Short protocols in molecular biology: a compendium of methods from Current protocols in molecular biology; 2 (New York, 2002). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаShort protocols in molecular biology: a compendium of methods from Current protocols in molecular biology. Vol.2 / ed. by F.M.Ausubel et al. - New York: Wiley. - 2002. - (various pagings): ill. - ISBN 978-0-47125-092-0

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Оглавление / Contents
    Preface ................................................. xxvii
    Contributors ............................................. xxxi

13. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ................................. 13-1

    13.1. Preparation of Yeast Media ......................... 13-2
          Liquid Media ....................................... 13-2
          Solid Media ........................................ 13-5
          Strain Storage and Revival ......................... 13-7
          Basic Protocol 1: Preparation and Inoculation of
          Frozen Stocks ...................................... 13-7
          Alternate Protocol: Preparation and Inoculation
          of Slants .......................................... 13-7
          Basic Protocol 2: Mailing and Reviving Strains ..... 13-8

    13.2. Growth and Manipulation of Yeast ................... 13-8
          Basic Protocol 1: Growth in Liquid Media ........... 13-8
          Basic Protocol 2: Growth on Solid Media ............ 13-9
          Basic Protocol 3: Determination of Cell Density .... 13-9
          Basic Protocol 4: Determination of Phenotype by
          Replica Plating .................................... 13-9
          Basic Protocol 5: Determination of Mating Type ..... 13-9
          Strain Construction and Tetrad Analysis ........... 13-10
          Basic Protocol 6: Diploid Construction ............ 13-11
          Basic Protocol 7: Sporulation of Diploid Cells .... 13-11
          Basic Protocol 8: Preparation and Dissection
          of Tetrads ........................................ 13-12
          Support Protocol: Preparation of Dissecting
          Needles ........................................... 13-15
          Alternate Protocol: Random Spore Analysis ......... 13-15

    13.3. Genome-Wide Transposon Mutagenesis in Yeast ....... 13-17
          Strategic Planning ................................ 13-17
          Basic Protocol: Generating Yeast Mutants from
          mTn-Mutagenized Library DNA ....................... 13-17
          Support Protocol 1: Vectorette Polymerase Chain
          Reaction .......................................... 13-20
          Support Protocol 2: Epitope Tagging of
          mTn-Mutagenized Gene Products ..................... 13-21

    13.4. Yeast Vectors and Assays for Expression of
          Cloned Genes ...................................... 13-23
          Basic Protocol 1: Construction of lacZ Fusion
          Vectors for Studying Yeast Gene Regulation ........ 13-23
          Basic Protocol 2: Assay for β-Galactosidase in
          Liquid Cultures ................................... 13-23
          Alternate Protocol: Screening for β-
          Galactosidase-Expressing Yeast Colonies
          Using a Filter Lift Assay ......................... 13-24

    13.5. Introduction of DNA into Yeast Cells .............. 13-25
          Basic Protocol: Transformation Using
          Lithium Acetate ................................... 13-25
          Alternate Protocol: Transformation by
          Electroporation ................................... 13-27
          Support Protocol: Preparation of Single-Stranded
          High-Molecular-Weight Carrier DNA ................. 13-28
    13.6. Cloning Yeast Genes by Complementation ............ 13-29
          Basic Protocol: Cloning the Gene .................. 13-29

    13.7. Manipulation of Plasmids from Yeast Cells ......... 13-31
          Basic Protocol 1: Segregation of Plasmids from
          Yeast Cells ....................................... 13-31
          Basic Protocol 2: Plasmid Shuffling ............... 13-31
          Basic Protocol 3: Plasmid Gap Repair for
          Localized Mutagenesis and Allele Repair ........... 13-33

    13.8. Manipulation of Cloned Yeast DNA .................. 13-35
          Basic Protocol 1: Integrative Transformation ...... 13-35
          Gene Replacement Techniques ....................... 13-35
          Basic Protocol 2: Integrative Disruption .......... 13-36
          Basic Protocol 3: One-Step Gene Disruption ........ 13-36
          Alternate Protocol 1: PCR-Mediated One-Step
          Gene Disruption ................................... 13-37
          Basic Protocol 4: Transplacement 13-38
          Basic Protocol 5: Creating Modified Genes by
          One-Step Integrative Replacement .................. 13-40
          Alternate Protocol 2: Creating Modified Genes by
          Transplacement .................................... 13-41
          Basic Protocol 6: Creation of Conditional
          Alleles by Copper-Inducible Double-Shutoff
          Procedure ......................................... 13-41

    13.9. Preparation of Yeast DNA .......................... 13-43
          Basic Protocol: Rapid Isolation of Plasmid DNA
          from Yeast ........................................ 13-44
          Alternate Protocol: Rapid Isolation of Yeast
          Chromosomal DNA ................................... 13-44

    13.10.Preparation of Yeast RNA .......................... 13-45
          Basic Protocol: Preparation of Yeast RNA by
          Extraction with Hot Acidic Phenol ................. 13-45
          Alternate Protocol 1: Preparation of RNA Using
          Glass Beads ....................................... 13-46
          Alternate Protocol 2: Preparation of
          Poly(A)+ RNA ...................................... 13-47

    13.11.Preparation of Protein Extracts from Yeast ........ 13-47
          Basic Protocol: Spheroplast Preparation
          and Lysis ......................................... 13-48
          Support Protocol: Nuclei Preparation by
          Differential Centrifugation ....................... 13-49
          Alternate Protocol 1: Cell Disruption Using
          Glass Beads ....................................... 13-50
          Alternate Protocol 2: Cell Disruption Using
          Liquid Nitrogen ................................... 13-50

