, U. Weers, T. Peter
Peculiarities of airplane vortex wakes and condensation 
trails interaction and their mathematical modeling ............ 203
   A.N. Zamyatin, V.T. Dedesh, R.L. Kagarmanov, 
   A.I. Zhelannikov 

D. Impact on climate

Do radiative forcings of methane and ozone cancel out? - 
A case study from the last IMO Greenhouse gas study ........... 217
   Jérôme Hilaire, Ruben Rodriguez de Leon, David S. Lee

Aerosol optical properties .................................... 222
   D.M. Peters, R.G. Grainger, G. Thomas

Distinctive Efficacies of the Components Contributing to 
Total Aviation Climate Impact ................................. 227
   M. Ponater
Aviation NOx Global Warming Potential ......................... 233
   Agnieszka Skowron, David S. Lee, Jane Hurley

E. Metrics and mitigation

Vertical spatial scales of ice supersaturation and 
probability of ice supersaturated layers in low resolution 
profiles of relative humidity ................................. 239
   N.C. Dickson, K. Gierens, H.L. Rogers, R.L. Jones
Impact on air quality of a 90 km/h speed limit during PM10 
episodes ...................................................... 244
   P. Viaene, W. Lefebvre, K. Van de Vel, S. Janssen, 
   G. Cosemans, K. De Ridder, I. De Vlieger, C. Mensink, 
   L. Schrooten, J. Vankerkom, F. Fierens, T. Van Mierlo,
   F. Blommaert

Participants Photo ............................................ 248
Participants List ............................................. 249
Index of Authors .............................................. 257

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