Levitt M.H. Spin dynamics: basics of nuclear magnetic resonance (Hoboken, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLevitt M.H. Spin dynamics: basics of nuclear magnetic resonance. - 2nd ed. - Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2008. - xxv, 714 p., [7] p. of plates: ill. (some col.) - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.693-714. - ISBN 978-0-470-51118-3; ISBN 978-0-470-51117-6

Место хранения: 054 | Международный томографический центр CO РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
       Preface ................................................ xxi
       Preface to the First Edition ......................... xxiii
       Introduction ............................................. 1
Part 1 Nuclear Magnetism ........................................ 3
1      Matter ................................................... 5
          1.1 Atoms and Nuclei .................................. 5
          1.2 Spin .............................................. 5
              1.2.1 Classical angular momentum .................. 6
              1.2.2 Quantum angular momentum .................... 6
              1.2.3 Spin angular momentum ....................... 7
              1.2.4 Combining angular momenta ................... 8
              1.2.5 The Pauli Principle ......................... 9
          1.3 Nuclei ............................................ 9
              1.3.1 The fundamental particles ................... 9
              1.3.2 Neutrons and protons ....................... 10
              1.3.3 Isotopes ................................... 11
          1.4 Nuclear Spin ..................................... 12
              1.4.1 Nuclear spin states ........................ 12
              1.4.2 Nuclear Zeeman splitting ................... 14
              1.4.3 Zero-spin nuclei ........................... 14
              1.4.4 Spin-1/2 nuclei ............................ 15
              1.4.5 Quadrupolar nuclei with integer spin ....... 15
              1.4.6 Quadrupolar nuclei with half-integer spin .. 15
          1.5 Atomic and Molecular Structure ................... 15
              1.5.1 Atoms ...................................... 15
              1.5.2 Molecules .................................. 16
          1.6 States of Matter ................................. 17
              1.6.1 Gases ...................................... 17
              1.6.2 Liquids .................................... 17
              1.6.3 Solids ..................................... 19
2      Magnetism ............................................... 23
          2.1 The Electromagnetic Field ........................ 23
          2.2 Macroscopic Magnetism ............................ 23
          2.3 Microscopic Magnetism ............................ 25
          2.4 Spin Precession .................................. 26
          2.5 Larmor Frequency ................................. 29
          2.6 Spin-Lattice Relaxation: Nuclear Paramagnetism ... 30
          2.7 Transverse Magnetization and Transverse Relaxation 33
          2.8 NMR Signal ....................................... 36
          2.9 Electronic Magnetism ............................. 36
3      NMR Spectroscopy ........................................ 39
          3.1 A Simple Pulse Sequence .......................... 39
          3.2 A Simple Spectrum ................................ 39
          3.3 Isotopomeric Spectra ............................. 42
          3.4 Relative Spectral Frequencies: Case of Positive
              Gyromagnetic Ratio ............................... 44
          3.5 Relative Spectral Frequencies: Case of Negative
              Gyromagnetic Ratio ............................... 46
          3.6 Inhomogeneous Broadening ......................... 48
          3.7 Chemical Shifts .................................. 50
          3.8 J-Coupling Multiplets ............................ 56
          3.9 Heteronuclear Decoupling ......................... 59
Part 2 The NMR Experiment ...................................... 63
4      The NMR Spectrometer .................................... 65
          4.1 The Magnet ....................................... 65
          4.2 The Transmitter Section .......................... 66
              4.2.1 The synthesizer: radio-frequency phase
                    shifts ..................................... 67
              4.2.2 The pulse gate: radio-frequency pulses ..... 68
              4.2.3 Radio-frequency amplifier .................. 69
          4.3 The Duplexer ..................................... 69
          4.4 The Probe ........................................ 70
          4.5 The Receiver Section ............................. 72
              4.5.1 Signal preamplifier ........................ 73
              4.5.2 The quadrature receiver .................... 73
              4.5.3 Analogue-digital conversion ................ 74
              4.5.4 Signal phase shifting ...................... 76
          4.6 Overview of the Radio-Frequency Section .......... 76
          4.7 Pulsed Field Gradients ........................... 77
              4.7.1 Magnetic field gradients ................... 78
              4.7.2 Field gradient coils ....................... 79
              4.7.3 Field gradient control ..................... 80
5      Fourier Transform NMR ................................... 85
          5.1 A Single-Pulse Experiment ........................ 85
