He B.B. Two-dimensional x-ray diffraction (Hoboken, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHe B.B. Two-dimensional x-ray diffraction. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2009. - xiv, 426 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.419-426. - ISBN 978-0-470-22722-0

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii

1. Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  X-Ray Technology and Its Brief History .................. 1
   1.2  Geometry of Crystals .................................... 2
        1.2.1  Crystal Lattice and Symmetry ..................... 3
        1.2.2  Lattice Directions and Planes .................... 4
        1.2.3  Atomic Arrangement in Crystal Structure .......... 9
        1.2.4  Imperfections in Crystal Structure .............. 11
   1.3  Principles of X-Ray Diffraction ........................ 13
        1.3.1  Bragg Law ....................................... 13
        1.3.2  Diffraction Patterns............................. 14
   1.4  Reciprocal Space and Diffraction ....................... 16
        1.4.1  Reciprocal Lattice .............................. 16
        1.4.2  The Ewald Sphere ................................ 18
        1.4.3  Diffraction Cone and Diffraction Vector Cone .... 19
   1.5  Two-Dimensional X-Ray Diffraction ...................... 21
        1.5.1  Diffraction Pattern Measured by Area Detector ... 21
        1.5.2  Two-Dimensional X-Ray Diffraction System and
               Major Components ................................ 22
        1.5.3  Summary ......................................... 23
        References.............................................. 25
2  Geometry Conventions ........................................ 28
   2.1  Introduction............................................ 28
        2.1.1  Comparison Between XRD2 and Conventional XRD .... 29
   2.2  Diffraction Space and Laboratory Coordinates ........... 30
        2.2.1  Diffraction Cones in Laboratory Coordinates ..... 30
        2.2.2  Diffraction Vector Cones in Laboratory 
               Coordinates...................................... 33
   2.3  Detector Space and Detector Geometry.................... 35
        2.3.1  Ideal Detector for Diffraction Pattern in 3D
               Space ........................................... 35
        2.3.2  Diffraction Cones and Conic Sections with Flat
               2D Detectors .................................... 36
        2.3.3  Detector Position in the Laboratory System ...... 37
        2.3.4  Pixel Position in Diffraction Space—Flat 
               Detector ........................................ 37
        2.3.5  Pixel Position in Diffraction Space—Curved
               Detector ........................................ 39
   2.4  Sample Space and Goniometer Geometry ................... 42
        2.4.1  Sample Rotations and Translations in Eulerian
               Geometry ........................................ 42
        2.4.2  Variation of Goniometer Geometry ................ 44
   2.5  Transformation from Diffraction Space to Sample
        Space .................................................. 46
   2.6  Summary of XRD2 Geometry ............................... 49
        References ............................................. 49
3  X-Ray Source and Optics ..................................... 51
   3.1  X-Ray Generation and Characteristics ................... 51
        3.1.1  X-Ray Spectrum and Characteristic Lines ......... 51
        3.1.2  Focal Spot and Takeoff Angle .................... 53
        3.1.3  Focal Spot Brightness and Profile ............... 53
        3.1.4  Absorption and Fluorescence ..................... 55
   3.2  X-Ray Optics ........................................... 56
        3.2.1  Liouville's Theorem and Fundamentals ............ 56
        3.2.2  X-Ray Optics in a Conventional Diffractometer ... 59
        3.2.3  X-Ray Optics in Two-Dimensional 
               Diffractometer .................................. 62
        3.2.4  The β-Filter .................................... 66
        3.2.5  Crystal Monochromator ........................... 68
        3.2.6  Multilayer Mirrors .............................. 70
        3.2.7  Pinhole Collimator .............................. 76
        3.2.8  Capillary Optics ................................ 79
        References ............................................. 83
4  X-Ray Detectors ............................................. 85
   4.1  History of X-Ray Detection Technology .................. 85
   4.2  Point Detectors in Conventional Diffractometers ........ 88
        4.2.1  Proportional Counters ........................... 88
        4.2.2  Scintillation Counters .......................... 89
        4.2.3  Solid-State Detectors ........................... 90
   4.3  Characteristics of Point Detectors ..................... 91
        4.3.1  Counting Statistics ............................. 91
        4.3.2  Detective Quantum Efficiency and Energy Range ... 93
        4.3.3  Detector Linearity and Maximum Count Rate ....... 94
        4.3.4  Energy Resolution ............................... 96
        4.3.5  Detection Limit and Dynamic Range ............... 98
   4.4  Line Detectors ........................................ 100
        4.4.1  Geometry of Line Detectors ..................... 100
        4.4.2  Types of Line Detectors ........................ 103
        4.4.3  Characteristics of Line Detectors .............. 104
   4.5  Characteristics of Area Detectors ..................... 107
        4.5.1  Geometry of Area Detectors ..................... 108
        4.5.2  Spatial Resolution of Area Detectors ........... 112
   4.6  Types of Area Detectors ............................... 114
        4.6.1  Multiwire Proportional Counter ................. 115
        4.6.2  Image Plate .................................... 117
        4.6.3  CCD Detector ................................... 118
        4.6.4  Microgap Detector .............................. 122
        4.6.5  Comparison of Area Detectors ................... 127
    References ................................................ 130
