Wangler T.P. RF linear accelerators (Weinheim, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWangler T.P. RF linear accelerators. - 2nd rev. and enlarged ed. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2008. - xv, 450 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.433-450. - ISBN 978-3-527-40680-7

Оглавление / Contents
Preface to the Second Edition .................................. XI

Preface to the First Edition ................................. XIII

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Linear Accelerators: Historical Perspective ............. 2
   1.2  Linac Structures ........................................ 6
   1.3  Linac Beam Dynamics .................................... 10
   1.4  Multiparticle Effects .................................. 12
   1.5  Applications of Modern RF Linacs ....................... 13
   1.6  Accelerator- Physics Units, Unit Conversions, and
        Physical Constants ..................................... 15
   1.7  Useful Relativistic Mechanics Relationships ............ 16
   1.8  Maxwell's Equations .................................... 17
   1.9  Conducting Walls ....................................... 19
   1.10 Group Velocity and Energy Velocity ..................... 20
   1.11 Coaxial Resonator ...................................... 22
   1.12 Transverse-Magnetic Mode of a Circular Cylindrical 
        Cavity ................................................. 24
   1.13 Cylindrical Resonator Transverse-Magnetic Modes ........ 26
   1.14 Cylindrical Resonator Transverse Electric Modes ........ 27
   References .................................................. 30

2  RF Acceleration in Linacs ................................... 32
   2.1  Particle Acceleration in an RF Field ................... 32
   2.2  Energy Gain on Axis in an RF Gap ....................... 33
   2.3  Longitudinal Electric Field as a Fourier Integral ...... 36
   2.4  Transit-Time-Factor Models ............................. 39
   2.5  Power and Acceleration Efficiency Figures of Merit ..... 42
   2.6  Cavity Design Issues ................................... 44
   2.7  Frequency Scaling of Cavity Parameters ................. 46
   2.8  Linac Economics ........................................ 47
   References .................................................. 52

3  Periodic Accelerating Structures ............................ 53
   3.1  Synchronous Acceleration and Periodic Structures ....... 53
   3.2  Floquet Theorem and Space Harmonics .................... 54
   3.3  General Description of Periodic Structures ............. 57
   3.4  Equivalent Circuit Model for Periodic Structures ....... 59
   3.5  Periodic Array of Low-Pass Filters ..................... 61
   3.6  Periodic Array of Electrically Coupled Circuits ........ 62
   3.7  Periodic Array of Magnetically Coupled Circuits ........ 63
   3.8  Periodic Array of Cavities with Resonant Coupling
        Element ................................................ 64
   3.9  Measurement of Dispersion Curves in Periodic
        Structures ............................................. 65
   3.10 Traveling-Wave Linac Structures ........................ 68
   3.11 Analysis of the Periodic Iris-Loaded Waveguide ......... 69
   3.12 Constant-Impedance Traveling-Wave Structure ............ 72
   3.13 Constant-Gradient Structure ............................ 74
   3.14 Characteristics of Normal Modes for Particle 
        Acceleration ........................................... 76
   3.15 Physics Regimes of Traveling-Wave and Standing-Wave
        Structures ............................................. 79
   References .................................................. 81

4  Standard Linac Structures ................................... 83
   4.1  Independent-Cavity Linacs .............................. 83
   4.2  Wideröe Linac .......................................... 87
   4.3  H-Mode Structures ...................................... 89
   4.4  Alvarez Drift-Tube Linac ............................... 91
   4.5  Design of Drift-Tube Linacs ............................ 96
   4.6  Coupled-Cavity Linacs .................................. 98
   4.7  Three Coupled Oscillators .............................. 99
   4.8  Perturbation Theory and Effects of Resonant-
        Frequency Errors ...................................... 101
   4.9  Effects from Ohmic Power Dissipation .................. 103
   4.10 General Problem of N + 1 Coupled Oscillators .......... 105
   4.11 Biperiodic Structures for Linacs ...................... 108
   4.12 Design of Coupled-Cavity Linacs ....................... 111
   4.13 Intercell Coupling Constant ........................... 114
   4.14 Decoupling of Cavities Connected by a Beam Pipe ....... 116
   4.15 Resonant Coupling ..................................... 117
   4.16 Accelerating Structures for Superconducting Linacs .... 121
        λ/4 Superconducting Structures ........................ 121
        λ/2 Superconducting Structures ........................ 121
        TM Superconducting Structures ......................... 122
        RF Properties and Scaling Laws for TM and λ/2 
        Superconducting Structures ............................ 125
        Shunt Impedance for TM and λ/2 Superconducting 
        Structures ............................................ 127
        Stored Energy for TM and λ/2 Superconducting 
        Structures ............................................ 129
        Scaling Formulas for λ/4 Superconducting Structures ... 131
   References ................................................. 133