14. In Situ Hybridization and Immunohistochemistry ........... 14-1

    14.1. Fixation, Embedding, and Sectioning of Tissues,
          Embryos, and Single Cells .......................... 14-2
          Basic Protocol: Paraformaldehyde Fixation and
          Paraffin Wax Embedding of Tissues and Embryos ...... 14-2
          Alternate Protocol: Fixation of Suspended and
          Cultured Cells ..................................... 14-4
          Support Protocol 1: Perfusion of Adult Mice ........ 14-4
          Support Protocol 2: Sectioning Samples in
          Wax Blocks ......................................... 14-6
          Support Protocol 3: Preparation of Coated
          Slides ............................................. 14-7

    14.2. Cryosectioning ..................................... 14-8
          Basic Protocol: Specimen Preparation and
          Sectioning ......................................... 14-8
          Support Protocol 1: Fixation of Cryosections for
          In Situ Hybridization ............................. 14-10
          Support Protocol 2: Tissue Fixation and Sucrose
          Infusion .......................................... 14-12

    14.3. In Situ Hybridization to Cellular RNA ............. 14-13
          Basic Protocol: Hybridization Using Paraffin
          Sections and Cells ................................ 14-13
          Alternate Protocol: Hybridization Using
          Cryosections ...................................... 14-16
          Support Protocol 1: Synthesis of 35S-Labeled
          Riboprobes ........................................ 14-18
          Support Protocol 2: Synthesis of MS-Labeled
          Double-Stranded DNA Probes ........................ 14-19

    14.4. Detection of Hybridized Probe ..................... 14-20
          Basic Protocol 1: Film Autoradiography ............ 14-20
          Basic Protocol 2: Emulsion Autoradiography ........ 14-20
          Support Protocol: Preparation of Diluted
          Emulsion for Autoradiography ...................... 14-21

    14.5. Counterstaining and Mounting of Autoradiographed
          In Situ Hybridization Slides ...................... 14-22
          Basic Protocol: Giemsa Staining ................... 14-22
          Alternate Protocol 1: Hematoxylin/Eosin
          Staining .......................................... 14-23
          Alternate Protocol 2: Toluidine Blue Staining ..... 14-24
          Alternate Protocol 3: Hoechst Staining ............ 14-24
    14.6. Immunohistochemistry .............................. 14-25
          Basic Protocol 1: Immunofluorescent Labeling of
          Cells Grown as Monolayers ......................... 14-25
          Alternate Protocol 1: Immunofluorescent Labeling
          of Suspension Cells ............................... 14-28
          Basic Protocol 2: Immunofluorescent Labeling of
          Tissue Sections ................................... 14-28
          Alternate Protocol 2: Immunofluorescent
          Labeling Using Streptavidin-Biotin Conjugates ..... 14-29
          Alternate Protocol 3: Immunogold Labeling of
          Tissue Sections ................................... 14-30
          Alternate Protocol 4: Immunoperoxidase Labeling
          of Tissue Sections ................................ 14-30
          Alternate Protocol 5: Immunofluorescent
          Double-Labeling of Tissue Sections ................ 14-31

    14.7. In Situ Hybridization and Detection Using
          Nonisotopic Probes ................................ 14-32
          Basic Protocol: Fluorescence In Situ
          Hybridization ..................................... 14-32
          Amplification of Hybridization Signals ............ 14-34
          Support Protocol 1: Amplification of
          Biotinylated Signals .............................. 14-34
          Support Protocol 2: Amplification of Signals
          from Digoxigenin-Labeled Probes ................... 14-35
          Enzymatic Detection of Nonisotopically Labeled
          Probes ............................................ 14-36
          Alternate Protocol 1: Enzymatic Detection Using
          Horseradish Peroxidase ............................ 14-37
          Alternate Protocol 2: Enzymatic Detection Using
          Alkaline Phosphatase .............................. 14-38

    14.8. In Situ Polymerase Chain Reaction and
          Hybridization to Detect Low-Abundance Nucleic
          Acid Targets ...................................... 14-39
          Strategic Planning ................................ 14-39
          Basic Protocol 1: In Situ PCR (ISPCR)
          Amplification of DNA and RNA Targets with
          In Situ Reverse Transcription for RNA ............. 14-42
          Alternate Protocol: One-Step Reverse
          Transcription and Amplification ................... 14-45
          Basic Protocol 2: Hybridization and Detection of
          ISPCR-Amplified Target Material ................... 14-46
          Support Protocol 1: Preparation of AES-Subbed
          Slides ............................................ 14-50
          Support Protocol 2: Preparation of Specimens on
          Slides for ISPCR .................................. 14-50
          Support Protocol 3: Labeling Oligonucleotide
          Probes Using MP ................................... 14-51

    14.9. Whole-Mount In Situ Hybridization and Detection
          of RNAs in Vertebrate Embryos and Isolated
          Organs ............................................ 14-52
          Basic Protocol 1: Whole-Mount In Situ
          Hybridization with Mouse or Chicken
          Embryos and Organs ................................ 14-52
          Basic Protocol 2: Enzymatic Detection of RNA
          Hybrids in Mouse and Chicken Embryos and Organs ... 14-54
          Alternate Protocol 1: Whole-Mount In Situ
          Hybridization with Xenopus Embryos ................ 14-57
          Alternate Protocol 2: Enzymatic Detection of
          RNA Hybrids in Xenopus Embryos .................... 14-58
          Support Protocol 1: Synthesis of Digoxigenin-
          Labeled RNA Probes ................................ 14-59
          Support Protocol 2: Preabsorption of Fab
          Fragments with Embryonic Powder ................... 14-60

