Environmental toxicants: human exposures and their health effects (Hoboken, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEnvironmental toxicants: human exposures and their health effects / ed. by M.Lippmann. - 3rd ed. - Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. - xix, 1167 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.1163-1167. - ISBN 978-0-471-79335-9

Оглавление / Contents
PREFACE ........................................................ xv
CONTRIBUTORS ................................................. xvii

1.  Introduction and Background ................................. 1
    1.1.  Characterization of Chemical Contaminants ............. 2
    1.2.  Human Exposures and Dosimetry ......................... 7
    1.3.  Chemical Exposures and Dose to Target Tissues ......... 8
    1.4.  Concentration of Toxic Chemicals in Human
          Microenvironments ..................................... 9
    1.5.  Inhalation Exposures and Respiratory
          Tract Effects ........................................ 12
    1.6.  Ingestion Exposures and Gastrointestinal
          Tract Effects ........................................ 18
    1.7.  Skin Exposure and Dermal Effects ..................... 19
    1.8.  Absorption through Membranes and
          Systemic Circulation ................................. 20
    1.9.  Accumulation in Target Tissues and
          Dosimetric Models .................................... 21
    1.10. Indirect Measures of Past Exposures .................. 22
    1.11. Characterization of Health ........................... 23
    1.12. Exposure-Response Relationships ...................... 25
    1.13. Study Options for Health Effects Studies ............. 31
    References ................................................. 35

2.  Perspectives on Individual and Community Risks ............. 39
    2.1.  Nature of Risk ....................................... 39
    2.2.  Identification and Quantification of Risks ........... 41
    2.3.  Risk Communication ................................... 46
    2.4.  Risk Reduction ....................................... 49
    References ................................................. 52

3.  Reducing Risks—An Environmental Engineering Perspective .... 55
    3.1.  Introduction ......................................... 55
    3.2.  Environmental Risk-Based Decision Making ............. 56
    3.3.  Applications and Use ................................. 60
    3.4.  Recent Information ................................... 67
    3.5.  Integrated Assessments ............................... 71
    3.6.  Summary 72. References ............................... 73

4. Clinical Perspective on Respiratory Toxicology .............. 77
    4.1.  Concepts of Exposure ................................. 78
    4.2.  Tools for Studying Individuals ....................... 79
    4.3.  Tools for Studying Populations ....................... 88
    4.4.  Cardiovascular Responses ............................. 95
    4.5.  Limitations of Clinical and Epidemiological
          Assessments of the Effects of Inhaled Agents ......... 96
    4.6.  Advice and Counseling of Patients .................... 97
    4.7.  Summary .............................................. 99
    References ................................................ 100

5.  Industrial Perspectives: Translating the Knowledge Base
    into Corporate Policies Programs and Practices for
    Health Protection ......................................... 107
    5.1.  The Life Cycle of a Chemical: Many Points for
          Possible Intervention ............................... 108
    5.2.  The Knowledge Base for the Identification of
          Hazard Control Strategies ........................... 109
    5.3.  Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health
          Programs: Implementing the Knowledge Base ........... 111
    5.4.  Product Stewardship ................................. 114
    5.5.  Responsible Care® ................................... 117
    5.6.  Concluding Perspective .............................. 119

6.  Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products ................... 121
    6.1.  Introduction ........................................ 121
    6.2.  Chemical Methods of Disinfection .................... 122
    6.3.  Chemical Nature and Occurrence of Disinfectant
          By-Products ......................................... 124
    6.4.  Associations of Human Disease with Drinking
          Water Disinfection .................................. 132
    6.5.  General Toxicological Properties of Disinfectants ... 144
    6.6.  General Toxicological Properties of Disinfectant
          By-Products ......................................... 145
    6.7.  Carcinogenic Properties of Disinfectants ............ 154
    6.8.  Carcinogenic By-Products of Disinfectants ........... 154
    6.9.  Effects of Disinfectants and Their By-Products
          on Reproduction ..................................... 165
    6.10. Effects on Development .............................. 168
    6.11. By-Products of Potential Interest ................... 170
    6.12. Summary and Conclusions ............................. 172
    Glossary .................................................. 174
    References ................................................ 176

7.  Food ...................................................... 197
    7.1. Introduction ......................................... 197
    7.2. Legal and Regulatory Framework in
         the United States .................................... 201
    7.3. Toxicity Test Requirements and Safety Criteria ....... 203
    7.4. Substances Intentionally Added to Food ............... 208
    7.5. Food Contaminants of Industrial Origin ............... 216
    7.6. Constituents and Contaminants of Natural Origin ...... 219
    7.7. Food Safety in the European Union .................... 229
    7.8. Summary and Conclusion ............................... 234
    Acronyms .................................................. 235
    References ................................................ 235