          5.2 Signal Averaging ................................. 86
          5.3 Multiple-Pulse Experiments: Phase Cycling ........ 89
          5.4 Heteronuclear Experiments ........................ 90
          5.5 Pulsed Field Gradient Sequences .................. 91
          5.6 Arrayed Experiments .............................. 91
          5.7 NMR Signal ....................................... 93
          5.8 NMR Spectrum ..................................... 96
              5.8.1 Fourier transformation ..................... 96
              5.8.2 Lorentzians ................................ 96
              5.8.3 Explanation of Fourier transformation ..... 100
              5.8.4 Spectral phase shifts ..................... 102
              5.8.5 Frequency-dependent phase correction ...... 103
          5.9 Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy .................... 105
              5.9.1 Two-dimensional signal surface ............ 105
              5.9.2 Two-dimensional Fourier transformation .... 105
              5.9.3 Phase twist peaks ......................... 107
              5.9.4 Pure absorption two-dimensional spectra ... 109
          5.10 Three-Dimensional Spectroscopy ................. 114
Part 3 Quantum Mechanics ...................................... 119
6      Mathematical Techniques ................................ 121
          6.1 Functions ....................................... 121
              6.1.1 Continuous functions ...................... 121
              6.1.2 Normalization ............................. 122
              6.1.3 Orthogonal and orthonormal functions ...... 122
              6.1.4 Dirac notation ............................ 122
              6.1.5 Vector representation of functions ........ 123
          6.2 Operators ....................................... 125
              6.2.1 Commutation ............................... 126
              6.2.2 Matrix representations .................... 126
              6.2.3 Diagonal matrices ......................... 129
              6.2.4 Block diagonal matrices ................... 129
              6.2.5 Inverse ................................... 130
              6.2.6 Adjoint ................................... 130
              6.2.7 Hermitian operators ....................... 131
              6.2.8 Unitary operators ......................... 131
          6.3 Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors .... 131
              6.3.1 Eigenequations ............................ 131
              6.3.2 Degeneracy ................................ 131
              6.3.3 Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of Hermitian
                    operators ................................. 132
              6.3.4 Eigenfunctions of commuting operators:
                    non-degenerate case ....................... 132
              6.3.5 Eigenfunctions of commuting operators:
                    degenerate case ........................... 132
              6.3.6 Eigenfunctions of commuting operators:
                    summary ................................... 133
              6.3.7 Eigenvectors .............................. 134
              6.3.1 Diagonalization ........................... 134
              6.4.1 Diagonalization of Hermitian or unitary
                    matrices .................................. 135
          6.5 Exponential Operators ........................... 135
              6.5.1 Powers of operators ....................... 135
              6.5.2 Exponentials of operators ................. 136
              6.5.3 Exponentials of unity and null operators .. 136
              6.5.4 Products of exponential operators ......... 137
              6.5.5 Inverses of exponential operators ......... 137
              6.5.6 Complex exponentials of operators ......... 137
              6.5.7 Exponentials of small operators ........... 137
              6.5.8 Matrix representations of exponential
                    operators ................................. 138
          6.6 Cyclic Commutation .............................. 138
              6.6.1 Definition of cyclic commutation .......... 138
              6.6.2 Sandwich formula .......................... 139
7      Review of Quantum Mechanics ............................ 143
          7.1 Spinless Quantum Mechanics ...................... 143
              7.1.1 The state of the particle ................. 143
              7.1.2 The equation of motion .................... 144
              7.1.3 Experimental observations ................. 144
          7.2 Energy Levels ................................... 145
          7.3 Natural Units ................................... 146
          7.4 Superposition States and Stationary States ...... 147
          7.5 Conservation Laws ............................... 148
          7.6 Angular Momentum ................................ 148
              7.6.1 Angular momentum operators ................ 149
              7.6.2 Rotation operators ........................ 149
              7.6.3 Rotation sandwiches ....................... 151
              7.6.4 Angular momentum eigenstates and eigenvalues152
              7.6.5 The angular momentum eigenstates .......... 154
              7.6.6 Shift operators ........................... 154
              7.6.7 Matrix representations of the angular
                    momentum operators ........................ 156
          7.7 Spin ............................................ 157
