Handbook of green chemistry: green catalysis. Vol.2: Heterogeneous catalysis (Weinheim, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHandbook of green chemistry: green catalysis. Vol.2: Heterogeneous catalysis / ed. by P.T.Anastas; vol. ed. R.H.Crabtree. - Weinheim: Wiley, 2009. - xvii, 338 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.325-338. - ISBN 978-3-527-32497-2

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Оглавление / Contents
About the Editors ............................................ XIII
List of Contributors ........................................... XV

1  Zeolites in Catalysis ........................................ 1
   Stephen H. Brown
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
        1.1.1	The Environmental Benefits of Zeolite-enabled
               Processes ........................................ 2
   1.2  General Process Considerations .......................... 5
   1.3  Zeolite Fundamentals .................................... 6
        1.3.1  Other Properties ................................. 7
        1.3.2  Number of Acid Sites ............................. 8
        1.3.3  Acid Strength .................................... 8
   1.4  Reaction Mechanisms ..................................... 8
        1.4.1  Hydrocarbon Cracking ............................. 8
        1.4.2  Oligomerization and Alkylation .................. 12
        1.4.3  Isomerization ................................... 14
        1.4.4  Transalkylation of Aromatics .................... 15
        1.4.5  Hydrogen Transfer or Conjunct Polymerization .... 18
   1.5  Mass Transport and Diffusion ........................... 21
   1.6  Zeolite Shape Selectivity .............................. 22
        1.6.1  Mass Transport Discrimination of Product
               Molecules ....................................... 22
        1.6.2  Molecular Sieving ............................... 23
        1.6.3  Molecular Orientation ........................... 23
        1.6.4  Transition State Stabilization .................. 25
        1.6.5  Organic Reaction Centers ........................ 26
   1.7  Counter Ion Mobility ................................... 29
   1.8  Conclusions ............................................ 29
   References .................................................. 29

2  Sol-Gel Sulfonic Acid Silicas as Catalysts .................. 37
   Adam F. Lee and Karen Wilson
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 37
   2.2  Preparation of Meso-structured Silica Sulfonic Acid
        Catalysts .............................................. 38
        2.2.1  Templating Methods .............................. 38
       Cationic/Anionic Templates ............. 38
       Neutral Templates ...................... 39
        2.2.2  Organically Functionalized Silica ............... 39
       Characterization ....................... 40
       Grafting Methods ....................... 42
       Direct Preparation Methods ............. 43
        2.2.3  Acid Strength of Sulfonic Acid Catalysts ........ 44
       Phenyl- Versus Propylsulfonic Acids .... 45
        2.2.4  Fine Tuning the Catalytic Activity of Sulfonic
               Acid Silicas .................................... 46
       Cooperative Effects .................... 46
       Effect of Spectator Groups ............. 48
   2.3  Application in Organic Transformations ................. 49
        2.3.1  Condensation and Esterification ................. 49
        2.3.2  Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution ............. 51
        2.3.3  Miscellaneous Reactions ......................... 52
   2.4  Conclusions and Future Prospects ....................... 53
        References ............................................. 55

3  Applications of Environmentally Friendly TiO2
   Photocatalysts in  Green Chemistry: Environmental
   Purification and Clean Energy Production Under Solar Light
   Irradiation ................................................. 59
   Masaya Matsuoka and Masakazu Anpo
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 59
   3.2  Principles of Photocatalysis ........................... 61
   3.3  Application of Photocatalysts in Green Chemistry:
        Solar Energy Conversion and Environmental Protection ... 62
        3.3.1  Water Splitting to Produce Pure Hydrogen as
               Clean Fuel ...................................... 62
        3.3.2  Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 with H2O
               (Artificial Photosynthesis) ..................... 64
        3.3.3  Direct Photocatalytic Decomposition of NO into
               N2 and O2 ....................................... 67
        3.3.4  Application to the Purification of Air
               Polluted with Various Organic Compounds ......... 70
        3.3.5  Application to the Purification of Water
               Polluted with Toxic Compounds Such as Dioxins ... 71
        3.3.6  Superhydrophilic Properties of TiO2 Thin Films
               and Their Application in Self-cleaning
               Materials ....................................... 72
   3.4  Development of Visible Light-responsive TiO2
        Photocatalysts ......................................... 73
        3.4.1  Modification of the Electronic State of TiO2
               by Applying an Advanced Metal Ion Implantation
               Method .......................................... 73
        3.4.2  Design of Visible Light-responsive Ti/Zeolite
               Catalysts by Applying an Advanced Metal Ion
               Implantation Method ............................. 75
        3.4.3  Preparation of Visible Light-responsive TiO2
               Thin-film Photocatalysts by an RF Magnetron
               Sputtering Deposition Method .................... 76
   3.5  Conclusion ............................................. 79
        References ............................................. 79

