Young D.C. Computational drug design: a guide for computational and medicinal chemists (Hoboken, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаYoung D.C. Computational drug design: a guide for computational and medicinal chemists. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2009. - xxxvi, 307 p.: ill. + 1 CD-ROM. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.301-307. - ISBN 978-0-470-12685-1

Оглавление / Contents
PREFACE ........................................................ xv
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................... xix
ABOUT THE AUTHOR .............................................. xxi
SYMBOLS USED IN THIS BOOK ................................... xxiii
BOOK ABSTRACT ................................................ xxix

1.  Introduction ................................................ 1
    1.1.  A Difficult Problem ................................... 1
    1.2.  An Expensive Problem .................................. 2
    1.3.  Where Computational Techniques are Used ............... 3
    Bibliography ................................................ 5

PART I.  THE DRUG DESIGN PROCESS ................................ 7

2.  Properties that Make a Molecule a Good Drug ................. 9
    2.1.  Compound Testing ..................................... 10
          2.1.1. Biochemical Assays ............................ 11
          2.1.2. Cell-Based Assays ............................. 13
          2.1.3. Animal Testing ................................ 14
          2.1.4. Human Clinical Trials ......................... 15
    2.2.  Molecular Structure .................................. 16
          2.2.1. Activity ...................................... 16
          2.2.2. Bioavailability and Toxicity .................. 24
          2.2.3. Drug Side Effects ............................. 26
          2.2.4. Multiple Drug Interactions .................... 26
    2.3.  Metrics for Drug-Likeness ............................ 27
    2.4.  Exceptions to the Rules .............................. 33
    Bibliography ............................................... 35

3.  Target Identification ...................................... 41
    3.1.  Primary Sequence and Metabolic Pathway ............... 41
    3.2.  Crystallography ...................................... 43
    3.3.  2D NMR ............................................... 44
    3.4.  Homology Models ...................................... 45
    3.5.  Protein Folding ...................................... 45
    Bibliography ............................................... 46

4.  Target Characterization .................................... 47
    4.1.  Analysis of Target Mechanism ......................... 47
          4.1.1. Kinetics and Crystallography .................. 48
          4.1.2. Automated Crevice Detection ................... 48
          4.1.3. Transition Structures and Reaction
                 Coordinates ................................... 49
          4.1.4. Molecular Dynamics Simulations ................ 49
    4.2.  Where the Target is Expressed ........................ 50
    4.3.  Pharmacophore Identification ......................... 50
    4.4.  Choosing an Inhibitor Mechanism ...................... 51
    Bibliography ............................................... 52

5.  The Drug Design Process for a Known Protein Target ......... 53
    5.1.  The Structure-Based Design Process ................... 53
    5.2.  Initial Hits ......................................... 55
    5.3.  Compound Refinement .................................. 56
    5.4.  ADMET ................................................ 67
    5.5.  Drug Resistance ...................................... 67
    Bibliography ............................................... 68

6.  The Drug Design Process for an Unknown Target .............. 71
    6.1.  The Ligand-Based Design Process ...................... 71
    6.2.  Initial Hits ......................................... 72
    6.3.  Compound Refinement .................................. 73
    6.4.  ADMET ................................................ 74
    Bibliography ............................................... 74

7.  Drug Design for Other Targets .............................. 75
    7.1.  DNA Binding .......................................... 76
    7.2.  RNA as a Target ...................................... 78
    7.3.  Allosteric Sites ..................................... 79
    7.4.  Receptor Targets ..................................... 80
    7.5.  Steroids ............................................. 81
    7.6.  Targets inside Cells ................................. 82
    7.7.  Targets within the Central Nervous System ............ 83
    7.8.  Irreversibly Binding Inhibitors ...................... 84
    7.9.  Upregulating Target Activity ......................... 84
    Bibliography ............................................... 85

8.  Compound Library Design .................................... 87
    8.1.  Targeted Libraries versus Diverse Libraries .......... 87
    8.2.  From Fragments versus from Reactions ................. 89
    8.3.  Non-Enumerative Techniques ........................... 90
    8.4.  Drug-Likeness and Synthetic Accessibility ............ 91
    8.5.  Analyzing Chemical Diversity and Spanning known
          Chemistries .......................................... 93
    8.6.  Compound Selection Techniques ........................ 96
    Bibliography ............................................... 99


9.  Homology Model Building ................................... 105
    9.1.  How much Similarity is Enough? ...................... 106
    9.2.  Steps for Building a Homology Model ................. 107
          9.2.1. Step 1: Template Identification .............. 108
          9.2.2. Step 2: Alignment between the Unknown and
                 the Template ................................. 108
          9.2.3. Step 3: Manual Adjustments to
                 the Alignment ................................ 110
          9.2.4. Step 4: Replace Template Side Chains with
                 Model Side Chains ............................ 111
          9.2.5. Step 5: Adjust Model for Insertions and
                 Deletions .................................... 111
          9.2.6. Step 6: Optimization of the Model ............ 112
          9.2.7. Step 7: Model Validation ..................... 112
          9.2.8. Step 8: If Errors are Found Iterate Back
                 to Previous Steps ............................ 115
    9.3.  Reliability of Results 116 Bibliography .............. 117

