Optimization of polymer nanocomposite properties (Weinheim, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаOptimization of polymer nanocomposite properties / ed. by V.Mittal. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2010. - xxii, 418 p.: ill. (some col.). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.407-418. - ISBN 978-3-527-32521-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ XV
List of Contributors .......................................... XIX

1  Polymer Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Microstructure,
   and Properties ............................................... 1
   Vikas Mittal
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2  Means of Synthesis and Microstructure ................... 3
   1.3  Importance of Thermogravimetric Analysis and X-Ray
        Diffraction for Filler and Nanocomposite
        Microstructure Characterization ......................... 6
   1.4  Polar and Nonpolar Polymer Systems ...................... 9
   1.5  Advances in Filler Surface Modifications ............... 14
   1.6  Prediction of Composite Properties ..................... 15
   References .................................................. 17
2  Morphology Development in Thermoset Nanocomposites .......... 21
   Peter J. Halley
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 21
   2.2  Epoxy Nanocomposite Systems ............................ 22
   2.3  Effects of Processing and Aging ........................ 27
   2.4  Other Thermoset Nanocomposite Systems .................. 30
   2.5  Recent Advances in Thermoset Nanocomposites ............ 33
        2.5.1  Epoxy-HBP Nanostructured Systems ................ 33
        2.5.2  Ternary Nanostructured Systems and Multiscale
               Composites ...................................... 34
        2.5.3  Novel Characterization Methods .................. 36
        2.5.4  Modeling Thermoset Nanocomposite Systems ........ 36
   2.6  Summary ................................................ 38
   References .................................................. 38
3  Morphology and Interface Development in  Rubber-Clay
   Nanocomposites .............................................. 41
   Yong-Lai Lu and Li-Qun Zhang
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 41
   3.2  Melt Compounding ....................................... 42
        3.2.1  Mechanism and Influencing Factors ............... 42
       The Organic Modification ............... 43
       The Features of Rubber and
                        Compatibilizers or Coupling Agents ..... 44
       Melt-Compounding Conditions ............ 44
        3.2.2  Evolution of Morphology and Interface during
               Vulcanization of RCNs ........................... 44
       Changes in the Local Microstructure
                        of Clay Particles ...................... 44
       Change in the Spatial Distribution of
                        Clay Particles ......................... 45
   3.3  Latex Compounding ...................................... 57
        3.3.1  Mechanism and Influencing Factors ............... 57
        3.3.2  Interface Enhancement ........................... 60
   References .................................................. 65
4  Morphology Development in Polyolefin Nanocomposites ......... 67
   Mitsuyoshi Fujiyama
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 67
   4.2  Intercalation, Exfoliation, and Dispersion of MMT ...... 68
        4.2.1  Manufacturing Processes ......................... 68
        4.2.2  Dispersion (Exfoliation) State of Nanoclays ..... 69
        4.2.3  Exfoliation Process of Nanoclays ................ 72
        4.2.4  Control of Exfoliation/Dispersion of
               Nanoclays ....................................... 75
       Raw Materials .......................... 75
       Mixing Methods ......................... 78
       Mixing Conditions ...................... 82
        4.2.5  Morphology of Base Polymers ..................... 82
   4.3  Crystallization and Crystalline Structure of Matrix
        Polymers ............................................... 83
        4.3.1  Crystallization ................................. 83
       Quiescent Crystallization .............. 83
       Flow-Induced Crystallization ........... 84
        4.3.2  Crystalline Structure ........................... 84
       Quiescent Crystallization .............. 84
       Flow-Induced Crystallization ........... 86
   4.4  Morphology Development in Processing ................... 86
        4.4.1  Injection Molding ............................... 87
       Conventional Injection Molding ......... 87
       Dynamic Packing Injection Molding ...... 88
        4.4.2  Sheet Extrusion ................................. 89
        4.4.3  Film Extrusion Casting .......................... 90
   4.5  Conclusions ............................................ 90
   References .................................................. 91
5  Rheological Behavior of Polymer Nanocomposites .............. 93
   Mo Song and Jie Jin
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 93
   5.2  Rheological Behavior of Polymer Nanocomposites in
        Solution State ......................................... 95
   5.3  Rheological Behavior of Polymer Nanocomposites in
        Melt State ............................................ 107
   5.4  Conclusions ........................................... 118
   References ................................................. 119
6  Mechanical Property Enhancement of Polymer
   Nanocomposites ............................................. 123
   Nourredine Aït Hocine
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 123
