Short protocols in molecular biology: a compendium of methods from Current protocols in molecular biology; 1 (New York, 2002). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаShort protocols in molecular biology: a compendium of methods from Current protocols in molecular biology. Vol.1 / ed. by F.M.Ausubel et al. - New York: Wiley. - 2002. - (various pagings): ill. - ISBN 978-0-47125-092-0

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Оглавление / Contents

Preface ...................................................... xxix
Contributors ............................................... xxxiii

1.  Escherichia coli, Plasmids, and Bacteriophages ............ 1-1
    1.1.  Medium Preparation and Bacteriological Tools ........ 1-2
          Minimal Media ....................................... 1-2
          Rich Media .......................................... 1-2
          Solid Media ......................................... 1-3
          Tools ............................................... 1-4

    1.2.  Growth in Liquid Media .............................. 1-5
          Basic Protocol 1: Growing an Overnight Culture ...... 1-5
          Basic Protocol 2: Growing Larger Cultures ........... 1-5
          Basic Protocol 3: Monitoring Growth with a Count
          Slide ............................................... 1-6
          Basic Protocol 4: Monitoring Growth with a 
          Spectrophotometer ................................... 1-6

    1.3.  Growth on Solid Media ............................... 1-6
          Basic Protocol 1: Titering and Isolating Bacterial
          Colonies by Serial Dilutions ........................ 1-6
          Basic Protocol 2: Isolating Single Colonies by
          Streaking a Plate ................................... 1-7
          Basic Protocol 3: Isolating Single Colonies by
          Spreading a Plate ................................... 1-7
          Basic Protocol 4: Replica Plating ................... 1-7
          Support Protocol: Strain Storage and Revival ........ 1-8

    1.4.  Selected Topics from Classical Bacterial Genetics ... 1-8
    1.5.  Plasmid Vectors .................................... 1-14
          Choosing a Plasmid Vector .......................... 1-14

    1.6.  Minipreps of Plasmid DNA ........................... 1-23
          Basic Protocol 1: Alkaline Lysis Miniprep .......... 1-23
          Alternate Protocol: Alkaline Lysis in 96-Well
          Microtiter Dishes .................................. 1-24
          Basic Protocol 2: Boiling Miniprep ................. 1-24

    1.7.  Large-Scale Preparation of Plasmid DNA ............. 1-25
          Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of Crude Lysate by
          Alkaline Lysis ..................................... 1-25
          Basic Protocol 2: Purification of Plasmid DNA by
          CsCl/Ethidium Bromide Equilibrium Centrifugation ... 1-26
          Alternate Protocol: Purification of Plasmid DNA
          by Anion-Exchange or Size-Exclusion
          Chromatography ..................................... 1-27

    1.8.  Introduction of Plasmid DNA into Cells ............. 1-29
          Basic Protocol 1: Transformation Using Calcium
          Chloride ........................................... 1-29
          Alternate Protocol: One-Step Preparation and
          Transformation of Competent Cells .................. 1-30
          Basic Protocol 2: High-Efficiency Transformation
          by Electroporation ................................. 1-30

    1.9.  Introduction to Lambda Phages ...................... 1-32
          Lytic Growth ....................................... 1-32
          Lysogenic Growth ................................... 1-33

    1.10. Lambda as a Cloning Vector ......................... 1-35
          Advantages of Using Lambda ......................... 1-35
          Selections for Inserted DNA ........................ 1-35
          Maps of Lambda-Derived Cloning Vectors ............. 1-36

    1.11. Plating Lambda Phage to Generate Plaques ........... 1-38
          Basic Protocol 1: Isolating a Single Plaque by
          Titering Serial Dilutions .......................... 1-38
          Basic Protocol 2: Phage Transfection and In Vitro
          Packaging .......................................... 1-39
    1.12. Growing Lambda-Derived Vectors ..................... 1-40
          Basic Protocol: Making a Phage Stock by Plate
          Lysis .............................................. 1-40
          Alternate Protocol: Making a Liquid Phage Lysate ... 1-41

    1.13. Preparing Lambda DNA from Phage Lysates ............ 1-41
          Basic Protocol: Preparing Lambda DNA by Step- and
          Equilibrium-Gradient Centrifugation ................ 1-41
    1.14. Introduction to Vectors Derived from Filamentous
          Phages ............................................. 1-43
    1.15. Preparing Single-Stranded DNA Using M13-Derived
          Vectors ............................................ 1-46
          Basic Protocol: Preparing Single-Stranded DNA
          from Plasmids Using Helper Phage ................... 1-46

2. Preparation and Analysis of DNA ............................ 2-1

          Introduction ........................................ 2-1
          Electrophoresis and Its Applications ................ 2-1
          Gels and Electric Circuits .......................... 2-2

    2.1.  Purification and Concentration of DNA from Aqueous
          Solutions ........................................... 2-3
          Basic Protocol: Phenol Extraction and Ethanol
          Precipitation of DNA ................................ 2-3
          Alternate Protocol 1: Precipitation of DNA Using
          Isopropanol ......................................... 2-4
          Support Protocol 1: Concentration of DNA Using
          Butanol ............................................. 2-4
          Support Protocol 2: Removal of Residual Phenol,
          Chloroform, or Butanol by Ether Extraction .......... 2-4
          Alternate Protocol 2: DNA Purification Using
          Silica Membrane Spin Columns ........................ 2-5
          Alternate Protocol 3: Purification and
          Concentration of RNA and Dilute Solutions of DNA .... 2-5
          Alternate Protocol 4: Removal of Low-Molecular-
          Weight Oligonucleotides and Triphosphates by
          Ethanol Precipitation ............................... 2-6

    2.2.  Purification of DNA by Anion-Exchange
          Chromatography ...................................... 2-7
          Basic Protocol ...................................... 2-7

    2.3.  Preparation of Genomic DNA from Mammalian Tissue .... 2-8
          Basic Protocol ...................................... 2-8

    2.4.  Preparation of Genomic DNA from Plant Tissue ........ 2-9
          Basic Protocol: Preparation of Plant DNA Using CsCl
          Centrifugation ...................................... 2-9
          Alternate Protocol: Preparation of Plant DNA Using
          CTAB ............................................... 2-10

    2.5.  Preparation of Genomic DNA from Bacteria ........... 2-11
          Basic Protocol: Miniprep of Bacterial Genomic
          DNA ................................................ 2-11
          Alternate Protocol: Large-Scale CsCl Preparation
          of Bacterial Genomic DNA ........................... 2-12
          Support Protocol: Removal of Polysaccharides from
          Existing DNA Preparations .......................... 2-13

    2.6.  Agarose Gel Electrophoresis ........................ 2-13
          Basic Protocol: Resolution of DNA Fragments on
          Standard Agarose Gels .............................. 2-13
          Support Protocol: Minigels and Midigels ............ 2-15

