Todres Z.V. Ion-radical organic chemistry: principles and applications (Boca Raton; London, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTodres Z.V. Ion-radical organic chemistry: principles and applications. - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton; London: CRC, 2009. - xv, 475 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.445-469. - Sub. ind.: p.471-475. - ISBN 978-0-8493-9068-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii

Author ......................................................... xv

Chapter 1  Nature of Organic Ion-Radicals and Their Ground-
           State Electronic Structure ........................... 1
1.1  Introduction ............................................... 1
1.2  Unusual Features ........................................... 2
     1.2.1  Substituent Effects ................................. 2
     1.2.2  Connections between Ion-Radical Reactivity and
            Electronic Structure of Ion-Radical Products ........ 7
     1.2.3  Bridge-Effect Peculiarities ........................ 10
1.3  Acid-Base Properties of Organic Ion-Radicals .............. 16
     1.3.1  Anion-Radicals ..................................... 16
    Anion-Radical Basicity .................... 16
    Pathways of Hydrogen Detachment from
                     Anion-Radicals ............................ 20
     1.3.2  Cation-Radicals .................................... 22
    Cation-Radical Acidity .................... 22
    Cation-Radical Basicity ................... 29
    Cation-Radicals as Acceptors or Donors
                     of Hydrogen Atoms ......................... 30
1.4  Metallocomplex Ion-Radicals ............................... 30
     1.4.1  Metallocomplex Anion-Radicals ...................... 30
     1.4.2  Metallocomplex Cation-Radicals ..................... 33
     1.4.3  Bridge Effect in Metallocomplex Ion-Radicals ....... 36
     1.4.4  Charge-Transfer Coordination to Metallocomplex
            Ion-Radicals ....................................... 38
1.5  Organic Ion-Radicals with Several Unpaired Electrons or
     Charges ................................................... 39
1.6  Polymeric Ion-Radicals .................................... 48
1.7  Inorganic Ion-Radicals in Reactions with Organic
     Substrates ................................................ 53
     1.7.1  Superoxide Ion ..................................... 54
    Reactions of Superoxide Ion with Organic
                     H Acids ................................... 55
    Reactions of Superoxide Ion with Organic
                     Electrophiles ............................. 56
    Reactions of Superoxide Ion with
                     Biological Objects ........................ 57
    Superoxide Ion-Ozone Anion-Radical
                     Relation .................................. 57
     1.7.2  Atomic Oxygen Anion-Radical ........................ 58
     1.7.3  Molecular Oxygen Cation-Radical .................... 58
     1.7.4  Carbon Dioxide Anion-Radical ....................... 59
     1.7.5  Carbonate Radical .................................. 60
     1.7.6  Sulfur Dioxide Anion-Radical ....................... 61
     1.7.7  Sulfite Radical .................................... 61
     1.7.8  Sulfate Radical .................................... 62
     1.7.9  Hydroxide Anion .................................... 65
     1.7.10 Nitrosonium and Nitronium Ions ..................... 66
     1.7.11 Tris(aryl)amine and Thianthrene Cation-Radicals .... 67
     1.7.12 Trialkyloxonium Hexachloroantimonates .............. 69
     1.7.13 Transition Metal Ions .............................. 69
1.8  Conclusion ................................................ 73
     References ................................................ 74

