Berger S. Classics in spectroscopy: isolation and structure elucidation of natural products (Weinheim, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBerger S. Classics in spectroscopy: isolation and structure elucidation of natural products / S.Berger, D.Sicker. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2009. - xiv, 645 p.: ill. (chiefly col.). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-3-527-32516-0

Оглавление / Contents
Endorsement ..................................................... V
Preface ....................................................... VII

Chapter 1 Alkaloids ............................................. 1

1.1  Nicotine  from Tobacco ..................................... 3
1.2  Caffeine  from Green Tea and Green Coffee Beans ........... 25
1.3  Theobromine  from Cocoa Powder ............................ 39
1.4  Piperine  from Black Pepper ............................... 53
1.5  Cytisine  from Seeds of the Golden Chain Tree ............. 65
1.6  Galanthamine  from the Bulbs of Daffodils "Carlton" ....... 83
1.7  Strychnine  from Seeds of the Strychnine Tree ............ 103

Chapter 2 Aromatic Compounds .................................. 129

2.1  Anethole from Ouzo, containing Anise Extract ............. 131
2.2  Eugenol from Cloves ...................................... 143
2.3  Chamazulene from German Chamomile Flowers ................ 153
2.4  Tetrahydrocannabinol from Marijuana ...................... 169

Chapter 3 Dyestuffs and Coloured Compounds .................... 189

3.1  Lawsone from Henna Leaves Powder ......................... 191
3.2  Cur cumin from Turmeric .................................. 207
3.3  Brazileine from Pernambuco Wood .......................... 221
3.4  Indigo from Woad ......................................... 241
3.5  Capsanthin from Sweet Pepper Powder ...................... 261

Chapter 4 Carbohydrates ....................................... 283

4.1  Glucosamine from the shells of common shrimps ............ 285
4.2  Lactose from Milk ........................................ 303
4.3  Amygdalin from Bitter Almonds ............................ 319
4.4  Hesperidin from the Peel of Mandarin Oranges ............. 335
Chapter 5 Terpenoids .......................................... 357

5.1 Limonene from Brasilian Sweet Orange Oil .................. 359
5.2 Menthol from Japanese Peppermint Oil ...................... 373
5.3 The Thujones from Common Sage or Wormwood ................. 389
5.4 Patchouli Alcohol from Patchouli .......................... 409
5.5 Onocerin from Spiny Restharrow Roots ...................... 427
5.6 Cnicin from Blessed Thistle Leaves ........................ 443
5.7 Abietic Acid from Colophony of Pine Trees ................. 459
5.8 Betulinic Acid from Plane-Tree Bark ....................... 481
Chapter 6 Miscellaneous ....................................... 501

6.1  Shikimic Acid from Star Aniseed .......................... 503
6.2  Aleuritic Acid from Shellac .............................. 519

Answers to Questions and Translations ......................... 539

Answers Chapter 1 Alkaloids ................................... 539
1.1  Nicotine ................................................. 539
1.2  Caffeine ................................................. 541
1.3  Theobromine .............................................. 544
1.4  Piperine ................................................. 546
1.5  Cytisine ................................................. 548
1.6  Galanthamine ............................................. 552
1.7  Strychnine ............................................... 554

Answers Chapter 2 Aromatic Compounds .......................... 558
2.1  Anethole ................................................. 558
2.2  Eugenol .................................................. 559
2.3  Chamazulene .............................................. 561
2.4  Tetrahydrocannabinol ..................................... 565

Answers Chapter 3 Dyestuffs and Coloured Compounds ............ 569
3.1  Lawsone .................................................. 569
3.2  Curcumin ................................................. 571
3.3  Brazileine ............................................... 574
3.4  Indigo ................................................... 577
3.5  Capsanthin ............................................... 580

Answers Chapter 4 Carbohydrates ............................... 583
4.1  Glucosamine .............................................. 583
4.2  Lactose .................................................. 585
4.3  Amygdalin ................................................ 587
4.4  Hesperidin ............................................... 588

Answers Chapter 5 Terpenoids .................................. 591
5.1  Limonene ................................................. 591
5.2  Menthol .................................................. 595
5.3  The Thujones ............................................. 599
5.4  Patchouli Alcohol ........................................ 602
5.5  Onocerin ................................................. 605
5.6  Cnicin ................................................... 607
5.7  Abietic Acid ............................................. 610
5.8  Betulinic Acid ........................................... 614

Answers Chapter 6 Miscellaneous ............................... 617
6.1  Shikimic Acid ............................................ 617
6.2  Aleuritic Acid ........................................... 618

Appendix ...................................................... 621
Index ......................................................... 622

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