    2.7.  Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis ................... 2-15
          Basic Protocol: Field-Inversion Electrophoresis .... 2-15
          Alternate Protocol: Chef Electrophoresis ........... 2-16
          Support Protocol: Preparation of High-Molecular-
          Weight DNA Samples and Size Markers ................ 2-17

    2.8.  Isolation and Purification of Large DNA
          Restriction Fragments from Agarose Gels ............ 2-19
          Basic Protocol 1: Electroelution from
          Agarose Gels ....................................... 2-19
          Basic Protocol 2: Electrophoresis onto NA-45
          Paper .............................................. 2-20
          Basic Protocol 3: Isolation of DNA Fragments
          Using Low Gelling/Melting Temperature Agarose
          Gels ............................................... 2-21
          Alternate Protocol 1: Recovery of DNA from Low
          Gelling/Melting Temperature Agarose Gels Using
          λ-Agarase Digestion ................................ 2-21
          Alternate Protocol 2: Recovery of DNA from
          Agarose Using Silica Membrane Spin Columns ......... 2-22
          Support Protocol: Rapid Estimation of DNA
          Concentration by Ethidium Bromide Dot
          Quantitation ....................................... 2-23
    2.9.  Separation of Small DNA Fragments by Conventional
          Gel Electrophoresis ................................ 2-23
          Basic Protocol 1: Nondenaturing Polyacrylamide
          Gel Electrophoresis ................................ 2-23
          Alternate Protocol: Electroelution of Small DNA
          Fragments from Polyacrylamide Gels ................. 2-25
          Basic Protocol 2: Sieving Agarose Gel
          Electrophoresis .................................... 2-26

    2.10. Capillary Electrophoresis of DNA ................... 2-26
          Instrumentation .................................... 2-26
          Separation Theory .................................. 2-27
          Strategic Planning ................................. 2-28
          Basic Protocol 1: Separation of Oligonucleotides ... 2-29
          Basic Protocol 2: Quantitative PCR Analysis ........ 2-31
          Alternate Protocol: Genotyping ..................... 2-32
    2.11. Southern Blotting .................................. 2-32
          Basic Protocol: Southern Blotting onto a Nylon or
          Nitrocellulose Membrane with High-Salt Buffer ...... 2-33
          Support Protocol: Calibration of a UV
          Transilluminator ................................... 2-35
          Alternate Protocol 1: Southern Blotting onto a
          Nylon Membrane with an Alkaline Buffer ............. 2-35
          Alternate Protocol 2: Southern Blotting by
          Downward Capillary Transfer ........................ 2-36
          Alternate Protocol 3: Electroblotting from a
          Polyacrylamide Gel to a Nylon Membrane ............. 2-37

    2.12. Dot and Slot Blotting of DNA ....................... 2-38
          Basic Protocol: Dot and Slot Blotting of DNA onto
          Uncharged Nylon and Nitrocellulose Membranes
          Using a Manifold ................................... 2-38
          Alternate Protocol 1: Dot and Slot Blotting of
          DNA onto a Positively Charged Nylon Membrane
          Using a Manifold ................................... 2-39

          Alternate Protocol 2: Manual Preparation of a
          DNA Dot Blot ....................................... 2-40

    2.13. Hybridization Analysis of DNA Blots ................ 2-40
          Basic Protocol: Hybridization Analysis of a DNA

          Blot with a Radiolabeled DNA Probe ................. 2-42
          Alternate Protocol: Hybridization Analysis of
          a DNA Blot with a Radiolabeled RNA Probe ........... 2-43
          Support Protocol: Removal of Probes from
          Hybridized Membranes ............................... 2-44

    2.14. Synthesis and Purification of Oligonucleotides ..... 2-48
          Introduction to Chemical Nucleic Acid Synthesis .... 2-48
          Strategies for Nucleic Acid Synthesis .............. 2-51
          Strategies for Oligonucleotide Purification ........ 2-52
    2.15. Purification of Oligonucleotides Using Denaturing
          Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis ................. 2-53
          Basic Protocol ..................................... 2-53

3.  Enzymatic Manipulation of DNA and RNA ..................... 3-1

    3.1.  Digestion of DNA with Restriction Endonucleases ..... 3-2
          Basic Protocol: Digesting a Single DNA Sample
          with a Single Restriction Endonuclease .............. 3-2
          Alternate Protocol 1: Digesting DNA with Multiple
          Restriction Endonucleases ........................... 3-4
          Alternate Protocol 2: Digesting Multiple Samples
          of DNA .............................................. 3-4
          Alternate Protocol 3: Partial Digestion of DNA
          with Restriction Endonucleases ...................... 3-6
          Support Protocol: Methylation of DNA ................ 3-7

    3.2.  Reagents and Radioisotopes Used to Manipulate
          Nucleic Acids ....................................... 3-8
          Stock Solutions ..................................... 3-8
          Enzyme Reaction Conditions and Applications ......... 3-8
          lOx Enzyme Buffers .................................. 3-8
          Nucleoside Triphosphates ........................... 3-13
          Radioisotopes for Labeling Nucleic Acids ........... 3-14
          Basic Protocol: Measuring Radioactivity in DNA
          and RNA by Acid Precipitation ...................... 3-15
          Alternate Protocol: Spin-Column Procedure for
          Separating Radioactively Labeled DNA from
          Unincorporated dNTPs ............................... 3-15

    3.3.  DNA-Dependent DNA Polymerases ...................... 3-17
          Escherichia coli DNA Polymerase I .................. 3-17
          Basic Protocol 1: Uniform Labeling of DNA by
          Nick Translation ................................... 3-17
          Klenow Fragment of Escherichia coli DNA
          Polymerase I ....................................... 3-18
          Basic Protocol 2: Labeling 3' Ends of DNA .......... 3-18
          Basic Protocol 3: Repairing 3' or 5' Overhanging
          Ends to Generate Blunt Ends ........................ 3-19
          Basic Protocol 4: Labeling of DNA by Random
          Oligonucleotide-Primed Synthesis ................... 3-19
          T4 DNA Polymerase .................................. 3-20
          Native T7 DNA Polymerase ........................... 3-21
          Modified T7 DNA Polymerase ......................... 3-22
          Taq DNA Polymerase ................................. 3-22

    3.4.  Template-Independent DNA Polymerases ............... 3-23
          Terminal Deoxynucleotidyltransferase
          (Terminal Transferase) ............................. 3-23

    3.5.  RNA-Dependent DNA Polymerases ...................... 3-24
          Reverse Transcriptase .............................. 3-24

    3.6.  DNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases ...................... 3-24
          Phage RNA Polymerases: Sp6, T7, T3 ................. 3-24