Chapter 2    Formation of Organic Ion-Radicals ................. 85
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 85
2.2  Chemical Methods of Organic Ion-Radical Preparation ....... 86
     2.2.1  Anion-Radicals ..................................... 86
     2.2.2  Cation-Radicals .................................... 89
     2.2.3  Carbenoid Ion-Radicals ............................. 92
2.3  Equilibria in Liquid-Phase Electron-Transfer Reactions .... 93
2.4  Electrochemical Methods versus Chemical Methods ........... 95
     2.4.1  Charge-Transfer Phenomena .......................... 96
     2.4.2  Template Effects .................................. 100
     2.4.3  Adsorption Phenomena .............................. 103
     2.4.4  Stereochemical Phenomena .......................... 106
     2.4.5  Concentration Effects on the Fate of Ion-
            Radicals at Electrodes and in Solutions ........... 110
     2.4.6  Aggregation of Ion-Radical Salts .................. 1ll
    Direct Influence on Electron-Transfer
                     Equilibrium .............................. 112
    Electron-Transfer Reactions with
                     Participation of Ion-Radical
                     Aggregates ............................... 113
    Kinetic and Mechanistic Differences
                     between Electrode and Chemical
                     (Homogeneous) Ion-Radical Dimerization ... 114
2.5  Formation of Organic Ion-Radicals in Living Organisms .... 115
2.6  Isotope-Containing Organic Compounds as Ion-Radical
     Precursors ............................................... 117
     2.6.1  Kinetic Isotope Effects in Electron-Transfer
            Reactions ......................................... 118
     2.6.2  Behavior of Isotope Mixtures in Electron-
            Transfer Reactions ................................ 120
2.7  Organic Ion-Radicals in Solid Phases ..................... 126
     2.7.1  Organic Ion-Radicals in Frozen Solutions .......... 126
     2.7.2  Organic Ion-Radical as Constituents of Solid
            Salts ............................................. 130
2.8  Formation and Behavior of Ion-Radicals within Confines ... 130
     2.8.1  Micellar Media .................................... 130
     2.8.2  Porous Media ...................................... 131
     2.8.3  Capsule Media ..................................... 133
2.9  Conclusion ............................................... 135
     References ............................................... 136

Chapter 3  Electronic Structure-Reactivity Relationship in
           Ion-Radical Organic Chemistry ...................... 143
3.1  Introduction ............................................. 143
3.2  Principle of "Detained" Electron That Controls Ion-
     Radical Reactivity ....................................... 144
     3.2.1  Frontier-Orbital Control .......................... 144
     3.2.2  Steric Control over Spin Delocalization ........... 153
     3.2.3  Unpaired Electron Localization in the Field of
            Two or More Atoms ................................. 155
     3.2.4  Spin-Charge Separation (Distonic Stabilization
            of Ion-Radicals) .................................. 161
    Distonic Stabilization of Anion-
                     Radicals ................................. 163
    Distonic Stabilization of Cation-
                     Radicals ................................. 165
     3.2.5  Ion-Pair Formation ................................ 168
    Detention of Unpaired Electron in
                     a Framework of One Specific Molecular
                     Fragment ................................. 169
    Formation of Closed Contour for
                     Unpaired Electron Delocalization ......... 170
3.3  Principle of "Released" Electron That Controls Ion-
     Radical Reactivity ....................................... 178
     3.3.1  Effects of Spread Conjugation in Ion-Radicals
            Derived from Molecules with Large Contours of
            Delocalization .................................... 180
     3.3.2  Spin Delocalization in Ion-Radicals Derived from
            Molecules of Increased Dimensionality ............. 183
3.4  Biomedical Aspects of Ion-Radical Organic Chemistry ...... 186
     3.4.1  Cation-Radical Damage in Deoxyribonucleic Acid .... 186
    Ionization Potentials of Carcinogens ..... 187
    Localization of Charges and Spins in
                     Cation-Radicals of Carcinogens ........... 187
     3.4.2  On Geometrical and Spatial Factors Governing the
            Behavior of Ion-Radicals in Biological Systems .... 189
     3.4.3  Ion-Radical Repair of Damaged Deoxyribonucleic
            Acid .............................................. 191
     3.4.4  Cation-Radical Intermediates in Metabolism of
            Furan Xenobiotics ................................. 194
     3.4.5  Behavior of Anion-Radicals in Living Organisms .... 194
3.5  Conclusion ............................................... 196
     References ............................................... 197