    14.10.Principles and Application of Fluorescence
          Microscopy ........................................ 14-61
          Fluorescent Molecular Probes ...................... 14-62
          Filters and Filter Sets ........................... 14-63
          Multiband Filters and Multidye Fluorescence ....... 14-64
          Light Sources ..................................... 14-64
          Microscope Objectives ............................. 14-65
          Image Resolution and the Point-Spread
          Function (PSF) .................................... 14-65
          Fluorescence Microscopy of Living Cells ........... 14-66
          Immunolabeling: General Steps for Labeling Fixed
          Cells and Tissues ................................. 14-67

    14.11.Basic Confocal Microscopy ......................... 14-71
          The Basis of Optical Sectioning ................... 14-71
          Types of Confocal Microscopes ..................... 14-74
          Practical Guidelines .............................. 14-76
          Internet Resources ................................ 14-81

    14.12.Measurement of In Situ Hybridization .............. 14-82
          Basic Protocol: Determining the Distribution
          of Radiolabeled Heteroduplexes in In Situ
          Hybridizations by Phosphor Storage Imaging ........ 14-82
          Support Protocol: Producing a Reference System .... 14-85

    14.13.Morphological, Biochemical, and Flow
          Cytometric Assays of Apoptosis .................... 14-86
          Basic Protocol 1: Microscopic Quantitation of
          Apoptotic Index and Cell Viability Using Vital
          and Fluorescent Dyes .............................. 14-86
          Basic Protocol 2: Determination of Apoptosis
          Using Sub-G0/Gi DNA Peak .......................... 14-88
          Basic Protocol 3: Flow Cytometric Quantitation
          of Apoptotic Cells Using TUNEL .................... 14-89
          Basic Protocol 4: In Situ Detection of Apoptotic
          Cells in Tissue Sections by TUNEL ................. 14-91

    14.14.Whole-Mount Histochemical Detection of
          β-Galactosidase Activity .......................... 14-92
          Basic Protocol: Whole-Mount Staining and
          Histochemical Detection of β-Galactosidase
          Activity .......................................... 14-92
          Alternate Protocol: Preparing Thick Sections of
          Large Tissues for P-Galactosidase Staining ........ 14-94
          Support Protocol 1: Storage and Tissue Clearing ... 14-94
          Support Protocol 2: Paraffin Embedding,
          Sectioning, and Counter-Staining .................. 14-95

15. The Polymerase Chain Reaction ............................ 15-1

    15.1. Enzymatic Amplification of DNA by PCR: Standard
          Procedures and Optimization ........................ 15-3
          Basic Protocol: Enzymatic Amplification of DNA
          by PCR: Standard Procedures and Optimization ....... 15-3

    15.2. Direct DNA Sequencing of PCR Products ............. 15-10
          Basic Protocol 1: Generating Single-Stranded
          Products for Dideoxy Sequencing by Asymmetric
          PCR ............................................... 15-10
          Alternate Protocol 1: Generating Single-Stranded
          Template for Dideoxy Sequencing by Single-Primer
          Reamplification ................................... 15-11
          Alternate Protocol 2: Preparing Double-Stranded
          PCR Products for Dideoxy Sequencing ............... 15-11
          Alternate Protocol 3: Generating Single-Stranded
          Template for Dideoxy Sequencing by X Exonuclease
          Digestion of Double-Stranded PCR Products ......... 15-12
          Basic Protocol 2: Labeling PCR Products for
          Chemical Sequencing ............................... 15-13
          Alternate Protocol 5: Genomic Sequencing of PCR
          Products .......................................... 15-14

    15.3. Ligation-Mediated PCR for Genomic Sequencing
          and Footprinting .................................. 15-15
          Basic Protocol: Ligation-Mediated Single-Sided
          PCR ............................................... 15-15
          Support Protocol 1: Preparation of Genomic DNA
          from Monolayer Cells for DMS Footprinting ......... 15-19
          Support Protocol 2: Preparation of Genomic DNA
          from Suspension Cells for DMS Footprinting ........ 15-23
          Support Protocol 3: Preparation of Genomic DNA
          for Chemical Sequencing ........................... 15-24

    15.4. Molecular Cloning of PCR Products ................. 15-25
          Basic Protocol: Generation of T-A Overhangs ....... 15-26
          Alternate Protocol 1: Generation of Half-Sites .... 15-27

    15.5. Enzymatic Amplification of RNA by PCR (RT-PCR) .... 15-29
          Basic Protocol: PCR Amplification of RNA Under
          Optimal Conditions ................................ 15-29
          Alternate Protocol 1: Avoiding Lengthy
          Coprecipitation and Annealing Steps ............... 15-31
          Alternate Protocol 2: Introducing cDNA Directly
          into the Amplification Step ....................... 15-31
          Support Protocol: Rapid Preparation of Crude
          RNA ............................................... 15-31

    15.6. cDNA Amplification Using One-Sided (Anchored)
          PCR ............................................... 15-32
          Basic Protocol 1: Amplification of Regions
          Downstream (3') of Known Sequence ................. 15-32
          Basic Protocol 2: Amplification of Regions
          Upstream (5') of Known Sequence ................... 15-36

    15.7. Quantitation of Rare DNAs by PCR .................. 15-38
          Basic Protocol: Quantitation of Rare DNA by
          PCR ............................................... 15-38

16. Protein Expression ....................................... 16-1
    16.1. Overview of Protein Expression in E. coli .......... 16-2
          General Strategy for Gene Expression in
          E. coli ............................................ 16-3
          Specific Expression Scenarios ...................... 16-3
          Troubleshooting Gene Expression .................... 16-4

    16.2. Expression Using the T7 RNA Polymerase/Promoter
          System ............................................. 16-5
          Basic Protocol: Expression Using the Two-Plasmid
          System ............................................. 16-6
          Alternate Protocol 1: Selective Labeling of
          Plasmid-Encoded Proteins ........................... 16-7
          Alternate Protocol 2: Expression by Infection
          with M13 Phage mGP1-2 .............................. 16-8

