Zbornik radova Konferencije MIT (Beograd, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаZbornik radova Konferencije MIT [Matematicke i informacione technologije] 2009, [odrzane na Kopaoniku od 28. do 31. aug., i u Budovi od 31 aug. do 5 sept. 2009] / ured.: D.Aćimović; Univ. of Pristina, Prirod.-math. fak. (Kosovska Mitrovica); Inst. of comp. technol., Siberian branch of the Russ. acad. of sci. (Novosibirsk). - Beograd, 2010. - 476 s.: il. - Radovi na srp., engl. i rus. jeziku. - Bibliografija uz svaki rad. - ISBN 978-86-7412-052-1

Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics problems with free
surfaces by natural element method ............................. 13
   (Afanasiev K.Ј., Karabtcev S.N.. Rein T.S.)
Numerical aspects of composite shells and plates modeling and
the behaviour analisys ......................................... 23
   (Amelina E.V, Golushko S.K., Yurchenko A.V.)
Deformation of plates from alloys with difterent properties
on tension and compression at creep ............................ 28
   (Banshchikova I.A., Lyubashevskaya I.V.)
Modeling of anisotropic creep by using Hill's theory ........... 32
   (Banshchikova I.A.)
Mesoscale models for urban air quality research with high
resolution ..................................................... 37
   (Bart A.A., Belikov D.A., Danilkin E.A., Starchenko A.V.)
Modeling of the landslide mechanism of tsunami wave
generation near the Mediterranean coast of Israel .............. 42
   (Beisel S.A., Khakimzyanov G.S., Chubarov L.В.,
   Shokin Yu.I.)
Investigation of potential tsunami hazard in Israel ............ 46
   (Beisel S., Chubarov L., Kit E., Levin A., Shokin Yu.,
   Sladkevich M.)
One dimensional model of vertical structure of salt lake
(on example of Shira Lake) ..................................... 54
   (Belolipetskii V.M., Belolipetskii P.V., Genova S.N.,
   Degermendszhi A.G., Rogozin D.Yu.)
Identification problems of the coefficients of the parabolic
equations ...................................................... 63
   (Belov Yu.Ya., Frolenkov I.V.)
Modeling of radio propagation in the land-satellite link
through the stormtime ionosphere ............................... 71
   (Blaunshtein N.Sh.)
Multispectral satellite data correction and preprocessing
techniques for simulating of geological and landscape
conditions ..................................................... 75
   (Boldyrev I.I., Dobrelsov N.N., Martysevich U.V)
Network scan detection statistical algorithm ................... 80
   (Bredikhin S.V, Scherbakova N.G.)
2D nonstationary mathematical model of river runoff and
water-producing area ........................................... 83
   (Burakov D.A., Karepova E.D., Shaidurov V.V.)
Module structure of a master course "cad and cae systems" ...... 94
   (Burov A.E., Bogulskaya N.A., Moskvicheva L.F.)
Regional information-analytical systems and technologies of
their implementation ........................................... 98
   (Bychkov I.V., Gachenko A.S., Lukovnikov N.G.,
   Rugnikov G.N, Fereferov E.S., Hmelnov A.E.)
Modeling and performance analysis manufacturing system using
Petri nets and Markov chains .................................. 107
   (Cvetković S., Cvelković M.)
On location of zeros solution of second order complex
differential equations ........................................ 112
   (Dimitroxski D., Vujaković L., Rajović M.)
Crop forecasting system based on object-oriented monitoring
concept ....................................................... 117
   (Dobrelsov N.N., Pchelnikov D.V., Sladkih L.A.)
Mathematical models and application of numerical methods in
solving a phenomenon of the theory of thin plates ............. 121
   (Dolićanin Ć., Nikolić V., Radojković M.)
The nonlinear dispersive equations of hydrodynamics on
a rotating sphere ............................................. 126
   (Fedotova Z.I, Khakimzyanov G.S.)
A fixed point theorem for mappings with a concractive
iterate at a point on D* - metric spaces ...................... 131
   (Gajić Lj.)
About gradient extention of successive over relaxation
method of solution of system of linear and nonlinear
algebraic equations ........................................... 135
   (Geidarov N.A., Zakharov Yu.N.)
Stability of solution of stationary viscous incompressible
fluid flow produced by a given pressure drop problem .......... 140
   (Geidarov N.A., Zakharov Yu.N.)