    3.7.  Phosphatases and Kinases ........................... 3-25
          Bacterial Alkaline Phosphatase and Calf Intestine
          Phosphatase ........................................ 3-25
          T4 Polynucleotide Kinase ........................... 3-25

    3.8.  Exonucleases ....................................... 3-26
          Exonuclease VII (exo VII) .......................... 3-26
          Lambda Exonuclease (λ exo) ......................... 3-26
          T7 Gene 6 Exonuclease .............................. 3-27
          Exonuclease III (exo III) .......................... 3-27

    3.9.  Endonucleases ...................................... 3-27
          Bal 31 Nuclease .................................... 3-27
          S1 Nuclease ........................................ 3-28
          Mung Bean Nuclease ................................. 3-29
          Micrococcal Nuclease ............................... 3-29
          Deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) ...................... 3-29

    3.10. Ribonucleases ...................................... 3-30
          Ribonuclease A ..................................... 3-30
          Ribonuclease H ..................................... 3-31
          Ribonuclease T1 .................................... 3-31

    3.11. DNA Ligases ........................................ 3-32
          T4 DNA Ligase ...................................... 3-32
          Escherichia coli DNA Ligase ........................ 3-32

    3.12. RNA Ligases ........................................ 3-33
          T4 RNA Ligase ...................................... 3-33

    3.13. Subcloning of DNA Fragments ........................ 3-33
          Basic Protocol: Subcloning of DNA Fragments ........ 3-33
          Alternate Protocol: Ligation of DNA Fragments in
          Gel Slices ......................................... 3-35

    3.14. Constructing Recombinant DNA Molecules by the
          Polymerase Chain Reaction .......................... 3-36
          Basic Protocol: Subcloning DNA Fragments ........... 3-36

    3.15. Labeling and Colorimetric Detection of
          Nonisotopic Probes ................................. 3-40
          Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of Biotinylated
          Probes by Nick Translation ......................... 3-40
          Basic Protocol 2: Preparation of Biotinylated
          Probes by Random Oligonucleotide-Primed
          Synthesis .......................................... 3-41
          Support Protocol: Colorimetric Detection of
          Biotinylated Probes ................................ 3-42
          Alternate Protocol: Preparation and Detection of
          Digoxigenin-Labeled DNA Probes ..................... 3-43
    3.16. Chemiluminescent Detection of Nomsotopic Probes .... 3-43
          Basic Protocol: Chemiluminescent Detection of
          Biotinylated Probes ................................ 3-43
          Alternate Protocol: Chemiluminescent Detection
          of Digoxigenin-Labeled Probes ...................... 3-46
          Support Protocol: Calibrating an Ultraviolet
          Light Source ....................................... 3-46

4.  Preparation and Analysis of RNA ........................... 4-1

    4.1.  Guanidinium Methods for Total RNA Preparation ....... 4-2
          Basic Protocol: Single-Step RNA Isolation from
          Cultured Cells or Tissues ........................... 4-2
          Alternate Protocol 1: CsCl Purification of RNA
          from Cultured Cells ................................. 4-3
          Alternate Protocol 2: CsCl Purification of RNA
          from Tissue ......................................... 4-4

    4.2.  Phenol/SDS Method for Plant RNA Preparation ......... 4-5
          Basic Protocol ...................................... 4-5

    4.3.  Preparation of Bacterial RNA ........................ 4-6
          Basic Protocol 1: Isolation of High-Quality RNA
          from Gram-Negative Bacteria ......................... 4-6
          Alternate Protocol: Rapid Isolation of RNA from
          Gram-Negative Bacteria .............................. 4-8
          Basic Protocol 2: Isolation of RNA from
          Gram-Positive Bacteria .............................. 4-8

    4.4.  Preparation of Poly(A)+RNA .......................... 4-9
          Basic Protocol ...................................... 4-9

    4.5.  S1 Analysis of Messenger RNA Using Single-Stranded
          DNA Probes ......................................... 4-11
          Basic Protocol: S1 Analysis of mRNA Using
          M13 Template ....................................... 4-11
          Alternate Protocol 1: Synthesis of Single-
          Stranded Probe from Double-Stranded Plasmid
          Template ........................................... 4-13
          Alternate Protocol 2: Quantitative S1 Analysis
          of mRNA Using Oligonucleotide Probes ............... 4-14
          Support Protocol: Controls for Quantitative S1
          Analysis of mRNA ................................... 4-15

    4.6.  Ribonuclease Protection Assay ...................... 4-15
          Basic Protocol ..................................... 4-15
          Support Protocol 1: Preparation of Template DNA .... 4-17
          Support Protocol 2: Gel Purification of RNA
          Probes ............................................. 4-17
    4.7.  Primer Extension ................................... 4-18
          Basic Protocol ..................................... 4-18

    4.8.  Analysis of RNA by Northern and Slot Blot
          Hybridization ...................................... 4-20
          Basic Protocol: Northern Hybridization of RNA
          Fractionated by Agarose-Formaldehyde Gel
          Electrophoresis .................................... 4-20
          Alternate Protocol 1: Northern Hybridization of
          RNA Denatured by Glyoxal/DMSO Treatment ........... 4-22
          Alternate Protocol 2: Northern Hybridization of
          Unfractionated RNA Immobilized by Slot Blotting .... 4-23
          Support Protocol: Removal of Probes from Northern
          Blots .............................................. 4-24
    4.9.  Identification of Newly Transcribed RNA ............ 4-25
          Basic Protocol: Nuclear Runoff Transcription in
          Mammalian Cells .................................... 4-25
          Alternate Protocol 1: Isolation of Nuclei by
          Dounce Homogenization .............................. 4-27
          Alternate Protocol 2: Isolation of Nuclei by
          Sucrose Gradient Centrifugation .................... 4-28
          Support Protocol: Preparation of Nitrocellulose
          Filters for Nuclear Runoff Transcription Assay ..... 4-29

5.  Construction of Recombinant DNA Libraries ................. 5-1

    5.1.  Overview of Genomic DNA Libraries ................... 5-3
          Representation and Randomness ....................... 5-3
          Subgenomic DNA Libraries ............................ 5-3
          Vectors for Genomic DNA Libraries ................... 5-4

    5.2.  Overview of cDNA Libraries .......................... 5-4
          Basic Protocol ...................................... 5-5
    5.4.  Amplification of Cosmid and Plasmid Libraries ....... 5-6
          Basic Protocol ...................................... 5-6

6.  Screening of Recombinant DNA Libraries .................... 6-1

    6.1.  Plating and Transferring Bacteriophage Libraries .... 6-3
          Basic Protocol: Plating and Transferring
          Bacteriophage Libraries ............................. 6-3

    6.2.  Plating and Transferring Cosmid and Plasmid
          Libraries ........................................... 6-4
          Basic Protocol: Plating and Transferring Cosmid
          and Plasmid Libraries ............................... 6-4

