Remote sensing of glaciers (London, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаRemote sensing of glaciers / ed. by P.Pellika, W.G.Rees. - London: Taylor & Francis, 2009. - xxv, 330 p.: ill. (some col.), maps. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Sub. ind.: p.309-314. - ISBN 978-0-415-40166-1

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ..................................................... xiii
Acknowledgments ................................................ xv
Author biography ............................................. xvii
Preface: Remote sensing of glaciers - glaciological
   research using remote sensing .............................. xix
Abbreviations ............................................... xxiii

1  Principles of remote sensing ................................. 1
   1.1 Background ............................................... 1
   1.2 Electromagnetic radiation ................................ 2
   1.3 What properties of EMR can be measured? .................. 3
   1.4 Resolution ............................................... 5
       1.4.1 Spatial resolution ................................. 5
       1.4.2 Spectral resolution ................................ 7
       1.4.3 Radiometric resolution ............................. 7
       1.4.4 Temporal resolution ................................ 8
   1.5 How are electromagnetic measurements converted into
       information about glaciers? .............................. 9
   1.6 Passive remote sensing systems ........................... 9
       1.6.1 Aerial photography ................................ 10
       1.6.2 Visible/near infrared scanners .................... 10
       1.6.3 Thermal infrared scanners ......................... 14
   1.7 Active remote sensing systems ........................... 15
       1.7.1 Laser scanner (LiDAR) ............................. 15
       1.7.2 Ground-penetrating radar .......................... 15
       1.7.3 Synthetic Aperture Radar .......................... 16
   1.8 How are data obtained? What do they cost? ............... 19

2  The formation and dynamics of glaciers ...................... 21
   2.1 Introduction: How do glaciers form? ..................... 21
   2.2 The climate of today's glacier environment .............. 21
   2.3 Accumulation and the formation of ice ................... 25
   2.4 Energy balance and ablation ............................. 26
   2.5 Mass balance: Definitions and key parameters ............ 27
   2.6 Ice flow ................................................ 28
   2.7 Methods of mass balance determination ................... 33
       2.7.1 The geodetic method ............................... 33
       2.7.2 The direct glaciological method ................... 34
       2.7.3 The dynamic (balance) velocity method ............. 35
       2.7.4 The hydrological method ........................... 36
   2.8 Debris cover and moraines ............................... 36
   2.9 Conclusions ............................................. 37

3  Glacier parameters monitored using remote sensing ........... 41
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 41
   3.2  Glaciers in the world .................................. 41
   3.3  Reflectance and albedo ................................. 43
   3.4  Surface temperature and surface melting ................ 45
   3.5  Glacier zones and mass balance ......................... 48
        3.5.1 Glacier zones .................................... 48
        3.5.2 Glacier mass balance ............................. 51
        3.5.1 Glacier area ..................................... 55
   3.7  Glacier topography ..................................... 56
   3.8  Bed topography and glacier volume ...................... 59
   3.9  Glacier velocity ....................................... 60
   3.10 Summary ................................................ 62

4  The early history of remote sensing of glaciers ............. 67
   4.1 Introduction ............................................ 67
   4.2 Early glacier observations .............................. 67
   4.3 The scientific approach ................................. 70
       4.3.1 Glacier mapping from point observations ........... 71
   4.4 The dawn of photogrammetry .............................. 72
   4.5 The golden age of terrestrial glacier mapping ........... 75
   4.6 The aerial perspective and the step into a new age ...... 77

5  Physics of glacier remote sensing ........................... 81
   5.1 Introduction ............................................ 81
   5.2 Glacier ice and snow .................................... 82
       5.2.1 Formation of glaciers ............................. 82
       5.2.2 Glacier surface layer: snow ....................... 84
       5.2.3 Glacier surface layer: ice ........................ 88
       5.2.4 Glacier flow ...................................... 89
   5.3 Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with ice and
       snow .................................................... 90
       5.3.1 General ........................................... 90
       5.3.2 Optical and near infrared signals ................. 91
       5.3.3 Thermal infrared signals .......................... 93
       5.3.4 Microwave signals ................................. 94
   5.4 Potential uses for remote sensing of glaciers ........... 95

