Neutrons and synchrotron radiation in engineering materials science: from fundamentals to material and component characterization (Weinheim; Chichester, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNeutrons and synchrotron radiation in engineering materials science: from fundamentals to material and component characterization / ed. by W.Reimers et al. - Weinheim; Chichester: Wiley-VCH, 2008. - xxiv, 436 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.421-436. - ISBN 978-3-527-31533-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... XVII
List of Contributors .......................................... XXI

Part I  General ................................................. 1

1  Microstructure and Properties of Engineering Materials ....... 3
   Helmut Clemens and Christina Scheu
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   1.2  Microstructure .......................................... 5
        1.2.1  Crystal Defects .................................. 8
        1.2.2  Grain (Phase) Boundaries and Twins ............... 8
        1.2.3  Precipitates and Dispersions ..................... 9
   1.3  Microstructure and Properties .......................... 12
   1.4  Microstructural Characterization ....................... 15
   References .................................................. 20
2  Internal Stresses in Engineering Materials .................. 21
   Anke Rita Pyzalla
   2.1  Definition ............................................. 21
        2.1.1  Stress Tensor, Strain Tensor, and Elasticity
               Tensor .......................................... 21
       Stress Tensor .......................... 21
       Strain Tensor .......................... 22
        2.1.2  Definitions, Residual Stresses .................. 24
       Stress Equilibrium ..................... 24
       Residual Macro- and Microstresses ...... 25
   2.2  Origin of Residual Macro- and Microstresses ............ 27
        2.2.1  Residual Stress Formation in Primary Forming
               Processes ....................................... 29
        2.2.2  Residual Stress Formation in Heat Treatment
               Processes ....................................... 30
       Residual Stresses in a Material
                        without Phase Transformation (Pure
                        Cooling Residual Stresses) ............. 30
       Residual Stresses in a Material with
                        Phase Transformation ................... 31
       Residual Stress Formation in Surface
                        Hardening Processes (Nitriding,
                        Carbo-Nitriding, and Case Hardening) ... 33
        2.2.3  Residual Stress Formation in Forming
               Processes ....................................... 34
       Deep-Rolling Residual Stresses ......... 35
       Cold Extrusion Residual Stresses ....... 37
        2.2.4  Residual Stress Formation in Metal Cutting
               Manufacturing ................................... 39
       Grinding Residual Stresses ............. 40
        2.2.5  Residual Stress Formation in Joining
               Processes ....................................... 42
        2.2.6  Residual Stress Formation in Coatings ........... 46
   2.3  Relevance .............................................. 48
        2.3.1  Failure due to Residual Stress Formation or
               Residual Stress Relief Induced by Temperature
               Changes ......................................... 49
        2.3.2  Influence of Residual Stresses on Component
               Failure Under Static and Dynamic Mechanical
               Loads ........................................... 50
        2.3.3  Influence of Residual Stresses on Component
               Failure in Corrosive Environments ............... 53
        2.3.4  Influence of Residual Stresses on Wear .......... 53
   References .................................................. 55
3  Texture and Texture Analysis in Engineering Materials ....... 57
   Heinz-Cünter Brokmeier and Sang-Bong Yi
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 57
   3.2  Pole Figures ........................................... 60
   3.3  Texture Measurements on Laboratory Scale ............... 62
        3.3.1  X-ray Diffraction ............................... 62
        3.3.2  Electron Diffraction ............................ 63
   3.4  Texture Measurements at Large-Scale Facilities ......... 65
        3.4.1  Neutron Diffraction ............................. 65
       Texture of Semifinished Products ....... 68
        3.4.2  Texture Analysis Using Synchrotron X-rays ....... 70
       Local Texture Measurement in an
                        Extruded Mg Rod ........................ 73
       Global Texture in Cu Wire .............. 74
       In situ Texture Measurement at
                        Elevated Temperatures .................. 74
       In situ Texture Measurement Under
                        Loading ................................ 75
   References .................................................. 76
4  Physical Properties of Photons and Neutrons ................. 79
   Andreas Schreyer
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 79
   4.2  Interaction of X-Ray Photons and Neutrons with
        Individual Atoms ....................................... 80
        4.2.1  Neutrons ........................................ 81
        4.2.2  X-Rays .......................................... 83
   4.3  Scattering of X-Ray Photons and Neutrons from
        Ensembles of Atoms ..................................... 86
   References .................................................. 89
5  Radiation Sources ........................................... 91
   5.1  Generation and Properties of Neutrons .................. 91
        Wolfgang Knop, Philipp Klaus Pranzas, and Peter
        5.1.1  Introduction .................................... 91
        5.1.2  Generation of Neutrons .......................... 91
       Research Reactors ...................... 91
       Spallation Sources ..................... 93
        5.1.3  Instrumentation ................................. 96
        References ............................................. 97
   5.2  Production and Properties of Synchrotron Radiation ..... 97
        Rolf Treusch
        5.2.1  Introduction .................................... 97
        5.2.2  Properties of Synchrotron Radiation ............ 100
        5.2.3  Sources of Synchrotron Radiation ............... 105
       Bending Magnets ....................... 106
       Wigglers and Undulators ............... 107
        5.2.4  Outlook: Free Electron Lasers .................. 109
        5.2.5  Summary ........................................ 111
   References ................................................. 112

