Advances in limnology; 61 (Stuttgart, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe ecology of the hyporheic zone of running waters: patterns, processes and bottleneck functions / ed. by D.Borchardt, M.Pusch. - Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2009. - iv, 224 p.: ill., maps. - Incl. bibl. ref. - (Advances in limnology; 61). - ISBN 978-3-510-47063-1; ISSN 1612-166X

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Оглавление / Contents
Borchardt D. & Pusch M.: An integrative, interdisciplinary
   research approach for the identification of patterns,
   processes and bottleneck functions of the hyporheic zone
   of running waters (with 2 figures and 1 table) ............. 1-7
Saenger N. & Zanke U.C.E.: A depth-oriented view of
   hydraulic exchange patterns between surface water and
   the hyporheic zone: analysis of field experiments at
   the River Lahn (Germany) (with 8 figures and 2 tables) .... 9-27
Wawra В., Saenger N., Montenegro H. & Zanke U.C.E.: Driving
   forces for solute transport in the hyporheic zone of 
   the River Lahn (Germany): numerical simulations (with 
   6 figures and 2 tables) .................................. 29-44
Vollmer S., Träbing K. & Nestmann E: Hydraulic exchange
   processes between surface and subsurface water: 
   determination of spatial and temporal variability (with
   10 figures) .............................................. 45-65
Seydell I., Ibisch R.B. & Zanke U.C.E.: Intrusion of 
   suspended sediments into gravel riverbeds: influence of
   bed topography studied by means of field and laboratory
   experiments (with 8 figures and 5 tables) ................ 67-85
Ibisch R.B., & Seydell I. & Borchardt D.: Influence of 
   periphyton biomass dynamics on biological colmation
   processes in the hyporheic zone of a gravel bed river
   (River Lahn, Germany) (with 4 figures and 2 tables) ..... 87-104
Fischer J., Borchardt D., Ingendahl D., Ibisch R.B.,
   Saenger N., Wawra В. & Lenk M.: Vertical gradients of
   nutrients in the hyporheic zone of the River Lahn 
   (Germany): relevance of surface versus hyporheic
   conversion processes (with 3 figures and 1 table) ...... 105-118
Ingendahl D., ter Haseborg E., van der Most O. & 
   Werner D.: Influence of interstitial flow velocity on
   hyporheic oxygen consumption and nitrate production 
   (with 3 figures and 3 tables) .......................... 119-137
ter Haseborg E., Meier M., Ingendahl D. & Werner D.: 
   Denitrifying bacterial populations in the hyporheic 
   zone of the River Lahn (Germany): spatial and
   temporal distribution and the significance of
   external inputs (with 3 figures and 3 tables) .......... 139-159
Altmoos U.M., Schmidt J., Bohle H.-W., Ibisch R.B. & 
   Borchardt D.: Abundance and spatial variability of 
   invertebrate communities in the River Lahn (Germany)
   and their relation to hyporheic properties (with 6
   figures and 4 tables) .................................. 161-184
Schmidt J., Borchardt D., Ibisch R.B. & Bohle H.-W.:
   Direct measurement of respiration and decolmation 
   activity of hyporheic meiofauna: first results from 
   a new approach using anesthetizing substances (with 
   7 figures and 2 tables) ................................ 185-203
Hübner D., Borchardt D. & Fischer J.: Cascading effects
   of eutrophication on intragravel life stages of 
   European Grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) (with 5
   figures and 3 tables) .................................. 205-224

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