5  Microwave Topics for Linacs ................................ 135
   5.1  Shunt Resonant Circuit Model .......................... 135
   5.2  Theory of Resonant Cavities ........................... 137
   5.3  Coupling to Cavities .................................. 138
   5.4  Equivalent Circuit for a Resonant-Cavity System ....... 139
   5.5  Equivalent Circuit for a Cavity Coupled to two 
        Waveguides ............................................ 144
   5.6  Transient Behavior of a Resonant-Cavity System ........ 146
   5.7  Wave Description of a Waveguide-to-Cavity Coupling .... 148
   5.8  Microwave Power Systems for Linacs .................... 156
   5.9  Multipacting .......................................... 159
   5.10 Electron Field Emission ............................... 162
   5.11 RF Electric Breakdown: Kilpatrick Criterion ........... 163
   5.12 Adiabatic Invariant of an Oscillator .................. 164
   5.13 Slater Perturbation Theorem ........................... 165
   5.14 Quasistatic Approximation ............................. 167
   5.15 Panofsky-Wenzel Theorem ............................... 168
   References ................................................. 173

6  Longitudinal Particle Dynamics ............................. 175
   6.1  Longitudinal Focusing ................................. 175
   6.2  Difference Equations of Longitudinal Motion for
        Standing-Wave Linacs .................................. 177
   6.3  Differential Equations of Longitudinal Motion ......... 178
   6.4  Longitudinal Motion when Acceleration Rate is Small ... 178
   6.5  Hamiltonian and Liouville's Theorem ................... 182
   6.6  Small Amplitude Oscillations .......................... 186
   6.7  Adiabatic Phase Damping ............................... 187
   6.8  Longitudinal Dynamics of Ion Beams in Coupled-Cavity
        Linacs ................................................ 189
   6.9  Longitudinal Dynamics in Independent-Cavity Ion
        Linacs ................................................ 190
   6.10 Longitudinal Dynamics of Low-Energy Beams Injected 
        into a ν = с Linac .................................... 192
   6.11 Rf Bunching ........................................... 194
   6.12 Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in H-Mode Linac 
        Structures ............................................ 196
   References ................................................. 199

7  Transverse Particle Dynamics ............................... 201
   7.1  Transverse RF Focusing and Defocusing ................. 201
   7.2  Radial Impulse from a Synchronous Traveling Wave ...... 203
   7.3  Radial Impulse near the Axis in an Accelerating Gap ... 204
   7.4  Including Electrostatic Focusing in the Gap ........... 207
   7.5  Coordinate Transformation through an Accelerating
        Gap ................................................... 208
   7.6  Quadrupole Focusing in a Linac ........................ 209
   7.7  Transfer-Matrix Solution of Hill's Equation ........... 211
   7.8  Phase-Amplitude Form of Solution to Hill's Equation ... 213
   7.9  Transfer Matrix through One Period .................... 214
   7.10 Thin-Lens FODO Periodic Lattice ....................... 215
   7.11 Transverse Stability Plot in a Linac .................. 217
   7.12 Effects of Random Quadrupole Misalignment Errors ...... 218
   7.13 Ellipse Transformations ............................... 221
   7.14 Beam Matching ......................................... 222
   7.15 Current-Independent Beam Matching ..................... 224
   7.16 Solenoid Focusing ..................................... 225
   7.17 Smooth Approximation to Linac Periodic Focusing ....... 226
   7.I8 Radial Motion for Unfocused Relativistic Beams ........ 227
   References ................................................. 230

8  Radiofrequency Quadrupole Linac ............................ 232
   8.1  Principles of Operation ............................... 232
   8.2  General Potential Function ............................ 236
   8.3  Two-Term Potential Function Description ............... 238
   8.4  Electric Fields ....................................... 240
   8.5  Synchronous Acceleration .............................. 241
   8.6  Longitudinal Dynamics ................................. 242
   8.7  Transverse Dynamics ................................... 243
   8.8  Adiabatic Bunching in the RFQ ......................... 245
   8.9  Four-Vane Cavity ...................................... 248
   8.10 Lumped-Circuit Model of Four-Vane Cavity .............. 249
   8.11 Four-Vane Cavity Eigenmodes ........................... 251
   8.12 Transmission-Line Model of Quadrupole Spectrum ........ 254
   8.13 Radial-Matching Section ............................... 260
   8.14 RFQ Transition Cell ................................... 265
   8.15 Beam Ellipses in an RFQ ............................... 271
   8.16 Tuning for the Desired Field Distribution in an RFQ ... 273
   8.17 Four-Rod Cavity ....................................... 274
   8.18 Four Vane with Windows RFQ ............................ 276
   References ................................................. 280

