Carbon-centered free radicals and radical cations: structure, reactivity, and dynamics (Hoboken, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCarbon-centered free radicals and radical cations: structure, reactivity, and dynamics / ed. by M.D.E.Forbes. - Hoboken: John Wiley, 2010. - xxii, 370 p.: ill. - (Wiley series of reactive intermediates in chemistry and biology; Vol.3). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.359-370. - ISBN 978-0-470-39009-2

Оглавление / Contents
About the Volume Editor ...................................... xiii

Preface to Series .............................................. xv

Introduction ................................................. xvii

Contributors .................................................. xxi

1  A Brief History of Carbon Radicals ........................... 1
   Malcolm D.E. Forbes
2  Intermolecular Radical Additions to Alkynes: Cascade-Type
   Radical Cyclizations ......................................... 9
   Uta Wille
   2.1  Introduction ............................................ 9
   2.2  Cascade Reactions Involving Radicals of Second Row 
        Elements ............................................... 11
        2.2.1  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of
               C-Centered Radicals to Alkynes .................. 11
        2.2.2  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of
               O-Centered Radicals to Alkynes (Self-
               Terminating Radical Oxygenations) ............... 16
        2.2.3  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of
               N-Centered Radicals to Alkynes .................. 24
   2.3  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of Higher
        Main Group (VI)-Centered Radicals to Alkynes ........... 27
        2.3.1  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of
               Sn-Centered Radicals to Alkynes ................. 27
   2.4  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of Higher
        Main Group (VI)-Centered Radicals to Alkynes ........... 30
        2.4.1  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of
               S-Centered Radicals to Alkynes .................. 30
        2.4.2  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of
               Se-Centered Radicals to Alkynes ................. 36
   2.5  Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of Higher
        Main Group (V)-Centered Radicals to Alkynes ............ 37
        2.5.1 Cascade Reactions Initiated by Addition of
              P-Centered Radicals to Alkynes ................... 37
3. Radical Cation Fragmentation Reactions in Organic
   Synthesis ................................................... 43
   Alexander J. Poniatowski and Paul E. Floreancig
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 43
        3.1.1  Oxidative Carbon-Carbon Bond Cleavage ........... 44
        3.1.2  Thermodynamic and Kinetic Considerations ........ 46
        3.1.3  Reactive Intermediate Lifetime .................. 49
   3.2  Electron Transfer-Initiated Cyclization Reactions ...... 49
        3.2.1  Rate Enhancement and Mechanistic Studies ........ 50
        3.2.2  Development of a Catalytic Aerobic Protocol ..... 50
        3.2.3  Oxidative Cascade Reactions ..................... 52
   3.3  Oxidative Acyliminium Ion Formation .................... 52
   3.4  Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation ........................... 54
        3.4.1  Chemoselectivity and Reactivity ................. 54
        3.4.2  Reaction Scone .................................. 55
   3.5  Summary and outlook .................................... 58
4  Selectivity in Radical Cation Cycloadditions ................ 61
   Christo S. Sevov and Olaf Wiest
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 61
   4.2  Mechanism and the Origin of the Rate Acceleration ...... 62
   4.3  Selectivity in Radical Cation Cycloadditions ........... 63
   4.4  Chemoselectivity ....................................... 64
        4.4.1  Effect of Dienophile Substituents on
               Chemoselectivity ................................ 64
        4.4.2  Effect of Sensitizers and Solvents on
               Chemoselectivity ................................ 66
        4.4.3  Effect of Concentrations on Chemoselectivity .... 67
        4.4.4  Effect of Electron-Rich Dienophiles on
               Chemoselectivity ................................ 67
   4.5  Regioselectivity .......................................
   4.6  Periselectivity ........................................
        4.6.1  Effects of Solvent and Concentration on
               Periselectivity ................................. 70
        4.6.2  Effect of Diene/Dienophile Redox Potentials
               on Periselectivity .............................. 71
        4.6.3  Substituent and Steric Effects on
               Periselectivity ................................. 72
        4.6.4  Quantifying Periselectivity Through Ion Pair
               Association ..................................... 74