    16.3. Introduction to Expression by Fusion Protein
          Vectors ............................................ 16-9
          Solubility of the Expressed Protein ............... 16-10
          Stability of the Expressed Protein ................ 16-10
          Cleavage of Fusion Proteins to Remove
          the Carrier ....................................... 16-11
    16.4. Enzymatic and Chemical Cleavage of Fusion
          Proteins .......................................... 16-12
          Basic Protocol 1: Enzymatic Cleavage of Fusion
          Proteins with Factor Xa ........................... 16-12
          Support Protocol: Denaturing a Fusion Protein
          for Factor Xa Cleavage ............................ 16-13
          Alternate Protocol 1: Enzymatic Cleavage of
          Fusion Proteins with Thrombin ..................... 16-13
          Alternate Protocol 2: Enzymatic Cleavage of
          Matrix-Bound GST Fusion Proteins .................. 16-14
          Alternate Protocol 3: Enzymatic Cleavage 
          Fusion Proteins with Enterokinase ................. 16-15
          Basic Protocol 2: Chemical Cleavage of Fusion
          Proteins Using Cyanogen Bromide ................... 16-16
          Alternate Protocol 4: Chemical Cleavage of
          Fusion Proteins Using Hydroxlamine ................ 16-16
          Alternate Protocol 5: Chemical Cleavage of
          Fusion Proteins by Hydrolysis at Low pH ........... 16-17

    16.5. Expression and Purification of Glutathione-5-
          Transferase Fusion Proteins ....................... 16-18
          Basic Protocol: Expression and Purification of
          Glutathione-S-Transferase Fusion Proteins ......... 16-18

    16.6. Expression and Purification of Thioredoxin
          Fusion Proteins ................................... 16-21
          Basic Protocol: Construction and Expression of a
          Thioredoxin Fusion Protein ........................ 16-21
          Support Protocol 1: E. coli Lysis Using a
          French Pressure Cell .............................. 16-24
          Support Protocol 2: Osmotic Release of
          Thioredoxin Fusion Proteins ....................... 16-26
          Support Protocol 3: Purification of Thioredoxin
          Fusion Proteins by Heat Treatment ................. 16-26

    16.7. Overview of the Baculovirus Expression System ..... 16-27
          Baculovirus Expression System ..................... 16-27
          Posttranslational Modification of Proteins
          in Insect Cells ................................... 16-29
          Steps for Overproducing Proteins Using the
          Baculovirus System ................................ 16-29
          Choosing a Baculovirus Transfer Vector ............ 16-30
          Choosing a Baculovirus DNA ........................ 16-32
          Reagents, Solutions, and Equipment for the
          Baculovirus System ................................ 16-33

    16.8. Maintenance of Insect Cell Cultures and
          Generation of Recombinant Baculoviruses ........... 16-34
          Basic Protocol 1: Maintenance and Culture of
          Insect Cells ...................................... 16-34
          Basic Protocol 2: Cotransfection of Insect
          Cells Using Linearized Baculoviral DNA ............ 16-36
          Alternate Protocol: Generation of Recombinant
          Baculovirus Using Wild-Type Baculoviral DNA ....... 16-38
          Basic Protocol 3: Preparation of Baculovirus
          Stocks ............................................ 16-41
          Basic Protocol 4: Titering Baculovirus Stocks
          Using Plaque Assay ................................ 16-42

    16.9. Expression and Purification of Recombinant
          Proteins Using the Baculovirus System ............. 16-44
          Basic Protocol 1: Small-Scale Expression for
          Initial Analysis .................................. 16-44
          Support Protocol 1: Determining Time Course of
          Maximum Protein Production ........................ 16-45
          Support Protocol 2: Metabolic Labeling of
          Recombinant Proteins .............................. 16-46
          Basic Protocol 2: Large-Scale Production of
          Recombinant Proteins .............................. 16-47
          Basic Protocol 3: Purification of Recombinant
          Proteins Containing a Polyhistidine (6xHis)Tag .... 16-48
          Alternate Protocol: Purification of Recombinant
          Proteins Containing a GST Tag ..................... 16-50

    16.10.Overview of Protein Expression in Mammalian
          Cells ............................................. 16-51
          Viral-Mediated Gene Transfer ...................... 16-51
          Transient Expression .............................. 16-52
          Stable DNA Transfection ........................... 16-53
          Amplification of Transfected DNA .................. 16-54
          Expression Vectors ................................ 16-55
          Choice of Expression System ....................... 16-55
          Troubleshooting ................................... 16-55
    16.11.Transient Expression of Proteins Using
          COS Cells ......................................... 16-56
          Basic Protocol .................................... 16-56

    16.12.Overview of the Vaccinia Virus Expression
          System ............................................ 16-58
          Vaccinia Replication Cycle ........................ 16-59
          Effects of Vaccinia Infection ..................... 16-60
          Vaccinia Vector Expression System ................. 16-60
          Steps for Expression of Genes Using Vaccinia
          Vectors ........................................... 16-61
          Safety Precautions for Using Vaccinia ............. 16-61
    16.13.Preparation of Cell Cultures and Vaccinia
          Virus Stocks ...................................... 16-62
          Basic Protocol 1: Culture of Monolayer Cells ...... 16-63
          Basic Protocol 2: Culture of Cells in
          Suspension ........................................ 16-64
          Basic Protocol 3: Preparation of a Vaccinia
          Virus Stock ....................................... 16-65
          Support Protocol 1: Titration of Vaccinia Virus
          Stocks by Plaque Assay ............................ 16-66
          Basic Protocol 4: Preparation of Chicken Embryo
          Fibroblasts ....................................... 16-67
          Basic Protocol 5: Preparation of an MVA Stock ..... 16-68
          Support Protocol 2: Titration of MVA Stocks by
          Immunostaining .................................... 16-69