   6.2  Material Stiffness .................................... 124
        6.2.1  Experimental Investigations .................... 124
        6.2.2  Analytical Modeling ............................ 125
   6.3  Ultimate Mechanical Properties ........................ 129
        6.3.1  Experimental Investigations .................... 129
        6.3.2  Analytical Modeling ............................ 131
       Yield Stress .......................... 131
       Properties at Break ................... 132
   6.4  Conclusions ........................................... 135
   References ................................................. 136
7  Stress Transfer and Fracture Mechanisms in Carbon
   Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposites ................. 139
   Bhabani K. Satapathy, Martin Ganß, Petra Potschke, and
   Roland Weidisch
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 139
   7.2  Experimental Studies .................................. 142
        7.2.1  Fabrication of Composites ...................... 142
        7.2.2  Morphology Characterization .................... 142
       Transmission Electron Microscopy
                        (ТЕМ) ................................. 142
       Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) ......... 143
       2-D Wide-Angle X-Ray Diffraction ...... 143
        7.2.3  Thermal Characterization ....................... 143
       Differential Scanning Calorimetry ..... 143
       Dynamical Mechanical Analysis ......... 143
       Melt Rheological Investigations ....... 144
        7.2.4  Mechanical and Fracture Mechanical
               Investigations ................................. 144
       Tensile Testing ....................... 144
       Essential-Work-of-Fracture Approach ... 144
       Kinetics of Crack Propagation
                        Measurement Using a Single-Specimen
                        Technique ............................. 145
   7.3  Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Nanocomposites and
        Stress Transfer ....................................... 145
        7.3.1  Amorphous Thermoplastic ........................ 145
        7.3.2  Semi-Crystalline Thermoplastic ................. 149
   7.4  Fracture Mechanics of CNT-Polymer Nanocomposites ...... 156
        7.4.1  Amorphous Thermoplastic ........................ 156
        7.4.2  Semi-Crystalline Thermoplastic ................. 162
   7.5  Concluding Remarks .................................... 168
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 169
   References ................................................. 169
8  Barrier Resistance Generation in Polymer Nanocomposites .... 173
   Vikas Mittal
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 173
   8.2  Theory of Permeation .................................. 174
   8.3  Barrier Generation in Polar Nanocomposites ............ 176
   8.4  Barrier Generation in Nonpolar Nanocomposites ......... 183
   8.5  Modeling of Barrier Properties of Composites .......... 189
   References ................................................. 192
9  Mechanisms of Thermal Stability Enhancement in
   Polymer Nanocomposites ..................................... 195
   Krzysztof Pielichowski, Agnieszka Leszczyńska, and James
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 195
   9.2  The Mechanisms of Thermal Stability Improvement
        by Different Nanofillers .............................. 196
        9.2.1  Clay Minerals .................................. 196
       Barrier Effect ........................ 196
       Restricted Thermal Motions ............ 198
       Char Forming and Catalytic Effects .... 198
       Radical Trapping and Sorption
                        Mechanisms ............................ 201
        9.2.2  Carbonaceous Nanofillers ....................... 202
       Carbon Nanotubes and Carbon
                        Nanofibers ............................ 202
       Carbon Black .......................... 205
       Fullerenes ............................ 205
       Graphite .............................. 205
        9.2.3  Silica-Based Nanofillers ....................... 205
       Silica Oxide .......................... 205
       Polyhedral Oligomeric
                        Silsesquioxane ........................ 206
        9.2.4  Metals and Metal Oxides ........................ 206
        9.2.5  Other Fillers .................................. 207
   9.3  Concluding Remarks .................................... 207
   References ................................................. 208
10 Mechanisms of Tribological Performance Improvement in
   Polymer Nanocomposites ..................................... 211
   Ga Zhang and Alois K. Schlarb
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 211
   10.2 Nanoparticle Reinforcements ........................... 213
        10.2.1 Improvement of Wear Performance by Using
               Nanopartides ................................... 214
        10.2.2 Roles of Nanopartides on Transfer Film
               Formation ...................................... 214
        10.2.3 Structure-Tribological Property
               Relationships .................................. 215
      Effect of Grafting Treatment of
                        Nanopartides on Tribological
                        Improvement of Epoxy Nanocomposites ... 217
      Role of Nano-Si02 Particles on the
                        Mechanical and Tribological
                        Behaviors of PEEK ..................... 218
   10.3 Carbon Nanotubes ...................................... 223
   10.4 Synthetic Roles of Nanopartides with Traditional
        Fillers ............................................... 226
