Rybicki G.B. Radiative processes in astrophysics (Weinheim, 1979 (2004)). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRybicki G.B. Radiative processes in astrophysics / G.B.Rybicki, A.P.Lightman. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 1979 (2004). - xv, 382 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.375-382. - ISBN-10 0-471-82759-2; ISBN-13 978-0-471-82759-7

Оглавление / Contents

1.1  The Electromagnetic Spectrum; Elementary Properties of
     Radiation .................................................. 1
1.2  Radiative Flux ............................................. 2
     Macroscopic Description of the Propagation of Radiation .... 2
     Flux from an Isotropic Source-The Inverse Square Law ....... 2
1.3  The Specific Intensity and Its Moments ..................... 3
     Definition of Specific Intensity or Brightness ............. 3
     Net Flux and Momentum Flux ................................. 4
     Radiative Energy Density ................................... 5
     Radiation Pressure in an Enclosure Containing an
     Isotropic Radiation Field .................................. 6
     Constancy of Specific Intensity Along Rays in Free
     Space ...................................................... 7
     Proof of the Inverse Square Law for a Uniformly Bright
     Sphere ..................................................... 7
1.4  Radiative Transfer ......................................... 8
     Emission ................................................... 9
     Absorption ................................................. 9
     The Radiative Transfer Equation ........................... 11
     Optical Depth and Source Function ......................... 12
     Mean Free Path ............................................ 14
     Radiation Force ........................................... 15
1.5  Thermal Radiation ......................................... 15
     Blackbody Radiation ....................................... 15
     Kirchhoffs Law for Thermal Emission ....................... 16
     Thermodynamics of Blackbody Radiation ..................... 17
     The Planck Spectrum ....................................... 20
     Properties of the Planck Law .............................. 23
     Characteristic Temperatures Related to Planck Spectrum .... 25
1.6  The Einstein Coefficients ................................. 27
     Definition of Coefficients ................................ 27
     Relations between Einstein Coefficients ................... 29
     Absorption and Emission Coefficients in Terms of
     Einstein Coefficients ..................................... 30
1.7  Scattering Effects; Random Walks .......................... 33
     Pure Scattering ........................................... 33
     Combined Scattering and Absorption ........................ 36
1.8  Radiative Diffusion ....................................... 39
     The Rosseland Approximation ............................... 39
     The Eddington Approximation; Two-Stream Approximation ..... 42
PROBLEMS ....................................................... 45
REFERENCES ..................................................... 50


2.1  Review of Maxwell's Equations ............................. 51
2.2  Plane Electromagnetic Waves ............................... 55
2.3  The Radiation Spectrum .................................... 58
2.4  Polarization and Stokes Parameters ........................ 62
     Monochromatic Waves ....................................... 62
     Quasi-monochromatic Waves ................................. 65
2.5  Electromagnetic Potentials ................................ 69
2.6  Applicability of Transfer Theory and the Geometrical
     Optics Limit .............................................. 72
PROBLEMS ....................................................... 74
REFERENCES ..................................................... 76

CHAPTER 3 RADIATION FROM MOVING CHARGES ........................ 77

3.1  Retarded Potentials of Single Moving Charges: The
     Lienard-Wiechart Potentials ............................... 77
3.2  The Velocity and Radiation Fields ......................... 80
3.3  Radiation from Nonrelativistic Systems of Particles ....... 83
     Larmor's Formula .......................................... 83
     The Dipole Approximation .................................. 85
     The General Multipole Expansion ........................... 88
3.4  Thomson Scattering (Electron Scattering) .................. 90
3.5  Radiation Reaction ........................................ 93
3.6  Radiation from Harmonically Bound Particles ............... 96
     Undriven Harmonically Bound Particles ..................... 96
     Driven Harmonically Bound Particles ....................... 99
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 102
REFERENCE ..................................................... 105


4.1  Review of Lorentz Transformations ........................ 106
4.2  Four-Vectors ............................................. 113
4.3  Tensor Analysis .......................................... 122
4.4  Covariance of Electromagnetic Phenomena .................. 125
4.5  A Physical Understanding of Field Transformations ........ 129
4.6  Fields of a Uniformly Moving Charge ...................... 130
4.7  Relativistic Mechanics and the Lorentz Four-Force ........ 136
4.8  Emission from Relativistic Particles ..................... 138
     Total Emission ........................................... 138
     Angular Distribution of Emitted and Received Power ....... 140
4.9  Invariant Phase Volumes and Specific Intensity ........... 145
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 148
REFERENCES .................................................... 154

CHAPTER 5 BREMSSTRAHLUNG ...................................... 155

5.1  Emission from Single-Speed Electrons ..................... 156
5.2  Thermal Bremsstrahlung Emission .......................... 159
5.3  Thermal Bremsstrahlung (Free-Free) Absorption ............ 162
5.4  Relativistic Bremsstrahlung .............................. 163
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 165
REFERENCES .................................................... 166