6  Terrestrial photogrammetry in glacier studies ............... 99
   6.1 The early days of terrestrial photogrammetry ........... 101
   6.2 The new era or digital terrestrial photogrammetry ...... 102
   6.3 Glacier DEMs from terrestrial close-range photographs:
       Case study of Hintereisferner .......................... 104
       6.3.1 The glacier surface as an object for
            terrestrial photography ........................... 104
       6.3.2 The setting and equipment ........................ 106
       6.3.3 Orientations and DEM production .................. 108
       6.3.4 Digital elevation models generated from
             terrestrial photogrammetry ....................... 109
   6.4 Prospects for terrestrial photogrammetry ............... 110

7  Aerial photogrammetry in glacier studies ................... 115
   7.1 Introduction ........................................... 115
   7.2 Interpretation and mapping ............................. 116
   7.3 Generation of digital terrain models ................... 117
       7.3.1 Analogue and analytical photogrammetry ........... 117
       7.3.2 Digital photogrammetry of frame imagery .......... 118
       7.3.3 Digital photogrammetry of airborne pushbroom
             imagery .......................................... 120
   7.4 Erors of photogrammetric DEMs .......................... 121
       7.4.1 General .......................................... 121
       7.4.2 Case study ....................................... 122
       7.4.3 Error detection and DEM evaluation ............... 123
   7.5 Vertical DEM differences ............................... 124
   7.6 Lateral terrain displacements .......................... 127
       7.6.1 Analogue and analytical photogrammetry ........... 127
       7.6.2 Digital image matching ........................... 127
   7.7 Conclusions ............................................ 131

8  Optical remote sensing of glacier extent ................... 137
   8.1 Spectral properties .................................... 137
   8.2 Glacier mapping and satellite sensor characteristics ... 140
   8.3 Glacier mapping ........................................ 145
       8.3.1 Threshold ratio images ........................... 146
       8.3.2 Manual corrections ............................... 149
   8.4 Conclusions ............................................ 149

9  SAR imaging of glaciers .................................... 153
   9.1 Introduction ........................................... 153
   9.2 SAR image formation .................................... 154
   9.3 SAR interferometry ..................................... 157
       9.3.1 InSAR for DEM generation ......................... 157
       9.3.2 InSAR for surface displacement measurement ....... 157
       9.3.3 Error contributions in InSAR observed surface
             displacements .................................... 160
       9.3.4 Phase noise estimation ........................... 161
       9.3.5 Decorrelation sources ............................ 162
   9.4 SAR backscatter from snow and ice ...................... 162
       9.4.1 Backscatter modelling ............................ 164
       9.4.2 First order solution ............................. 165
   9.5 SAR glacier flow velocity measurements ................. 166
       9.5.1 InSAR velocity ................................... 166
       9.5.2 Feature tracking velocity ........................ 167
       9.5.3 Speckle/coherence tracking velocity .............. 169
       9.5.4 SAR glacier velocity summary ..................... 169
   9.6 SAR glacier DEM ........................................ 169
   9.7 SAR glacier facies detection ........................... 171
   9.8 Summary ................................................ 174

10 Airborne laser scanning in glacier studies ................. 179
   10.1 Measurement principles and resulting data sets ........ 179
   10.2 Previous use of airborne laser scanning in
        glaciological studies ................................. 182
   10.3 The airborne laser scanner data sets in the OMEGA
        project ............................................... 184
   10.4 Application of airborne laser scanning data in
        glacier studies ....................................... 186
        10.4.1 Surface elevation change ....................... 186
        10.4.2 Derivation of glacier velocities ............... 187
        10.4.3 Surface roughness values as input for energy
               balance modelling .............................. 188
        10.4.4 Glacier surface classification ................. 188
        10.4.5 Automatic glacier delineation and crevasse
               detection ...................................... 190
   10.5 Conclusions ........................................... 190

