IAU symposium proceedings series; 264 (Cambridge, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSolar and stellar variability: impact on earth and planets: proceedings of the 264th symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil August 3-7, 2009 / ed. by A.G.Kosovichev, A.H.Andrei, J.-P.Rozelot. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. - xxii, 530 p.: ill. - (IAU symposium proceedings series; 264). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 978-0-521-76492-6; ISSN 1743-9213

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xii

Organizing committee ......................................... xvii

Conference participants ..................................... xviii

     Chair: C. Fang

The Sun and stars as the primary energy input in
planetary atmospheres ........................................... 3
   I. Ribas

      Chair: A.G. Kosovichev

One solar cycle of solar astrometry with MDI/SOHO .............. 21
   M. Emilio, J.R. Kuhn and R. I. Bush

Helioseismic inferences ........................................ 33
   H. Shibahashi

Variability of the solar spectral irradiance and energetic
particles ...................................................... 39
   A. Silva-Válio

A solar cycle lengthwise series of solar diameter
measurements ................................................... 49
   J.L. Penna, A.H. Andrei, S.C. Boscardin, E. Reis
   Neto and V.A. d'Ávila

Solar-like stars seismology .................................... 55
   D. Pricopi and M.D. Suran

Sounding stellar cycles with Kepler - preliminary results
from ground-based chromospheric activity measurements .......... 57
   C. Karoff, T.S. Metcalfe, W.J. Chaplin, S. Frandsen,
   F. Grundahl, H. Kjeldsen, D. Buzasi, T. Arentoft and
   J. Christensen-Dalsgaard

Differential rotation on active late-type stars observed
with Corot ..................................................... 60
   P. Gondoin, M. Fridlund, D. Gandolfi and
   E. Güenter

A comparison of measured and simulated solar network
contrast ....................................................... 63
   N. Afram, Y.C. Unruh, S.K. Solanki, M. Schülssler
   and S.K. Mathew

Multifractal spectrum of solar active region NOAA 10960
in the HQ spectral line ........................................ 66
   D. Batmunkh

Observed variations of the solar photospheric diameter ......... 72
   S.C. Boscardin, E. Reis Neto, J. Penna, A.R.
   Rodriguez Papa, A.H. Andrei and V.A. d'Ávila

The asymmetric light curves of the GSC 2764 1417 (And),
GSC 3355 0394 (Per) and GSC 2537 0520 (Psc) .................... 75
   R.G. Samec, E.R. Figg, R. Melton, C.M. Labadorf,
   J. Miller, R. McKenzie, D.R. Faulkner and
   W. Van Hamme

The EUV spectral irradiance of the Sun from 1997 to date ....... 78
   G. Del Zanna and V. Andretta 

Semi-harmonic and intermittent solar decimetric spikes ......... 81
   F.C.R. Fernandes, M.J.A. Bolzan, R.R. Rosa, J.A.S.S.
   Dutra, J.R. Cecatto, H. Mészárosová and H.S. Sawant

The periodic variation of 6.7 days for total solar radiation ... 84
   W.Q. Gan and Y.P.Li

Looking for variable stars in galactic open clusters ........... 87
   C. Greco, N. Mowlavi, L. Eyer, M. Spano, M. Varadi
   and G. Burki

Doppler imaging of the active star PW And ...................... 90
   S.-H. Gu, A.C. Cameron and K.M. Kim

New Improvements of HASTA for the analysis of chomospheric
solar events ................................................... 93
   L. Leuzzi, C. Francile, M.L. Luoni, M.G. Rovira
   and J.I. Castro

Coronal magnetic fields from the inversion of linear
polarization measurements ...................................... 96
   Y. Liu, H. Lin and J. Kuhn

Observation of interactions between two erupting filaments ..... 99
   Y. Liu, J. Su, Y. Shen and L. Yang

Study of helicity properties of peculiar active regions ....... 102
   M.C. López Fuentes, C. H. Mandrini and P. Démoulin

Automatic detection method, forecast and alert of solar
proton events ................................................. 105
   G. Lin

     Chair: J. Stenflo

Sunspot cycles and Grand Minima ............................... 111
   D. Sokoloff, R. Arlt, D. Moss, S.H. Saar and
   I. Usoskin

Stellar magnetic cycles ....................................... 120
   A.F. Lanza

Do young Suns undergo magnetic reversals? ..................... 130
   S.C. Marsden, S.V. Jeffers, J.-F. Donati,
   M.W. Mengel, I.A. Waite and B.D. Carter

Long-term stellar variability ................................. 136

The Cycles of Alpha Centauri .................................. 146
   T.R. Ayres

Harmonic analysis approach to solar cycle prediction
the Waldmeier effect .......................................... 150
   K. Petrovay

Solar cycles: the past evolution influence .................... 155
   A. Klutsch and R. Freire Ferrero
     Chair: V. Martinez-Pilet

