Nanotechnology 2008 (Boston; Boca Raton, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNanotechnology 2008: materials, fabrication, particles, and characterization technical proceedings of the 2008 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Boston, June 1-5, 2008: NSTI Nanotech. Vol.1 / ed. by M.Laudon, B.Romanowicz. - Boston: Nano Science and Technology Institute; Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2008. - xxii, 1092 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.1075-1092. - ISBN 978-1-4200-8503-7

Оглавление / Contents
Program Committee ............................................ xvii
NSTI Nanotech 2008 Vol. 1-3 Topics ............................ xxi

Carbon Nano Structures, Tubes & Applications

Diameter Selective Growth of Vertically Aligned Single
Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Ethanol Flow Control ................. 1
   M.G. Hahm, M.A. Noah, Y. Kwon, Y.J. Jung
Growth of Nanostructured Diamond, Diamond-Like Carbon, and
Carbon Nanotubes in a Low Pressure Inductively Coupled Plasma ... 4
   K. Okada
New developments in the purification, filling and
functionalisation of carbon nanotubes ........................... 8
   R. Clarke
Linear scaling techniques for first-principle calculations of
large nanowire devices ......................................... 12
   D. Zhang, E. Polizzi
Controlled Assembly of Highly Density SWNT Networks on a
Flexible Parylene-C Substrate .................................. 16
   C.-L. Chen, X. Xiong, A. Busnaina, M.R. Dokmeci
First disclosure of a viable semi-commercial single CNT-based
FE device ...................................................... 20
   S. Daren, I. Kalifa, S. Peretz
Chemical doping by sulfuric acid in double wall carbon
nanotubes ...................................................... 23
   P. Puech, A. Ghandour, A. Sapelkin, E. Flahaut,
   D. Dunstan, W. Bacsa
The Influence of DNA Wrapping on SWNT Optical Absorption in
Perpendicular Polarization ..................................... 27
   S.E. Snyder, S.V. Rotkin
Modeling and simulation of adhesion between carbon nanotubes
and surfaces ................................................... 31
   N.R. Paudel, T. Ohashi, L. Dai, A. Buldum
Improve Contacts in Carbon Nanotube Networks by In situ
Polymerization of Thin Skin of Self-Doped Conducting Polymer ... 35
   Y. Ma, W. Cheung, D. Wei, A. Bogozi, P.L. Chiu, H. He
Deagglomeration and Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes Using
MicrofluidizerTM High Shear Fluid Processors ................... 39
   T. Panagiotou, J.M. Bernard, S.V. Mesite
A High-Flux, Flexible Membrane with Parylene-encapsulated
Carbon Nanotubes .............................................. 43
   H.G. Park, J. In, S. Kim, F. Fornasiero, J.K. Holt,
   C.P. Grigoropoulos, A. Noy, O. Bakajin
Arkema Inc. Graphistrength (tm) Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes .... 47
   T.P. McAndrew, P. Laurent, M. Havel, C. Roger
Resistance measurements and weak localization in long SWNTs .... 51
   P.G. Gabrielli, S. Gabrielli, N. Lisi
Design Optimization of Field Emission from a Stacked Carbon
Nanotube Array ................................................. 55
   D. Roy Mahapatra, N. Sinha, R. Melnik, J.T.W. Yeow
High Current Cold Electron Source Based on Carbon Nanotube
Field Emitters and Electron Multiplier MicroChannel Plate ...... 59
   S. Raghunandan, W. Choi
Advantages and Limitations of Diamond-Like Carbon as a MEMS
Thin Film Material ............................................. 63
   P. Ohlckers, T. Skotheim, V. Dmitriev, G. Kirpilenko
First-principles studies of electrophilic molecules on
the carbon nanotubes ........................................... 67
   S. Park, K.-J. Kong, H.-M. So, G.-H. Buh, J.-O. Lee,
   H. Chang
Carbon Nanotube Interfaces for Single Molecular Level Bio
Sensing ........................................................ 71
   W.B. Choi, H. Vedala, S. Roy, T-H. Kim
Osteogenic induction on single-walled carbon nanotube
scaffolds ...................................................... 75
   L.P. Zanello, P. Sharma, R. Corzano, P. Hauschka
SWNTs inhibit normal physiological function of calcium ion
channels through yttrium release ............................... 78
   L.M. Jakubek, J. Raingo, D. Lipscombe, R.H. Hurt
Carbon nanotube superlattices- An oscillatory metallic
behaviour ...................................................... 82
   B.K. Agrawal, A. Pathak