4  Nanoparticles in Green Catalysis ............................ 81
   Mazaahir Kidwai
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 81
   4.2  Advanced Catalysis by Gold Nanoparticles ............... 81
   4.3  Nickel Nanoparticles: a Versatile Green Catalyst ....... 85
   4.4  Copper Nanoparticles: an Efficient Catalyst ............ 87
   4.5  Bimetallic Nanoparticles in a Variety of Reactions ..... 89
   References .................................................. 91

5  'Heterogreeneous Chemistry' ................................. 93
   Heiko Jacobsen
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 93
   5.2  'Heterogreeneous Catalysis' ............................ 96
        5.2.1  An Exemplarily Reaction - Catalysts for
               Hydrogen Production from Biomass-Derived
               Hydrocarbons .................................... 97
        5.2.2  Transportation Fuels from Biomass - Catalytic
               Processing of Biomass-derived Reactants ........ 100
        5.2.3  Diesel Fuels from Biomass - Heterogreeneous
               Processes for Biodiesel Production ............. 103
        5.2.4  Other Heterogreeneous Aspects of Catalysis ..... 106
       Solid and Solid Acid Catalysts ........ 106
       Recycling Catalysts ................... 107
       One-pot Catalysis ..................... 108
       Photocatalysis ........................ 108
   5.3  Solvents for Green Catalysis .......................... 108
        5.3.1  Heterogreeneous Solvent Systems ................ 109
        5.3.2  Solvent-free'Heterogreeneous Chemistry' ........ 112
   5.4  Conclusion and Outlook ................................ 113
        References ............................................ 114

6  Single-site Heterogeneous Catalysts via Surface-bound
   Organometallic and Inorganic Complexes ..................... 117
   Christophe Copéret
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 117
   6.2  Generalities .......................................... 117
   6.3  Hydrogenation and Hydrosilylation ..................... 119
        6.3.1  Hydrogenation .................................. 119
        6.3.2  Hydrosilylation ................................ 123
   6.4  Metathesis and Homologation Processes of Alkenes ...... 124
        6.4.1  Alkene Metathesis .............................. 124
       Silica-supported Catalysts ............ 124
       Alumina-supported Catalysts ........... 127
        6.4.2  Other Alkene Homologation Processes ............ 128
       Direct Conversion of Ethene into
                        Propene ............................... 128
       Cyclization of Dienes ................. 129
   6.5  Metathesis, Dimerization, Trimerization and Other
        Reactions Involving Alkynes ........................... 129
        6.5.1  Alkyne Metathesis .............................. 129
        6.5.2  Dimerization and Trimerization of Alkynes ...... 130
        6.5.3  Hydroamination of Alkynes ...................... 131
   6.6  Lewis Acid-catalyzed Reactions ........................ 131
        6.6.1  Silica-supported Group 4 Metals ................ 131
       Reduction of Ketones Through
                        Hydrogen Transfer ..................... 133
       Transesterification of Esters ......... 134
        6.6.2  Silica-supported Group 3 Metals and
               Lanthanides .................................... 134
   6.7  Oxidation ............................................. 135
        6.7.1  Single-site Titanium Species ................... 135
        6.7.2  Single-site Zirconium Species .................. 137
        6.7.3  Single-site Vanadium Species ................... 137
        6.7.4  Single-site Tantalum Species ................... 137
        6.7.5  Single-site Group 6 Species .................... 138
        6.7.6  Single-site Iron Species ....................... 139
        6.7.7  Single-site Cobalt Species ..................... 141
   6.8  Alkane Homologation ................................... 141
        6.8.1  Alkane Hydrogenolysis .......................... 141
        6.8.2  Alkane Metathesis .............................. 143
        6.8.3  Alkane Cross-metathesis ........................ 146
   References ................................................. 146