    6.3.  Using DNA Fragments as Probes ....................... 6-6
          Basic Protocol: Hybridization in Formamide .......... 6-6
          Alternate Protocol: Hybridization in Aqueous
          Solution ............................................ 6-7

    6.4.  Using Synthetic Oligonucleotides as Probes .......... 6-7
          Basic Protocol: Hybridization in Sodium
          Chloride/Sodium Citrate (SSC) ....................... 6-7
          Alternate Protocol: Hybridization in
          Tetramethylammonium Chloride (TMAC) ................. 6-8
          Support Protocol: Labeling the 5' Ends of Mixed
          Oligonucleotides ................................... 6-10

    6.5.  Purification of Bacteriophage Clones ............... 6-11
          Basic Protocol ..................................... 6-11

    6.6.  Purification of Cosmid and Plasmid Clones .......... 6-12
          Basic Protocol ..................................... 6-12

    6.7.  Immunoscreening of Fusion Proteins Produced in
          Lambda Plaques ..................................... 6-12
          Basic Protocol: Screening a λgt11 Expression
          Library with Antibodies ............................ 6-12
          Alternate Protocol: Induction of Fusion Protein
          Expression with IPTG Prior to Screening with
          Antibodies ......................................... 6-13

    6.8.  Immunoscreening After Hybrid Selection and
          Translation ........................................ 6-14
          Basic Protocol ..................................... 6-14

    6.9.  Use of Monoclonal Antibodies for Expression
          Cloning ............................................ 6-16
          Basic Protocol: Isolation of cDNA Clones Encoding
          Cell-Surface Antigens .............................. 6-16
          Support Protocol 1: Preparation of
          Antibody-Coated Plates ............................. 6-19
          Alternate Protocol: Isolation of cDNA Clones
          Encoding Intracellular Antigens .................... 6-19
          Support Protocol 2: Preparation of Poly
          vinylidene-Wrapped Plates .......................... 6-21

    6.10. Recombination-Based Assay (RBA) for Screening
          Bacteriophage Lambda Libraries ..................... 6-22
          Basic Protocol ..................................... 6-22

7.  DNA Sequencing ............................................ 7-1

    Introduction .............................................. 7-1
    Dideoxy (Sanger) Sequencing ............................... 7-1
    Chemical (Maxam-Gilbert) Sequencing ....................... 7-4
    Choosing Between Dideoxy and Chemical Sequencing
    Methods ................................................... 7-5
    Alternatives to Radiolabeled Sequencing Reactions ......... 7-6
    Other Developments in Sequencing Technology ............... 7-6
    Computer Analysis ......................................... 7-7

    7.1.  DNA Sequencing Strategies ........................... 7-7
          Dideoxy Sequencing .................................. 7-8
          Chemical Sequencing ................................ 7-11

    7.2.  Constructing Nested Deletions for Use in DNA
          Sequencing ......................................... 7-12
          Basic Protocol 1: Using Exonuclease III to
          Construct Unidirectional Deletions ................. 7-12
          Alternate Protocol: Protection of DNA from
          Exonuclease III Digestion Using [a-35S]dNTPs ....... 7-16
          Basic Protocol 2: Using Bal 31 Nuclease to
          Construct Nested Deletions ......................... 7-16

    7.3.  Preparation of Templates for DNA Sequencing ........ 7-20
          Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of Single-Stranded
          M13 Phage DNA ...................................... 7-20
          Basic Protocol 2: Preparation of A, DNA from
          Small-Scale Lysates ................................ 7-21
          Basic Protocol 3: Miniprep of Recombinant pSP64CS
          or pSP65CS Plasmid DNA for Chemical Sequencing ..... 7-22
          Basic Protocol 4: Miniprep of Double-Stranded
          Plasmid DNA for Dideoxy Sequencing ................. 7-23
          Basic Protocol 5: Alkaline Denaturation of
          Double-Stranded Plasmid or λ DNA for Dideoxy
          Sequencing ......................................... 7-24
          Basic Protocol 6: Preparation of Plasmid DNA
          from an E. coli Colony or Phage DNA from a
          Plaque for Thermal Cycle Sequencing ................ 7-24
    7.4.  DNA Sequencing by the Dideoxy Method ............... 7-25
          Basic Protocol 1: Labeling/Termination 
          Reactions Using Sequenase (Modified T7
          DNA Polymerase) .................................... 7-25
          Alternate Protocol 1: Labeling/Termination
          Sequencing Reactions Using Sequenase and Mn2+ ...... 7-29
          Alternate Protocol 2: Sanger Sequencing Reactions
          Using Taq DNA Polymerase ........................... 7-29
          Alternate Protocol 3: One-Step Sequencing
          Reactions Using 5'-End-Labeled Primers ............. 7-30
          Basic Protocol 2: Thermal Cycle Sequencing
          Reactions Using a-Labeled Nucleotides .............. 7-31
          Alternate Protocol 4: Thermal Cycle Sequencing
          Reactions Using 5'-End-Labeled Primers ............. 7-33
          Alternate Protocol 5: Cycle Sequencing Using
          Fluorescence Dye-Labeled Primers and Terminators ... 7-33

    7.5.  Dideoxy DNA Sequencing with Chemiluminescent
          Detection .......................................... 7-35
          Basic Protocol: DNA Sequencing Using Biotinylated
          Primers with Chemiluminescent Detection ............ 7-36
          Alternate Protocol 1: Two-Step (Indirect)
          Detection Using Streptavidin and Biotinylated
          Alkaline Phosphatase ............................... 7-39
          Alternate Protocol 2: Sequencing with Hapten-
          Labeled Primers and Detection with Antibody-
          Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugates .................... 7-39

    7.6.  DNA Sequencing by the Chemical Method .............. 7-40
          Basic Protocol: Chemical Sequencing Using
          12P-Labeled DNA .................................... 7-40
          Support Protocol: Tth1111 Digestion and
          End Labeling ....................................... 7-42

    7.7.  Denaturing Gel Electrophoresis for Sequencing ...... 7-44
          Basic Protocol: Pouring, Running, and Processing
          Sequencing Gels .................................... 7-45
          Alternate Protocol 1: Buffer-Gradient Sequencing
          Gels ............................................... 7-48
          Alternate Protocol 2: Electrolyte-Gradient
          Sequencing Gels .................................... 7-48
          Alternate Protocol 3: Formamide-Containing
          Sequencing Gels .................................... 7-49

8.  Mutagenesis of Cloned DNA ................................. 8-1

    8.1.  Mutagenesis with Degenerate Oligonucleotides:
          Creating Numerous Mutations in a Small DNA
          Sequence ............................................ 8-2
          Basic Protocol ...................................... 8-2

    8.2.  Gene Synthesis: Assembly of Target Sequences Using
          Mutually Priming Long Oligonucleotides .............. 8-5
          Basic Protocol ...................................... 8-5