Aqueous Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by using
Self-doped Polyaniline as Dispersant ........................... 86
   J.H. Hwang, H.J. Lee, M.S. Hong, H.S. Lee, M.H. Lee
Nanocatalysts Assisted Growth of Diamond Films on Si by
Hot Filament CVD ............................................... 90
   C.C. Teng, F.C. Ku, J.P. Deng, CM. Sung, C.T. Lin
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Network based Biosensors
using Aptamers and its Characteristics ......................... 94
   D.W. Kim, S.M. Seo, Y.J. Park
Alcohol vapor sensors using multiple spray-coated SWCNTs ....... 97
   S.J. Kim, Y.M. Choi, G.W. Lee
Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes based Ionic Building Blocks
for Nanoelectronic Devices .................................... 101
   Y. Yadav, S. Prasad
Novel Branched nanostructures of Carbon nanotubes on Si
substrates suitable for the realization of gas sensors ........ 104
   Y. Abdi, S. Mohajerzadeh, M.H. Sohrabi, M. Fathipour,
   M. Araghchini
Electronic structure of single wall carbon nanotubes under
transverse external electric fields, radial deformations
and defects ................................................... 108
   Y.V. Shtogun, L.M. Woods
Multiwalled carbon nanotube films as temperature
nano-sensors .................................................. 112
   A. Di Bartolomeo, F. Giubileo, M. Sarno, C. Altavilla,
   D. Sannino, L. Iemmo, D. Mancusi, F. Bobba, A.M. Cucolo,
   P. Ciambelli
Nano Structure of Carbon Nano Tube Products Synthesized in
Solid Phase ................................................... 116
   K.C. Nguyen, T.V. Le, C.D.T. Nguyen, P.T. Huynh, T.N.
   Nguyen, D.V. Nguyen, A.T.N. Mai
Formation of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Via the
Interaction of Graphene Nanoribbons: ab initio Density
Functional Calculations ....................................... 119
   A.J. Du, S.C. Smith, G.Q. Lu
Defect reduction of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Rapid
Vacuum Arc Annealing .......................................... 122
   J.T.H. Tsai, J.S. Li, A.A. Tseng
Biocompatibility of Carbon Nanotubes for Cartilage Tissue
Engineering ................................................... 125
   N.O. Chahine, N.M. Collette, H. Thompson, G.G. Loots
Exact field enhancement factor, electrostatic force and
field emission current from a long carbon nanotube ............ 129
   A.I. Zhbanov, E.G. Pogorelov, Y.-C. Chang
Solubilization of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes with
Salmon Sperm DNA .............................................. 132
   S.N. Kim, K. Singh, F. Ounchen, J. Grote, R. Naik
Studies on Carbon Nanotubes - Polyaniline Based Composites .... 136
   C. Lal, S. Kumar, A. Kumar, T.K. Gupta
In-situ synthesis of Cu nanoparticles on MWCNTS using
Microwave irradiation ......................................... 140
   V.K. Rangari, S. Dey, S. Jeelani
Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites: Role of DNA
Functionalized Carbon ......................................... 144
   W. Cheung, A. Bogozi, Y. Ma, G. Mao, H. He
Simultaneous Tip and Base Growth of Carbon Nanotubes
Produced by RF Plasma Enhanced CVD ............................ 148
   J. García-Céspedes, E. Pascual, E. Bertran
Ways to Increase the Length of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
in a Magnetically Enhanced Arc Discharge ...................... 152
   M. Keidar, I. Levchenko, A. Shashurin, A.M. Waas and
   K. Ostrikov
One-Step Flame-Synthesis of Carbon-Embedded and -Supported
Platinum Clusters ............................................. 156
   F.O. Ernst, R. Büchel, R. Strobel, S.E. Pratsinis
Novel Reactor Utilizing Selective Heating Catalytic
Nanoparticles for Low-Temperature Growth of Carbon
Nanotubes ..................................................... 159
   A.V. Vasenkov, V.V. Kolobov, D. Carnahan
MWCNTS Production by Means of Pyrolysis of Polyethylene-
Terephtalate in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed ...................... 163
   M.L. Mastellone, U. Arena
Growth and characterization of CNT Forests using Bimetallic
Nanoparticles as Catalyst ..................................... 167
   K.-H. Lee, A.K. Sra, H.-S. Jang, B.J. Lee, L. Overzeta,
   D.J. Yang, G.S. Lee
Characterization of Activated Carbon particles for
nanocomposite synthesis ....................................... 171
   L.P. Terrazas-Bandala, E.A. Zaragoza-Contreras, G.