Chapter 4  Discerning Mechanism of Ion-Radical Organic
           Reactions .......................................... 205
4.1  Introduction ............................................. 205
4.2  Why Do Reactions Choose Ion-Radical Mechanism? ........... 205
4.3  Chemical Approaches to Identification of Ion-Radical
     Organic Reactions ........................................ 209
     4.3.1  Identification According to Structure of Final
            Products .......................................... 209
     4.3.2  Identification According to Correlation within
            Reaction Series ................................... 213
     4.3.3  Identification According to Disturbance of
            "Leaving-Group Strength" Correlation .............. 215
     4.3.4  Kinetic Approaches to Identification of Ion-
            Radical Reactions ................................. 216
    Kinetic Isotope Effect ................... 216
    Other Kinetic Approaches ................. 217
     4.3.5  Positional Reactivity and Distribution of Spin
            Density in Substrate Ion-Radicals ................. 219
     4.3.6  Identification by Methods of Chemical Probes ...... 223
    Initiation of Polymerization of Vinyl
                     Additives ................................ 223
    Method of Inhibitors ..................... 224
    Method of Radical and Spin Traps ......... 227
4.4  Physical Approaches to Identification of Ion-Radical
     Reactions ................................................ 232
     4.4.1  Radiospectroscopy ................................. 232
    Electron Spin Resonance Methods .......... 232
    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods ....... 233
     4.4.2  Optical Spectroscopy Methods ...................... 236
    Electron Spectroscopy .................... 236
    Vibration Spectroscopy ................... 238
     4.4.3  Other Physical Methods ............................ 238
    Magnetic Susceptibility .................. 238
    Mass Spectrometry ........................ 238
    Electrochemical Modeling of Ion-Radical
                     Reactions ................................ 238
    X-Ray Diffraction ........................ 239
4.5  Examples of Complex Approaches to Discernment of
     Ion-Radical Mechanism of Organic Reactions ............... 240
     4.5.1  Oxidative Polymerization of Anilines .............. 240
     4.5.2  Reactions of Hydroperoxides with Phosphites and
            Sulfides .......................................... 241
     4.5.3  ter Meer Reaction ................................. 243
     4.5.4  Aromatic Nitration ................................ 247
    System of HNO3 and H2SO4 with Catalytic
                     Amounts of HNO2 .......................... 251
    System of HNO3 and (CH3CO)2O ............. 253
    System of NaNO2 and CF3SO3H .............. 253
    Systems of Metal Nitrites with
                     Oxidizers ................................ 255
    Systems of Metal Nitrates with
                     Oxidizers ................................ 256
    Systems with Tetranitromethane as
                     Nitrating Agent .......................... 257
    Systems with Participation of Nitrogen
                     Dioxide .................................. 258
    Nitration and Hydroxylation by
                     Peroxynitrite ............................ 259
    Gas-Phase Nitration ...................... 260
     4.5.5  Meerwein and Sandmeyer Reactions .................. 262
4.6  Conclusion ............................................... 263
     References ............................................... 264

Chapter 5  Regulating Ion-Radical Organic Reactions ........... 271
5.1  Introduction ............................................. 271
5.2  Physical Effects ......................................... 271
     5.2.1  Effect of Light ................................... 271
     5.2.2  Effect of Electric Field .......................... 274
     5.2.3  Effect of Magnetic Field .......................... 277
     5.2.4  Effect of Microwave Field ......................... 278
     5.2.5  Effect of Acoustic Field .......................... 279
     5.2.6  Effect of Mechanical Action ....................... 281
    Mechanochromism .......................... 282
    Mechanopolymerization and Mechanolysis ... 283
5.3  Effect of Chemical Additives ............................. 286
5.4  Solvent Effects .......................................... 295
     5.4.1  Static Effects .................................... 295
    General Solvation ........................ 295
    Selective Solvation and Solute-Solvent
                     Binding .................................. 297
     5.4.2  Dynamic Effects ................................... 301
    Solvent Reorganization ................... 301
    Solvent Polarity and Polarization ........ 303
    Solvent Internal Pressure ................ 304
    Solvent Conformational Transition ........ 305
    Solvent Temperature ...................... 306
     5.4.3  Liquid Crystals and Ionic Liquids as Solvents ..... 306
5.5  Salt Effects ............................................. 308
     5.5.1  Salt Effect on Spin Density Distribution .......... 308
     5.5.2  Salt-Cage Effect Interplay ........................ 310
     5.5.3  Salt Effect on Course of Ion-Radical Reactions .... 312
5.6  Conclusion ............................................... 316
     References ............................................... 317