9  Multiparticle Dynamics with Space Charge ................... 282
   9.1  Beam Quality, Phase Space, and Emittance .............. 283
   9.2  RMS Emittance ......................................... 285
   9.3  Transverse and Longitudinal Emittance ................. 287
   9.4  Emittance Conventions ................................. 288
   9.5  Space-Charge Dynamics ................................. 289
   9.6  Practical Methods for Numerical Space-Charge 
        Calculations .......................................... 292
   9.7  RMS Envelope Equation with Space Charge ............... 296
   9.8  Continuous Elliptical Beams ........................... 297
   9.1  Three-Dimensional Ellipsoidal Bunched Beams ........... 299
   9.10 Beam Dynamics Including Linear Space-Charge Field ..... 300
   9.11 Beam-Current Limits from Space Charge ................. 302
   9.12 Overview of Emittance Growth from Space Charge ........ 303
   9.13 Emittance Growth for rms Matched Beams ................ 306
   9.14 Model of Space-Charge-Induced Emittance Growth in 
        a Linac ............................................... 314
   9.15 Emittance Growth for rms Mismatched Beams ............. 316
   9.16 Space-Charge Instabilities in RF Linacs from Periodic
        Focusing: Structure Resonances ........................ 318
   9.17 Longitudinal-Transverse Coupling and Space-Charge 
        Instabilities for Anisotropic Linac Beams ............. 319
   9.18 Beam Loss and Beam Halo ............................... 325
   9.19 Los Alamos Beam Halo Experiment ....................... 329
   9.20 Scaling of Emittance Growth and Halo .................. 331
   9.21 Longitudinal Beam Dynamics Constraint on 
        the Accelerating Gradient ............................. 332
   References ................................................. 338

10 Beam Loading ............................................... 341
   10.1 Fundamental Beam-Loading Theorem ...................... 342
   10.2 The Single-Bunch Loss Parameter ....................... 344
   10.3 Energy Loss to Higher-Order Cavity Modes .............. 344
   10.4 Beam Loading in the Accelerating Mode ................. 345
   10.5 Equations Describing a Beam-Loaded Cavity ............. 347
        General Results ....................................... 348
        Optimum Detuning ...................................... 350
        Extreme Beam-Loaded Limit ............................. 351
        Numerical Example of a Beam-Loaded Cavity ............. 351
        Example of a Heavily Beam - Loaded Superconducting
        Cavity with Bunches Injected on the Crest of the 
        Accelerating Wave ..................................... 352
   10.6 Generator Power when the Beam Current is Less than 
        Design Value .......................................... 352
   10.7 Transient Turn-On of a Beam-Loaded Cavity ............. 354
   References ................................................. 360

11 Wakefields ................................................. 361
   11.1 Image Force for Line Charge in Round Pipe ............. 362
   11.2 Fields from a Relativistic Point Charge and 
        Introduction to Wakefields ............................ 364
   11.3 Wake Potential from a Relativistic Point Charge ....... 367
   11.4 Wake Potentials in Cylindrically Symmetric 
        Structures ............................................ 368
   11.5 Scaling of Wake Potentials with Frequency ............. 370
   11.6 Bunch Wake Potentials for an Arbitrary Charge 
        Distribution .......................................... 371
   11.7 Loss Parameters for a Particular Charge Distribution .. 376
   11.8 Bunch Loss Parameters for a Gaussian Distribution ..... 377
   11.9 Beam-Coupling Impedance ............................... 378
   11.10 Longitudinal-and Transverse-Impedance Definitions .... 380
   11.11 Impedance and Wake Potential for a Single Cavity
         Mode ................................................. 381
   11.12 Short-Range Wakefields-Parasitic Losses .............. 383
   11.13 Short-Range Wakefields: Energy Spread ................ 383
   11.14 Short-Range Wakefields: Compensation of Longitudinal
         Wake Effect .......................................... 384
   11.15 Short-Range Wakefields: Single-Bunch Beam Breakup .... 384
   11.16 Short-Range Wakefields: BNS Damping of Beam Breakup .. 386
   11.17 Long-Range Wakefields and Multibunch Beam Breakup .... 389
   11.18 Multipass BBU in Recirculating Electron Linacs ....... 397
   References ................................................. 402

12  Special Structures and Techniques ......................... 405
   12.1 Alternating-Phase Focusing ............................ 405
   12.2 Accelerating Structures Using Electric Focusing ....... 406
   12.3 Coupled-Cavity Drift-Tube Linac ....................... 410
   12.4 Beam Funneling ........................................ 411
   12.5 RF Pulse Compression .................................. 413
   12.6 Superconducting RF Linacs ............................. 414
        Brief History ......................................... 415
        Introduction to the Physics and Technology of RF 
        Superconductivity ..................................... 416
   12.7 Examples of Operating Superconducting Linacs .......... 419
        Atlas ................................................. 419
        CEBAF ................................................. 419
        Spallation Neutron Source ............................. 421
   12.8 Future Superconducting Linac Facilities ............... 423
   International Linear Collider .............................. 423
   Next-Generation Rare Isotope Facility ...................... 426
   Free-Electron Lasers ....................................... 427
   References ................................................. 430

Index ......................................................... 433

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