   4.7  EndolExo Selectivity ................................... 75
        4.7.1  Effects of Secondary Orbital Interaction and
               Solvents on Endo/Exo Selectivity ................ 75
        4.7.2  Effect of Sensitizer on Endo/Exo Selectivity .... 76
        4.7.3  Ion Pairs and Endo/Exo Selectivities ............ 77
   4.8  Conclusions ............................................ 79
5  The Stability of Carbon-Centered Radicals ................... 83
   Michelle L. Coote, Ching Yeh Lin, and Hendrik Zipse
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 83
        5.1.1 The Consequences of Different Stability
              Definitions: How Stable Are Ethyl and
              Fluoromethyl Radicals? ........................... 85
   5.2  Theoretical Methods .................................... 86
        5.2.1  Testing the Performance of Different
               Theoretical Approaches: How Stable Are Allyl
               and Benzyl Radicals? ............................ 87
        5.2.2  The Application of IMOMO Schemes: How Stable
               Are Benzyl and Diphenylmethyl Radicals? ......... 89
   5.3  RSE Values for Carbon-Centered Radicals ................ 91
   5.4  Use of RSE Values in Practical Applications ............ 91
        5.4.1  Susceptibility to Hydrogen Atom Abstraction ..... 91
        5.4.2  Assessment of Radical Stability in Other
               Types of Reactions ............................. 100
   5.5  Conclusions ........................................... 102
6  Interplay of Stereoelectronic Vibrational and
   Environmental Effects in Tuning Physicochemical
   Properties of Carbon-Centered Radicals ..................... 105
   Vincenzo Barone, Malgorzata Biczysko, and Paola Cimino
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 105
   6.2  EPR Spectroscopy ...................................... 107
        6.2.1  Theoretical Background ......................... 107
        6.2.2  Environmental Effects .......................... 108
        6.2.3  Vibrational Effects ............................ 108
        6.2.4  Dynamical Effects .............................. 109
   6.3  Calculation of EPR Parameters ......................... 110
        6.3.1  Geometric Parameters ........................... 112
        6.3.2  EPR Parameters ................................. 113
        6.3.3  Case Studies: Glycine and Glycyl Radicals ...... 117
       Glycine Radical ....................... 117
       Glycyl Radical ........................ 119
        6.3.4  Case Studies: Vibrationally Averaged
               Properties of Vinyl and Methyl Radicals ........ 120
   6.4  Vibrational Properties Beyond the Harmonic
        Approximation ......................................... 122
        6.4.1  Case Studies: Anharmonic Frequencies of
               Phenyl and Naphthyl Cation Radicals ............ 122
        6.4.2  Case Studies: Gas and Matrix Isolated IR
               Spectra of the Vinyl Radical ................... 125
   6.5  Electronic Properties: Vertical Excitation
        Energies, Structure, and Frequencies in Excited
        Electronic States ..................................... 126
        6.5.1  Theoretical Background ......................... 126
        6.5.2  Case Studies: Vertical Excitation Energies
               of the Vinyl Radical ........................... 126
        6.5.3  Case Studies: Structures and Frequencies of
               the Vinyl  Radical in First Three Doublet
               Excited Electronic States ...................... 129
   6.6  Vibronic Spectra ...................................... 129
        6.6.1  Theoretical Background ......................... 132
        6.6.2  Computational Strategy ......................... 134
        6.6.3  Case Studies: Electronic Absorption Spectrum
               of Phenyl Radical .............................. 134
   6.7  Concluding Remarks .................................... 137
7  Unusual Structures of Radical Ions in Carbon Skeletons:
   Nonstandard Chemical Bonding by Restricting Geometries ..... 141
   Georg Gescheidt
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 141
   7.2  The Tools ............................................. 142
        7.2.1  Cyclovoltammetry ............................... 143
        7.2.2  EPR Parameters: Experimental and Calculated .... 143
   7.3  Pagodane and Its Derivatives .......................... 144
   7.4  Different Stages of Cycloaddition/Cycloreversion
        Reactions Within Confined Environments ................ 151
   7.5  Extending the "Cage Concept" .......................... 152
   7.6  Summary ............................................... 154
8  Magnetic Field Effects on Radical Pairs in Homogeneous
   Solution ................................................... 157
   Jonathan R. Woodward
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 157
   8.2  The Spin-Correlated Radical Pair ...................... 158
        8.2.1  Radical Pair Interactions ...................... 159