    16.14.Generation of Recombinant Vaccinia Viruses ........ 16-71
          Basic Protocol 1: Transfection of Infected Cells
          with a Vaccinia Vector ............................ 16-71
          Support Protocol 1: Purification of Vaccinia
          Virus ............................................. 16-75
          Support Protocol 2: Isolation of Vaccinia
          Virus DNA ......................................... 16-77
          Basic Protocol 2: Selection and Screening of
          Recombinant Virus Plaques ......................... 16-78
          Basic Protocol 3: Amplification of a Plaque ....... 16-81
          Basic Protocol 4: Live Immunostaining of MVA
          Recombinants ...................................... 16-82
          Support Protocol 3: Coating Plates with
          Concanavalin A .................................... 16-83

    16.15.Characterization of Recombinant Vaccinia
          Viruses and Their Products ........................ 16-84
          Basic Protocol 1: Detection of Vaccinia DNA
          Using PCR ......................................... 16-84
          Basic Protocol 2: Detection of Vaccinia DNA
          Using Southern Blot Hybridization ................. 16-87
          Basic Protocol 3: Detection of Vaccinia DNA
          Using Dot-Blot Hybridization ...................... 16-88
          Alternate Protocol: Detection of Expressed
          Protein by a Dot-Blot Procedure ................... 16-89
          Basic Protocol 4: Detection of Expressed Protein
          Using Immunoblotting .............................. 16-90
          Basic Protocol 5: Detection of Expressed Protein
          Using Immunoprecipitation ......................... 16-91

    16.16.Gene Expression Using the Vaccinia Virus/T7 RNA
          Polymerase Hybrid System .......................... 16-92
          Basic Protocol 1: Liposome-Mediated Transfection
          Following Recombinant Vaccinia Virus (vTF7-3)
          Infection ......................................... 16-93
          Basic Protocol 2: Coinfection with Two
          Recombinant Vaccinia Viruses ...................... 16-95
          Basic Protocol 3: Infection of OST7-1 Cells
          with a Single Virus ............................... 16-96
          Basic Protocol 4: Gene Expression Using the
          VOTE System ....................................... 16-97
          Support Protocol: Detection of Expressed
          Protein Using Pulse Labeling ...................... 16-99

    16.17.Inducible Gene Expression Using an
          Autoregulatory, Tetracycline-ControUed System .... 16-100
          Basic Protocol: Calcium Phosphate-Mediated
          Stable Transfection of NIH3T3 Cells with pTet-
          tTAk and Tetracyline-Regulated Target Plasmids ... 16-102
          Support Protocol: Analysis of Target Gene
          Protein Expression ............................... 16-105

    16.18.Expression and Purification of Epitope-Tagged
          Multisubunit Protein Complexes from Mammalian
          Cells ............................................ 16-106
          Basic Protocol 1: Purification of Multisubunit
          Protein Complexes from Clonal Cell Lines
          Constitutively Expressing a Flag-Tagged
          Protein .......................................... 16-107
          Basic Protocol 2: Purification of Multisubunit
          Protein Complexes from Clonal Cell Lines
          Conditionally Expressing the Flag-Tagged
          Protein .......................................... 16-110
          Alternate Protocol: Purification of Multiple
          Forms of Epitope-Tagged Protein Complexes by
          Varying the Starting Material and Wash
          Conditions ....................................... 16-113
          Support Protocol: Purification of Multiple
          Forms of Epitope-Tagged Protein Complexes
          Following a P11 Ion-Exchange Chromatographic
          Column ........................................... 16-115

17. Analysis of Protein Phosphorylation ...................... 17-1

    17.1. Overview of Protein Phosphorylation ................ 17-2
    17.2. Labeling Cultured Cells with 32P1 and Preparing
          Cell Lysates for Immunoprecipitation ............... 17-4
          Basic Protocol: Labeling Cultured Cells with 32P
          and Lysis Using Mild Detergent ..................... 17-4
          Alternate Protocol: Lysis of Cells by Boiling
          in SDS ............................................. 17-6

    17.3. Phosphoamino Acid Analysis ......................... 17-7
          Basic Protocol: Acid Hydrolysis and Two-
          Dimensional Electrophoretic Analysis of
          Phosphoamino Acids ................................. 17-7
          Alternate Protocol: Alkali Treatment to Enhance
          Detection of Tyr- and Thr-Phosphorylated
          Proteins Blotted onto Filters ..................... 17-11
    17.4. Analysis of Phosphorylation of Unlabeled
          Proteins .......................................... 17-12
          Basic Protocol 1: Immunoblotting with Anti-
          Phosphotyrosine Antibodies and Detection Using
          [125I]Protein A ................................... 17-12
          Alternate Protocol: Detection of Bound
          Antibodies by Enhanced Chemiluminescence (ECL) .... 17-13
          Basic Protocol 2: Identification of
          Phosphorylated Proteins by Phosphatase
          Digestion ......................................... 17-14

    17.5. Detection of Phosphorylation by Enzymatic
          Techniques ........................................ 17-15
          Basic Protocol 1: Digestion of Phosphoproteins
          with Nonspecific Acid Phosphatases ................ 17-16
          Alternate Protocol 1: Digestion of
          Phosphoproteins with Nonspecific Alkaline
          Phosphatase ....................................... 17-16
          Basic Protocol 2: Digestion of Phosphoproteins
          with Protein Serine/Threonine Phosphatases ........ 17-17
          Alternate Protocol 2: Digestion of
          Phosphoproteins with Protein Tyrosine
          Phosphatases ...................................... 17-18
          Support Protocol: Measurement and Identification
          of Released 32P ................................... 17-18