   Gonzàlez-Sànchez, M.L. Ballinas-Casarrubias
Multi-Functional Carbon Nanotube Based Filtration Material .... 175
   A. Cummings
Separation Mechanisms for Nanoscale Spheres and Rods in
Field-Flow Fractionation (FFF) ................................ 179
   F.R. Phelan Jr., B.J. Bauer

Nano Materials & Composites

Development of nanocomposites with carbon nanotubes in
a thermoplastic elastomer matrix .............................. 183
   G. Broza, Z. Roslaniec, K. Schulte
Halloysite Nanotubes in Polymers .............................. 187
   R.C. Daly, C.A. Fleischer, A.L. Wagner, M. Duffy
Adapting carbon nanotubes for fine composite structures ....... 191
   M. Shaffer, R. Verdejo, M. Tran, A. Menner, A. Bismarck
Fabrication of Nano-engineered Composites Reinforced with
Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) ....................................... 194
   S.S. Wicks, N. Yamamoto, R. Guzman de Villoria, K.
   Ishiguro, H. Cebeci, B.L. Wardle
High Strength Metal-Carbon Nanotube Composites ................ 198
   A. Goyal, D.A. Wiegand, F.J. Owens, Z. Iqbal
Improvement of Stab Resistant Body Armor Using Si02
Nanoparticles Dispersed into Silane Coupling Agent
through Sonic Cavitation ...................................... 202
   V. Lambert, H. Mahfuz, P. 
Synthesis, Reliability and Applications of Nanocrystalline
CVD-grown Diamond and MicroDevice Fabrication ................. 206
   M. Wiora, K. Brühne, A.C. Flöter, P. Gluche, H-J. Fecht
Residual Stress Measurements of High Spatial Resolution ....... 210
   D. Vogel, F. Luczak, B. Michel
Metallic submicron wires and nanolawn for microelectronic
packaging. Concept and first evaluation ....................... 214
   S. Fiedler, M. Zwanzig, R. Schmidt, W. Scheel
Thermal Cycling of 300 nm Buried Damascene Copper
Interconnect Lines by Joule Heating ........................... 218
   D.T. Read, R.H. Geiss
Nanoscale Deformation Measurements - Concepts for Failure
and Reliability Assessment at the Nanoscale ................... 222
   B. Michel, A. Gollhardt, J. Keller
Magnetic nanoparticles with variable size and shape and
surface functionality as switchable building blocks for
soft nanotechnology ........................................... 226
   H. Dietsch, V. Malik, M. Reufer, P. Schurtenberger
Dispersion and incorporation of optical nanotracers ........... 230
   J. Samuel, O. Raccurt, O. Poncelet, O. Tillement,
   F. Tardif
Total flexibility in thin film design using polymer
nanocomposites ................................................ 234
   T. Druffel, O. Buazza, M. Lattis, S. Farmer
Structural and Magneto-Optical Properties of Co-doped ZnO
Thin Films Prepared by Sol-Gel Method ......................... 238
   J. Neamtu, C. Teodorescu, G. Georgescu, J. Ferré,
   T. Malaeru, I. Jitaru
Magnetotransport Properties and Tunnel Effect of Thin Film
Nano-Structures ............................................... 242
   J. Neamtu, M. Volmer, R.V. Medianu
Gold Nanorods: Synthesis and Modulation of Optical
Properties .................................................... 246
   N.R. Tiwari, S.A. Kalele, S.K. Kulkarni
An FPGA Architecture Using Vertical Silicon Nanowire
Transistors ................................................... 250
   A. Bindal, D. Wickramaratne, S. Hamedi-Hagh
Reliability of Nano Devices and Systems: Nuclear Spins of
Stable Magnetic Isotopes as the Reliability Factor of
Biomolecular Nanoreactors ..................................... 254
   V.K. Koltover
High speed Resonant Tunneling Diode based on GaN & GaAs:
A modelling & simulation approach ............................. 258