    8.3.  Random Mutagenesis by PCR ........................... 8-7
          Basic Protocol: Mutagenesis of a DNA Sequence ....... 8-8
          Alternate Protocol: Mutagenesis of a Library
          of Sequences ........................................ 8-9

    8.4.  Linker-Scanning Mutagenesis of DNA ................. 8-10
          Basic Protocol ..................................... 8-10

    8.5.  Directed Mutagenesis by PCR ........................ 8-13
          Basic Protocol 1: Introduction of Restriction
          Endonuclease Sites by PCR .......................... 8-13
          Basic Protocol 2: Introduction of Point Mutations
          by PCR ............................................. 8-16
          Alternate Protocol: Introduction of a Point
          Mutation by Sequential PCR Steps ................... 8-19

9.  Introduction of DNA into Mammalian Cells .................. 9-1
    Introduction .............................................. 9-1
    Choice of Transfection Method ............................. 9-1
    Optimization of Transfection .............................. 9-2
    Viral Vectors ............................................. 9-3
    Mammalian Cell Culture .................................... 9-4

    9.1.  Calcium Phosphate Transfection ...................... 9-6
          Basic Protocol: Transfection Using Calcium
          Phosphate-DNA Precipitate Formed in HEPES ........... 9-6
          Support Protocol: Glycerol/DMSO Shock of Mammalian
          Cells ............................................... 9-7
          Alternate Protocol: High-Efficiency Transfection
          Using Calcium Phosphate-DNA Precipitate Formed
          in BES .............................................. 9-7
    9.2.  Transfection Using Deae-Dextran ..................... 9-9
          Basic Protocol: General Procedure for DEAE-Dextran
          Transfection ........................................ 9-9
          Alternate Protocol: Sample Experiment: Testing
          Enzyme Structure/Activity Relationships ............ 9-10

    9.3.  Transfection by Electroporation .................... 9-11
          Basic Protocol: Electroporation into Mammalian
          Cells .............................................. 9-11
          Alternate Protocol: Electroporation into Plant
          Protoplasts ........................................ 9-12

    9.4.  Transfection of Cultured Eukaryotic Cells Using
          Cationic Lipid Reagents ............................ 9-13
          Basic Protocol 1: Cationic Lipid-Mediated
          Transfection of Adherent Mammalian Cells
          with DNA ........................................... 9-14
          Alternate Protocol: Enhanced Cationic Lipid-
          Mediated Transfection of Adherent Mammalian
          Cells with DNA ..................................... 9-15
          Basic Protocol 2: Cationic Lipid-Mediated
          Transfection of Suspension Cells with DNA .......... 9-16
          Basic Protocol 3: Cationic Lipid-Mediated
          Transfection of Adherent Cells with RNA ............ 9-16
          Basic Protocol 4: Cationic Lipid-Mediated
          Transfection of Adherent Sf9 and Sf21 Insect
          Cells with Baculovirus DNA .......................... 9-17
          Support Protocol: Fine Tuning or Optimizing
          Conditions for Cationic Lipid Reagent
          Transfections ...................................... 9-18

    9.5.  Selection of Transfected Mammalian Cells ........... 9-19
          Strategic Planning ................................. 9-19
          Basic Protocol 1: Stable Transfer of Genes into
          Mammalian Cells .................................... 9-21
          Basic Protocol 2: Selectable Markers for
          Mammalian Cells .................................... 9-23

    9.6.  Overview of Genetic Reporter Systems ............... 9-26
          Design of Reporter Vectors ......................... 9-28
          In Vitro Reporter Assays ........................... 9-31
          In Vivo Reporter Assays ............................ 9-34

    9.7.  Isotopic Assays for Reporter Gene Activity ......... 9-35
          Basic Protocol 1: Chromatographic Assay for CAT
          Activity ........................................... 9-35
          Alternate Protocol 1: In Situ Lysis of Cells for
          CAT Assay .......................................... 9-37
          Alternate Protocol 2: Phase-Extraction Assay for
          CAT Activity ....................................... 9-38
          Basic Protocol 2: Radioimmunoassay for Human
          Growth Hormone ..................................... 9-39

    9.8.  Nonisotopic Assays for Reporter Gene Activity ...... 9-40
          Basic Protocol 1: Firefly Luciferase Reporter
          Gene Assay ......................................... 9-40
          Alternate Protocol: Luciferase Assay in 
          Freeze-Thaw-Lysed Cells ............................ 9-41
          Basic Protocol 2: Chemiluminescent
          (3-Galactosidase Reporter Gene Assay ............... 9-43

    9.9.  Use of the A. Victoria Green Fluorescent Protein
          to Study Protein Dynamics In Vivo .................. 9-44
          Utilization of GFP ................................. 9-44
          Problems with GFP .................................. 9-45
          Mutants of GFP ..................................... 9-46
          Microscopy Setup ................................... 9-46

    9.10. Overview of the Retrovirus Transduction System ..... 9-47
          Retrovirus Life Cycle .............................. 9-48
          Replication-Competent Vectors ...................... 9-48
          Replication-Incompetent Vectors .................... 9-48
          Packaging Lines and Virus Production ............... 9-49
          Murine Retroviruses ................................ 9-51
          Avian Retroviruses ................................. 9-57
          Safety Issues ...................................... 9-58

    9.11. Preparation of a Specific Retrovirus Producer
          Cell Line .......................................... 9-58
          Basic Protocol 1: Introduction of a Retrovirus
          Vector into a Packaging Cell Line .................. 9-58
          Basic Protocol 2: Determination of Viral Titer:
          Identification of Producer Clones Making
          High-Titer Virus ................................... 9-61
          Alternate Protocol: Rapid Evaluation of Producer
          Colonies ........................................... 9-62
          Support Protocol: Xgal Staining of Cultured
          Cells .............................................. 9-62

    9.12. Transient Transfection Methods for Preparation of
          High-Titer Retroviral Supernatants ................. 9-63
          Basic Protocol 1: Transient Transfection of a
          Retrovirus Vector into 293 Cells ................... 9-63
          Support Protocol: Growth and Storage 
          293 Cells .......................................... 9-64
          Basic Protocol 2: Infection of Adherent Cells
          with Retroviral Supernatant ........................ 9-65
          Alternate Protocol 1: Infection of Adherent
          Cells by Spin Infection ............................ 9-66
          Basic Protocol 3: Infection of Nonadherent Cells
          by Retroviral Supernatant .......................... 9-66
          Alternate Protocol 2: Infection of Nonadherent
          Cells by Co-Cultivation ............................ 9-67
          Alternate Protocol 3: Infection of Nonadherent
          Cells by Spin Infection ............................ 9-68

