PhD Dissertation; 03 (Leipzig, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGündel U. Proteomics approach for toxicity assessment in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. / Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, UFZ. - Leipzig: UFZ, 2009. - xxviii, 138 p.: graph. - (PhD Dissertation; 03). - ISSN 1860-0387

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Abbreviations ........................................... i
Chapter 1  General Introduction ................................. 1
Chapter 2  Methodology ......................................... 15
Chapter 3  Proteome Analysis During the Development of
           Zebrafish ........................................... 29
Chapter 4  Proteomics Study of Toxic Stress in Early
           Embryonal Stages of the Zebrafish ................... 51
Chapter 5  Proteomics Study of Toxic Stress in Zebrafish 
           Larvae .............................................. 67
Chapter 6  Cathepsins as a New Family of Biomarkers in 
           Zebrafish Embryos for Normal Embryonal Development
           and Toxic Exposure ................................. 101
Chapter 7  Summary - Conclusion ............................... 119
Zusammenfassung ............................................... 125
References .................................................... 131
Appendix ........................................................ I

List of Abbreviations ........................................... i
1  General Introduction ......................................... 1
2  Methodology ................................................. 15
   2.1  Physico-Chemical Properties of Characterised 
        Toxicants .............................................. 16
   2.2  Fish Culture, Embryo Collection and Exposure 
        Conditions ............................................. 17
        2.2.1  Fish Embryo Test (DarT) ......................... 17
        2.2.2  Effect Determination in Larvae .................. 19
        2.2.3  Exposure Conditions for the Analysis of Toxic
               Responses at the Proteome Level ................. 20
   2.3  Protein Analysis ....................................... 21
        2.3.1  Protein Sample Preparation ...................... 21
        2.3.2  One Dimensional SDS-PAGE ........................ 21
        2.3.3  Two-Dimensional Gelelectrophoresis (2-DE) ....... 22
        2.3.4  Image Analysis and Statistics ................... 23
        2.3.5  Identification of Proteins ...................... 24
        2.3.6  Immunoblot Analysis ............................. 24
2.4  Cathepsin Enzymatic Activity Analysis (Chapter 6) ......... 25
        2.4.1  Danio rerio Embryo Collection for Enzymatic 
               Measurements at Different Developmental 
               Stages .......................................... 25
        2.4.2  Exposure Conditions to Study in vivo Effects 
               of Leupeptin, DNOC, Ethanol and Rotenone on 
               Cathepsin Activities ............................ 25
        2.4.3  Protein Isolation from Danio rerio Embryos ...... 26
        2.4.4  Cathepsins Assays (CatC, CatH, CatL) ............ 26
3  Proteome Analysis During the Development of Zebrafish ....... 29
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 30
   3.2  Results ................................................ 32
        3.2.1  Characterisation of the Protein Composition of
               Zebrafish Embryos at Different Developmental 
                Stages ......................................... 32
        3.2.2  Identification of Proteins in 2 dpf old
               Embryos ......................................... 35
        3.2.3  Immunoblot Analysis with Anti-Vtg Antibody ...... 40
        3.2.4  Identification of Proteins in Five Day old 
               Larvae .......................................... 42
   3.3  Discussion ............................................. 44
        3.3.1  Protein Pattern Changes During Embryonal 
               Development ..................................... 44
        3.3.2  Ratio of Yolk-to Cellular Proteins Decreases 
               During Embryonal Development .................... 47
4  Proteomics Study of Toxic Stress in Early Embryonal Stages
   of the Zebrafish ............................................ 51
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 52
   4.2  Results ................................................ 54
        4.2.1  Danio rerio Fish Embryo Test with Ethanol ....... 54
        4.2.2  2-DE Analysis of Zebrafish Embryos Exposed to
               two Different Ethanol Concentrations ............ 56
   4.3  Discussion ............................................. 62
5  Proteomics Study of Toxic Stress Zebrafish Lavae ............ 67
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 68
   5.2  Results ................................................ 69
        5.2.1  Optimisation of 2-DE Method Concerning Age of
               Larvae .......................................... 69
        5.2.2  Analysis of Morphological and Physiological 
               Effects in Zebrafish Larvae Treated with DNOC,
               Rotenone and Diclofenac ......................... 72
        5.2.3  Toxicoproteomics Approaches with Zebrafish
               Larvae Using three Toxicants: Rotenone, DNOC,
               Diclofenac ...................................... 75
   5.3  Discussion ............................................. 87
6  Cathepsins as a new Family of Biomarkers in Zebrafish
   Embryos for Normal Embryonal Development and Toxic 
   Exposure ................................................... 101
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 102
   6.2  Results ............................................... 103
        6.2.1  Cathepsin Activities in Embryonal and Larval 
               Stages of the Zebrafish ........................ 103
        6.2.2  Leupeptin as Positive Control for direct in
               vivo Cathepsin Inhibition ...................... 106
        6.2.3  Effect of three Chemicals on the in vivo 
               Activity of the Cathepsins L, С and H .......... 108
        6.2.4  Concentration Dependence of Effects on 
               Cathepsin Activity ............................. 110
   6.3  Discussion ............................................ 112
        6.3.1  Cathepsin L, С and H Activity During 
               Embryogenesis .................................. 113
        6.3.2  Toxicant Related Changes in Cathepsins 
               Activities ..................................... 115
7  Summary and Conclusions .................................... 119

Zusammenfassung ............................................... 125

References .................................................... 131

Appendix ........................................................ I
   I   Results of Toxicoproteomics Studies ..................... II
   II  Results of Effect Screening Assays with Embryonal and
       Larval Stages of the Zebrafish ....................... XVIII

Publications/Conference Contributions

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