Advances in Limnology; 60 (Stuttgart, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBiology and management of coregonid fishes - 2005: proc. of the ninth international symp. on the biology and management of coregonid fishes held in Olsztyn, Poland, 21-27 august 2005 / ed. by M.Jankun et al. - Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart, 2007. - viii, 516 p.: ill., maps. - Incl. bibl. ref. - (Advances in Limnology; 60). - ISBN 978-3-510-47062-4; ISSN 1612-166X

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface .................................................. VII-VIII

Section I: Genetics and evolution

Stott W. & Todd T.N.: Genetic markers and the coregonid
   problem (with 3 figures and 1 appendix) ................... 3-23
Jankun M., Woznicki P., Ocalewicz K. & Furgala-
   Selezniow G.: Chromosomal evolution in the three 
   species of Holarctic fish of the genus Coregonus 
   (Salmoniformes) (with 5 figures and 1 table) ............. 25-37
Kaupinis A. & Bukelskis E.: Genetic variability of vendace
   (Coregonus albula (L.)) in Lithuanian lakes (with 2 
   figures and 3 tables) .................................... 39-45
Kohlmann K., Kempter J., Kersten P. & Sadowski J.: 
   Haplotype variability at the mitochondrial ND-1 gene
   region of Coregonus lavaretus from Polish lakes (with 2
   figures and 4 tables) .................................... 47-57
Borovikova E.A., Gordon N.Yu., Sharova J.N. &
   Politov D.V.: Length variation in mtDNA control region 
   in Coregonus lavaretus nelmuschka from Lake Kubenskoye
   and related whitefish forms of northwest Russia (with 3
   figures and 1 table) ..................................... 59-67
Politov D.V., Borovikova E.A. & Gordon N.Yu.: Penzhina 
   River cisco Coregonus subautumnalis Kaganovsky does not
   belong to the Arctic cisco species complex: first 
   genetic evidence based on allozyme data (with 4
   figures, 3 tables and 1 appendix) ........................ 69-81
Baldina S.N., Gordon N.Yu. & Politov D.V.: Genetic 
   relationships of the Ussuri cisco, Coregonus 
   ussuriensis Berg 1906, in view of mtDNA data (with 3
   figures and 1 table) ..................................... 83-89
McDermid J.L., Reist J.D. & Bodaly R.A.: Phylogeography 
   and postglacial dispersal of whitefish (Coregonus 
   clupeaformis complex) in Northwestern North America
   (with 8 figures and 4 tables) ........................... 91-109
Hudson A.G., Vonlanthen P., Müller R. & Seehausen O.:
   Review: The geography of speciation and adaptive
   radiation in coregonines (with 1 figure and 4 
   tables) ................................................ 111-146

Section II: Biology, life history and population dynamics

Brzuzan P., Jurczyk Ł. & Foks Т.: Differential gene
   expression in benzo[a]pyrene-exposed whitefish 
  (Coregonus lavaretus) (with 3 figures and 2 tables) ..... 149-157
Dietrich G.J., Wojtczak M., Dobosz S., Kuźmiński H., 
   Kowalski R., Kotŀowska M. & Ciereszko A.: 
   Characterization of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) 
   sperm motility: effects of pH, cations and ovarian 
   fluid (with 6 figures) ................................. 159-170
Wojtczak M., Kuźmiński H., Dobosz S., Mikoŀajczyk Т.,
   Dietrich G.J., Kowalski R., Kotŀowska M., 
   Enright W.J. & Ciereszko A.: Milt characteri stics
   in European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in 
   relation to season and hormonal stimulation with a 
   gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue, azagly-
   nafarelin (with 3 figures and 1 table) ................. 171-185
Mikoŀajczyk Т., Kuźmiński H., Dobosz S., Goryczko K. &
   Enright W.J.: The effects of GonazonТМ, a 
   commercially available GnRH analogue, on induction
   of ovulation and egg quality in cultured European
   whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) (with 3 figures
   and 1 table) ........................................... 187-194
Dufour E. & Gerdeaux D.: Summer depth positioning of 
   whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in Lake Annecy 
   inferred from oxygen thermometry of otoliths (with 4
   figures) ............................................... 195-204
Sandlund O.T., Museth J., Taugbøl, T. & Østbye, К.:
   Population characteristics of whitefish (Coregonus 
   lavaretus) in a 30 years old river reservoir:
   Løpsjøen, SE Norway (with 5 figures and 1 table) ....... 205-212
Leskelä A., Sutela T. & Ingman H.: Quality, diet and 
   growth of one-summer old European whitefish 
   (Coregonus lavaretus L.) fingerlings produced in
   ponds and net-cages and released in the Finnish 
   Archipelago Sea (with 4 figures and 1 table) ........... 213-220
Urpanen O., Marjomaki T.J., Viljanen M., Huuskonen H.,
   Sarvala J., Helminen H. & Karjalainen J.: Spatio-
   temporal distribution of vendace (Coregonus albula 
   (L.)) larvae in Finnish lakes (with 3 figures and 3
   tables) ................................................ 221-230
Melnik N.G., Degtyarev V.A., Dzuyba E.V., 
   Bondarenko V.M., Popov S.V., Anoshko P.N., 
   Khanaev I.V.& Smirnova-Zalumi N.S.: Distribution of
   Baikal omul (Coregonus autumnalis migratorius) during
   the 2003 acoustic survey (with 3 figures and 1 
   table) ................................................. 231-236
Smirnova-Zalumi N.S., Melnik N.G., Smirnov V.V., 
   Popov S.V., Goncharov S.M. & Rudstam L.G.: Seasonal
   distribution of omul (Coregonus autumnalis 
   migratorius (Georgi)) in Lake Baikal: implications 
   for acoustics assessment (with 5 figures and 2
   tables) ................................................ 237-246
Tolentino S. & Albrecht В.: Spawning habitat preferences
   and feeding ecology of two endemic Bear Lake 
   whitefishes (Prosopium spilonotus and P. abyssicola)
   (with 6 figures) ....................................... 247-259
Davis B.M., Savino J.F. & Ogilvie L.M.: Diet niches of 
   major forage fish in Lake Michigan (with 4 figures 
   and 4 tables) .......................................... 261-275
Winfield I.J., Fletcher J.M. & James J.B.: Modelling 
   the impacts of water level fluctuations and predation
   by cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) on the population
   dynamics of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) in 
   Haweswater, U.K. (with 2 figures) ...................... 277-284
Wziątek В., Martyniak A., Hliwa R, Kozŀowski J., 
   Krzywosz Т., Osewski M., Sobocki M., Szymańska U. & 
   Gomuŀka R.: Great Cormorant predation on coregonid 
   fishes at seven sites in Poland (with 1  figure and
   7 tables) .............................................. 285-297