Towards understanding the global magnetism of the Sun and
solar-like stars .............................................. 161
   A.S. Brun

The stellar magnetic dynamo during the evolution across
the main sequence ............................................. 171
   S. Hubrig

Helicity of solar magnetic field from observations ............ 181
   H. Zhang

Probability distribution functions for solar and
stellar magnetic fields ....................................... 191
   J.O. Stenflo

Oscillatory migratory large-scale fields in mean-field
and direct simulations ........................................ 197
   D. Mitra, R. Tavakol, A. Brandenburg and
   P. J. Käpylä

Prediction of solar activity cycles by assimilating sunspot
data into a dynamo model ...................................... 202
   I.N. Kitiashvili and A.G. Kosovichev

Transport of open magnetic flux between solar polar regions ... 210
   A.A. Pevtsov and V.I. Abramenko

Surface temperature maps for II Peg during 1999-2002 .......... 213
   M. Lindborg, M.J. Korpi, I. Tuominen, T. Hackman,
   I. Ilyin and N. Piskunov

'Negative' surface differential rotation in stars having
low Coriolis numbers (slow rotation or high turbulence) ....... 219
   K.L. Chan

Evolution of the large-scale magnetic field over three
solar cycles .................................................. 222
   J.T. Hoeksema

      Chair: H. Shibahashi

Mechanisms for total and spectral solar irradiance
variations .................................................... 231
   M. Haberreiter

Large-scale patterns and 'active longitudes' .................. 241
   V.N. Obridko

Is there more global solar activity on the Sun? ............... 251
   J.X. Wang, Y.Z. Zhang, G.P. Zhou, Y.Y. Wen and
   J. Jiang

Magnetic energy release: flares and coronal mass ejections .... 257
   C.H. Mandrini

RS CVn binary IM Peg - investigation of stellar activity
and surface flows ............................................. 267
   H. Korhonen, M. Weber, M. Wittkowski, T. Granzer
   and K.G. Strassmeier

The mechanism of the light variability of chemically
peculiar stars ................................................ 270
    J. Krtička, Z. Mikulášek, J. Zverko,
    J. Žižňovský, G.W. Henry, J. Skalický and
    P. Zvĕřina

Analysis of the event of 2004 November 10 ..................... 273
   Yuan Ma and Liying Zhu

Study of the structures of the explosive events in the UV ..... 276
   R.T. Niembro-Hernandez, J.E. Mendoza-Torres
   and K. Wilhelm

Nonlinear analysis of decimetric solar bursts ................. 279
   R.R. Rosa, M.J.A. Bolzan, F.C.R. Fernandes,
   H.S. Sawant and M. Karlický

Plasma heating in the initial phase of solar flares ........... 282
   P. Rudawy, M. Siarkowski and R. Falewicz

The influence of spicules in the solar radius at multiple
radio wavelengths ............................................. 285
   C.L. Selhorst, A. Silva-Válio, P.A. Martins,
   D.B. Seriacopi, P. Kaufmann and H. Levato

Stellar flare diagnostics from multi-wavelength
observations .................................................. 288
   A.V. Stepanov, Y.T. Tsap and Y.G. Kopylova

The non-radial propagation of coronal streamers in
minimum activity epoch ........................................ 292
   A.G. Tlatov and V.V. Vasil'eva

The formation of an equatorial coronal hole ................... 295
   L. Yang, Y. Jiang and J. Zhang

     Chair: L. van Driel-Gesztelyi

New findings increasing solar trend that can change
Earth climate ................................................. 301
   J.-P. Rozelot, C. Damiani and S. Lefebvre

Thermospheric temperature and density variations .............. 310
   H. Fujiwara, Y. Miyoshi, H. Jin, H. Shinagawa,
   Y. Otsuka, A. Saito and M. Ishii

Are there variations in Earth's global mean temperature
related to the solar activity? ................................ 320
   O. Kjeldseth-Moe and S. Wedemeyer-Böhm

The CME link to geomagnetic storms ............................ 326
   N. Gopalswamy

Lower and middle atmosphere and ozone layer responses to
solar variation ............................................... 336
   A.G. Elias

Possible traces of solar activity effect on the surface
air temperature of mid-latitudes .............................. 343
   A. Kilcik, A. Özgüç and J.-P. Rozelot

Influence of the solar radiation on Earth's climate using
the LMDz-REPROBUS model ....................................... 350
   S. Lefebvre, M. Marchand, S. Bekki, P. Keckhut,
   F. Lefèvre, C. Claud, D. Cugnet, G. Thuillier
   and A. Hauchecorne

Solar cycle changes of large-scale solar wind structure ....... 356
   P.K. Manoharan

Rapid solar wind and geomagnetic variability during the
ascendant phases of the 11-yr solar cycles .................... 359
   G. Maris and O. Maris