11 Ground-penetrating radar in glaciological applications ..... 195
   11.1  Introduction ......................................... 195
   11.2  Radio-wave propagation in glacier ice ................ 195
   11.3  Radar systems ........................................ 198
         11.3.1 An overview of radar systems used in
                glaciology .................................... 198
         11.3.2 Radar system elements ......................... 200
         11.3.3 Detection and resolution ...................... 202
   11.4  Operating radars on glaciers ......................... 203
   11.5  Processing techniques ................................ 207
   11.6  Internal structure and ice properties ................ 209
         11.6.1 Internal layering ............................. 209
         11.6.2 Density, water content, hydrological
                aspects ....................................... 213
         11.6.3 Crevasses ..................................... 216
         11.6.4 Englacial channels ............................ 216
   11.7  Basal properties ..................................... 216
         11.7.1 Ice thickness and bedrock topography .......... 218
         11.7.2 Conditions at the glacier bed ................. 218
   11.8  Estimating ice volume and bed topography from ice
         thickness data ....................................... 218
         11.8.1 Procedure for constructing glacier surface,
                ice thickness and bed topography maps and
                for estimating ice volume ..................... 220
   11.9  Error in ice thickness ............................... 220
         11.9.1 Vertical resolution of radar data ............. 221
         11.9.2 Error in thickness due to error in RWV ........ 221
         11.9.3 Error in thickness associated with lack of
                migration ..................................... 223
         11.9.4 Surface interpolation error ................... 224
   11.10 Error estimates for ice volume and bed topography
         computations ......................................... 224

12 Detection and visualization of glacier area changes ........ 231
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 231
   12.2 Simple image overlay .................................. 231
   12.3 Orthorectification of satellite images ................ 233
   12.4 GIS-based calculations ................................ 235
   12.5 Visualisation of glacier change ....................... 238
   12.6 Recent glacier changes in the Alps .................... 239

13 Detection of distortions in digital elevation models:
   simultaneous data acquisition at Hintereisferner glacier ... 245
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 245
   13.2 Related work .......................................... 246
   13.3 Simultaneous data acquisition ......................... 248
   13.4 Methods ............................................... 250
        13.4.1 Correction of differences in georeferencing .... 250
        13.4.2 Detection of distortions ....................... 251
   13.5 Results ............................................... 252
        13.5.1 Accuracy against ground truth data ............. 252
        13.5.2 Uncertainties due to different reference
               coordinate systems ............................. 256
        13.5.3 Mean and RMS differences in elevation between
               DEMs ........................................... 258
        13.5.4 Distortions .................................... 261
   13.6 Conclusions ........................................... 266

14 Accuracy aspects in topographical change detection of
   glacier surface ............................................ 269
   14.1 Introduction .......................................... 269
   14.2 Previous research ..................................... 269
   14.3 Methods for detecting and measuring changes ........... 270
        14.3.1 Change in elevation ............................ 270
        14.3.2 Change in volume ............................... 273
   14.4 Case studies .......................................... 275
        14.4.1 Aerial photography and laser scanner DEMs
               over Svartisheibreen ........................... 275
        14.4.2 Sequence of laser scanner DEMs over
               Hintereisferner ................................ 278
   14.5 Conclusions ........................................... 282

15 The role of remote sensing in worldwide glacier
   monitoring ................................................. 285
   15.1 Introduction .......................................... 285
   15.2 The global hierarchical observing strategy ............ 285
   15.3 The role of remote sensing ............................ 288
   15.4 Global Land Ice Measurements from Space project and
        other projects ........................................ 291

16 Conclusions ................................................ 297
   Copyrights for figures ..................................... 301
   Authors .................................................... 303
   Reviewers .................................................. 307
   Subject index .............................................. 309
   Colour plates .............................................. 315

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