        10.4.1 Tribological Behavior of Traditional and
               Nanofillers (or Sub-Micro)-Filled Epoxy ........ 226
        10.4.2 Roles of Nanopartides on the Tribological
               Behavior of SCF/PTFE/Graphite-Filled PEEK ...... 227
   References ................................................. 233
11 Mechanisms of Biodegradability Generation in Polymer
   Nanocomposites ............................................. 235
   Mitsuhiro Shibata
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 235
   11.2 PBAT Nanocomposites ................................... 237
        11.2.1 Preparation and Morphology of PBAT
               Nanocomposites ................................. 237
        11.2.2 Mechanical Properties of PBAT Nanocomposites ... 241
        11.2.3 Thermal Properties of PBAT Nanocomposites ...... 243
        11.2.4 Biodegradability of PBAT Nanocomposites ........ 244
   11.3 PBS Nanocomposites .................................... 245
        11.3.1 Preparation and Morphology of PBS
               Nanocomposites ................................. 245
        11.3.2 Mechanical Properties of PBS Nanocomposites .... 248
        11.3.3 Thermal Properties of PBS Nanocomposites ....... 252
        11.3.4 Biodegradability of PBS Nanocomposites ......... 253
   11.4 Conclusions ........................................... 256
   References ................................................. 258
12 Self-Healing in Nanoparticle-Reinforced Polymers and
   other Polymer Systems ...................................... 261
   Stephen J. Picken, Steven D. Mookhoek, Hartmut
   R. Fischer, and Sybrand van der Zwaag
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 261
   12.2 Microstructured Self-Healing Polymer Structures ....... 264
        12.2.1 Liquid-Based Self-Healing Thermosetting
               Polymers ....................................... 264
        12.2.2 Liquid-Based Self-Healing Thermoplastic
               Polymers ....................................... 265
        12.2.3 Geometric Aspects in Encapsulation ............. 265
   12.3 Nanoparticle-Reinforced Self-Healing Polymer
        Systems ............................................... 270
        12.3.1 Modeling the Modulus of Nanoparticle-Filled
               Polymers ....................................... 270
        12.3.2 Experimental Validation for Non-Self-Healing
               Systems ........................................ 273
        12.3.3 Design of a Self-Healing Nanoparticle
               Composite ...................................... 274
   12.4 Concluding Remarks .................................... 277
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 277
   References ................................................. 277
13 Crystallization in Polymer Nanocomposites .................. 279
   Jyoti Jog
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 279
   13.2 Nanofillers ........................................... 280
        13.2.1 Silicates ...................................... 280
        13.2.2 Carbon Nanotubes ............................... 281
        13.2.3 Exfoliated Graphite ............................ 281
        13.2.4 Other Nanoparticles ............................ 282
   13.3 Isothermal and Nonisothermal Crystallization in
        Polymers .............................................. 282
        13.3.1 Polypropylene (PP) ............................. 283
      Crystallization ....................... 283
      Polymorphism in PP .................... 285
        13.3.2 Poly-1-Butene (PB) ............................. 285
        13.3.3 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) ............... 286
        13.3.4 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) ............... 287
        13.3.5 Poly Trimethylene Terephthalate (PTT) .......... 288
        13.3.6 Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) ................. 288
      Crystallization ....................... 288
      Polymorphism in PEN ................... 289
        13.3.7 Polylactic Acid (PLLA) ......................... 289
        13.3.8 Polyhydroxy Alkonate (PHA) ..................... 290
        13.3.9 Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) .................. 290
        13.3.10 Nylon 6 ....................................... 291
      Crystallization ...................... 291
      Polymorphism in Nylon 6 .............. 292
        13.3.11 Nylon 66 ...................................... 293
      Crystallization ...................... 293
      Polymorphism in Nylon 66 ............. 293
        13.3.12 Nylon 11 ...................................... 293
        13.3.13 Nylon 10,10 ................................... 294
        13.3.14 Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) ................ 294
      Crystallization ...................... 294
      Polymorphism in PVDF ................. 294
        13.3.15 Syndiotactic Polystyrene (sPS) ................ 295
      Crystallization ...................... 295
      Polymorphism in sPS .................. 296
   13.4 Conclusions ........................................... 296
   References ................................................. 297
14 Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of
   Nanocomposites ............................................. 301
   Qinghua Zeng and Aibing Yu
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 301
        14.1.1 Nanocomposites ................................. 301
        14.1.2 Some Issues in Nanocomposites .................. 301
      Dispersion of Nanoparticles ........... 301
      Interface ............................. 303
      Crystallization ....................... 303