              7.7.1 Spin angular momentum operators ........... 157
              7.7.2 Spin rotation operators ................... 158
              7.7.3 Spin Zeeman basis ......................... 158
              7.7.4 Trace ..................................... 159
          7.8 Spin-1/2 ........................................ 160
              7.8.1 Zeeman eigenstates ........................ 160
              7.8.2 Angular momentum operators ................ 160
              7.8.3 Spin-1/2 rotation operators ............... 160
              7.8.4 Unity operator ............................ 161
              7.8.5 Shift operators ........................... 161
              7.8.6 Projection operators ...................... 161
              7.8.7 Ket-bra notation .......................... 162
          7.9 Higher Spin ..................................... 162
              7.9.1 Spin 7 = 1 ................................ 163
              7.9.2 Spin / = 3/2 .............................. 164
              7.9.3 Higher spins .............................. 165
Part 4 Nuclear Spin Interactions .............................. 169
8      Nuclear Spin Hamiltonian ............................... 171
          8.1 Spin Hamiltonian Hypothesis ..................... 171
          8.2 Electromagnetic Interactions .................... 172
              8.2.1 Electric spin Hamiltonian ................. 173
              8.2.2 Magnetic spin interactions ................ 176
          8.3 External and Internal Spin Interactions ......... 177
              8.3.1 Spin interactions: summary ................ 177
          8.4 External Magnetic Fields ........................ 177
              8.4.1 Static field .............................. 179
              8.4.2 Radio-frequency field ..................... 179
              8.4.3 Gradient field ............................ 181
              8.4.4 External spin interactions: summary ....... 181
          8.5 Internal Spin Hamiltonian ....................... 182
              8.5.1 The internal spin interactions ............ 182
              8.5.2 Simplification of the internal Hamiltonian  185
          8.6 Motional Averaging .............................. 186
              8.6.1 Modes of molecular motion ................. 186
              8.6.2 Molecular rotations ....................... 186
              8.6.3 Molecular translations .................... 187
              8.6.4 Intramolecular and intermolecular spin
                    interactions .............................. 189
              8.6.5 Summary of motional averaging ............. 190
9      Internal Spin Interactions ............................. 195
          9.1 Chemical Shift .................................. 195
              9.1.1 Chemical shift tensor ..................... 196
              9.1.2 Principal axes ............................ 197
              9.1.3 Principal values .......................... 198
              9.1.4 Isotropic chemical shift .................. 198
              9.1.5 Chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) ........... 198
              9.1.6 Chemical shift for an arbitrary molecular
                    orientation ............................... 200
              9.1.7 Chemical shift frequency .................. 201
              9.1.8 Chemical shift interaction in isotropic
                    liquids ................................... 201
              9.1.9 Chemical shift interaction in anisotropic
                    liquids ................................... 203
              9.1.10 Chemical shift interaction in solids ..... 204
              9.1.11 Chemical shift interaction: summary ...... 206
          9.2 Electric Quadrupole Coupling .................... 206
              9.2.1 Electric field gradient tensor ............ 207
              9.2.2 Nuclear quadrupole Hamiltonian ............ 208
              9.2.3 Isotropic liquids ......................... 209
              9.2.4 Anisotropic liquids ....................... 209
              9.2.5 Solids .................................... 210
              9.2.6 Quadrupole interaction: summary ........... 210
          9.3 Direct Dipole-Dipole Coupling ................... 211
              9.3.1 Secular dipole-dipole coupling ............ 213
              9.3.2 Dipole-dipole coupling in isotropic liquids 215
              9.3.1 Dipole-dipole coupling in liquid crystals . 216
              9.3.4 Dipole-dipole coupling in solids .......... 216
              9.3.5 Dipole-dipole interaction: summary ........ 217
          9.4 /-Coupling ...................................... 217
              9.4.1 Isotropic /-coupling ...................... 219
              9.4.2 Liquid crystals and solids ................ 221
              9.4.3 Mechanism of the /-coupling ............... 222
              9.4.4 /-coupling: summary ....................... 223
          9.5 Spin-Rotation Interaction ....................... 223
          9.6 Summary of the Spin Hamiltonian Terms ........... 224
Part 5 Uncoupled Spins ........................................ 229
10      Single Spin-1/2 ....................................... 231
           10.1 Zeeman Eigenstates ............................ 231
           10.2 Measurement of Angular Momentum: Quantum
                Indeterminacy ................................. 232
           10.3 Energy Levels ................................. 233
           10.4 Superposition States .......................... 234