5  Goniometer and Sample Stages ............................... 133
   5.1  Goniometer and Sample Position ........................ 133
        5.1.1  Introduction ................................... 133
        5.1.2  Two-Circle Base Goniometer ..................... 134
        5.1.3  Sample Stages .................................. 135
        5.1.4  Sequence of the Goniometer Axes ................ 136
   5.2  Goniometer Accuracy ................................... 138
        5.2.1  Sphere of Confusion ............................ 138
        5.2.2  Angular Accuracy and Precision ................. 141
   5.3  Sample Alignment and Visualization Systems ............ 143
   5.4  Environment Stages .................................... 145
        5.4.1  Domed High Temperature Stage ................... 145
        5.4.2  Temperature Stage Calibration .................. 146
    References ................................................ 149
6.  Data Treatment ............................................ 151
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 151
   6.2  Nonuniform Response Correction ........................ 151
        6.2.1  Calibration Source ............................. 152
        6.2.2  Nonuniform Response Correction Algorithms ...... 154
   6.3  Spatial Correction .................................... 156
        6.3.1  Fiducial Plate and Detector Plane .............. 156
        6.3.2  Spatial Correction Algorithms .................. 158
   6.4  Detector Position Accuracy and Calibration ............ 163
        6.4.1  Detector Position Tolerance .................... 163
        6.4.2  Detector Position Calibration .................. 165
   6.5  Frame Integration ..................................... 167
        6.5.1  Definition of Frame Integration ................ 167
        6.5.2  Algorithm of Frame Integration ................. 170
   6.6  Lorentz, Polarization, and Absorption Corrections ..... 175
        6.6.1  Lorentz ........................................ 175
        6.6.2  Polarization ................................... 176
        6.6.3  Air Scatter and Be-Window Absorption ........... 180
        6.6.4  Sample Absorption .............................. 182
        6.6.5  Combined Intensity Correction .................. 188
  References .................................................. 189
7  Phase Identification ....................................... 191
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 191
   7.2  Relative Intensity .................................... 193
        7.2.1  Multiplicity Factor ............................ 193
        7.2.2  Electron and Atomic Scattering ................. 194
        7.2.3  Structure Factor ............................... 196
        7.2.4  Attenuation Factors ............................ 197
   7.3  Geometry and Resolution ............................... 197
        7.3.1  Detector Distance and Resolution ............... 198
        7.3.2  Defocusing Effect .............................. 199
        7.3.3  Transmission Mode Diffraction .................. 201
   7.4  Sampling Statistics ................................... 202
        7.4.1  Effective Sampling Volume ...................... 203
        7.4.2  Angular Window ................................. 204
        7.4.3  Virtual Oscillation ............................ 205
        7.4.4  Sample Oscillation ............................. 206
   7.5  Preferred Orientation Effect .......................... 208
        7.5.1  Relative Intensity with Texture ................ 208
        7.5.2  Intensity Correction on Fiber Texture .......... 211
   References ................................................. 216
8  Texture Analysis ........................................... 218
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 218
   8.2  Pole Density and Pole Figure .......................... 219
   8.3  Fundamental Equations ................................. 222
        8.3.1  Pole Figure Angles ............................. 222
        8.3.2  Pole Density ................................... 224
   8.4  Data Collection Strategy .............................. 225
        8.4.1  Single Scan .................................... 225
        8.4.2  Multiple Scan .................................. 227
        8.4.3  Comparison with Point Detector ................. 230
   8.5  Texture Data Process .................................. 231
        8.5.1  20 Integration ................................. 231
        8.5.2  Absorption Correction .......................... 234
        8.5.3  Pole Figure Interpolation ...................... 235
        8.5.4  Pole Figure Symmetry ........................... 235
        8.5.5  Pole Figure Normalization ...................... 237
   8.6  Orientation Distribution Function ..................... 237
        8.6.1  Eulerian Angles and Space ...................... 237
        8.6.2  ODF Calculation ................................ 239
        8.6.3  Calculated Pole Figures From ODF ............... 241
   8.7  Fiber Texture ......................................... 242
        8.7.1  Pole Figures of Fiber Texture .................. 242
        8.7.2  ODF of Fiber Texture ........................... 244
   8.8  Other Advantages of XRD2 for Texture .................. 244
        8.8.1  Orientation Relationship ....................... 245
        8.8.2  Direct Observation of Texture .................. 245
   References ................................................. 247
9  Stress Measurement ......................................... 249
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 249
        9.1.1  Stress ......................................... 250
        9.1.2  Strain ......................................... 254
        9.1.3  Elasticity and Hooke's Law ..................... 256
        9.1.4  X-Ray Elasticity Constants and Anisotropy
               Factor ......................................... 257
        9.1.5  Residual Stresses .............................. 258
   9.2  Principle of X-Ray Stress Analysis .................... 260
        9.2.1  Strain and Bragg Law ........................... 260
        9.2.2  Strain Measurement ............................. 261