   14.1.3 Property Predictions ................................ 304
   14.2 Analytical and Numerical Techniques ................... 305
   14.2.1 Analytical Models ................................... 305
      Rule of Mixtures ...................... 305
      Halpin-Tsai Model ..................... 306
      Mori-Tanaka Model ..................... 306
      Equivalent-Continuum Approach ......... 307
      Self-Similar Approach ................. 307
   14.2.2 Numerical Methods ................................... 307
      Molecular Dynamics .................... 308
      Monte Carlo ........................... 309
      Brownian Dynamics ..................... 309
      Dissipative Particle Dynamics ......... 310
      Lattice Boltzmann ..................... 310
      Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau
                        Method ................................ 311
      Dynamic Density Functional Theory ..... 311
      Finite Element Method ................. 312
      Boundary Element Method ............... 312
        14.2.3 Multiscale Modeling ............................ 313
      Challenges ............................ 313
      Sequential and Concurrent
                        Approaches ............................ 313
      Applications in Polymer
                        Nanocomposites ........................ 314
   14.3 Prediction of Nanocomposite Properties ................ 314
        14.3.1 Mechanical Properties .......................... 316
      Stiffness and Strength ................ 316
      Stress Transfer ....................... 320
      Mechanical Reinforcement .............. 321
      Interfacial Bonding ................... 323
      Viscoelasticity ....................... 323
        14.3.2 Mechanical Failure ............................. 324
      Buckling .............................. 324
      Fatigue ............................... 325
      Fracture .............................. 325
      Wear .................................. 326
      Creep ................................. 327
   14.4 Conclusions ........................................... 327
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 328
   References ................................................. 329
15 Morphology Generation in Polymer Nanocomposites Using
   Various Layered Silicates .................................. 333
   Kenji Tamura and Hirohisa Yamada
   15.1 Introduction .......................................... 333
   15.2 Aspects of Layered Silicates .......................... 334
        15.2.1 General Structure .............................. 334
        15.2.2 Various Types of Layered Silicates ............. 335
   15.3 Conventional Layered Silicate Polymer Nanocomposites
        using Smectite and Expandable Synthetic Fluoro-Mica ... 338
        15.3.1 Relationship Between Morphology and
               Properties ..................................... 338
        15.3.2 Properties of Conventional Layered Silicate/
               Polymer Nanocomposites ......................... 339
   15.4 Aspect Ratio Variation Using Various Layered
        Silicates ............................................. 344
        15.4.1 Exfoliation of High Crystallinity
               Nonexpandable Mica ............................. 344
        15.4.2 Controlling the Number of Nanolayers (in
               the Dispersed Platelets): Inter stratified
               Layered Silicate/Polymer Nanocomposites ........ 347
   15.5 Summary ............................................... 348
   References ................................................. 349
16 Thermomechanical Properties of Nanocomposites .............. 351
   Lucia Helena Innocentini-Mei
   16.1 Introduction .......................................... 351
   16.2 Thermomechanical Analysis ............................. 352
   16.3 Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and the Principle of
        Time-Temperature Superposition ........................ 354
   16.4 Nanoclays and Their Influence on the
        Thermomechanical Properties of Polymer Composites:
        Some Case Studies ..................................... 355
   16.5 Conclusions ........................................... 366
   References ................................................. 367
17 Effect of Processing Conditions on the Morphology and
   Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites ....................... 369
   Michele Modesti, Stefano Besco, and Alessandra Lorenzetti
   17.1 Introduction .......................................... 369
   17.2 Melt-Intercalation of Polymer Nanocomposite Systems ... 370
        17.2.1 Melt Intercalation of Polymer/Clay Systems ..... 370
      Effects of Temperature, Shear, and
                        Residence Time ........................ 370
      Effects of Extruder Configuration
                        and Screw Profiles .................... 374
      Effect of Processing Route ............ 377
        17.2.2 Melt-Intercalation of Polymer/CNT Systems ...... 378
   17.3 Solution-Intercalation of Polymer Nanocomposites ...... 380
   17.4 Progress in Polymer Nanocomposites Processing ......... 385
        17.4.1 Water Injection-Assisted Melt-Compounding ...... 385
        17.4.2 Supercritical CO2 -Assisted Melt-Compounding ... 388
        17.4.3 Ultrasound-Assisted Melt-Compounding ........... 391
   17.5 Processing of Thermoset Nanocomposites ................ 394
   17.6 Conclusions ........................................... 399
   References ................................................. 400

Index ......................................................... 407

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