Part II  Methods .............................................. 113

6  Introduction to Diffraction Methods for Internal Stress
   Analyses ................................................... 115
   Walter Reimers
   6.1  General Aspects ....................................... 115
   6.2  Principles of Diffraction Methods ..................... 116
   6.3  Principles of Strain Determination by Diffraction
        Methods ............................................... 118
   6.4  Determination of the Stress-Free Interplanar Lattice
        Distance do ........................................... 121
   6.5  sin2Ψ -Technique ...................................... 122
   6.6  Nonlinear Lattice Strain Distributions ................ 123
        6.6.1  Anisotropy ..................................... 123
        6.6.2  Strain/Stress Gradients ........................ 125
        6.6.3  Shear Strains/Stresses ......................... 127
   6.7  Diffraction Elastic Constants ......................... 128
        6.7.1  Calculation of DEC ............................. 129
        6.7.2  Experimental Determination of the DEC .......... 129
   6.8  Experimental Set-up and Measuring Procedures .......... 130
        6.8.1  Experimental Set-up ............................ 130
       Diffractometers ....................... 130
       Diaphragms ............................ 132
       Detectors ............................. 132
        6.8.2  Measuring Procedures ........................... 132
   6.9  Overview on In-depth and Local Residual Stress
        Analysis .............................................. 133
   References ................................................. 134
7  Stress Analysis by Angle-Dispersive Neutron Diffraction .... 137
   Peter Staron
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 137
   7.2  Diffractometer for Residual Stress Analysis ........... 138
        7.2.1  Set-up of a Diffractometer for Strain
               Scanning ....................................... 138
        7.2.2  Monochromator .................................. 139
        7.2.3  Slit System .................................... 140
        7.2.4  Sample Positioning ............................. 141
        7.2.5  Detector ....................................... 141
   7.3  Measurement and Data Analysis ......................... 142
        7.3.1  Gauge Volume and Sample Positioning ............ 142
        7.3.2  Data Reduction and Analysis .................... 144
       Data Reduction and Peak Fitting ....... 144
       Calculation of Stresses ............... 145
       Macro and Microstresses ............... 247
       Stress-Free Reference ................. 147
   7.4  Examples .............................................. 148
        7.4.1  Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Welded
               Aluminum Sheets ................................ 148
        7.4.2  Residual Stresses in Water-Quenched Turbine
               Discs .......................................... 150
   7.5  Summary and Outlook ................................... 152
   References ................................................. 152
8  Stress Analysis by Energy-Dispersive Neutron Diffraction ... 155
   Javier Roberto Santisteban
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 155
   8.2  Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction .................... 155
        8.2.1  TOF Peak Shape and Data Analysis Packages ...... 157
   8.3  TOF Strain Scanners ................................... 159
        8.3.1  Counting Times and Resolution .................. 160
        8.3.2  Neutron Optics and Time Focusing ............... 163
   8.4  A Virtual Laboratory for Strain Scanning .............. 164
   8.5  Evolution of Intergranular Stresses ................... 168
   8.6  TOF Transmission Analysis ............................. 170
        8.6.1  Bragg Edges .................................... 172
        8.6.2  Strain Mapping ................................. 172
        8.6.3  Quantitative Phase Analysis .................... 172
        8.6.4  Other Applications ............................. 174
   8.7  Conclusions ........................................... 174
   References ................................................. 175
9  Residual Stress Analysis by Monochromatic High-Energy
   X-rays ..................................................... 177
   René Valéry Martins
   9.1  Basic Set-ups ......................................... 177