10. Molecular Mechanics ....................................... 119
    10.1. A Really Brief Introduction to Molecular
          Mechanics ........................................... 119
    10.2. Force Fields for Drug Design 121 Bibliography ....... 123

11. Protein Folding ........................................... 125
    11.1. The Difficulty of the Problem ....................... 125
    11.2. Algorithms .......................................... 127
    11.3. Reliability of Results .............................. 129
    11.4. Conformational Analysis ............................. 130
    Bibliography .............................................. 131

12. Docking ................................................... 133
    12.1. Introduction ........................................ 133
    12.2. Search Algorithms ................................... 135
          12.2.1. Searching the Entire Space .................. 135
          12.2.2. Grid Potentials versus Full Force Field ..... 137
          12.2.3. Flexible Active Sites ....................... 138
          12.2.4. Ligands Covalently Bound to the
                  Active Site ................................. 138
          12.2.5. Hierarchical Docking Algorithms ............. 139
    12.3. Scoring ............................................. 141
          12.3.1. Energy Expressions and Consensus Scoring .... 141
          12.3.2. Binding Free Energies ....................... 141
          12.3.3. Solvation ................................... 144
          12.3.4. Ligands Covalently Bound to the
                  Active Site ................................. 144
          12.3.5. Metrics for Goodness of Fit ................. 144
    12.4. Validation of Results ............................... 145
    12.5. Comparison of Existing Search and Scoring Methods ... 146
    12.6. Special Systems ..................................... 153
    12.7. The Docking Process ................................. 155
          12.7.1. Protein Preparation ......................... 156
          12.7.2. Building the Ligand ......................... 156
          12.7.3. Setting the Bounding Box .................... 157
          12.7.4. Docking Options ............................. 157
          12.7.5. Running the Docking Calculation ............. 158
          12.7.6. Analysis of Results ......................... 158
    Bibliography .............................................. 159

13. Pharmacophore Models ...................................... 161
    13.1. Components of a Pharmacophore Model ................. 163
    13.2. Creating a Pharmacophore Model from Active
          Compounds ........................................... 164
    13.3. Creating a Pharmacophore Model from the
          Active Site ......................................... 166
    13.4. Searching Compound Databases ........................ 167
    13.5. Reliability of Results .............................. 168
    Bibliography .............................................. 169

14. QSAR ...................................................... 171
    14.1. Conventional QSAR versus 3D-QSAR .................... 171
    14.2. The QSAR Process .................................... 172
    14.3. Descriptors ......................................... 175
    14.4. Automated QSAR Programs ............................. 176
    14.5. QSAR versus Other Fitting Methods ................... 177
    Bibliography .............................................. 178

15. 3D-QSAR ................................................... 181
    15.1. The 3D-QSAR Process ................................. 182
    15.2. 3D-QSAR Software Packages ........................... 184
    15.3. Summary ............................................. 184
    Bibliography .............................................. 184

16. Quantum Mechanics in Drug Design .......................... 187
    16.1. Quantum Mechanics Algorithms and Software ........... 188
    16.2. Modeling Systems with Metal Atoms ................... 191
    16.3. Increased Accuracy .................................. 191
    16.4. Computing Reaction Paths ............................ 193
    16.5. Computing Spectra ................................... 193
    Bibliography .............................................. 194

17. De novo and Other AI Techniques ........................... 197
    17.1. De novo Building of Compounds ....................... 198
    17.2. Nonquantitative Predictions ......................... 201
    17.3. Quantitative Predictions ............................ 203
    Bibliography .............................................. 205

18. Cheminformatics ........................................... 207
    18.1. Smiles SLN and Other Chemical Structure
          Representations ..................................... 208
    18.2. Similarity and Substructure Searching ............... 209
    18.3. 2D-to-3D Structure Generation ....................... 213
    18.4. Clustering Algorithms ............................... 214
    18.5. Screening Results Analysis .......................... 217
    18.6. Database Systems .................................... 222
    Bibliography .............................................. 223

19. ADMET ..................................................... 225
    19.1  Oral Bioavailability ................................ 227
    19.3. Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability .................... 231
    19.4. Toxicity ............................................ 231
    Bibliography .............................................. 234

20. Multiobjective Optimization ............................... 237
    Bibliography .............................................. 240

21. Automation of Tasks ....................................... 241
    21.1. Built-in Automation Capabilities .................... 241
    21.2. Automation Using External Utilities ................. 243
    Bibliography .............................................. 244

PART III. RELATED TOPICS ...................................... 245

22. Bioinformatics ............................................ 247
    Bibliography .............................................. 251

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