    17.6. Production of Antibodies that Recognize Specific
          Tyrosine-Phosphorylated Peptides .................. 17-19
          Basic Protocol 1: Production of Polyclonal
          Anti-Phosphopeptide Antibodies .................... 17-19
          Basic Protocol 2: Production of Monoclonal
          Anti-Phosphopeptide Antibodies .................... 17-21
          Support Protocol 1: Synthesis of Peptides ......... 17-24
          Support Protocol 2: Coupling of Peptides to
          Affi-Gel 10 Affinity Matrix ....................... 17-24
          Support Protocol 3: Coupling of Phosphotyrosine
          to Affi-Gel 10 Affinity Matrix .................... 17-25

    17.7. Assays of Protein Kinases Using Exogenous
          Substrates ........................................ 17-26
          Strategic Planning ................................ 17-26
          Basic Protocol 1: Assay for Cyclic Nucleotide-
          Dependent Protein Kinases ......................... 17-29
          Basic Protocol 2: Assay for Protein Kinase C
          Isoforms .......................................... 17-30
          Basic Protocol 3: Assay for Casein Kinases
          Using β-Casein .................................... 17-31
          Alternate Protocol: Assay for Casein Kinases
          Using a Peptide Substrate ......................... 17-31
          Basic Protocol 4: Assay for Ca2+/Calmodulin-
          Dependent Kinases ................................. 17-32
          Basic Protocol 5: Assay for Tyrosine Kinases ...... 17-33
          Basic Protocol 6: In-Gel Protein Kinase Assays .... 17-34
          Support Protocol 1: Preparing a Cell Lysate for
          Kinase Assays ..................................... 17-35
          Support Protocol 2: TCA Precipitation to
          Determine Incorporation of Radioactivity .......... 17-36
          Support Protocol 3: Adsorption onto P81
          Phosphocellulose Paper ............................ 17-37

    17.8. Permeabilization Strategies to Study Protein
          Phosphorylation ................................... 17-39
          Basic Protocol: Analysis of Protein
          Phosphorylation in Permeabilized Cells ............ 17-39
          Intact Cell Sample Preparation for
          Electrophoretic Analysis of Protein
          Phosphorylation ................................... 17-42
          Alternate Protocol 1: Intact Cell Sample
          Preparation for SDS-PAGE .......................... 17-42
          Alternate Protocol 2: Intact Cell Sample
          Preparation for Isoelectric Focusing .............. 17-43

    17.9. Phosphopeptide Mapping and Identification of
          Phosphorylation Sites ............................. 17-43
          Basic Protocol 1: Tryptic Phosphopeptide Mapping
          of Proteins Isolated from SDS-Polyacrylamide
          Gels .............................................. 17-44
          Alternate Protocol: Proteolytic Digestion of
          Immobilized Proteins .............................. 17-50
          Support Protocol 1: Isolation of Phosphopeptides
          from the Cellulose Plate .......................... 17-51
          Basic Protocol 2: Determination of the Position
          of the Phosphorylated Amino Acid in the Peptide
          by Manual Edman Degradation ....................... 17-53
          Basic Protocol 3: Diagnostic Secondary Digests
          to Test for the Presence of Specific Amino Acids
          in the Phosphopeptide ............................. 17-55
          Support Protocol 2: Preparation of
          Phosphopeptides for Microsequence Determination
          or Mass Spectrometry .............................. 17-57

18. Informatics for Molecular Biologists ..................... 18-1

    18.1. Sequence Similarity Searching Using the BLAST
          Family of Programs ................................. 18-1
          Accessing BLAST Programs and Documentation ......... 18-2
          Introduction to BLAST .............................. 18-3
          Examples of BLAST Searches ......................... 18-6
          Searching Strategies .............................. 18-19
          Appendix A: BLAST Parameters ...................... 18-23
          Appendix B: Sequence Identifier Syntax ............ 18-23

19. Analysis of Protein Interactions ......................... 19-1
    Introduction ............................................. 19-1
    Equilibrium Parameters ................................... 19-1
    What This Chapter Describes .............................. 19-4

    19.1. Interaction Trap/Two-Hybrid System to Identify
          Interacting Proteins ............................... 19-5
          Basic Protocol 1: Characterizing a Bait Protein .... 19-7
          Basic Protocol 2: Performing an Interactor Hunt ... 19-13
          Alternate Protocol 1: Rapid Screen for
          Interaction Trap Positives ........................ 19-21
          Alternate Protocol 2: Performing a Hunt by
          Interaction Mating ................................ 19-22
          Support Protocol 1: Preparation of Protein
          Extracts for Immunoblot Analysis .................. 19-25
          Support Protocol 2: Preparation of Sheared
          Salmon Sperm Carrier DNA .......................... 19-25

    19.2. Affinity Purification of Proteins Binding to GST
          Fusion Proteins ................................... 19-27
          Basic Protocol: GST Fusion Protein-Affinity
          Purification ...................................... 19-27
          Support Protocol: Preparation of E. coli
          Extract ........................................... 19-30

    19.3. Phage-Based Expression Cloning to Identify
          Interacting Proteins .............................. 19-31
          Strategic Planning ................................ 19-32
          Basic Protocol: Interaction Cloning ............... 19-32

    19.4. Surface Plasmon Resonance for Measurements of
          Biological Interest ............................... 19-35
          Basic Protocol 1: SPR Using Biacore Chips ......... 19-35
          Basic Protocol 2: SPR Using NTA-SAM Chips ......... 19-37

    19.5. Detection of Protein-Protein Interactions
          by Coprecipitation ................................ 19-38
          Basic Protocol: Coprecipitating Proteins with
          Protein A/G-Sepharose ............................. 19-38
          Alternate Protocol: Coprecipitating a GST
          Fusion Protein .................................... 19-39