   9.2  Principle of Slit Imaging and Data Reconstruction ..... 180
   9.3  The Conical Slit ...................................... 181
        9.3.1  Working Principle .............................. 181
        9.3.2  Capabilities ................................... 182
        9.3.3  Example ........................................ 183
   9.4  The Spiral Slit ....................................... 184
        9.4.1  Functional Principle ........................... 184
        9.4.2  Capabilities ................................... 186
        9.4.3  Example ........................................ 186
   9.5  Simultaneous Strain Measurements in Individual Bulk
        Grains ................................................ 188
   9.6  Coarse Grain Effects .................................. 189
   9.7  Analysis of Diffraction Data from Area Detectors ...... 191
   9.8  Matrix for Comparison and Decision Taking Which
        Technique to Use for a Specific Problem ............... 193
   References ................................................. 193
10 Residual Stress Analysis by White High Energy X-Rays ....... 195
   10.1 Reflection Mode ....................................... 195
        Christoph Cenzel
        10.1.1 Motivation ..................................... 195
        10.1.2 Basic Relations in Depth-Resolved Energy-
               Dispersive X-Ray Stress Analysis (XSA) in
               Reflection Geometry ............................ 196
        10.1.3 Experimental Set-up ............................ 199
        10.1.4 Example for Depth-Resolved Residual Stress
               Analysis by ED Diffraction ..................... 200
        10.1.5 Concluding Remarks and Prospects ............... 205
   References ................................................. 206
   10.2 Transmission Mode ..................................... 207
        Anke Rita Pyzalla
        10.2.1 Motivation ..................................... 207
   10.2.2 Experiment Set-up and Experimental Details .......... 208
 Penetration Depth .......................... 208
 Gauge Volume and Spatial Resolution ........ 209
 Example for an Experiment Set-up ........... 211
   10.2.3 Data Evaluation ..................................... 213
   10.2.4 Examples ............................................ 214
   10.2.5 Conclusions ......................................... 218
   References ................................................. 218
11 Diffraction Imaging for Microstructure Analysis ............ 221
   Thomas Wroblewski
   11.1 Introduction, the Principle of Diffraction Imaging .... 221
   11.2 The MAXIM Experiment at HASYLAB Beamline G3 ........... 222
   11.3 Data Structure ........................................ 223
   11.4 Strategies for Data Reduction and Visualization ....... 224
   11.5 Outlook, Bulk Imaging ................................. 226
   References ................................................. 228
12 Basics of Small-Angle Scattering Methods ................... 229
   Philipp Klaus Pranzas
   12.1 Common Features of a SAS Instrument ................... 229
   12.2 Contrast .............................................. 230
   12.3 Scattering Curve ...................................... 230
   12.4 Power Law/Scattering by Fractal Systems ............... 232
   12.5 Guinier and Porod Approximations ...................... 233
   12.6 Macroscopic Differential Scattering Cross Section ..... 234
   12.7 Model Calculation of Size Distributions ............... 235
   12.8 Magnetic Structures ................................... 236
   References ................................................. 237
13 Small-Angle Neutron Scattering ............................. 239
   Philipp Klaus Pranzas
   13.1 Nanocrystalline Magnesium Hydride for the Reversible
        Storage of Hydrogen ................................... 240
   13.2 Precipitates in Steel ................................. 242
   13.3 SiO2 Nanoparticles in a Polymer Matrix - an
        Industrial Application ................................ 245
   13.4 Green Surfactants ..................................... 246
   References ................................................. 248
14 Decomposition Kinetics in Copper-Cobalt Alloy Systems:
   Applications of Small-Angle X-ray Scattering ............... 249
   Günter Coerigk
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 249
   14.2 ASAXS Fundamentals .................................... 249
   14.3 Results of ASAXS Experiments Characterizing the