    9.13. Large-Scale Preparation and Concentration of
          Retrovirus Stocks .................................. 9-69
          Basic Protocol: Preparation of Virus Stock and
          Concentration by Centrifugation .................... 9-69
          Alternate Protocol 1: Concentration by PEG
          Precipitation and Chromatography ................... 9-70
          Alternate Protocol 2: Concentration Using
          Molecular-Weight-Cutoff Filters .................... 9-70

    9.14. Detection of Helper Virus in Retrovirus Stocks ..... 9-71
          Basic Protocol: Detection of Helper Virus Through
          Horizontal Spread of Drug Resistance ............... 9-71
          Alternate Protocol 1: Proviral Rescue to Detect
          Replication-Competent Retrovirus ................... 9-72
          Alternate Protocol 2: Reverse Transcriptase Assay
          to Detect Helper Virus ............................. 9-72

    9.15. Retrovirus Infection of Cells In Vitro and
          In Vivo ............................................ 9-73
          Infection of Cells In Vitro ........................ 9-73
          Infection of Rodents and Chicks In Vivo ............ 9-75

10. Analysis of Proteins ..................................... 10-1

    Introduction ............................................. 10-1
    Classification of Proteins ............................... 10-1
    Protein Purification Flow Charts ......................... 10-1

    10.1. Spectrophotometric and Colorimetric Determination
          of Protein Concentration ........................... 10-9
          Basic Protocol 1: Using A280 to Determine Protein
          Concentration ...................................... 10-9
          Basic Protocol 2: Using the Bradford Method
          to Determine Protein Concentration ................. 10-9

    10.2. Quantitative Amino Acid Analysis .................. 10-10
          Sample Preparation ................................ 10-10
          Calculation of the Average Composition ............ 10-11

    10.3. One-Dimensional SDS Gel Electrophoresis
          of Proteins ....................................... 10-12
          Electricity and Electrophoresis ................... 10-12
          Basic Protocol 1: Denaturing (SDS) Discontinuous
          PAGE: Laemmli Method .............................. 10-14
          Alternate Protocol 1: PAGE in Tris-Tricine
          Buffer Systems .................................... 10-18
          Alternate Protocol 2: Nonurea Peptide
          Separations with Tris Buffers ..................... 10-20
          Alternate Protocol 3: Continuous SDS-PAGE ......... 10-21
          Alternate Protocol 4: PAGE with Ultrathin Gels .... 10-22
          Support Protocol 1: Casting Multiple
          Single-Concentration Gels ......................... 10-23
          Alternate Protocol 5: Separation of Proteins on
          Gradient Gels ..................................... 10-25
          Support Protocol 2: Casting Multiple Gradient
          Gels .............................................. 10-27
          Basic Protocol 2: Electrophoresis in
          Single-Concentration Minigels ..................... 10-29
          Support Protocol 3: Preparing Multiple Gradient
          Minigels .......................................... 10-31

    10.4. Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Using
          the O'Farrell System .............................. 10-32
          Basic Protocol 1: First-Dimension
          (Isoelectric-Focusing) Gels ....................... 10-32
          Alternate Protocol 1: Isoelectric Focusing of
          Very Basic and Very Acidic Proteins ............... 10-34
          Basic Protocol 2: Second-Dimension Gels ........... 10-35
          Alternate Protocol 2: Two-Dimensional Minigels .... 10-37
          Support Protocol: Solubilization and Preparation
          of Proteins in Tissue Samples ..................... 10-37

    10.5. Staining Proteins in Gels ......................... 10-38
          Basic Protocol 1: Coomassie Blue Staining ......... 10-38
          Alternate Protocol 1: Rapid Coomassie
          Blue Staining ..................................... 10-39
          Basic Protocol 2: Silver Staining ................. 10-39
          Alternate Protocol 2: Nonammoniacal Silver
          Staining .......................................... 10-40
          Alternate Protocol 3: Rapid Silver Staining ....... 10-41
          Support Protocol 1: Gel Photography of
          Coomassie- or Silver-Stained Gels ................. 10-42
          Basic Protocol 3: Fluorescent Staining ............ 10-43
          Alternate Protocol 4: Fluorescent Staining on
          Nondenaturing Gels ................................ 10-44
          Support Protocol 2: Gel Photography of
          Fluorescently Stained Gels ........................ 10-44

    10.6. Immunoblotting and Immunodetection ................ 10-45
          Basic Protocol 1: Protein Blotting with Tank
          Transfer Systems .................................. 10-45
          Alternate Protocol 1: Protein Blotting with
          Semidry Systems ................................... 10-47
          Alternate Protocol 2: Blotting of Stained Gels .... 10-48
          Support Protocol 1: Reversible Staining of
          Transferred Proteins .............................. 10-49
          Basic Protocol 2: Immunoprobing with Directly
          Conjugated Secondary Antibody ..................... 10-49
          Alternate Protocol 3: Immunoprobing with
          Avidin-Biotin Coupling to Secondary Antibody ...... 10-50
          Basic Protocol 3: Visualization with Chromogenic
          Substrates ........................................ 10-51
          Alternate Protocol 4: Visualization with
          Luminescent Substrates ............................ 10-51
          Support Protocol 2: Stripping and Reusing
          Membranes ......................................... 10-53
    10.7. Gel-Filtration Chromatography ..................... 10-53
          Basic Protocol 1: Desalting (Group Separation) .... 10-53
          Basic Protocol 2: Protein Fractionation ........... 10-59
          Basic Protocol 3: Determination of
          Molecular Size .................................... 10-62
          Support Protocol: Column Calibration .............. 10-64

    10.8. Ion-Exchange Chromatography ....................... 10-67
          Strategic Planning ................................ 10-67
          Basic Protocol 1: Batch Adsorption and
          Step-Gradient Elution with Increasing
          Salt Concentration ................................ 10-68
          Basic Protocol 2: Column Chromatography with
          Linear Gradient Elution ........................... 10-71
          Support Protocol: Test Tube Pilot Experiment to
          Determine Starting Conditions for Ion-Exchange
          Chromatography .................................... 10-73
    10.9. Immunoaffinity Chromatography ..................... 10-78
          Basic Protocol: Isolation of Soluble or
          Membrane-Bound Antigens ........................... 10-78
          Alternate Protocol 1: Batch Purification of
          Antigens .......................................... 10-80
          Alternate Protocol 2: Low-pH Elution of
          Antigens .......................................... 10-81
    10.10.Metal-Chelate Affinity Chromatography ............. 10-81
          Basic Protocol: Native MCAC for Purification of
          Soluble Histidine-Tail Fusion Proteins ............ 10-81
          Alternate Protocol 1: Denaturing MCAC for
          Purification of Insoluble Histidine-Tail
          Fusion Proteins ................................... 10-84
          Alternate Protocol 2: Solid-Phase Renaturation
          of MCAC-Purified Proteins ......................... 10-86
          Support Protocol: NTA Resin Regeneration .......... 10-86