                10.4.1 General spin states .................... 234
                10.4.2 Vector notation ........................ 234
                10.4.3 Some particular states ................. 235
                10.4.4 Phase factors .......................... 237
           10.5 Spin Precession ............................... 238
                10.5.1 Dynamics of the eigenstates ............ 239
                10.5.2 Dynamics of the superposition states ... 240
           10.6 Rotating Frame ................................ 241
           10.7 Precession in the Rotating Frame .............. 245
           10.8 Radio-frequency Pulse ......................... 247
                10.8.1 Rotating-frame Hamiltonian ............. 247
                10.8.2 x-pulse ................................ 248
                10.8.3 Nutation ............................... 251
                10.8.4 Pulse of general phase ................. 252
                10.8.5 Off-resonance effects .................. 253
11      Ensemble of Spins-1/2 ................................. 259
           11.1 Spin Density Operator ......................... 259
           11.2 Populations and Coherences .................... 261
                11.2.1 Density matrix ......................... 261
                11.2.2 Box notation ........................... 261
                11.2.3 Balls and arrows ....................... 262
                11.2.4 Orders of coherence .................... 263
                11.2.5 Relationships between populations and
                       coherences ............................. 263
                11.2.6 Physical interpretation of the
                       populations ............................ 264
                11.2.7 Physical interpretation of the coherences265
           11.3 Thermal Equilibrium ........................... 266
           11.4 Rotating-Frame Density Operator ............... 268
           11.5 Magnetization Vector .......................... 269
           11.6 Strong Radio-Frequency Pulse .................. 270
                11.6.1 Excitation of coherence ................ 271
                11.6.2 Population inversion ................... 273
                11.6.3 Cycle of states ........................ 274
                11.6.4 Stimulated absorption and emission ..... 275
           11.7 Free Precession Without Relaxation ............ 276
           11.8 Operator Transformations ...................... 279
                11.8.1 Pulse of phase Φp = 0 .................. 279
                11.8.2 Pulse of phase Φp = π/2 ................ 279
                11.8.3 Pulse of phase Φp = π .................. 279
                11.8.4 Pulse of phase Φp = 3π/2 ............... 279
                11.8.5 Pulse of general phase Φp .............. 280
                11.8.6 Free precession for an interval ι ...... 280
           11.9 Free Evolution with Relaxation ................ 281
                11.9.1 Transverse relaxation .................. 281
                11.9.2 Longitudinal relaxation ................ 283
           11.10 Magnetization Vector Trajectories ............ 285
           11.11 NMR Signal and NMR Spectrum .................. 287
           11.12 Single-Pulse Spectra ......................... 289
12      Experiments on Non-Interacting Spins-1/2 .............. 295
           12.1 Inversion Recovery: Measurement of T1 ......... 295
           12.2 Spin Echoes: Measurement of T2 ................ 298
                12.2.1 Homogenous and inhomogenenous
                       broadening ............................. 298
                12.2.2 Inhomogenenous broadening in the time
                       domain ................................. 299
                12.2.3 Spin echo pulse sequence ............... 299
                12.2.4 Refocusing ............................. 302
                12.2.5 Coherence interpretation ............... 303
                12.2.6 Coherence transfer pathway ............. 305
           12.3 Spin Locking: Measurement of T .............. 305
           12.4 Gradient Echoes ............................... 306
           12.5 Slice Selection ............................... 307
           12.6 NMR Imaging ................................... 309
13      Quadrupolar Nuclei .................................... 319
           13.1 SpinI = 1 ..................................... 319
                13.1.1 Spin-1 states .......................... 319
                13.1.2 Spin-1 energy levels ................... 320
                13.1.3 Spin-1 density matrix .................. 321
                13.1.4 Coherence evolution .................... 323
                13.1.5 Observable coherences and NMR spectrum . 325
                13.1.6 Thermal equilibrium .................... 326
                13.1.7 Strong radio-frequency pulse ........... 326
                13.1.8 Excitation of coherence ................ 328
                13.1.9 NMR spectrum ........................... 328
                13.1.10 Quadrupolar echo ...................... 331
           13.2 SpinI= 3/2 .................................... 334
                13.2.1 Spin-3/2 energy levels ................. 335
                13.2.2 Populations and coherences ............. 336
                13.2.3 NMR signal ............................. 338
                13.2.4 Single pulse spectrum .................. 339
                13.2.5 Spin-3/2 spectra for small quadrupole
                       couplings .............................. 341