8.  Volatile Organic Compounds and Sick Building Syndrome ..... 241
    8.1. Introduction ......................................... 241
    8.2. Prevalence of Exposures to Volatile
         Organic Compounds .................................... 242
    8.3. Health and Volatile Organic Compounds ................ 245
    8.4. Prevalence of the Sick Building Syndrome ............. 247
    8.5. Dose-Response Relationships for Health Effects
         Caused by Low-Level VOC Exposure ..................... 249
    8.6. Guidelines for Volatile Organic Compounds in
         Nonindustrial Indoor Environments-Principles
         for Establishment of Guidelines ...................... 251
    References ................................................ 254

9.  Formaldehyde and Other Aldehydes .......................... 257
    9.1. Background ........................................... 257
    9.2. Single-Exposure Health Effects ....................... 269
    9.3. Effects of Multiple Exposures ........................ 281
    References ................................................ 292

10. Ambient Air Particulate Matter ............................ 317
    10.1. Sources and Pathways for Human Exposure ............. 318
    10.2. Ambient Air PM Concentrations ....................... 323
    10.3. Extent of Population Exposures to Ambient Air PM .... 326
    10.4. Nature of the Evidence for Human Health Effects
          of Ambient Air PM ................................... 328
    10.5. Epidemiological Evidence for Human Health Effects
          of Ambient Air PM ................................... 329
    10.6. Discussion and Current Knowledge on the Health
          Effects of PM ....................................... 354
    10.7. Standards and Exposure Guidelines ................... 356
    References ................................................ 359

11. Arsenic ................................................... 367
    11.1. Introduction ........................................ 367
    11.2. Physical and Chemical Properties of Environmental
          as and Its Compounds ................................ 368
    11.3. Environmental Exposures to the General Population:
          Sources and Standards ............................... 371
    11.4. Pathways and Kinetics for in vivo Uptake
          Distribution and Elimination ........................ 374
    11.5. As Essentiality ..................................... 375
    11.6. Health Effects and Exposure-Response
          Relationships ....................................... 376
    11.7. Biomarkers of Exposure Susceptibility
          and Effect .......................................... 380
    11.8. Mitigating Effects and Controlling Exposures ........ 381
    References ................................................ 383

12. Asbestos and Other Mineral and Vitreous Fibers ............ 395
    12.1. Important Special Properties of Fibers .............. 395
    12.2. Exposures to Fibers ................................. 399
    12.3. Fiber Deposition in the Respiratory Tract ........... 402
    12.4. Fiber Retention Translocation Disintegration
          and Dissolution ..................................... 404
    12.5. Properties of Fibers Relevant to Disease ............ 413
    12.6. Fiber-Related Diseases/Processes .................... 413
    12.7. Review of Biological Effects of Size-Classified
          Fibers in Animals and Humans ........................ 415
    12.8. Critical Fiber Parameters Affecting Disease
          Pathogenesis ........................................ 420
    12.9. Exposure-Response Relationships for Asbestos-
          Related Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma: Human
          Experience .......................................... 429
    12.10.Risk Assessment Issues .............................. 438
    12.11.Key Factors Affecting Fiber Dosimetry and
          Toxicity: Recapitulation and Synthesis .............. 443
    Acknowledgments ........................................... 446
    Acronyms .................................................. 446
    References ................................................ 446

13. Benzene ................................................... 459
    13.1. Benzene Exposure .................................... 460
    13.2. Uptake .............................................. 462
    13.3. Metabolism and Disposition .......................... 462
    13.4. Mechanisms of Toxicity .............................. 471
    13.5. Risk Assessment ..................................... 482
    References ................................................ 486

14. Carbon Monoxide ........................................... 499
    14.1. Introduction ........................................ 499
    14.2. CO Exposure and Dosimetry ........................... 500
    14.3. Mechanisms of CO Toxicity ........................... 501
    14.4. Populations at Risk of Health Effects Due
          to CO Exposure ...................................... 502
    14.5. Regulatory Background ............................... 503
    14.6. Health Effects of CO ................................ 505
    14.7. Summary and Conclusions ............................. 515
    Acknowledgments ........................................... 517
    References ................................................ 517

15. Chromium .................................................. 529
    15.1. Introduction ........................................ 529
    15.2. Essentiality ........................................ 529
    15.3. Environmental Exposures ............................. 530
    15.4. Toxicological Effects ............................... 535
    15.5. Exposure Guidelines and Standards ................... 543
    References ................................................ 544