        Decomposition in Copper-Cobalt Alloys ................. 252
   14.4 Outlook ............................................... 255
   14.5 Summary ............................................... 255
   References ................................................. 256
15 B3 Imaging ................................................. 257
   Wolfgang Treimer
   15.1 Radiography ........................................... 257
        15.1.1 Fundamentals ................................... 257
        15.1.2 Interactions of Neutrons with Matter ........... 259
        15.1.3 Geometries ..................................... 261
        15.1.4 Resolution Functions ........................... 264
        15.1.5 Image Degradation .............................. 267
        15.1.6 Other Imaging Techniques ....................... 269
   15.2 Tomography ............................................ 274
        15.2.1 Mathematical Introduction ...................... 274
        15.2.2 Slice Theorem, Shannon Theorem ................. 276
        15.2.3 Image Reconstruction ........................... 277
   15.3 New Developments in Neutron Tomography ................ 281
   References ................................................. 285
16 Neutron and Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Imaging for
   Applications in Materials Science - From Macro- to
   Nanotomography ............................................. 287
   Felix Beckmann
   16.1 Introduction .......................................... 287
        16.1.1 Attenuation-Contrast Projections ............... 287
        16.1.2 Phase-Contrast Projections ..................... 288
        16.1.3 Phase-Enhanced Projections ..................... 289
        16.1.4 Direct Phase-Contrast Projections .............. 289
        16.1.5 Indirect Phase-Contrast Projections ............ 290
   16.2 Parallel-Beam Tomography .............................. 290
        16.2.1 Measurement and Reconstruction ................. 291
        16.2.2 Density Resolution and Detector Quality ........ 292
       16.2.3 Data Evaluation and Visualization ............... 295
   16.3 Macrotomography Using Neutrons ........................ 296
        16.3.1 Experimental Set-up ............................ 296
        16.3.2 Measurements and Results ....................... 297
   16.4 Microtomography Using Synchrotron Radiation ........... 300
        16.4.1 Beamline Optics ................................ 300
        16.4.2 Experimental Set-up ............................ 301
   16.5 Summary and Outlook ................................... 306
   References ................................................. 306
17 μ-Tomography of Engineering Materials ...................... 309
   Astrid Haibel
   17.1 Advantages of Synchrotron Tomography .................. 309
   17.2 Applications and 3D Image Analysis .................... 310
        17.2.1 Discharging Processes in Alkaline Cells ........ 310
        17.2.2 Microstructural Investigations of Nb3Sn
               Multifilamentary Superconductor Wires .......... 312
        17.2.3 Influence of the Foaming Agent on Metallic
               Foam Structures ................................ 314
   17.3 Image Artifacts ....................................... 316
        17.3.1 Ring Artifacts ................................. 316
        17.3.2 Image Noise .................................... 317
        17.3.3 Edge Artifacts ................................. 318
        17.3.4 Motion Artifacts ............................... 318
        17.3.5 Centering Errors of the Rotation Axis .......... 319
   References ................................................. 320
18 Diffraction Enhanced Imaging ............................... 323
   Michael Lohmann
   18.1 Introduction .......................................... 324
        18.1.1 Basics ......................................... 324
        18.1.2 Extinction Contrast ............................ 325
        18.1.3 Principles of DEI .............................. 326
   18.2 Experimental Set-up ................................... 328
   18.3 Examples .............................................. 329
        18.3.1 Complete Set of DEI Images ..................... 329
        18.3.2 Material Science ............................... 329
        18.3.3 Example of Mineralogical Investigations ........ 331
   18.4 Conclusions ........................................... 332
   References ................................................. 332