    10.11.HPLC of Peptides and Proteins: Preparation and
          System Set-Up ..................................... 10-87
          Properties of Peptides and Proteins and Their
          Implications for HPLC Method Development........... 10-87
          Detection of Peptides and Proteins in HPLC ........ 10-87
          Start-Up Procedures ............................... 10-87
          Preparation of the Sample ......................... 10-89
          Preparation of the Mobile Phase ................... 10-90
          Setting Up the HPLC Instrument .................... 10-90
          Priming Pumps and Low-Pressure Lines with
          Eluents ........................................... 10-90
          Preparation of the HPLC System .................... 10-91
          Gradient Delay (Dwell Volume) of the
          HPLC System ....................................... 10-91
          Connecting the Column ............................. 10-92
          Programming the HPLC Instrument ................... 10-93
          Injecting the Sample .............................. 10-93
          Testing the Functional HPLC System ................ 10-93
          Logbooks .......................................... 10-93

    10.12.HPLC of Peptides and Proteins: Standard
          Operating Conditions .............................. 10-94
          Standard Operating Conditions for HP-SEC .......... 10-95
          Standard Operating Conditions for HP-NPC .......... 10-96
          Standard Operating Conditions for HP-HIC .......... 10-98
          Standard Operating Conditions for HP-IEX .......... 10-99
          Standard Operating Conditions for HP-HILIC ....... 10-100
          Standard Operating Conditions for HP-IMAC ........ 10-101
          Standard Operating Conditions for HP-BAC ......... 10-103
          Standard Operating Conditions for RP-HPLC ........ 10-103
          Desalting of Peptide and Protein Mixtures
          by RP-HPLC Techniques ............................ 10-108

    10.13.Reversed-Phase Isolation of Peptides ............. 10-109
          Basic Protocol 1: Reversed-Phase Peptide
          Separation at the 5- to 500-pmol Level ........... 10-109
          Basic Protocol 2: Reversed-Phase Peptide
          Separation at <5 pmol ............................ 10-110
          Support Protocol: Capillary HPLC System
          Assembly ......................................... 10-111

    10.14.Purification of Recombinant Proteins and Study
          of Protein Interaction by Epitope Tagging ........ 10-113
          Basic Protocol: Immunoprecipitation of
          Epitope-Tagged Recombinant Proteins .............. 10-113

    10.15.Immunoprecipitation .............................. 10-115
          Basic Protocol 1: Immunoprecipitation Using
          Cells in Suspension Lysed with a Nondenaturing
          Detergent Solution ............................... 10-115
          Alternate Protocol 1: Immunoprecipitation
          Using Adherent Cells Lysed with a Nondenaturing
          Detergent Solution ............................... 10-119
          Alternate Protocol 2: Immunoprecipitation
          Using Cells Lysed with Detergent Under
          Denaturing Conditions ............................ 10-119
          Alternate Protocol 3: Immunoprecipitation Using
          Cells Lysed Without Detergent .................... 10-120
          Alternate Protocol 4: Immunoprecipitation with
          Antibody-Sepharose ............................... 10-120
          Support Protocol: Preparation of
          Antibody-Sepharose ............................... 10-122
          Alternate Protocol 5: Immunoprecipitation of
          Radiolabeled Antigen with Anti-Ig Serum .......... 10-123
          Basic Protocol 2: Immunoprecipitation-
          Recapture ........................................ 10-125

    10.16.Synthesizing Proteins In Vitro by Transcription
          and Translation of Cloned Genes .................. 10-126
          Basic Protocol ................................... 10-126
    10.17.Metabolic Labeling with Amino Acids .............. 10-128
          Safety Precautions for Working with 35S-Labeled
          Compounds ........................................ 10-128
          Basic Protocol: Pulse-Labeling of Cells in
          Suspension with [35S]Methionine .................. 10-128
          Alternate Protocol 1: Pulse-Labeling of
          Adherent Cells with [15S]Methionine .............. 10-130
          Alternate Protocol 2: Pulse-Chase Labeling
          of Cells with [15S]Methionine .................... 10-130
          Alternate Protocol 3: Long-Term Labeling of
          Cells with [35S]Methionine ....................... 10-131
          Alternate Protocol 4: Metabolic Labeling with
          Other Radiolabeled Amino Acids ................... 10-132
          Support Protocol: TCA Precipitation to
          Determine Label Incorporation .................... 10-133

    10.18.Isolation of Proteins for Microsequence
          Analysis ......................................... 10-134
          Basic Protocol 1: Determination of Amino Acid
          Sequence by SDS-PAGE and Transfer to PVDF
          Membranes ........................................ 10-134
          Support Protocol: Preparation of Protein
          Samples for SDS-PAGE ............................. 10-136
          Basic Protocol 2: Determination of Internal
          Amino Acid Sequence from N-Terminally Blocked
          Proteins ......................................... 10-136

    10.19.Capillary Electrophoresis of Proteins and
          Peptides ......................................... 10-138
          Instrumentation .................................. 10-138
          Strategic Planning ............................... 10-140
          Basic Protocol 1: Separation of Proteins by
          Isoelectric Focusing ............................. 10-140
          Basic Protocol 2: Separation of Proteins ......... 10-141
          Basic Protocol 3: Analytical Peptide
          Separations ...................................... 10-142
          Basic Protocol 4: Micropreparative Capillary
          Electrophoresis: Multiple Separations ............ 10-144
          Alternate Protocol: Micropreparative Capillary
          Electrophoresis: Single Separation ............... 10-145

    11. Immunology ........................................... 11-1

    11.1. Conjugation of Enzymes to Antibodies ............... 11-3
          Basic Protocol: Conjugation of Horseradish
          Peroxidase to Antibodies ........................... 11-3
          Alternate Protocol: Conjugation of Alkaline
          Phosphatase to Antibodies .......................... 11-4
    11.2. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays (ELISA) ......... 11-5
          Basic Protocol: Indirect ELISA to Detect Specific
          Antibodies ......................................... 11-6
          Alternate Protocol 1: Direct Competitive ELISA
          to Detect Soluble Antigens ......................... 11-7
          Alternate Protocol 2: Antibody-Sandwich ELISA
          to Detect Soluble Antigens ......................... 11-8
          Alternate Protocol 3: Double Antibody-Sandwich
          ELISA to Detect Specific Antibodies ................ 11-9
          Alternate Protocol 4: Direct Cellular ELISA to
          Detect Cell-Surface Antigens ...................... 11-10
          Alternate Protocol 5: Indirect Cellular ELISA to
          Detect Antibodies Specific for Surface Antigens ... 11-11
          Support Protocol 1: Criss-Cross Serial Dilution
          Analysis to Determine Optimal Reagent
          Concentrations .................................... 11-12
          Support Protocol 2: Preparation of Bacterial
          Cell Lysate Antigens .............................. 11-12

