Lee J.H.S. The detonation phenomenon. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLee J.H.S. The detonation phenomenon. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - xii, 388 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p. 370-371. - Ind.: p.377-388. - ISBN 978-0-521-89723-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi

1  INTRODUCTION ................................................. 1
   1.1  Deflagrations and Detonations ........................... 1
   1.2  Discovery of the Detonation Phenomenon .................. 4
   1.3  Chapman-Jouguet Theory .................................. 5
   1.4  The Detonation Structure ................................ 7
   1.5  Dynamics of the Detonation Products .................... 10
   1.6  Stability of the Detonation Front ...................... 11
   1.7  Influence of Boundary Conditions ....................... 12
   1.8  Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition (DDT) ............ 15
   1.9  Direct Initiation ...................................... 17
   1.10 Outstanding Problems ................................... 19
   Bibliography ................................................ 22

   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 26
   2.2  Basic Equations......................................... 27
   2.3  Rayleigh Line and Hugoniot Curve ....................... 29
   2.4  The Tangency (Chapman-Jouguet) Solutions ............... 32
   2.5  Entropy Variation along the Hugoniot Curve ............. 35
   2.6  Downstream Flow Conditions ............................. 36
   2.7  The Chapman-Jouguet Criterion .......................... 38
   2.8  Rankine-Hugoniot Relations ............................. 42
   2.9  Deflagrations .......................................... 46
   2.10 Closing Remarks ........................................ 50
   Bibliography ................................................ 52

3  DYNAMICS OF DETONATION PRODUCTS ............................. 53
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 53
   3.2  Basic Equations ........................................ 54
   3.3  Diverging Cylindrical and Spherical CJ Detonations ..... 57
   3.4  Piston Motion behind Diverging Detonations ............. 59
   3.5  Diverging Detonations in a Nonuniform Medium ........... 65
   3.6  Closing Remarks ........................................ 71
   Bibliography ................................................ 72

4  LAMINAR STRUCTURE OF DETONATIONS ............................ 73
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 73
   4.2  The ZND Structure for an Ideal Gas ..................... 75
   4.3  Pathological Detonations ............................... 83
   4.4  Nonideal Detonations ................................... 89
   4.5  Closing Remarks ........................................ 95
   Bibliography ................................................ 97

   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 98
   5.2  Linear Stability Analysis .............................. 99
   5.3  Normal-Mode Linear Analysis ............................ 99
   5.4  Asymptotic Modeling of Unstable Detonation ............ 101
   5.5  High Activation Energy and the Newtonian Limit ........ 102
   5.6  Asymptotic Analysis of Multidimensional 
        Instabilities and Cell Spacing Prediction ............. 103
   5.7  Asymptotic Limit of Large Overdrive ................... 105
   5.8  Asymptotic Limit of Weak Heat Release ................. 105
   5.9  Direct Numerical Simulation of Unstable Detonation .... 106
   5.10 One-Dimensional Instability (One-Step Reaction Rate
        Model) ................................................ 108
   5.11 Effect of Chemistry on Stability ...................... 118
   5.12 Two-Dimensional Cellular Instability .................. 128
   5.13 Closing Remarks ....................................... 139
   Bibliography ............................................... 141

   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 147
   6.2  The Spinning Detonation Phenomenon .................... 148
   6.3  The Manson-Taylor-Fay-Chu Acoustic Theory of 
        Spinning Detonation ................................... 152
   6.4  Structure of the Spinning Detonation Front ............ 157
   6.5  Multiheaded Detonations ............................... 170
   6.6  Cellular Structure in Other Geometries ................ 178
   6.7  Cell Size and Chemistry ............................... 194
   6.8  Closing Remarks ....................................... 199
   Bibliography ............................................... 201

7  INFLUENCE OF BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ........................... 204
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 204
   7.2  Velocity Deficit ...................................... 205
   7.3  Detonations in Rough-Walled Tubes ..................... 214
   7.4  Acoustically Absorbing Walls .......................... 227
   7.5  Detonation Limits ..................................... 235
   7.6  Closing Remarks ....................................... 245
   Bibliography ............................................... 247

   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 250
   8.2  Gasdynamics of Deflagration Waves ..................... 252
   8.3  Salient Features of the Transition Phenomenon ......... 258
   8.4  Flame Acceleration Mechanisms ......................... 262
   8.5  Onset of Detonation ................................... 277
   8.6  Criterion for Transition from Deflagration to 
        Detonation ............................................ 286
   8.7  Closing Remarks ....................................... 293
   Bibliography ............................................... 295

9  DIRECT INITIATION OF DETONATIONS ........................... 297
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 297
   9.2  Blast Initiation (Experimental Observations) .......... 299
   9.3  Numerical Simulation of Blast Initiation .............. 314
   9.4  The Critical Tube Diameter ............................ 327
   9.5  Other Means of Direct Initiation ...................... 339
   9.6  Theory of Blast Initiation ............................ 349
   9.7  The SWACER Mechanism .................................. 360
   9.8  Closing Remarks ....................................... 368
   Bibliography ............................................... 370

Epilogue ...................................................... 373
Index ......................................................... 377

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