Part III  New and Emerging Methods ............................ 333

19 3D X-ray Diffraction Microscope ............................ 335
   Henning Friis Poulsen, Wolfgang Ludwig, and Søren Schmidt
   19.1 Basic Set-up and Strategy ............................. 336
        19.1.1 The 3DXRD Microscope ........................... 338
   19.2 Indexing and Characterization of Average Properties
        of Each Grain ......................................... 339
        19.2.1 Application I: Nucleation and Growth Studies ... 340
        19.2.2 Application II: Plastic Deformation ............ 341
        19.2.3 Application III: Studies of Subgrains and
               Nanocrystalline Materials ...................... 342
   19.3 Mapping of Grains and Orientations .................... 343
        19.3.1 Mode III: Mapping Grains in Undeformed
               Specimens ...................................... 343
        19.3.2 Mode IV: Mapping Orientations in Deformed
               Specimens ...................................... 345
        19.3.3 Application I: Recrystallization ............... 346
        19.3.4 Application II: Grain Growth ................... 347
   19.4 Combining 3DXRD and Tomography ........................ 348
        19.4.1 Grain Mapping by Tomography .................... 349
   19.5 Outlook ............................................... 350
   References ................................................. 350
20 3D Micron-Resolution Laue Diffraction ...................... 353
   Gene E. Ice
   20.1 Introduction .......................................... 353
        20.1.1 The Need for Polychromatic Microdiffraction .... 353
   20.2 Theoretical Basis for Advanced Polychromatic
        Microdiffraction ...................................... 355
        20.2.1 Modified Ewald's Sphere Description of Laue
               Diffraction .................................... 355
        20.2.2 Qualitative Information: Phase, Texture,
               Elastic Strain, Dislocation Density ............ 356
      Phase ................................. 356
      Texture ............................... 357
      Dislocation Tensor .................... 357
      Elastic Strain Tensor ................. 357
   20.3 Technical Developments for an Automated 3D Probe ...... 357
        20.3.1 Source ......................................... 358
        20.3.2 Microbeam Monochromator ........................ 359
        20.3.3 Nondispersive Focusing Optics .................. 361
        20.3.4 Area Detector .................................. 361
        20.3.5 Differential Aperture .......................... 361
        20.3.6 Software ....................................... 362
   20.4 Research Examples ..................................... 363
        20.4.1 3D Grain Boundary Networks ..................... 363
        20.4.2 Deformation Behavior and Grain Boundaries ...... 364
        20.4.3 Deformation in Single Crystals ................. 365
        20.4.4 Grain Growth on Surfaces and in Three-
               Dimensions ..................................... 366
        20.4.5 Anomalous Grain Growth ......................... 367
   20.5 Future Prospects and Opportunities .................... 369
   References ................................................. 370
21 Quantitative Analysis of Three-Dimensional Plastic Strain
   Fields Using Markers and X-ray Absorption Tomography ....... 371
   Kristoffer Haldrup and John A. Wert
   21.1 Introduction .......................................... 371
   21.2 Experimental Approach ................................. 372
        21.2.1 Markers ........................................ 372
        21.2.2 Particle Tracking and DGT Calculation .......... 372
        21.2.3 Spatial Resolution ............................. 373
   21.3 Results of Investigations ............................. 373
        21.3.1 Homogeneous Deformation ........................ 373
        21.3.2 Heterogenous Deformation ....................... 374
        21.3.3 Microstructural Effects ........................ 375
   21.4 Outlook ............................................... 376
   References ................................................. 377
22 Combined Diffraction and Tomography ........................ 379
   Anke Rita Pyzalla and Augusta Isaac
   22.1 Introduction .......................................... 379
   22.2 Experimental Set-up ................................... 380
   22.3 Example: Combined Diffraction and Tomography for
        Investigating Creep Damage Evolution .................. 381
        22.3.1 Scientific Background .......................... 381
        22.3.2 Experimental Details ........................... 381
      Miniature Creep Device ................ 381
      Tomography and Diffraction ............ 381
      Material .............................. 382
        22.3.3 Results ........................................ 382
   22.4 Conclusions and Outlook ............................... 385
   References ................................................. 386

Part IV  Industrial Applications .............................. 387

23 Diffraction-Based Residual Stress Analysis Applied to
   Problems in the Aircraft Industry .......................... 389
   Peter Staron, Funda S. Bayraktar, Mustafa Koqak, Andreas
   Schreyer, Ulrike Cihak, Helmut Clemens, and Martin Stockinger
   23.1 Motivation ............................................ 389
   23.2 Residual Stresses in Turbine Disks .................... 390
        23.2.1 Introduction ................................... 390
        23.2.2 Material ....................................... 391
        23.2.3 Finite Element Modeling ........................ 393
        23.2.4 Neutron Diffraction ............................ 395
        23.2.5 Results ........................................ 396
      In Situ Tensile Test .................. 396
      Stresses in a Turbine Disk ............ 397
      Stresses in a Thin Plate .............. 398
        23.2.6 Summary ........................................ 400
   23.3 Residual Stresses in Laser-Welded Al Joints ........... 400
        23.3.1 Introduction ................................... 400
        23.3.2 Materials and Welding .......................... 401
        23.3.3 Neutron Diffraction ............................ 404
        23.3.4 Stresses in Laser-Welded T-Joints .............. 405
        23.3.5 Stresses in Laser-Welded Butt Joints ........... 407
        23.3.6 Summary ........................................ 408
   23.4 Conclusions ........................................... 409
   References ................................................. 410
24 Optimization of Residual Stresses in Crankshafts ........... 413
   Anke Rita Pyzalla
   24.1 Introduction .......................................... 413
   24.2 Experimental Determination of Residual Stresses
        in Crankshafts ........................................ 414
   24.3 Experimental Results and Implications ................. 416
   24.4 Conclusions ........................................... 419
   References ................................................. 419

Index ......................................................... 421

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