Mapping and monitoring of heterogeneouse landscapes by
methods of GIS and RS ......................................... 144
   (Glushkova N.V., Dobretcov N.N., Zolnikov I.D.,
   Korolyuk A.Yu., Lyamina V.A., Smolentcev B.A.)
On certain statements of inverse problems in mechanics of
composite plates and shells and methods of a solution
thereof ....................................................... 147
   (Golushko K.S., Golushko S.K.)
Numerical aspects of adaptive harmonic balance method in
circuit simulation ............................................ 155
   (Gourary M.M., Rusakov S.G., Stempkovsky A.L.,
   Ulyanov S.L., Zharov M.M.)
Numerical Analysis of Electric Arc by the Relaxation Method ... 163
   (Uainakov A.)
Analytical design of regulator on singulyar perturbations ..... 172
   (Jainakov A.J., Ashirbaev B.Y.)
Research of efficiency of parallel realization of fern for
initial-boundary problem of shallow water equations ........... 178
   (Karepova E.D., Shaidurov V.V.)
Generalized cauchy problem for the description of
complicated gas flow with shock waves ......................... 183
   (Kazakov A.L.)
Some analytical solutions of nonlinear poisson equation for
inversion layer of MOS structure .............................. 188
   (Kevkić S.Т., Petković M.D.)
Website ranking for Scientific & Research Organizations of
the Republic of Serbia ........................................ 193
   (Klimenko O.A., Rychkova E.V., Shokin Yu.I.)
Information-computing technology for evaluating the
geodynamic nsks ............................................... 198
   (Kobalinskiy M.V., Krasnoramenskaya T.G., Perelokin S.A.,
   Sihgatulin V.G., Simonov K.V., Khudoberdin I.R.)
Spline wavelet decomposition and parallel compression ......... 202
   (Kosogorov О.М., Makarov A.A.)
Some technical difficulties with GeoGebra in high - school
mathematics instruction ....................................... 206
   (Ljajko Ј., Pavličić Z., Radulović I.)
A construction weighted projective plane of order 4 and
(2, 4 - l)-quasigroup ......................................... 210
   (Mandak A.R.)
Numericalsimulationof diffractionastest of timeacuracy for
explicit algorithm ............................................ 215
   (Martyushov S.N.)
Integration of distributed information resources for the
power engineering research based on the ontology's
application ................................................... 220
   (Massel L.V.)
The numerical modelling a stream of compressible viscous gas
of two bodies allocated tandem ................................ 224
   (Mausumbekova S.D., Naimanova A.G.)
Interaction of the gravity waves with the partially
permeable obstacles ........................................... 228
   (Maximov V.V., Nudner I.S.)
Application of information Sciences in digitization of
scientific and cultural  heritage ............................. 232
   (Mijajlović Ž.)
Application of low-temperature plasma in steel-making
converters .................................................... 240
   (Milošević H.)
Error bounds of Gauss-Turan-Kronrod quadratures with Gori-
Micchelli weight functions fo analytic functions .............. 246
   (Milovanović V.G., Spalević M.M., Paunović R.Lj.)
Acquisition and processing data at the measurement
resistance thermometers ....................................... 251
   (Minić G.S. Vorkapić M., Tanasković D.)
Characterization of the heavy doped semiconductors using the
analytical approximations of th Fermi integrals ............... 258
   (Mitić Z.D., Kevkić S.Т., Petković M.D.)
A stochastic model of gamma-ray induced charge in silicon
dioxide films of MOS transistor ............................... 263
   (Odalović T.M. Petković M.D.)
Hyperbolic geometry, curvilinear angles and points of
porosity in investigation of boundar properties of
functions ..................................................... 268
   (Pavićević Ž.)
Second order statistics of ratio of two random variables ...... 271
   (Petrović I., Stefanović Č., Sekulović N. Petrović
   M. Stefanović M.)
Second order statistics of selection macrodiversity system
inthepresence of fading ....................................... 276
   (Petrović I., Panajotović A., Spalević P., Panić S.,
   Stefanović M., Milosavljević S.)
Statistical causality, weak solutions and martingale
problems of stochastic differential equations driven with
Brownian motion ............................................... 283
   (Petrović Lj., Stanojević D., Dimitrijević S.)
О сходимости диагональных аппроксимации ....................... 287
   (Petković D., Arandelović I.)