7  Sustainable Heterogeneous Acid Catalysis by Heteropoly
   Acids ...................................................... 153
   Ivan Kozhevnikov
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 153
   7.2  Development of HPA Catalysts Possessing High Thermal
        Stability ............................................. 156
   7.3  Modification of HPA Catalysts to Enhance Coke
        Combustion ............................................ 157
        7.3.1  Propene Oligomerization ........................ 158
        7.3.2  Friedel-Crafts Acylation ....................... 159
   7.1  Inhibition of Coke Formation on HPA Catalysts ......... 161
   7.5  Reactions in Supercritical Fluids ..................... 163
   7.6  Cascade Reactions Using Multifunctional HPA
        Catalysts ............................................. 165
        7.6.1  Synthesis of MIBK .............................. 166
        7.6.2  Hydrogenolysis of Glycerol to Propanediol ...... 167
        7.6.3  Synthesis of Menthol from Citronellal .......... 170
   7.7  Conclusion ............................................ 172
        References ............................................ 172

8  The Kinetics of TiO2-based Solar Cells Sensitized by Metal
   Complexes .................................................. 153
   Anthony G. Fitch, Don Walker, and Nathan S. Lewis
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 175
   8.2  History ............................................... 176
   8.3  DSSC Design ........................................... 177
   8.4  Function of the DSSC .................................. 178
   8.5  Performance of a DSSC ................................. 179
   8.6  Kinetics Processes .................................... 180
   8.7  Charge Injection ...................................... 181
   8.8  Recombination to the Dye .............................. 184
   8.9  Regeneration .......................................... 187
   8.10 Conclusion ............................................ 190
   References ................................................. 192

9  Automotive Emission Control: Past, Present and Future ...... 197
   Robert J. Farrauto and Jeffrey Hoke
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 197
   9.2  The First Oxidation Catalysts (1975-80) ............... 198
        9.2.1  Pollution Abatement Reactions for Gasoline-
               Fueled Engines ................................. 198
        9.2.2  Catalyst Materials ............................. 199
        9.2.3  Carriers ....................................... 201
   9.3  Three-Way Catalysis (1980-present) .................... 202
        9.3.1  Three-Way Catalysis ............................ 202
        9.3.2  Oxygen or Lambda Sensor ........................ 203
        9.3.3  Oxygen Storage Component ....................... 203
        9.3.4  Further Improvements in TWC .................... 204
   9.4  Diesel Catalysis ...................................... 206
        9.4.1  Controlling Diesel Emissions ................... 206
        9.4.2  Diesel Emissions ............................... 207
        9.4.3  Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOCs): the Past .... 208
   9.5  Diesel Emission Control: the Future ................... 210
        9.5.1  Catalytic Solutions for the Existing Diesel
               1С Engine ...................................... 210
        9.5.2  The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition
               Engine (HCCI) and Advanced Engine Technology ... 213
   9.6  Fuel Cells and the Hydrogen Economy for
        Transportation Applications: the Future ............... 217
        9.6.1  The Fuel Cell .................................. 217
        9.6.2  Fuel Cells for Transportation .................. 218
        9.6.3  The Hydrogen Service Station ................... 219
   9.7  Conclusions ........................................... 220
        References ............................................ 220

10 Heterogeneous Catalysis for Hydrogen Production ............ 223
   Morgan S. Scott and Hicham Idriss
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 223
        10.1.1 Renewable Energy ............................... 224
        10.1.2 Hydrogen ....................................... 225
        10.1.3 Hydrogen from Ethanol Decomposition ............ 226
        10.1.4 Catalytic Oxidation ............................ 228
        10.1.5 Steam Reforming ................................ 228
        10.1.6 Dry Reforming .................................. 229
        10.1.7 Water Gas Shift Reaction (WGSR) ................ 229
        10.1.8 Catalytic Reforming of Methane ................. 230
        10.1.9 Thermodynamics ................................. 230
   10.2 Catalysis ............................................. 231
        10.2.1 The Noble Metals Pd and Rh ..................... 232
        10.2.2 Structure and Properties of Cerium Dioxide ..... 233
        10.2.3 Noble Metal/Ceria Catalysts .................... 235
        10.2.4 Adsorption of Ethanol .......................... 236
        10.2.5 Adsorption of Water ............................ 236
        10.2.6 Adsorption of Carbon Oxides .................... 237
        10.2.7 Hydrides ....................................... 237
   10.3 Catalytic Decomposition of Ethanol .................... 238
        10.3.1 Ethanol on Metal Oxides ........................ 238
        10.3.2 Ethanol on a Noble Metal/Ceria Surface ......... 239
        10.3.3 Catalytic Oxidation of Ethanol ................. 242
        10.3.4 Catalytic Reforming of Ethanol ................. 243
   10.4 Conclusions ........................................... 244
        References ............................................ 245