Chapter 6  Stereochemical Aspects of Ion-Radical Organic
           Reactions .......................................... 323
6.1  Introduction ............................................. 323
6.2  Problem of Steric Restrictions ........................... 323
6.3  Reflection of the Ion-Radical Step in Reaction Steric
     Results .................................................. 328
6.4  Conformational Transition of Ion-Radicals ................ 331
6.5  Space Structure and Skeletal Isomerization of Ion-
     Radicals ................................................. 341
6.6  Conclusion ............................................... 344
     References ............................................... 345

Chapter 7  Synthetic Opportunities of Ion-Radical Organic
           Chemistry .......................................... 349
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 349
7.2  Reductive and Oxidative Reactions ........................ 349
     7.2.1  Transformation of Ethylenic Ion-Radicals .......... 349
    Anion-Radicals ........................... 349
    Cation-Radicals .......................... 352
     7.2.2  Reduction of Ketones into Alcohols ................ 352
     7.2.3  Preparation of Dihydroaromatics ................... 354
     7.2.4  Synthetic Suitability of (Dialkylamino)benzene
            Cation-Radicals ................................... 357
7.3  Ion-Radical Polymerization ............................... 358
     7.3.1  Anion-Radical Polymerization ...................... 358
     7.3.2  Cation-Radical Polymerization ..................... 359
    Formation of Linear Main Chains .......... 359
    Formation of Cyclic and Branched
                     Chains ................................... 360
7.4  Ring Closure ............................................. 362
     7.4.1  Cation-Radical Ring Closure ....................... 362
     7.4.2  Anion-Radical Ring Closure ........................ 369
     7.4.3  Ring Closure Involving Cation- and Anion-
            Radicals in Linked Molecular Systems .............. 377
7.5  Ring Opening ............................................. 378
7.6  Fragmentation ............................................ 379
     7.6.1  Selective Oxidation ............................... 379
    Selective Oxidation of Alkylbenzenes ..... 379
    Selective Oxidation of
                     Dimethylimidazole ........................ 381
     7.6.2  Cation-Radical Route to Group Deprotection ........ 382
    Removal of Butoxycarbonyl Protective
                     Group .................................... 382
    Removal of Methoxybenzyl Protective
                     Group .................................... 383
    Removal of Trimethylsilyl Protective
                     Group .................................... 384
     7.6.3  Scission of Carbon-Carbon Bonds ................... 384
     7.6.4  Synthon-Influential Bond Scission ................. 387
7.7  Bond Formation ........................................... 388
7.8  Opportunities Associated with SRN1 Reactions ............. 392
     7.8.1  Substrate Structure ............................... 393
     7.8.2  Nature of Introducing Groups ...................... 394
     7.8.3  Reaction Medium ................................... 394
     7.8.4  Dark SRN1 Reactions ............................... 395
7.9  Conclusion ............................................... 398
     References ............................................... 398

Chapter 8  Ion-Radical Organic Chemistry in Its Practical
           Applicability ...................................... 403
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 403
8.2  Organic Ion-Radicals in Microelectronics ................. 403
     8.2.1  Ion-radical Approach to Molecular Switches and
            Modulators ........................................ 403
     8.2.2  Cation-Radicals of Triarylamines in Optical-
            Recording Media ................................... 407
     8.2.3  Ladder Polymerization of Fluoranthene-Based
            Cation-Radicals as Route to Electrochromic
            Materials ......................................... 408
8.3  Organic Metals ........................................... 409
8.4  Semiconductors ........................................... 418
8.5  Organic Magnets .......................................... 420
8.6  Lubrication in Terms of Ion-Radical Organic Chemistry .... 424
8.7  Ion-Radical Organic Chemistry in Its Contributions to
     Wood Delignification and Fossil-Fuel Desulfurization ..... 428
     8.7.1  Paper Fabrication ................................. 428
     8.7.2  Manufacture of Commercial Products from
            Delignification Wastes ............................ 433
     8.7.3  Desulfurization of Fossil Fuels ................... 434
8.8  Conclusion ............................................... 435
     References ............................................... 435

Chapter 9  General Outlook .................................... 441
9.1  Importance of Ion-Radical Organic Chemistry .............. 441
9.2  Scientometric Notes ...................................... 441
9.3  Prospects ................................................ 442

References .................................................... 443

Author Index .................................................. 445

Subject Index ................................................. 471

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