A truly third order finite volume scheme on the
quadrilateral mesh ............................................ 293
   (Petković D., Petrović M.)
Kinetics of sintering with mathematical theory of Gropjanov ... 303
   (Petrović V.V.)
Mathematical modelling of capital reinsurance ................. 308
   (Popović Ž.)
Creating adaptive moodle-centric courses using business
intelligence .................................................. 314
   (Radenković В., Barać I Despotović M., Bogdanović Z.)
Data Warehouse Solutions for Customer relationship
management .................................................... 321
   (Radenković N.)
MS Excel in Mathematics ....................................... 325
   (Radosavljević D., Ristić J., Milojević S., Milenković N.)
Creating WEB Applications using FrontPage and Access .......... 330
   (Radosavljević D.D., Trajković J., Ralević T.P.,
   Petrović D.S.)
Information system OF STUDENT SERVICES done in PROGRAMS
С ++ .......................................................... 336
   (Radosavljević D.I., Trajković J.S., Ralević T.P.,
   Petrović D.S.)
One solution for diferential equation for non-linear mode
PLL loop ...................................................... 342
   (Raičević M.A., Prica S.)
Mathematics and Information technologies in Russian
educational standards ......................................... 347
   (Reshetnikov M.T.)
Servo systems of adaptiv control of economic processes ........ 349
   (Reshetnikova G.N.)
Research of reliability of complex systems and an acceptable
deviates bands estimatic ...................................... 354
   (Rogalyov A.N.)
Numerical analysis of the waves propagation processes in
elastic-plastic and granular media multiprocessor computer
systems ....................................................... 358
   (Sadovskaya O.V., Sadovskii V.M.)
The computational experiment of the spherically symmetric
modeling of deep-seated geoi namics ........................... 362
   (Shaidurov V.V, Shchepanovskaya G.I.)
Content based link spam detection ............................. 368
   (Sharapov R.V., Sharapova E.V.)
Analisis and segmentation of tables from electronic
unstructured documents ........................................ 373
   (Shigarov A.O., Hmelnov A.E.)
Building a resource center for the grid infrastructure ........ 377
   (Shokin  Yu.I., Fedoruk M.P., Chubarov D.L, Yurchenko A.V.)
Проблемы интеграции информационных ресурсов ................... 381
   (Шокин Ю.И., Федотов А.М, Жижимов О.Л.)
Numerical simulations of long waves processes at coastal
zone using shallow water model ................................ 388
   (Sladkevich M.)
Digital signal  processing simulation  based on  the residue
 arithmetic ................................................... 392
   (Stamenković N., Stojanović V.)
A parallel particle-in-cell code for simulation of charged
particle beam dynamics ........................................ 400
   (Starchenko A.V., Trunov A.A., Turchanovsky I.Yu.,
   Shklyaev V.A.)
Level crossing rate of signal at the output of macro
diversity system in the presence of fast Nakagami-m fading
and slow Gamma fading ......................................... 405
   (Stefanović M.D.. Stefanović M.Č., Pešić I.A.,
   Milenković K, Stefanović Č.М.)
Discrete autoregressive model of conditional duration ......... 412
   (Stojanović V., Popović B.)
Aplication of geographical information system on the maps ..... 418
   (Valjarević A., Radovanović D., Birovljev V.)
Parallel computations in the problems of dynamics of the
cosserat continuum ............................................ 422
   (Varygina M.P., Sadovskii V.M.)
An idea for determination of zeros of complex differential
equations ..................................................... 426
   (Vujaković J., Rajović M.)
Krasner's and Vukovic's paragraduations ....................... 432
   (Vuković M.)
Geospatial WEB information system for environmental
monitoring in the area of oil and gas industry ................ 437
   (Yakuhailik О.Е.)
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional non-stationary
Navier-Stokes equation using "rotation-vector potential"
formulation ................................................... 442
   (Zakharov Y.N., Ivanov K.S.)
About one model of in-situ coal gasification .................. 447
   (Zakharov Y.N., Zakharov M.Y., Zelensky E.E.,
   Potapov V.P., Schastlivtsev E.L.)
The fractional q-operators and corresponding equations ........ 453
   (Rajković M.P., Marinković D.S., Stanković S.M.)
Ontology concepts of multiagent systems ....................... 459
   (Banjanin M., Miladinović D.)
Interoperability of information-communication and spatial
information infrastructure .................................... 470
   (Banjanin M., Drakulić G.)

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