11 High-Throughput Screening of Catalyst Libraries for
   Emissions Control .......................................... 247
   Stephen Cypes, Joel Cizeron, Alfred Hagemeyer, and
   Anthony Volpe
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 247
        11.1.1 Introduction to High-Throughput Heterogeneous
               Catalysis ...................................... 247
        11.1.2 The Hierarchical Workflow in Heterogeneous
               Catalysis ...................................... 248
        11.1.3 Applications to Green Chemistry ................ 249
   11.2 Experimental Techniques and Equipment ................. 250
        11.2.1 Overview of Hardware and Methodologies for
               Combinatorial Heterogeneous Catalysis .......... 250
        11.2.2 Experimental High-Throughput Workflow for
               Low-Temperature CO Oxidation and VOC
               Combustion ..................................... 259
      Primary Synthesis Methods ............. 260 Secondary Synthesis Methods .................. 260
      IR Thermography Reactor ............... 261
      Multi-Channel Fixed-bed Reactor ....... 263
        11.2.3 Experimental High-Throughput Workflow for NOx
               Abatement ...................................... 263
      Primary Synthesis Methods ............. 263
      Primary Screening Methods ............. 263
      Data Analysis for NOx Abatement from
                        SMS ................................... 264
      Low-Temperature CO Oxidation and VOC
                        Combustion ............................ 265
   11.4 NOx Abatement ......................................... 273
   11.5 Conclusion ............................................ 277
        11.5.1 Application of High-Throughput Screening to
               Emissions Control .............................. 277
        11.5.2 Future Trends in Combinatorial Catalysis ....... 278
   References ................................................. 278

12 Catalytic Conversion of High-Moisture Biomass to
   Synthetic Natural Gas in Supercritical Water ............... 281
   Frédéric Vogel
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 281
        12.1.1 Heterogeneous Catalysis in Hydrothermal
               Medium at the Origin of Life? .................. 281
        12.1.2 Biomethane - a Green and Sustainable Fuel ...... 282
        12.1.3 Energetic Potentials ........................... 283
        12.1.4 Nutrient Cycles ................................ 284
   12.2 Survey of Different Technologies for the Production
        of Methane from Carbonaceous Feedstocks ............... 285
        12.2.1 Anaerobic Digestion ............................ 285
        12.2.2 Thermal Processes .............................. 286
   12.3 Water as Solvent and Reactant ......................... 288
        12.3.1 Solubility of Organic compounds and Gases ...... 289
        12.3.2 Solubility of Salts ............................ 290
   12.4 The Role of Heterogeneous Catalysis ................... 290
        12.4.1 Experimental Methods ........................... 290
        12.4.2 Thermodynamic Stability of Methane under
               Hydrothermal Conditions ........................ 291
        12.4.3 Main Reactions of Biomass Gasification ......... 293
        12.4.4 Homogeneous, Non-catalyzed Pathways in Hot
               Compressed Water ............................... 294
        12.4.5 Heterogeneously Catalyzed Pathways in Hot
               Compressed Water ............................... 297
        12.4.6 Active Metals Suited to Hydrothermal
               Conditions ..................................... 298
      Methanation and Steam Reforming
                        Catalysts ............................. 299
      Nickel ................................ 302
      Ruthenium ............................. 305
        12.4.7 Catalyst Supports Suited to Hydrothermal
               Conditions ..................................... 306
        12.4.8 Deactivation Mechanisms in a Hydrothermal
               Environment .................................... 312
      Coke Formation ........................ 312
      Sintering ............................. 314
      Poisoning ............................. 314
   12.5 Continuous Catalytic Hydrothermal Process for the
        Production of Methane ................................. 315
        12.5.1 Overview of Processes .......................... 315
        12.5.2 PSI's Catalytic Hydrothermal Gasification
               Process ........................................ 315
      Continuous Salt Precipitation and
                        Separation ............................ 316
      Status ................................ 318
   12.6 Summary and Conclusions ............................... 318
   12.7 Outlook for Future Developments ....................... 319
        12.7.1 A Self-sustaining Biomass Vision (SunCHem) ..... 319

   References ................................................. 320

Index ......................................................... 325

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