    19.6. Identification of Protein Interactions by Far
          Western Analysis .................................. 19-40
          Basic Protocol: Far Western Analysis of a
          Protein Mixture ................................... 19-40
          Alternate Protocol 1: Detecting Interacting
          Proteins by Immunoblotting ........................ 19-41
          Alternate Protocol 2: Using Peptides to
          Identify Specific Interacting Sequences
          in a Far Western Blot ............................. 19-43

20. Chromatin Assembly and Analysis .......................... 20-1

    20.1. Micrococcal Nuclease Analysis of Chromatin
          Structure .......................................... 20-2
          Basic Protocol 1: Micrococcal Nuclease Digestion
          of Chromatin in Permeabilized Cells ................ 20-2
          Basic Protocol 2: Micrococcal Nuclease Digestion
          of Chromatin in Isolated Nuclei .................... 20-3
          Basic Protocol 3: Micrococcal Nuclease Digestion
          of Purified Genomic DNA ............................ 20-5
          Support Protocol 1: Purification and
          Characterization of DNA from Chromatin
          Digestions ......................................... 20-6
          Support Protocol 2: Nuclease Cleavage Mapping
          Strategies ......................................... 20-8
          Support Protocol 3: Using a Modified LM-PCR
          Procedure to Map Double-Stranded MNase Cleavages
          at the Nucleotide Level of Resolution ............. 20-10

    20.2. Separation of Histone Variants and Post-
          Translationally Modified Isoforms by
          Triton/Acetic Acid/Urea Polyacrylamide
          Gel Electrophoresis ............................... 20-11
          Basic Protocol: Triton/Acetic Acid/Urea (TAU)
          Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for Analysis
          of Histones ....................................... 20-11
          Support Protocol 1: Assembly of Gel Plates ........ 20-14
          Support Protocol 2: Histone Isolation from
          Prepared Nuclei ................................... 20-14
          Support Protocol 3: Electrophoretic Transfer of
          TAU-Polyacrylamide Gels ........................... 20-15

    20.3. Characterization of Proteins Bound to Chromatin
          by Immunoprecipitation from Whole-Cell Extracts ... 20-16
          Basic Protocol: Characterization of Proteins
          Bound to Chromatin by Immunoprecipitation from
          Whole-Cell Extracts ............................... 20-16

    20.4. Isolation of Histones and Nucleosome Cores from
          Mammalian Cells ................................... 20-20
          Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of a Washed
          Nuclear Pellet .................................... 20-20
          Basic Protocol 2: Solubilization and
          Purification of Histone HI-Depleted
          Oligonucleosomes .................................. 20-21
          Basic Protocol 3: Purification of Mono- and
          Dinucleosomes ..................................... 20-23
          Basic Protocol 4: Purification of Core Histones
          by Hydroxylapatite Chromatography ................. 20-24

    20.5. Assembly of Nucleosomal Templates by Salt
          Dialysis .......................................... 20-25
          Basic Protocol 1: Assembly of Nucleosomal
          Templates by Step Salt Dialysis ................... 20-26
          Basic Protocol 2: Assembly of High
          Concentration of Mononucleosomes by Gradient
          Salt Dialysis ..................................... 20-27
          Basic Protocol 3: Assembly of Nucleosomal
          Arrays by Gradient Salt Dialysis .................. 20-28
          Support Protocol 1: Purification of Recombinant
          Core Histones from Bacteria ....................... 20-29
          Support Protocol 2: Preparation of Single 5'
          End-Labeled DNA for Mononucleosome Assembly ....... 20-30
          Support Protocol 3: Preparation of DNA for
          Assembly of High Concentration Unlabeled
          Mononucleosomes ................................... 20-31
          Support Protocol 4: Preparation of DNA for
          Nucleosomal Arrays ................................ 20-32
          Support Protocol 5: Analysis of Reconstituted
          Complexes by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis .......... 20-32
          Support Protocol 6: Analysis of Reconstituted
          Complexes by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis ... 20-33
          Support Protocol 7: EcoRI Digestion to
          Determine Extent of G5E4 Array Assembly ........... 20-34
    20.6. Chromatin Assembly Using Drosophila Systems ....... 20-34
          Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of the Drosophila
          S-190 Chromatin Assembly Extract .................. 20-34
          Basic Protocol 2: Purification of Core
          Histones from the Drosophila Embryos .............. 20-36
          Basic Protocol 3: Chromatin Assembly with the
          S-190 Extract ..................................... 20-38
          Basic Protocol 4: Expression and Purification
          of the Recombinant Drosophila Acf ................. 20-40
          Basic Protocol 5: Expression and Purification
          of the Recombinant Drosophila NAP-1 ............... 20-41
          Alternate Protocol 1: Expression and
          Purification of the Recombinant Drosophila
          NAP-1 (NTA Superflow Resin) ....................... 20-43
          Basic Protocol 6: Chromatin Assembly with
          Purified Recombinant Drosophila Factors ........... 20-43
          Alternate Protocol 2: Titration of the Ratio
          of Core Histones to DNA in the Recombinant
          Chromatin Assembly Reaction ....................... 20-45
          Support Protocol: Expression and Purification
          of the Core Catalytic Domain of the Drosophila
          Topoisomerase I ................................... 20-46

21. Nucleic Acid Arrays ...................................... 21-1
    21.1. Overview of Nucleic Acid Arrays .................... 21-1
          What Are Microarrays Good For? ..................... 21-2
          What Else Are Nucleic Acid Microarrays
          Good For? .......................................... 21-3
          What About Data Analysis? .......................... 21-5
          Where Can I Get More Information? .................. 21-5