16. Diesel Exhaust ............................................ 551
    16.1. Historical Overview ................................. 551
    16.2. Composition of Diesel Exhaust ....................... 553
    16.3. Exposures to Diesel Exhaust ......................... 559
    16.4. Health Effects ...................................... 561
    16.5. Current Issues ...................................... 609
    Acknowledgments ........................................... 613
    References ................................................ 613

17. Dioxins and Dioxin-Like Chemicals ......................... 633
    17.1. Introduction ........................................ 633
    17.2. Sources ............................................. 634
    17.3. Toxicological Effects and Mechanisms of Action ...... 640
    17.4. Mechanisms of Action ................................ 643
    References ................................................ 651

18. Endocrine Active Chemicals: Broadening the Scope .......... 661
    18.1. Introduction 661
    18.2. Biomarkers: Terminology from Various Disciplines .... 664
    18.3. End Points and Clinical Signs Associated with
          Endocrine Activity .................................. 666
    18.4. Environmental Chemicals and End Points:
          Case Examples ....................................... 675
    18.5. Developmental Origins of Health and Disease ......... 681
    18.6. Transgenerational Effects ........................... 684
    18.7. Conclusion .......................................... 686
    References ................................................ 687

19. Secondhand Smoke .......................................... 703
    19.1. Exposure to Secondhand Smoke ........................ 705
    19.2. Health Effects of Involuntary Smoking in Children ... 711
    19.3. Health Effects of Involuntary Smoking in Adults ..... 722
    19.4. SHS and Coronary Heart Disease ...................... 730
    19.5. Respiratory Symptoms and Illnesses in Adults ........ 734
    19.6. Summary ............................................. 740
    References ................................................ 741

20. Lead and Compounds ........................................ 757
    20.1. Introduction ........................................ 757
    20.2. Physical/Chemical Properties and Behavior of Lead
          and Its Compounds ................................... 758
    20.3. Lead in the Environment and Human Exposure .......... 761
    20.4. Lead Absorption ..................................... 766
    20.5. Distribution ........................................ 771
    20.6. Kinetics ............................................ 774
    20.7. Biomarkers .......................................... 781
    20.8. Health Effects ...................................... 785
    20.9. Mechanisms Underlying Lead Toxicity ................. 792
    20.10.Treatment of Lead Toxicity .......................... 796
    References ................................................ 798

21. Mercury ................................................... 811
    21.1. Introduction ........................................ 811
    21.2. Chemistry ........................................... 811
    21.3. Sources ............................................. 812
    21.4. Environmental Exposures ............................. 813
    21.5. Occupational Exposures .............................. 815
    21.6. Kinetics and Metabolism ............................. 816
    21.7. Health Effects ...................................... 818
    21.8. Prevention .......................................... 820
    References ................................................ 821

22. Nitrogen Oxides ........................................... 823
    22.1. Introduction ........................................ 823
    22.2. Sources ............................................. 823
    22.3. Nitrogen Dioxide .................................... 824
    22.4. Nitric Oxide ........................................ 845
    22.5. Nitric/Nitrous Acid ................................. 848
    22.6. Inorganic Nitrates .................................. 849
    References ................................................ 851

23. Ozone ..................................................... 869
    23.1. Introduction ........................................ 869
    23.2. Background on Exposures and Health-Related
          Effects ............................................. 873
    23.3. Effects of Short-Term Exposures to Ozone
          in Humans ........................................... 877
    23.4. Factors Affecting the Variability of
          Responsiveness in Humans ............................ 890
    23.5. Studies of Populations Exposed to Ozone
          in Ambient Air ...................................... 892
    23.6. Effects Observed in Studies in Laboratory
          Animals ............................................. 900
    23.7. Determinants of Responsiveness to Ozone Exposures
          in Animal Studies ................................... 901
    23.8. Effects of Multiple Day and Ambient Episode
          Exposures ........................................... 908
    23.9. Chronic Effects of Ambient Ozone Exposures .......... 910
    23.10.Ambient Air Quality Standards and Guidelines ........ 917
    23.11.Summary and Conclusions ............................. 920
    Acknowledgment ............................................ 922
    References ................................................ 922

24. Pesticides ................................................ 937
    24.1. Evolving Patterns of Pesticide Use .................. 938
    24.2. Export of Hazardous Pesticides ...................... 939
    24.3. Exposure to Pesticides .............................. 939
    24.4. Epidemiology of Acute Pesticide Poisoning ........... 942
    24.5. Toxicity of Pesticides .............................. 943
    24.6. Pesticides and Endocrine/Reproductive Toxicity ...... 949
    24.7. Pesticides and Childhood Cancer ..................... 950
    24.8. Legislative Framework ............................... 950
    24.9. Conclusion: Issues for the Future ................... 952
    References ................................................ 953