                13.2.6 Second-order quadrupole couplings ...... 342
                13.2.7 Central transition excitation .......... 343
                13.2.8 Central transition echo ................ 345
           13.3 SpinI = 5/2 ................................... 345
           13.4 SpinsI = 7/2 .................................. 349
           13.5 SpinsI = 9/2 .................................. 350
Part 6 Coupled Spins .......................................... 353
14      Spin-1/2 Pairs ........................................ 355
           14.1 Coupling Regimes .............................. 355
           14.2 Zeeman Product States and Superposition
                States ........................................ 356
           14.3 Spin-Pair Hamiltonian ......................... 357
           14.4 Pairs of Magnetically Equivalent Spins ........ 359
                14.4.1 Singlets and triplets .................. 359
                14.4.2 Energy levels .......................... 360
                14.4.3 NMR spectra ............................ 362
                14.4.4 Dipolar echo ........................... 363
           14.5 Weakly Coupled Spin Pairs ..................... 363
                14.5.1 Weak coupling .......................... 363
                14.5.2 AX spin systems ........................ 364
                14.5.3 Energy levels .......................... 364
                14.5.4 AX spectrum ............................ 365
                14.5.5 Heteronuclear spin pairs ............... 366
15      Homonuclear AX System ................................. 369
           15.1 Eigenstates and Energy Levels ................. 369
           15.2 Density Operator .............................. 370
           15.3 Rotating Frame ................................ 375
           15.4 Free Evolution ................................ 376
                15.4.1 Evolution of a spin pair ............... 376
                15.4.2 Evolution of the coherences ............ 377
           15.5 Spectrum of the AX System: Spin-Spin Splitting  378
           15.6 Product Operators ............................. 381
                15.6.1 Construction of product operators ...... 382
                15.6.2 Populations and coherences ............. 383
                15.6.3 Spin orientations ...................... 386
           15.7 Thermal Equilibrium ........................... 389
           15.8 Radio-Frequency Pulses ........................ 391
                15.8.1 Rotations of a single spin pair ........ 392
                15.8.2 Rotations of the spin density operator . 393
                15.8.3 Operator transformations ............... 395
           15.9 Free Evolution of the Product Operators ....... 397
                15.9.1 Chemical shift evolution ............... 399
                15.9.2 J-coupling evolution ................... 400
                15.9.3 Relaxation ............................. 405
           15.10 Spin Echo Sandwich ........................... 405
16      Experiments on AX Systems ............................. 409
           16.1 COSY .......................................... 409
                16.1.1 The assignment problem ................. 409
                16.1.2 COSY pulse sequence .................... 411
                16.1.3 Theory of COSY: coherence
                       interpretation ......................... 411
                16.1.4 Product operator interpretation ........ 415
                16.1.5 Experimental examples .................. 418
           16.2 INADEQUATE .................................... 418
                16.2.1 13C isotopomers ........................ 418
                16.2.2 Pulse sequence ......................... 423
                16.2.3 Theory of INADEQUATE ................... 424
                16.2.4 Coherence transfer pathways and
                       phase cycling .......................... 429
                16.2.5 Two-dimensional INADEQUATE ............. 431
           16.3 INEPT ......................................... 436
                16.3.1 The sensitivity of nuclear isotopes .... 436
                16.3.2 INEPT pulse sequence ................... 437
                16.3.3 Refocused INEPT ........................ 440
           16.4 Residual Dipolar Couplings .................... 443
                16.4.1 Angular information .................... 443
                16.4.2 Spin Hamiltonian ....................... 443
                16.4.3 Orienting media ........................ 444
                16.4.4 Doublet splittings ..................... 446
17      Many-Spin Systems ..................................... 453
           17.1 Molecular Spin System ......................... 453
           17.2 Spin Ensemble ................................. 454
           17.3 Motionally Suppressed J-Couplings ............. 454
           17.4 Chemical Equivalence .......................... 455
           17.5 Magnetic Equivalence .......................... 458
           17.6 Weak Coupling ................................. 461
           17.7 Heteronuclear Spin Systems .................... 462
           17.8 Alphabet Notation ............................. 463
           17.9 Spin Coupling Topologies ...................... 464
18      Many-Spin Dynamics .................................... 467
           18.1 Spin Hamiltonian .............................. 467
           18.2 Energy Eigenstates ............................ 468
           18.3  Superposition States ......................... 469