        9.2.3  Stress Measurement ............................. 263
        9.2.4  Stress Measurement Without d0 .................. 266
        9.2.5  Ψ-Tilt and Goniometer .......................... 269
        9.2.6  Sin2Ψ Method with Area Detector ................ 270
   9.3  Theory of Stress Analysis with XRD2 ................... 272
        9.3.1  2D Fundamental Equation for Stress
               Measurement .................................... 272
        9.3.2  Relationship Between Conventional Theory and
               2D Theory ...................................... 276
        9.3.3  2D Equations for Various Stress States ......... 278
        9.3.4  True Stress-Free Lattice d-Spacing ............. 280
        9.3.5  Diffraction Cone Distortion Simulation ......... 281
   9.4  Process of Stress Measurement with XRD2 ............... 288
        9.4.1  Instrument Requirements and Configurations ..... 288
        9.4.2  Data Collection Strategy ....................... 291
        9.4.3  Data Integration and Peak Evaluation ........... 295
        9.4.4  Stress Calculation ............................. 299
        9.4.5  Intensity Weighted Least Squares Regression .... 300
   9.5  Experimental Examples ................................. 303
        9.5.1  Comparison Between 2D Method and Conventional
               Method ......................................... 303
        9.5.2  Virtual Oscillation for Stress Measurement ..... 305
        9.5.3  Stress Mapping on Weldment ..................... 307
        9.5.4  Residual Stresses in Thin Films ................ 310
        9.5.5  Residual Stress Measurement with Multiple
               {hkl} Rings .................................... 315
        9.5.6  Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Study ... 316
   Appendix 9.A  Calculation of Principal Stresses from the
                 General Stress Tensor ........................ 320
   Appendix 9.B  Parameters for Stress Measurement ............ 323
   References ................................................. 325
10 Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering ............................... 329
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 329
        10.1.1 Principle of Small-Angle Scattering ............ 330
        10.1.2 General Equation and Parameters in SAXS ........ 330
        10.1.3 X-Ray Source and Optics for SAXS ............... 331
   10.2 2D SAXS Systems ....................................... 333
        10.2.1 SAXS Attachments ............................... 334
        10.2.2 Dedicated SAXS System .......................... 336
        10.2.3 Detector Correction and System Calibration ..... 337
        10.2.4 Data Collection and Integration ................ 338
   10.3 Application Examples .................................. 341
        10.3.1 Particles in Solutions ......................... 341
        10.3.2 Scanning SAXS and Transmission Measurement ..... 341
   10.4 Some Innovations in 2D SAXS ........................... 343
        10.4.1 Simultaneous Measurements of Transmission
               and SAXS ....................................... 343
        10.4.2 Vertical SAXS System ........................... 346
        References ............................................ 347
11 Combinatorial Screening .................................... 351
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 351
        11.1.1 Combinatorial Chemistry ........................ 351
        11.1.2 Combinatorial Screening ........................ 352
   11.2 XRD2 Systems for Combinatorial Screening .............. 352
        11.2.1 Combinatorial Screening in Reflection
               Geometry ....................................... 353
        11.2.2 Retractable Knife-Edge ......................... 356
        11.2.3 Combinatorial Screening in Transmission
               Geometry ....................................... 359
   11.3 Combined Screening with XRD2 and Raman ................ 364
        References ............................................ 366
12 Quantitative Analysis ...................................... 369
   12.1 Percent Crystallinity ................................. 369
        12.1.1 Introduction ................................... 369
        12.1.2 Comparison of Conventional XRD and XRD2 ........ 370
        12.1.3 Scatter Correction ............................. 371
        12.1.4 Internal and External Methods .................. 373
        12.1.5 Full Method .................................... 374
   12.2 Crystal Size .......................................... 376
        12.2.1 Introduction ................................... 376
        12.2.2 Line Broadening for Crystallite Size ........... 377
        12.2.3 γ-Profile Analysis for Crystallite Size ........ 380
   12.3 Retained Austenite .................................... 387
        References ............................................ 390
13 Innovation and Future Development .......................... 393
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 393
   13.2 Scanning Line Detector for XRD2 ....................... 394
        13.2.1 Working Principle .............................. 394
        13.2.2 Advantages of Scanning Line Detector ........... 396
   13.3 Three-Dimensional Detector ............................ 398
        13.3.1 The Third Dimension of a Detector .............. 398
        13.3.2 Geometry of Three-Dimensional Detector ......... 399
        13.3.3 Three-Dimensional Detector and Reciprocal
               Space .......................................... 401
   13.4 Pixel Direct Diffraction Analysis ..................... 402
        13.4.1 Concept ........................................ 402
        13.4.2 Pixel Diffraction Vector and Pixel Count ....... 403
        13.4.3 PDD Analysis in Phase-ID, Texture, and
               Stress ......................................... 404
   References ................................................. 406
Appendix A. Values of Commonly Used Parameters ................ 407

Appendix B. Symbols ........................................... 412

Index ......................................................... 419

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