Dougherty G. Digital image processing for medical applications (Cambridge; New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаDougherty G. Digital image processing for medical applications. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. - xiii, 447 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.432-439. - Ind.: p.441-447. - ISBN 978-0-521-86085-7

Место хранения: 054 | Международный томографический центр CO РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Acknowledgements ............................................. xiii

Part I Introduction to image processing ......................... l
  1 Introduction ................................................ 3
    1.1 Imaging systems ......................................... 3
    1.2 Objects and images ...................................... 7
    1.3 The digital image processing system .................... 10
    1.4 Applications of digital image processing ............... 13 
    1.5 Exercises .............................................. 15
  2 Imaging systems ............................................ 16
    2.1 The human visual pathway ............................... 16
    2.2 Photographic film ...................................... 20
    2.3 Other sensors .......................................... 26
    2.4 Digitizing an image .................................... 27
    2.5 The quality of a digital image ......................... 34
    2.6 Color images ........................................... 40 
    2.7 Computer-based activities .............................. 43 
    2.8 Exercises .............................................. 45
  3 Medical images obtained with ionizing radiation ............ 47
    3.1 Medical imaging modalities ............................. 47
    3.2 Images from x-rays ..................................... 48
    3.3 Images from y-rays ..................................... 77
    3.4 Dose and risk .......................................... 84 
    3.5 Computer-based activities .............................. 86
    3.6  Exercises ............................................. 87

  4 Medical images obtained with non-ionizing radiation ........ 90
    4.1 Ultrasound imaging ..................................... 91
    4.2 Magnetic resonance imaging ............................ 100
    4.3 Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) .... 115
    Computer-based activities ................................. 118
    Exercises ................................................. 120

Part II Fundamental concepts of image processing .............. 121

  5 Fundamentals of digital image processing .................. 123
    5.1 The gray-level histogram .............................. 123
    5.2 Histogram transformations and look-up tables .......... 135
    Computer-based activities ................................. 148
    Exercises ................................................. 151

  6 Image enhancement in the spatial domain ................... 155

    6.1 Algebraic operations .................................. 156
    6.2 Logical (Boolean) operations .......................... 159
    6.3 Geometric operations .................................. 162
    6.4 Convolution-based operations .......................... 170 
    Computer-based activities ................................. 189 
    Exercises ................................................. 191
  7 Image enhancement in the frequency domain ................. 194

    7.1 The Fourier domain .................................... 195
    7.2 The Fourier transform ................................. 198
    7.3 Properties of the Fourier transform ................... 205
    7.4 Sampling .............................................. 207
    7.5 Cross-correlation and autocorrelation ................. 217
    7.6 Imaging systems-point spread function and optical
        transfer function ..................................... 219
    7.7 Frequency domain filters .............................. 223
    7.8 Tomographic reconstruction ............................ 231
    Computer-based activities ................................. 237
    Exercises ................................................. 243
  8 Image restoration ......................................... 246
    8.1 Image degradation ..................................... 246
    8.2 Noise ................................................. 247
    8.3 Noise-reduction filters ............................... 252
    8.4 Blurring .............................................. 258
    8.5 Modeling image degradation ............................ 260
    8.6 Geometric degradations ................................ 263
    Computer-based activities ................................. 268
    Exercises ................................................. 269

Part III Image analysis ....................................... 271
  9 Morphological image processing ............................ 273
    9.1 Mathematical morphology ............................... 273
    9.2 Morphological operators ............................... 275
    9.3 Extension to grayscale images ......................... 295
    Computer-based activities ................................. 301
    Exercises ................................................. 305

 10 Image segmentation ........................................ 309

    10.1 What is segmentation? ................................ 309
    10.2 Thresholding ......................................... 311
    10.3 Region-based methods ................................. 321
    10.4 Boundary-based methods ............................... 324
    10.5 Other methods ........................................ 326
    Computer-based activities ................................. 335
    Exercises ................................................. 338

 11 Feature recognition and classification .................... 339

    11.1 Object recognition and classification ................ 340
    11.2 Connected components labeling ........................ 340
    11.3 Features ............................................. 342
    11.4 Object recognition and classification ................ 348
    11.5 Statistical classification ........................... 351
    11.6 Structural/syntactic classification .................. 364
    11.7 Applications in medical image analysis ............... 364
    Computer-based activities ................................. 367
    Exercises ................................................. 367

 12 Three-dimensional visualization ........................... 369

    12.1 Image visualization .................................. 369
    12.2 Surface rendering .................................... 370
    12.3 Volume rendering ..................................... 374
    12.4 Virtual reality ...................................... 376 
    Computer-based activities ................................. 377
    Exercises ................................................. 377

Part IV Medical applications and ongoing developments ......... 379

 13 Medical applications of imaging ........................... 381
    13.1 Computer-aided diagnosis in mammography .............. 381
    13.2 Tumor imaging and treatment .......................... 385
    13.3 Angiography .......................................... 386
    13.4 Bone strength and osteoporosis ....................... 388
    13.5 Tortuosity ........................................... 389

 14 Frontiers of image processing in medicine ................. 395

    14.1 Trends ............................................... 395
    14.2 The last word ........................................ 398
    Appendix A The Fourier series and Fourier transform ....... 399
    Appendix B Set theory and probability ..................... 405
    Appendix C Shape and texture .............................. 423
    Bibliography .............................................. 432
    Index ..................................................... 440
    The color plates are situated between pages 178 and 179.

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