           18.4 Spin Density Operator ......................... 470
           18.5 Populations and Coherences .................... 471
                18.5.1 Coherence orders ....................... 471
                18.5.2 Combination coherences and simple
                       coherences ............................. 471
                18.5.3 Coherence frequencies .................. 472
                18.5.4 Degenerate coherences .................. 473
                18.5.5 Observable coherences .................. 473
           18.6 NMR Spectra ................................... 475
           18.7 Many-Spin Product Operators ................... 477
                18.7.1 Construction of product operators ...... 477
                18.7.2 Populations and coherences ............. 478
                18.7.3 Physical interpretation of product
                       operators .............................. 480
           18.8 Thermal Equilibrium ........................... 481
           18.9 Radio-Frequency Pulses ........................ 481
           18.10 Free Precession .............................. 482
                 18.10.1 Chemical shift evolution ............. 482
                 18.10.2 J-coupling evolution ................. 483
                 18.10.3 Relaxation ........................... 485
           18.11 Spin Echo Sandwiches ......................... 485
           18.12 INEPT in an I2S System ....................... 488
           18.13 COSY in Multiple-Spin Systems ................ 491
                 18.13.1 AMX spectrum ......................... 492
                 18.13.2 Active and passive spins ............. 493
                 18.13.3 Cross-peak multiplets ................ 494
                 18.13.4 Diagonal peaks ....................... 496
                 18.13.5 Linear spin systems .................. 497
           18.14 TOCSY ........................................ 497
                 18.14.1 The ambiguity of COSY spectra ........ 497
                 18.14.2 TOCSY pulse sequence ................. 499
                 18.14.3 Theory of TOCSY ...................... 499
Part 7 Motion and Relaxation .................................. 507
19      Motion ................................................ 509
           19.1 Motional Processes ............................ 509
                19.1.1 Molecular vibrations ................... 509
                19.1.2 Local rotations of molecular groups .... 510
                19.1.3 Molecular flexibility .................. 510
                19.1.4 Chemical exchange ...................... 510
                19.1.5 Molecular rotations .................... 511
                19.1.6 Translational motion ................... 512
                19.1.7 Mechanical motion ...................... 513
           19.2 Motional Time-Scales .......................... 513
           19.3 Motional Effects .............................. 514
           19.4 Motional Averaging ............................ 515
           19.5 Motional Lineshapes and Two-Site Exchange ..... 516
                19.5.1 Slow intermediate exchange and motional
                       broadening ............................. 518
                19.5.2 Fast intermediate exchange and motional
                       narrowing .............................. 520
                19.5.3 Averaging of J-splittings .............. 523
                19.5.4 Asymmetric two-site exchange ........... 524
                19.5.5 Knight shift ........................... 525
                19.5.6 Paramagnetic shifts .................... 527
           19.6 Sample Spinning ............................... 527
           19.7 Longitudinal Magnetization Exchange ........... 529
                19.7.1 Two-dimensional exchange spectroscopy .. 529
                19.7.2 Theory ................................. 532
                19.7.3 Motional regimes ....................... 539
           19.8 Diffusion ..................................... 539
20      Relaxation ............................................ 543
           20.1 Types of Relaxation ........................... 543
           20.2 Relaxation Mechanisms ......................... 543
           20.3 Random Field Relaxation ....................... 545
                20.3.1 Autocorrelation functions and
                       correlation times ...................... 545
                20.3.2 Spectral density ....................... 548
                20.3.3 Normalized spectral density ............ 549
                20.3.4 Transition probabilities ............... 550
                20.3.5 Thermally corrected transition
                       probabilities .......................... 551
                20.3.6 Spin-lattice relaxation ................ 552
           20.4 Dipole-Dipole Relaxation ...................... 556
                20.4.1 Rotational correlation time ............ 556
                20.4.2 Transition probabilities ............... 557
                20.4.3 Solomon equations ...................... 561
                20.4.4 Longitudinal relaxation ................ 564
                20.4.5 Transverse relaxation .................. 565
           20.5 Steady-State Nuclear Overhauser Effect ........ 566
           20.6 NOESY ......................................... 570
                20.6.1 NOESY pulse sequence ................... 570
                20.6.2 NOESY signal ........................... 570