Section III: Invasive species

Winfield I.J., Fletcher J.M., James J.B., Duigan C.A, 
   Bean C.W & Durie N.C.: Long-term case histories of 
   ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) introductions to four 
   U.K. lakes containing native vendace (Coregonus 
   albula) or whitefish (C. lavaretus) populations 
   (with 5 tables) ........................................ 301-309
Wright G.M. & Ebener M.R: Potential effects of dietary
   lipid reduction on growth and reproduction of lake
   whitefish in Northern Lake Michigan (with 7 figures 
   and 4 tables) .......................................... 301-330
Salonen E., Amundsen P-A. & Bøhn Т.: Boom and bust
   development by invading vendace Coregonus albula in
   the subarctic Inari-Pasvik watershed (Finland, Norway
   and Russia) (with 5 figures) ........................... 331-342
Museth J., Sandlund O.T. & Borgstrøm R.: Coexistence
   between introduced whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) 
   and native Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) depends
   on heavy whitefish exploitation (with 3 figures and
   2 tables) .............................................. 343-350

Section IV: Fisheries in Europe

Eckmann R., Gerdeaux D., Müller R. & Rösch R.: 
   Re-oligotrophication and whitefish fisheries 
   management - a workshop summary ........................ 353-360
Eckmann R., Kugler M. & Ruhlé Ch.: Evaluating the 
   success of large-scale whitefish stocking at Lake
   Constance (with 2 figures and 1 table) ................. 361-368
Wziątek В., Hliwa P., Król J., Stabiński R., 
   Kozłowski J., Nagieć M. & Gomułka P.: Optimization of
   the method for thermal marking of coregonid fish
   otoliths (with 2 figures and 3 tables) ................. 369-376
Gassner H. & Wanzenböck J.: Application of population 
   size structure indices to Austrian whitefish 
   (Coregonus sp.) stocks (with 1 figure and 2 tables) .... 377-384
Schmidt M.B., Gassner H., Kühlmann M. & Meyer E.I.: 
   Short-term effects of trawling on distribution and 
   abundance of a vendace (Coregonus albula (Linnaeus))
   population monitored by hydroacoustics (with 5 
   figures and 1 table) ................................... 385-395
Jokikokko E., Leskelä A. & Huhmarniemi A.: Is it 
   possible to increase the stocking results of the 
   whitefish in the Finnish Gulf of Bothnia by means of
   fisheries management? (with 4 figures and 1 table) ..... 397-404
Marjomäki T.J., Lindroos M., Muje K., Sipponen M. & 
   Karjalainen J.: Comparison of policies for spatial 
   allocation of annual fishing effort between multiple 
   stocks of vendace, Coregonus albula (L.) (with 5 
   figures) ............................................... 405-418
Müller R.: The re-discovery of the vanished "Edelfisch"
   Coregonus nobilis Haack, 1882, in Lake Lucerne,
   Switzerland (with 6 figures and 3 tables) .............. 419-430

Section V: Fisheries in North America

Gorman O.T. & Todd T.N.: History of the shortjaw cisco 
   (Coregonus zenithicus) in Lake Superior, 1895-2003
   (with 14 figures and 1 table) .......................... 433-458
Kratzer J.F., Taylor W.W., Ferreri C.R & Ebener M.R.: 
   Factors affecting growth of lake whitefish in the 
   upper Laurentian Great Lakes (with 3 figures and 3
   tables) ................................................ 459-470
Mohr L.C. & Ebener M.R.: Evaluation of two harvest 
   policies for managing lake whitefish (Coregonus 
   clupeaformis) populations in a Laurentian Great Lake,
   Lake Huron (with 3 figures and 3 tables) ............... 471-483
Mills K.H., Gyselman E.C., Tallman R.F. & Johnson L.: 
   Comparison of two harvest scenarios for lake 
   whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) of the Chitty 
   Lakes, Northwest Territories, Canada (with 6 figures
   and 1 table) ........................................... 485-501
Mills K.H., Chalanchuk S.M. & Allan D.J.: Long-term 
   impacts of acidification and nutrient additions on a
   lake whitefish population (with 6 figures) ............. 503-513

List of reviewers ............................................. 515

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