FindEcon monograph series: Advances in financial market analysis; N 3 (Lodz, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFinancial markets: principles of modelling, forecasting and decision-making / ed. by W.Milo, P.Wdowinski. - Łódź: Łódź University Press. - 2007. - 196 p. - (FindEcon monograph series: Advances in financial market analysis; N 3). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-83-7525-152-4 - ISBN 978-90-5948-3

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction - (Władysław Milo and Piotr Wdowiński) ............. 7

Part One: Principles of Modelling, Forecasting and Decision-
          Making in Financial Markets

1  Flexibility and Parsimony in Multivariate Financial
   Modelling: A Hybrid Bivariate DCC-SV Model (Jacek 
   Osiewalski and Anna Pajor) .................................. 11
   1.1  Introduction ........................................... 11
   1.2  Main Bayesian Models from the MSV and MGARCH Classes ... 12
        1.2.1  Bivariate Stochastic Volatility 
               Specifications .................................. 13
       The Stochastic Discount Factor Model
                       (SDF) ................................... 13
       The JSV and TSV Models ................. 14
        1.2.2  Bivariate GARCH Specifications .................. 15
       The t-BEKK Model ....................... 16
       The t-DCC Model ........................ 16
   1.3  The Hybrid DCC-SDF Model ............................... 17
   1.4  The Data and Results of Model Comparison ............... 18
   1.5  Posterior Inference on Conditional Correlation
        Coefficients and Volatilities .......................... 20
   1.6  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 25
   References .................................................. 26
2  Forecasting Stochastic Unit Root Models (Magdalena
   Osińska) .................................................... 27
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 27
   2.2  Stochastic Unit Root Model as a Case of Random
        Coefficient Autoregressive Model ....................... 28
   2.3  Testing for  STUR ...................................... 32
   2.4  Forecasting Procedures and Empirical Results ........... 33
   2.5  Conclusions ............................................ 42
   References .................................................. 42
3  Forecasting the Dependence Between Polish Financial
   Returns (Ryszard Doman) ..................................... 45
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 45
   3.2  Copulas and Dependence ................................. 46
   3.3  Modelling the Conditional Dependence Structure by
        Means of the Conditional Copulas ....................... 48
   3.4  Dynamic Conditional Dependence Model ................... 50
   3.5  The Data ............................................... 51
   3.6  Empirical Results ...................................... 52
   3.7  Conclusions ............................................ 57
   References .................................................. 58

Part Two: Modelling Stock Market Returns and Volatility

4  A Note on the Market Model Specification when Stocks
   Markets Are Integrated (Pawel Miłobędzki) ................... 61
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 61
   4.2  Estimation of the First-Pass Regression Based on the
        VEC Model .............................................. 62
   4.3  Conclusion ............................................. 66
   References .................................................. 67
5  The Isolation of Maximum Length Sub-periods in Which
   a Stock Return Series is Exhibiting Linear and Non-Linear
   Dependencies (Todea-Zoicaş Algorithm) (Alexandru Todea and
   Adrian Zoicaş-Ienciu) ....................................... 69
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 69
   5.2  The 'Windowed' Hinich and Patterson Methodology
        (1995) and the Improved Methodology .................... 70
        5.2.1  Hinich and Patterson Methodology ................ 70
        5.2.2  Modified 'Windowed' Methodology ................. 72
   5.3  Possible Use of the Improved Methodology ............... 73
   5.4  The Data ............................................... 75
   5.5  Empirical Results ...................................... 75
   5.6  Conclusions ............................................ 80
   Appendix .................................................... 80
   References .................................................. 82
6  Using Implied Volatility to Forecast Daily Realized
   Volatility of the WIG20 Index (Piotr Pluciennik) ............ 85
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 85
   6.2  Parametric  Volatility  Models ......................... 86
   6.3  Implied Volatility ..................................... 87
        6.3.1  Total Implied Volatility for Class of Options ... 89
        6.3.2  Algorithm to Determine Risk-Free Interest
               Rate ............................................ 90
   6.4  Intraday Returns and Realized Volatility ............... 90
   6.5  Data ................................................... 92
   6.6  Empirical Results ...................................... 93
   6.7  Conclusions ............................................ 96
   References .................................................. 97

Part Three: Bayesian Econometrics in Finance

7  Bayesian Analysis and Forecasting of the Conditional
   Correlations Between Stock Index Returns with Multivariate
   SV Models (Anna Pajor) ..................................... 101
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 101
   7.2  Model Framework ....................................... 102
   7.3  Trivariate VAR(l) - SV Models ......................... 103
        7.3.1  The SDF Model .................................. 103
        7.3.2  The BSV Model .................................. 104
        7.3.3  The JSV Model .................................. 104
        7.3.4  The TSV Model .................................. 105
   7.4  Data Descriptions and Empirical Results ............... 107
        7.4.1. Data ........................................... 107
        7.4.2. Empirical Results .............................. 108
       Bayesian  Model  Comparison ........... 108
       Posterior Results for Individual
                        Volatilities .......................... 109
       Posterior Results for the
                        Conditional Correlation
                        Coefficients .......................... 109
       Forecasting Results ................... 115
   7.5. Conclusions ........................................... 119
   References ................................................. 120
8  Bayesian Comparison of GARCH Processes with Asymmetric
   and Heavy Tailed Conditional Distributions (Mateusz
   Pipień) .................................................... 123
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 123
   8.2  Creating Asymmetric Distributions ..................... 125
   8.3  Basic Model Framework and Competing Skewed
        Conditional Distributions ............................. 128
   8.4  Empirical Results ..................................... 132
   8.5  Concluding Remarks .................................... 138
   References ................................................. 139
9  A Bayesian Inference About Simple STUR Models with GARCH
   Errors (Jacek Kwiatkowski) ................................. 141
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 141
   9.2  Stochastic Unit Root Model and Inference via
        Importance Sampling ................................... 142
   9.3  Data and Posterior Results ............................ 147
   9.4  Concluding Remarks .................................... 151
   References ................................................. 151
10 Bayesian Pricing of European Call Options on the WIG20
   Index (Maciej Kostrzewski) ................................. 153
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 153
   10.2 Models ................................................ 153
   10.3 The Bayesian Inference ................................ 154
   10.4 The Comparison of the Models .......................... 157
   10.5 Forecasting the WIG20 Index ........................... 158
   10.6 The Pricing of the Options ............................ 159
   10.7 Concluding Remarks .................................... 163
   References ................................................. 163

Part Four: Econometric and Statistical Methods - Theory and

11 A Generalization of the Stability of the Equilibrium in
   a Repeated Game (Ilie Parpucea) ............................ 167
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 167
   11.2 The Quasi-Formal  Specification of a Repeated Game
        with Heterogeneous Structure .......................... 168
   11.3 Conclusions ........................................... 177
   References ................................................. 178
12 The Relationship between Stock Market and Economic Growth
   in Developing Economies: An Econometric Analysis on
   Nigeria (Mete Feridun and Tokunbo Simbowale Osinubi) ....... 179
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 179
   12.2 Literature Review ..................................... 181
   12.3 Empirical Results ..................................... 182
   12.4 Conclusions and Policy Recommendations ................ 185
   References ................................................. 186
13 Forecasting the Returns Based on the Panel Data
   Estimation Methods (Ewa Majerowska) ........................ 187
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 187
   13.2 Methodology ........................................... 188
   13.3 Estimated Models ...................................... 190
   13.4 Data .................................................. 191
   13.5 Empirical Results ..................................... 192
   13.6 Conclusions ........................................... 196
   References ................................................. 197

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