                20.6.3 NOESY spectra .......................... 573
                20.6.4 NOESY and chemical exchange ............ 575
                20.6.5 Molecular structure determination ...... 576
           20.7 ROESY ......................................... 577
                20.7.1 Transverse cross-relaxation ............ 577
                20.7.2 Spin locking ........................... 578
                20.7.3 Transverse Solomon equations ........... 578
                20.7.4 ROESY spectra .......................... 580
                20.7.5 ROESY and chemical exchange ............ 582
                20.7.6 ROESY and TOCSY ........................ 583
           20.8 Cross-Correlated Relaxation ................... 584
                20.8.1 Cross-correlation ...................... 584
                20.8.2 Cross-correlation of spin interactions . 585
                20.8.3 Dipole-dipole cross-correlation and
                       angular estimations .................... 586
                20.8.4 TROSY .................................. 590
Part 8 Appendices ............................................. 597
        Appendix A: Supplementary Material .................... 599
           A.1 Euler Angles and Frame Transformations ......... 599
               A.1.1 Definition of the Euler angles ........... 599
               A.1.2 Euler rotations: first scheme ............ 599
               A.1.3 Euler rotations: second scheme ........... 600
               A.l.4 Euler rotation matrices .................. 601
               A.1.5 Reference-frame orientations ............. 601
               A.1.6 Consecutive reference-frame transformations602
               A.1.7 Passive rotations ........................ 602
               A.1.8 Tensor transformations ................... 603
               A.1.9 Intermediate reference frames ............ 604
           A.2 Rotations and Cyclic Commutation ............... 604
           A.3 Rotation Sandwiches ............................ 605
           A.4 Spin-1/2 Rotation Operators .................... 606
           A.5 Quadrature Detection and Spin Coherences ....... 608
           A.6 Secular Approximation .......................... 611
           A.7 Quadrupolar Interaction ........................ 614
               A.7.1 Full quadrupolar interaction ............. 614
               A.7.2 First-order quadrupolar interaction ...... 614
               A.7.3 Higher-order quadrupolar interactions .... 615
           A.8 Strong Coupling ................................ 615
               A.8.1 Strongly-coupled Spin-1/2 pairs .......... 615
               A.8.2 General strongly coupled systems ......... 620
           A.9 J-Couplings and Magnetic Equivalence ........... 621
           A.10 Spin Echo Sandwiches .......................... 623
                A.10.1Short-duration limit .................... 625
                A.10.2 Long-duration limit .................... 625
                A.10.3 Two spin echo sequences ................ 626
                A.10.4 Heteronuclear spin echo sequences ...... 627
           A.11 Phase Cycling ................................. 629
                A.11.1 Coherence transfer pathways ............ 629
                A.11.2 Coherence transfer amplitudes .......... 630
                A.11.3 Coherence orders and phase shifts ...... 631
                A.11.4 The pathway phase ...................... 632
                A.11.5 A sum theorem .......................... 633
                A.11.6 Pathway selection I .................... 634
                A.11.7 Pathway selection II ................... 635
                A.11.8 Pathway selection III .................. 637
                A.11.9 Selection of a single pathway I ........ 638
                A.11.10 Selection of a single pathway II ...... 639
                A.ll.ll Dual pathway selection ................ 640
                A.11.12 Internal phases I ..................... 641
                A.11.13 Internal phases II .................... 642
                A.11.14 Nested phase cycles I ................. 644
                A.11.15 Nested phase cycles II ................ 645
                A.11.16 Different ways of constructing phase
                        cycles ................................ 648
           A.12 Coherence Selection by Pulsed Field Gradients . 649
                A.12.1 Field gradient dephasing ............... 649
                A.12.2 Pathway phase .......................... 651
                A.12.3 Coherence transfer echoes .............. 652
                A.12.4 Pathway selection ...................... 652
                A.12.5 Heteronuclear coherence transfer
                       echoes ................................. 652
           A.13 Bloch Equations ............................... 653
           A.14 Chemical Exchange ............................. 654
                A.14.1 The incoherent dynamics ................ 655
                A.14.2 The coherent dynamics .................. 655
                A.14.3 The spectrum ........................... 656
                A.14.4 Longitudinal magnetization exchange .... 658
           A.15 Solomon Equations ............................. 660
           A.16 Cross-Relaxation Dynamics ..................... 662
           Appendix B: Symbols and Abbreviations .............. 665
           Answers to the Exercises ........................... 681
           Index .............................................. 693

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