    11.3. Immunization of Mice .............................. 11-13
          Basic Protocol: Production of Immune Spleen
          Cells: Immunization with Soluble Antigen .......... 11-13
          Alternate Protocol 1: Immunization with Complex
          Antigens (Membranes, Whole Cells, and
          Microorganisms) ................................... 11-14
          Alternate Protocol 2: Immunization with Antigen
          Isolated by Electrophoresis ....................... 11-15

    11.4. Production of Monoclonal Antibody Supernatant
          and Ascites Fluid ................................. 11-15
          Basic Protocol 1: Production of a Monoclonal
          Antibody Supernatant .............................. 11-16
          Alternate Protocol 1: Large-Scale Production of
          Monoclonal Antibody Supernatant ................... 11-16
          Alternate Protocol 2: Large-Scale Production of
          Hybridomas or Cell Lines .......................... 11-17
          Basic Protocol 2: Production of Ascites Fluid
          Containing Monoclonal Antibody .................... 11-17

    11.5. Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies ............. 11-19
          Basic Protocol: Purification Using Protein
          A-Sepharose ....................................... 11-19
          Alternate Protocol 1: Alternative Buffer System
          for Protein A-Sepharose ........................... 11-20
          Alternate Protocol 2: Purification by
          Antigen-Sepharose and Anti-Mouse-Ig-Sepharose ..... 11-20

    11.6. Production of Polyclonal Antisera ................. 11-21
          Basic Protocol: Immunization to Produce
          Polyclonal Antibodies Using Freund's Adjuvant ..... 11-21
          Alternate Protocol: Immunization to Produce
          Polyclonal Antiserum Using Other Adjuvants ........ 11-23
          Support Protocol: Preparation of Serum
          from Blood ........................................ 11-24

    11.7. Purification of Immunoglobulin G Fraction from
          Antiserum, Ascites Fluid, or Hybridoma
          Supernatant ....................................... 11-24
          Basic Protocol: Precipitation of IgG with
          Saturated Ammonium Sulfate ........................ 11-24
          Alternate Protocol: Fractionation of IgG by
          Chromatography on DEAE-Affi-Gel Blue .............. 11-25

    11.8. Selection of an Immunogenic Peptide ............... 11-26
    11.9. Production of Antipeptide Antibodies .............. 11-28
          Basic Protocol: Chemical Coupling of Synthetic
          Peptide to Carrier Protein Using MBS .............. 11-28
          Alternate Protocol: Chemical Coupling of
          Synthetic Peptide to Carrier Protein Using
          Glutaraldehyde .................................... 11-29

12. DNA-Protein Interactions ................................. 12-1
    12.1. Preparation of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extracts
          from Mammalian Cells ............................... 12-3
          Basic Protocol: Preparing Nuclear Extracts ......... 12-3
          Support Protocol 1: Optimization of Nuclear
          Extraction ......................................... 12-6
          Support Protocol 2: Preparation of the
          Cytoplasmic (S-100) Fraction ....................... 12-7

    12.2. Mobility Shift DNA-Binding Assay Using Gel
          Electrophoresis .................................... 12-7
          Basic Protocol: Mobility Shift Assay ............... 12-8
          Alternate Protocol 1: Competition Mobility Shift
          Assay ............................................. 12-11
          Alternate Protocol 2: Antibody Supershift
          Assay ............................................. 12-11
          Alternate Protocol 3: Multicomponent Mobility
          Shift Assays ...................................... 12-11

    12.3. Methylation and Uracil Interference Assays for
          Analysis of Protein-DNA Interactions .............. 12-13
          Basic Protocol 1: Methylation Interference
          Assay ............................................. 12-13
          Basic Protocol 2: Uracil Interference Assay ....... 12-15

    12.4. DNase I Footprint Analysis of Protein-DNA
          Binding ........................................... 12-17
          Basic Protocol: DNase I Footprint Titration ....... 12-17
          Support Protocol: Quantitation of Protein-
          Binding Equilibria by Densitometric and
          Numerical Analyses ................................ 12-20
          Alternate Protocol: DNase Footprinting in Crude
          Fractions ......................................... 12-23

    12.5. UV Crosslinking of Proteins to Nucleic Acids ...... 12-24
          Basic Protocol: UV Crosslinking Using a
          Bromodeoxyuridine-Substituted Probe ............... 12-24
          Alternate Protocol 1: UV Crosslinking Using a
          Non-Bromodeoxyuridine-Substituted Probe ........... 12-26
          Alternate Protocol 2: UV Crosslinking In Situ ..... 12-27

    12.6. Purification of DNA-Binding Proteins Using
          Biotin/Streptavidin Affinity Systems .............. 12-27
          Basic Protocol: Purification of DNA-Binding
          Proteins Using Biotin/Streptavidin Affinity
          Systems ........................................... 12-27
          Alternate Protocol 1: Purification Using a
          Microcolumn ....................................... 12-30
          Alternate Protocol 2: Purification Using
          Streptavidin-Agarose .............................. 12-30

    12.7. Detection, Purification, and Characterization
          of cDNA Clones Encoding DNA-Binding Proteins ...... 12-31
          Basic Protocol: Screening a λgt11 Expression
          Library with Recognition-Site DNA ................. 12-32
          Alternate Protocol: Denaturation/Renaturation
          Cycling of Dried Replica Filters Using
          Guanidine⋅HCl ..................................... 12-34
          Support Protocol: Preparation of a Crude
          Extract from Recombinant Lysogen to
          Characterize DNA-Binding Activity ................. 12-35

    12.8. Analysis of DNA-Protein Interactions Using
          Proteins Synthesized In Vitro from Cloned Genes ... 12-36
          Basic Protocol .................................... 12-36

    12.9. Purification of Sequence-Specific DNA-Binding
          Proteins by Affinity Chromatography ............... 12-37
          Basic Protocol 1: Preparation of DNA
          Affinity Resin .................................... 12-37
          Alternate Protocol: Coupling the DNA to
          Commercially Available CNBr-Activated Sepharose ... 12-40
          Support Protocol 1: Purification of
          Oligonucleotides by Preparative Gel
          Electrophoresis ................................... 12-41
          Basic Protocol 2: DNA Affinity Chromatography ..... 12-42
          Support Protocol 2: Selection and Preparation
          of Nonspecific Competitor DNA ..................... 12-45

    12.10.Determination of Protein-DNA Sequence Specificity
          by PCR-Assisted Binding Site Selection ............ 12-45
          Basic Protocol .................................... 12-45
          Support Protocol: Isolation and Analysis
          of Bound Oligonucleotides from Mobility
          Shift Gels ........................................ 12-50

    A1    Reagents and Solutions ............................. Al-1
          References ............................................ 1


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