Observation of non-Gaussianity and phase synchronization
in intermittent magnetic field turbulence in the solar-
terrestrial environment ....................................... 363
   R.A. Miranda, A.C.-L. Chian, S. Dasso, E. Echer,
   P.R. Muñoz, N.B. Trivedi, B.T. Tsurutani and
   M. Yamada

Observation of magnetic reconnection and current sheets
in the solar wind ............................................. 369
   P.R. Muñoz, A.C.-L. Chian, R.A. Miranda and
   M. Yamada

      Chair: S. Hasan

Magnetic activity, high-energy radiation and variability:
from young solar analogs to low-mass objects .................. 375
   M. Güdel

Stellar activity and magnetic shielding ....................... 385
   J.-M. Grießmeier, M. Khodachenko, H. Lammer,
   J.L. Grenfell, A. Stadelmann and U. Motschmann

Detailed characterization of stellar high energy
(FUV/EUV/X-ray) radiation fields during protoplanetary
system formation .............................................. 395
   A. Brown

Impact of the solar magnetic cycle on a protoplanetary disk ... 401
   A.G. Tlatov

Solar-terrestrial energy transfer during sunspot cycles
and mechanism of Earth rotation excitation .................... 404
   Y. Chapanov and D. Gambis

Common 22-year cycles of Earth rotation and solar activity .... 407
   Y. Chapanov, J. Vondrák and C. Ron

Manifestations of dark energy in the dynamics of the
Solar system .................................................. 410
   M. Křížek and J. Brandts

Polarimetic search for exoplanets with a tangential
transit ....................................................... 413
   L.V. Ksanfomality

     Chair: A.H. Andrei

Biological damage due to photospheric, chromospheric and
flare radiation in the environments of main-sequence stars .... 419
   M. Cuntz, E.F. Guinan and R.L. Kurucz

Influence of the Schwabe/Hale solar cycles on climate change
during the Maunder Minimum .................................... 427
   H. Miyahara, Y. Yokoyama and Y.T. Yamaguchi
STRESS - STEREO TRansiting Exoplanet and Stellar Survey ....... 434
   V. Sangaralingam, I R. Stevens, S. Spreckley
   and J. Debosscher

The influence of starspots activity on the determination
of planetary transit parameters ............................... 440
   A. Silva-Valio

UV habitability and dM stars: an approach for evaluation
of biological survival ........................................ 443
   X.C. Abrevaya, E. Cortón and P.J.D. Mauas

Evidence for climate variations induced by the 11-year
solar and cosmic rays cycles .................................. 446
   W. Bruckman and E. Ramos

Synchronous manifestation of 160-min pulsations of the
ground pressure and Z-component of geomagnetic field
at Moscow, Apatity, Oulu, Yakutsk and Tixie ................... 449
   V. Ye. Timofeev, D.G. Baishev, L.I. Miroshnichenko,
   S.N. Samsonov and N.G. Skryabin

Manifestation of the Jupiter's synodic period in the solar
wind, interplanetary magnetic field and geophysical
parameters .................................................... 452
   S.N. Samsonov and N.G. Skryabin

Exoplanet environments to harbour extremophile life ........... 455
   E. Janot-Pacheco, C.A.S. Lage and I.G.P. Lima

     Chair: C. Mandrini

Space solar missions .......................................... 459
   J.-C. Vial

First thoughts on stellar variability from Kepler
commissioning data ............................................ 469
   L.M. Walkowicz and G. Basri

Does the lunar regolith contain secrets of the Solar
System? Using the Moon as a cosmic witness plate .............. 475
   D.S. McKay, L. Riofrio and B.L. Cooper

X-exoplanets: an X-ray and EUV database for exoplanets ........ 478
   J. Sanz-Forcada, D. García-&Álvarez, A. Velasco,
   E. Solano, I. Ribas, G. Micela and A. Pollock

Surveying RFI for a new Brazilian Solar Spectroscope site ..... 484
   J.R. Cecatto, P.C.G. Albuquerque, I.O.G. Vila,
   A.B. Cassiano, C. Strauss and F.C.R. Fernandes

The development of the Heliometer of the Observatorio
Nacional ...................................................... 487
   V. d'&Ávila, E. Reis, J. Penna, L.C. Oliveira,
   A. Coletti, V. Matias, A.H. Andrei and S. Boscardin

Brazilian Decimetric Array (BDA) project - Phase II ........... 493
   C. Faria, S. Stephany, H.S. Sawant, J.R. Cecatto
   and F.C.R. Fernandes

Catalogs of variable stars, current and future ................ 496
   N.N. Samus, E.V. Kazarovets and O.V. Durlevich
The Indian National Large Solar Telescope (NLST) .............. 499
   S.S. Hasan

     Chair: J.-P. Rozelot

Concluding remarks on solar and stellar activities and
related planets ............................................... 507
   S. Turck-Chièze

Author index .................................................. 525

Subject index ................................................. 529

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