CHAPTER 6 SYNCHROTRON RADIATION ............................... 167

6.1  Total Emitted Power ...................................... 167
6.2  Spectrum of Synchrotron Radiation: A Qualitative
     Discussion ............................................... 169
6.3  Spectral Index for Power-Law Electron Distribution ....... 173
6.4  Spectrum and Polarization of Synchrotron Radiation:
     A Detailed Discussion .................................... 175
6.5  Polarization of Synchrotron Radiation .................... 180
6.6  Transition from Cyclotron to Synchrotron Emission ........ 181
6.7  Distinction between Received and Emitted Power ........... 184
6.8  Synchrotron Self-Absorption .............................. 186
6.9  The Impossibility of a Synchrotron Maser in Vacuum ....... 191
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 192
REFERENCES .................................................... 194

CHAPTER 7 COMPTON SCATTERING .................................. 195

7.1  Cross Section and Energy Transfer for the Fundamental
     Process .................................................. 195
     Scattering from Electrons at Rest ........................ 195
     Scattering from Electrons in Motion: Energy Transfer ..... 197
7.2  Inverse Compton Power for Single Scattering .............. 199
7.3  Inverse Compton Spectra for Single Scattering ............ 202
7.4  Energy Transfer for Repeated Scatterings in a Finite,
     Thermal Medium: The Compton Y Parameter .................. 208
7.5  Inverse Compton Spectra and Power for Repeated
     Scatterings by Relativistic Electrons of Small Optical
     Depth .................................................... 211
7.6  Repeated Scatterings by Nonrelativistic Electrons: The
     Kompaneets Equation ...................................... 213
7.7  Spectral Regimes for Repeated Scattering by
     Nonrelativistic Electrons ................................ 216
     Modified Blackbody Spectra; y << 1 ....................... 218
     Wien Spectra; y >> l ..................................... 219
     Unsaturated Comptonization with Soft Photon Input ........ 221
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 223
REFERENCES .................................................... 223

CHAPTER 8 PLASMA EFFECTS ...................................... 224

8.1  Dispersion in Cold, Isotropic Plasma ..................... 224
     The Plasma Frequency ..................................... 224
     Group and Phase Velocity and the Index of Refraction ..... 227
8.2  Propagation Along a Magnetic Field; Faraday Rotation ..... 229
8.3  Plasma Effects in High-Energy Emission Processes ......... 232
     Cherenkov Radiation ...................................... 233
     Razin Effect ............................................. 234
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 236
REFERENCES .................................................... 237

CHAPTER 9 ATOMIC STRUCTURE .................................... 238

9.1  A Review of the Schrodinger Equation ..................... 238
9.2  One Electron in a Central Field .......................... 240
     Wave Functions ........................................... 240
     Spin ..................................................... 243
9.3  Many-Electron Systems .................................... 243
     Statistics: The Pauli Principle .......................... 243
     Hartree-Fock Approximation: Configurations ............... 245
     The Electrostatic Interaction; LS Coupling and Terms ..... 247
9.4  Perturbations, Level Splittings, and Term Diagrams ....... 248
     Equivalent and Nonequivalent Electrons and Their
     Spectroscopic Terms ...................................... 248
     Parity ................................................... 251
     Spin-Orbit Coupling ...................................... 252
     Zeeman Effect ............................................ 256
     Role of the Nucleus; Hyperfine Structure ................. 257
9.5  Thermal Distribution of Energy Levels and Ionization ..... 259
     Thermal Equilibrium: Boltzmann Population of Levels ...... 259
     The Saha Equation ........................................ 260
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 263
REFERENCES .................................................... 266

CHAPTER 10 RADIATIVE TRANSITIONS .............................. 267

10.1 Semi-Classical Theory of Radiative Transitions ........... 267
     The Electromagnetic Hamiltonian .......................... 268
     The Transition Probability ............................... 269
10.2 The Dipole Approximation ................................. 271
10.3 Einstein Coefficients and Oscillator Strengths ........... 274
10.4 Selection Rules .......................................... 278
10.5 Transition Rates ......................................... 280
     Bound-Bound Transitions for Hydrogen ..................... 280
     Bound-Free Transitions (Continuous Absorption) for
     Hydrogen ................................................. 282
     Radiative Recombination—Milne Relations .................. 284
     The Role of Coupling Schemes in the Determination
     off Values ............................................... 286
10.6 Line Broadening Mechanisms ............................... 287
     Doppler Broadening ....................................... 287
     Natural Broadening ....................................... 289
     Collisional Broadening ................................... 290
     Combined Doppler and Lorentz Profiles .................... 291
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 291
REFERENCES .................................................... 292

CHAPTER 11 MOLECULAR STRUCTURE ................................ 294

11.1 The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation: An Order of
     Magnitude Estimate of Energy Levels ...................... 294
11.2 Electronic Binding of Nuclei ............................. 296
     The H2+ Ion .............................................. 297
     The H2 Molecule .......................................... 300
11.3 Pure Rotation Spectra .................................... 302
     Energy Levels ............................................ 302
     Selection Rules and Emission Frequencies ................. 304
11.4 Rotation-Vibration Spectra ............................... 305
     Energy Levels and the Morse Potential .................... 305
     Selection Rules and Emission Frequencies ................. 306
11.5 Electronic-Rotational-Vibrational Spectra ................ 308
     Energy Levels ............................................ 308
     Selection Rules and Emission Frequencies ................. 308
PROBLEMS ...................................................... 311
REFERENCES .................................................... 312

SOLUTIONS ..................................................... 313

INDEX ......................................................... 375

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