        8.2.2  Intraradical Interactions ...................... 159
        8.2.3  Interradical Interactions ...................... 160
   8.3  Application of a Magnetic Field ....................... 162
        8.3.1  The Zeeman Effect .............................. 162
   8.4 Spin-State Mixing ...................................... l63
        8.4.1  Coherent Spin-State Mixing ..................... l63
        8.4.2  The Life Cycle of a Radical Pair ............... 165
        8.4.3  Incoherent Spin-State Mixing ................... 167
   8.5  The Magnetic Field Dependence of Radical Pair
        Reactions ............................................. 167
        8.5.1  "Normal" Magnetic Fields ....................... 167
        8.5.2  Weak Magnetic Fields ........................... 169
        8.5.3  Strong Magnetic Fields ......................... 171
   8.6  Theoretical Approaches ................................ 172
        8.6.1  General Approaches ............................. 172
        8.6.2  Modeling Diffusion ............................. 173
        8.6.3  The Semiclassical Approach ..................... 173
        8.6.4  The Stochastic Liouville Equation .............. 174
        8.6.5  Monte Carlo Approaches ......................... 174
   8.7  Experimental Approaches ............................... 174
        8.7.1  Fluorescence Detection ......................... 175
        8.7.2  Optical Absorption Detection ................... 176
        8.7.3  Rapid Field Switching .......................... 176
   8.8  The Life Cycle of Radical Pairs in Homogeneous
        Solution .............................................. 176
        8.8.1 Differentiating G-Pairs and F-Pairs ............. 177
   8.9  Summary ............................................... 180
9  Chemical Transformations Within the Paramagnetic World
   Investigated by Photo-CIDNP ................................ 185
   Martin Goez
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 185
   9.2  CIDNP Theory .......................................... 186
   9.3  Experimental Methods .................................. 190
   9.4  Radical-Radical Transformations During Diffusive
        Excursions ............................................ 191
   9.5  Radical-Radical Transformations at Reencounters ....... 196
   9.6  Interconversions of Biradicals ........................ 199
   9.7  Conclusions ........................................... 203
10 Spin Relaxation in Ru-Chromophore-Linked Azine/Diquat
   Radical Pairs .............................................. 205
   Matthew T. Rawls, Ilya Kuprov, С. Michael Elliott, and
   Ulrich E. Steiner
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 205
   10.2 EPR for the Isolated Ions ............................. 209
   10.3 Calculation Methods for EPR of the Isolated Ions ...... 211
        10.3.1 Calculation of g Tensor Components ............. 212
        10.3.2 Calculation of Hyperfine Coupling Constants .... 213
      Ab Initio Hyperfine Coupling
                        Constants: General Notes .............. 213
      Theoretical Values of Isotropic and
                        Anisotropic Hyperfine Coupling
                        Constants ............................. 214
   10.4 Implications for Spin-Relaxation in Linked Radical
        Pairs ................................................. 216
11 Reaction Dynamics of Carbon-Centered Radicals in Extreme
   Environments Studied by the Crossed Molecular Beam
   Technique .................................................. 221
   Ralf I. Kaiser
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 221
   11.2 The Crossed Molecular Beam Method ..................... 223
   11.3 Experimental Setup .................................... 224
        11.3.1 The Crossed Beam Machine ....................... 224
        11.3.2 Supersonic Beam Sources ........................ 227
      Ablation Source ....................... 227
      Pyrolytic Source ...................... 228
      Photolytic Source ..................... 228
   11.4 Crossed Beam Studies .................................. 229
        11.4.1 Reactions of Phenyl Radicals ................... 229
        11.4.2 Reactions of CN and C2H Radicals ............... 236
        11.4.3 Reactions of Carbon Atoms, Dicarbon
               Molecules, and Tricarbon Molecules ............. 237
   11.5 Conclusions ........................................... 240
12 Laser Flash Photolysis of Photoinitiators: ESR, Optical,
   and IR Spectroscopy Detection of Transients ................ 249
   Igor V. Khudyakov and Nicholas J. Turro
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 249
   12.2 Photodissociation of Initiators ....................... 250
        12.2.1 Quantum Yields of Free Radicals in
               Nonviscous Solutions ........................... 250
        12.2.2 Cage Effect Under Photodissociation ............ 252
        12.2.3 The Magnetic Field Effect on
               Photodissociation .............................. 253
   12.3 TR ESR Detection of Transients ........................ 254