25. Sulfur Oxides — SO2, H2SO4, NH4HSO4 and (NH4)2SO4 ......... 957
    25.1. Sources and Exposures ............................... 957
    25.2. Health Effects ...................................... 961
    25.3. Ambient Air Quality Standard and Guidelines ......... 989
    Acknowledgments ........................................... 991
    References ................................................ 991

26. Microwaves and Electromagnetic Fields .................... 1001
    26.1. Background ......................................... 1003
    26.2. Philosophical Approaches ........................... 1004
    26.3. Standards Development .............................. 1005
    26.4. Current Developments ............................... 1010
    26.5. Protective Measures ................................ 1012
    26.6. Conclusions ........................................ 1014
    26.7. Glossary ........................................... 1015
    References ............................................... 1016

27. Sources Levels and Effects of Manmade Ionizing
    Radiation and Radioactivity .............................. 1021
    27.1. Source Documents ................................... 1021
    27.2. Special Units ...................................... 1022
    27.3. Sources of Manmade Radioactivity and Radiation ..... 1024
    27.4. Nuclear Fuel Cycle ................................. 1025
    27.5. Discussion of Radiation Doses from the Nuclear
          Fuel Cycle ......................................... 1038
    27.6. Nuclear Weapons Complex ............................ 1043
    27.7. Local Tropospheric and Global Fallout .............. 1048
    27.8. Medical Exposures .................................. 1050
    27.9. Industrial Uses (Other than the Nuclear Fuel
          Cycle) ............................................. 1054
    27.10.Consumer Products .................................. 1055
    27.11.Overview of Potential Health Impacts of Natural
          and Manmade Sources of Radioactivity ............... 1057
    References ............................................... 1066

28. Noise: Its Effects and Control ........................... 1071
    28.1. Definitions of Sound and Noise ..................... 1071
    28.2. Noise Exposure is Widespread and Annoying .......... 1072
    28.3. Effects of Loud Sounds and Noise on Hearing ........ 1075
    28.4. Noise as a Stressor ................................ 1076
    28.5. Noise and Sleep Interference ....................... 1077
    28.6. Noise and Mental Health ............................ 1077
    28.7. Noise Affects Children's Cognitive Language
          and Learning Skills ................................ 1078
    28.8. Impacts of Low-Frequency Noise ..................... 1079
    28.9. Civility Responsibility and Noise .................. 1079
    28.10.Controlling Noise .................................. 1080
    28.11.Education and Public Awareness ..................... 1084
    28.12.Summary ............................................ 1084
    References ............................................... 1085

29. Radon and Lung Cancer .................................... 1089
    29.1. Radon and Lung Cancer .............................. 1089
    29.2. Outdoor Radon ...................................... 1093
    29.3. Indoor Radon ....................................... 1097
    29.4. The Other Radon 220Rn, Thoron ...................... 1100
    29.5. Radon Epidemiology in Underground Mines ............ 1100
    29.6. Residential Epidemiology ........................... 1102
    29.7. Lung Dosimetry ..................................... 1104
    29.8. Lung Cancer Models for Humans ...................... 1107
    29.9. Childhood Exposure ................................. 1113
    29.10.Animal Studies ..................................... 1114
    29.11.Smoking and Radon .................................. 1114
    29.12.Summary ............................................ 1115
    References ............................................... 1116

30. Ultraviolet Radiation .................................... 1121
    30.1. Introduction ....................................... 1121
    30.2. Pathways for Human Exposure ........................ 1122
    30.3. Sources of Ultraviolet Radiation ................... 1124
    30.4. Biological Mechanisms Leading to Health Effects .... 1135
    30.5. Ocular Effects ..................................... 1135
    30.6. Nonmalignant Skin Effects .......................... 1138
    30.7. Skin Cancer ........................................ 1140
    30.8. Malignant Melanoma ................................. 1142
    30.9. Immune System Effects .............................. 1146
    30.10.Populations at Special Risk: Ocular Damage ......... 1147
    30.11.Populations at Special Risks: Skin Effects ......... 1148
    30.12.Applicable Standards and Exposure Guidelines ....... 1150
    30.13.Techniques for Evaluating Actual or
           Potential Exposures ............................... 1152
    30.14. Summary ........................................... 1156
    References ............................................... 1157

INDEX ........................................................ 1163

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