Cell cycle and growth control: biomolecular regulation and cancer (Hoboken, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCell cycle and growth control: biomolecular regulation and cancer / ed. by G.S.Stein, A.B.Pardee. - 2nd ed. - Hoboken: Wiley-Liss, 2004. - xiii, 800 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.773-800. - ISBN 0-471-25071-6

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
Contributors ................................................... xi


1  Cell Fates ................................................... 3
   Arthur B. Pardee
2  Architectural Organization of the Regulatory Machinery for
   Transcription, Replication, and Repair: Dynamic Temporal-
   Spatial Parameters of Cell Cycle Control .................... 15
   Corey D. Braastad, Sayyed K. Zaidi, Martin Montecino, 
   Jane B. Lian, André J. van Wijnen, Janet L. Stein, and
   Gary S. Stein


3  Cell Cycle Regulatory Cascades .............................. 95
   Heide L. Ford, Robert A. Sclafani, and James Degregori
4  Membrane Receptors and Signal Transduction Pathways in G,:
   Regulation of Liver Regeneration and T Cell 
   Proliferation .............................................. 129
   Joseph F. Porter and David T. Denhardt
5  Onset of DNA Synthesis and S Phase ......................... 149
   G. Prem-Veer Reddy, Eugenia Cifuentes, Uma Bai, Mani
   Menon, and Evelyn R. Barrack
6  The Progression and Regulation of Mitotic Events ........... 201
   Greenfield Sluder, Edward H. Hinchcliffe, and Conly
   L. Rieder
7  Cell Cycle Inhibitory Proteins ............................. 237
   Carmen Carneiro and Andrew Koff
8  Chromatin Remodeling and Cancer ............................ 265
   Cynthia J. Guidi and Anthony N. Imbalzano
9  Extracellular Matrix:Tissue-Specific Regulator of Cell
   Proliferation .............................................. 297
   Aylin Rizki and Mina J. Bissell
10 Angiogenesis and Blood Supply .............................. 333
   Judah Folkman
11 Regulation of Cell Growth, Differentiation, and Death
   during Metamorphosis ....................................... 369
   Hans Laufer and Eric H. Baehrecke
12 Translational Control and the Cell Cycle ................... 397
   Robert E. Rhoads


13 Telomere Structure and Function Provides Insights into
   the Generation of Genomic Instability and 
   Carcinogenesis ............................................. 451
   Colleen Fordyce and Thea D. Tlsty
14 Immortalization by SV40 Large T Antigen .................... 467
   Rowena L. Lock, Silvia Benvenuti, and Parmjit S. Jat
15 Apoptosis Signaling in Normal and Cancer Cells ............. 497
   Shulin Wang and Wafik S. El-Deiry


16 Mutagenesis, Mutations, and DNA Repair ..................... 525
   Roger D.Johnson
17 Oncogenes .................................................. 571
   Stacey J. Baker and E. Premkumar Reddy
18 Role of the Retinoblastoma Family in Cell Cycle
   Progression and Growth Control ............................. 607
   Valeria Masciullo and Antonio Giordano
19 p53 Tumor-Suppressor Genes ................................. 635
   Faith A. Zamamiri-Davis and Cerard P. Zambetti


20 Cell Cycle and Growth Control: Current Clinical 
   Applications ............................................... 669
   Michael Deininger


21 Misregulated Fate—Cancer ................................... 707
   Arthur B. Pardee

Index ......................................................... 773

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