        12.3.1 CIDEP Under Photodissociation of Initiators .... 254
        12.3.2 Addition of Free Radicals to the Double
               Bonds of Monomers .............................. 260
        12.3.3 Electron Spin Polarization Transfer from
               Radicals of Photoinitiators to Stable
               Nitroxyl Polyradicals .......................... 268
   12.4 Optical Detection of Transients ....................... 270
        12.4.1 UV-vis Spectra of Representative Radicals ...... 270
        12.4.2 Representative Kinetic Data on Reactions of
               Photoinitiator Free Radicals ................... 270
   12.5 IR Detection of Free Radicals and Monitoring Their
        Reactions ............................................. 274
   12.6 Concluding Remarks .................................... 274
13 Dynamics of Radical Pair Processes in Bulk Polymers ........ 281
   Carlos A. Chesta and Richard G. Weiss
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 281
        13.1.1 General Considerations ......................... 281
        13.1.2 Escape Probability of an Isolated, Intimate
               Radical Pair in Liquids and Bulk Polymers ...... 283
   13.2 Singlet-State Radical Pairs from Irradiation of
        Aryl Esters and Alkyl Aryl Ethers ..................... 286
        13.2.1 General Mechanistic Considerations From
               Solution and Gas-Phase Studies ................. 286
      Photo-Fries Reactions of Aryl
                        Esters ................................ 287
      Photo-Claisen Reactions of Alkyl
                        Aryl Ethers ........................... 289
   13.3 Photo-Reactions of Aryl Esters in Polymer Matrices.
        Kinetic Information from Constant Intensity
        Irradiations .......................................... 289
        13.3.1 Relative Rate Information from Irradiation
               of Aryl Esters in Which Acyl Radicals Do Not
               Decarbonylate Rapidly .......................... 290
        13.3.2 Absolute and Relative Rate Information from
               Constant Intensity Irradiation of Aryl
               Esters in Which Acyl Radicals Do
               Decarbonylate Rapidly .......................... 293
   13.4 Rate Information from Constant Intensity
        Irradiation of Alkyl Aryl Ethers ...................... 297
        13.4.1 Rate Information from an Optically Active
               Ether .......................................... 299
      Results from Irradiation in
                        n-Alkane Solutions .................... 299
      Results from Irradiation in
                        Polyethylene Films .................... 304
   13.5 Comparison of Calculated Rates to Other Methods for
        Polyethylene Films .................................... 306
   13.6 Triplet-State Radical Pairs ........................... 308
        13.6.1 Triplet-State Radical Pairs from the
               Photoreduction of Benzophenone by Hydrogen
               Donors ......................................... 308
        13.6.2 Triplet-State Radical Pairs from Norrish
               Type I Processes ............................... 311
   13.7 Concluding Remarks .................................... 318
14 Acrylic Polymer Radicals: Structural Characterization
   and Dynamics ............................................... 325
   Malcolm D.E. Forbes and Natalia V. Lebedeva
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 325
   14.2 The Photodegradation Mechanism ........................ 326
   14.3 Polymer Structures .................................... 327
   14.4 The Time-Resolved EPR Experiment ...................... 329
   14.5 Tacticity and Temperature Dependence of Acrylate
        Radicals .............................................. 332
   14.6 Structural Dependence ................................. 334
        14.6.1 d3-Poly(methyl methacrylate), d3-PMMA .......... 335
        14.6.2 Poly(ethyl methacrylate), РЕМА ................. 337
        14.6.3 Poly(ethyl cyanoacrylate), PECA ................ 337
        14.6.4 Poly(ethyl acrylate), PEA ...................... 337
        14.6.5 Poly(fluorooctyl methacrylate), PFOMA .......... 338
        14.6.6 Polyacrylic Acid, PAA .......................... 339
        14.6.7 Polymethacrylic Acid, PMAA ..................... 340
   14.7 Oxo-Acyl Radicals ..................................... 340
   14.8 Spin Polarization Mechanisms .......................... 343
   14.9 Solvent Effects ....................................... 344
        14.9.1 pH Effects on Poly (acid) Radicals ............. 344
        14.9.2 General Features for Polyacrylates ............. 345
   14.10 Dynamic Effects ...................................... 347
        14.10.1 The Two-Site Jump Model ....................... 348
        14.10.2 Simulations and Activation Parameters ......... 350
   14.11 Conclusions .......................................... 352

Index ......................................................... 359

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