    21.2. Preparation of mRNA for Expression Monitoring ...... 21-6
          Strategic Planning ................................. 21-6
          Basic Protocol: Amplification of mRNA for
          Expression Monitoring and Hybridization to
          Oligonucleotide Array Chips ........................ 21-7
          Support Protocol 1: In Vitro Transcription of
          Control Genes and Preparation of Transcript
          Pools ............................................. 21-12
          Alternate Protocol: Solid-Phase Reversible
          Immobilization (SPRI) Purification of cDNA
          and IVT Products .................................. 21-14
          Support Protocol 2: Quantitation of cDNA .......... 21-15

    21.3. Profiling Human Gene Expression with cDNA
          Microarrays ....................................... 21-16
          Basic Protocol 1: cDNA Amplification and
          Printing .......................................... 21-16
          Basic Protocol 2: RNA Extraction and Labeling ..... 21-21
          Basic Protocol 3: Hybridization and Data
          Extraction ........................................ 21-24
          Support Protocol 1: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
          of ESTs ........................................... 21-26
          Support Protocol 2: Fluorometric Determination
          of DNA Concentration .............................. 21-28
          Support Protocol 3: Coating Slides with
          Poly-L-Lysine ..................................... 21-29

22. Generation and Use of Combinatorial Libraries ............ 22-1

    22.1. Design, Synthesis, and Amplification of DNA
          Pools for Construction of Combinatorial Pools
          and Libraries ...................................... 22-1
          Basic Protocol 1: Purification of a Random
          Sequence Pool ...................................... 22-1
          Support Protocol 1: Determining the Pool
          Complexity ......................................... 22-3
          Support Protocol 2: Determining the Pool Bias ...... 22-4
          Support Protocol 3: Small-Scale PCR Optimization
          of Pool Amplification .............................. 22-4
          Basic Protocol 2: Large-Scale PCR Amplification
          of Pool DNA ........................................ 22-5

    22.2. Peptide Aptamers: Dominant "Genetic" Agents
          for Forward and Reverse Analysis of Cellular
          Processes .......................................... 22-7
          Basic Protocol 1: Construction of a Combinatorial
          Thioredoxin Peptide Aptamer Library ................ 22-8
          Basic Protocol 2: Isolation of Peptide Aptamers
          for Specific Proteins Using the Interaction Trap
          Two-Hybrid System ................................. 22-10
          Basic Protocol 3: Defining Recognition
          Specificity with Interaction Mating ............... 22-12
          Basic Protocol 4: Affinity Maturation of
          Peptide Aptamers .................................. 22-13
          Basic Protocol 5: Forward Analysis of Cellular
          Processes Using Peptide Aptamers .................. 22-15
          Support Protocol: Identification of Peptide
          Aptamer Targets ................................... 22-16

    22.3. Protein Selection Using mRNA Display .............. 22-17
          Basic Protocol 1: Preparation and Purification
          of mRNA-Displayed Proteins ........................ 22-17
          Basic Protocol 2: Purification and Reverse
          Transcription of the mRNA-Displayed Proteins ...... 22-20
          Basic Protocol 3: Selection and Amplification of
          the mRNA-Displayed Proteins ....................... 22-23
          Support Protocol 1: Flag Tag Purification ......... 22-27
          Support Protocol 2: Mutagenic PCR ................. 22-28

23. Discovery and Analysis of Differentially Expressed
    Genes in Single Cells and Cell Populations ............... 23-1
    23.1. Production of a Subtracted cDNA Library ............ 23-2
Basic Protocol: Production of a Subtracted Library ........... 23-2

    23.2. PCR-Based Subtractive cDNA Cloning ................. 23-6
          Basic Protocol: Construction of Subtracted cDNA
          Libraries .......................................... 23-6
          Support Protocol: Slot Blot Hybridization to
          Monitor Subtraction ............................... 23-12

    23.3. Differential Display of mRNA by PCR ............... 23-14
          Basic Protocol: Differential Display of mRNA
          by PCR ............................................ 23-14

    23.4. Restriction-Mediated Differential Display
          (RMDD) ............................................ 23-18
          Strategic Planning ................................ 23-18
          Basic Protocol: RMDD Library Preparation and
          Two-Round Amplification ........................... 23-19
          Alternate Protocol: Amplification by Two-Phase
          PCR ............................................... 23-24
          Support Protocol: Direct Blotting
          Electrophoresis ................................... 23-25

    23.5. AFLP-Based Transcript Profiling ................... 23-27
          Basic Protocol: AFLP-Based Transcript Profiling ... 23-27

    23.6. Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) ......... 23-34
          Basic Protocol: Serial Analysis of Gene
          Expression (SAGE) ................................. 23-34
          Support Protocol 1: Verifying cDNA Production
          by PCR Analysis ................................... 23-46
          Support Protocol 2: Optimizing Ditag PCR
          Amplification ..................................... 23-46

    Al   Reagents and Solutions .............................. Al-1
    A2   Useful Measurements and Data ........................ A2-1
    A3   Commonly Used Techniques in Biochemistry
         and Molecular Biology ............................... A3-1
         3A Detection and Quantitation of Radiolabeled
         Proteins and DNA in Gels and Blots .................. A3-1
         3B Silanizing Glassware ............................. A3-9
         3C Dialysis and Ultrafiltration .................... A3-10
         3D Quantitation of DNA and RNA with Absorption
            and Fluorescence Spectroscopy ................... A3-15
         3E Introduction of Restriction Enzyme
            Recognition Sequences by Silent Mutation ........ A3-20
         3F Techniques for Mammalian Cell Tissue Culture .... A3-22
         3G Safe Use of Radioisotopes ....................... A3-31
         3H Statistics for the Molecular Biologist:
            Group Comparisons ............................... A3-43
    A4   Selected Suppliers of Reagents and Equipment ........ A4-1
         References .......................................... 1


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