   V. Arjun, D. Sikdar, V.K. Chaubey
Fluidic Molecular Processing Devices .......................... 266
   M.A. Lyshevski, S.E. Lyshevski
Autonomous Nanoscale Motion Through Catalysis ................. 270
   A. Sen
Ab-initio Calculations of Uniaxially and Biaxially Tensile
Stress Effect ................................................. 273
   Y.-K. Kim, S.-Y. Park, T. Won
Numerical Stress Analysis on Thermal Nano-Imprint
Lithography ................................................... 277
   B.-G. Cho, S.-Y. Park, T. Won
Fabrication and Characterization of Nanoscale Heating
Sources ("Nanoheaters") for Nanomanufacturing ................. 280
   H. Jogdand, G. Gulsoy, T. Ando, J. Chen, C.C. Doumanidis,
   Z. Gu, C. Rebholz, P. Wong
Multiple gate approach - solution of scaling and nano
MOSFETS ....................................................... 284
   V.K. Lamba, D. Engles, S.S. Malik
New Type of High Sensitive Detection of Particles Based
on DeFET ...................................................... 288
   M.F. Ibrahim, F. Elsayed, Y.H. Ghallab, W. Badawy
Quantum transport in nano mosfets ............................. 292
   V.K. Lamba, D. Engles, S.S. Malik
Development of New High Performance Nanocrystalline
Hard Metals ................................................... 297
   N. Jalabadze, A. Mikeladze, R. Chedia, T. Kukava,
   L. Nadaraia, L. Khundadze
Mechanical and magnetic properties comparison between
elastomer composites based on nickel nanoparticles
and nanowires as fillers ...................................... 301
   H. Denver, E. Martin, A. Gupta, T. Heiman, A. Gupta,
   D.A. Borca-Tasciuc
Mechanical and Electrical Properties of CNT/Inorganic
Nanocomposites by Molecular Level Mixing Process .............. 304
   S.H. Hong
Mechanical properties under nanoindents in gold
nanoparticles reinforced poly(vinyl alcohol)
nanocomposite films ........................................... 308
   P. Tripathy, A. Mishra, S. Ram, H.-J. Fecht
A comparison of boron hydride- and hydrocarbon-based thiol
derivatives assembled on gold surfaces ........................ 312
   T. Base, Z. Bastl
Effects of the Building Block on the Morphology and
Properties of Porous CdSe Nano structured Framework ........... 316
   H. Yu, R. Bellair, R. Kannan, S. Brock
Nanostructuring Plastic Displays within the Flexible
Electronics Paradigm .......................................... 320
   M.P. Andrews, P. Frechette, B. Fong, I. Shih
Towards Automation in the Characterization of
Nanostructured Materials and Devices .......................... 325
   K. Weishaupt, U. Schmidt, T. Dieing, O. Hollricher
Design and Parameters of Cellulose Filter Media with Polymer
Nanofiber Layer ............................................... 329
   M. Maly, S. Petrik
Permeability and protein separations: functional studies of
porous nanocrystalhne silicon membranes ....................... 333
   J. Snyder, M. Kavalenka, D. Fang, C. Striemer, P.
   Fauchet, J. McGrath
Interaction of Polyamido-amine (PAMAM) nanoparticles with
the glassy carbon supported bilayer lipid membrane ............ 336
   S.R. Jadhav, R. Mark Worden
Lithium selective adsorption on low-dimensional Ti02
nanoribbons ................................................... 340
   Q.-H. Zhang, S.-P. Li, S.-Y. Sun, X.-S. Yin, J.-G. Yu
Nanoporous Alumina Membranes Based Microdevices for
Ultrasensitive Protein Detection .............................. 344
   M.G. Bothara, R.K. Reddy, T. Barrett, J. Carruthers,
   S. Prasad
Conformational Changes of Acetylcholine During Spontaneous
Diffusion Through a Nano/Microporous Gel: Towards a Novel
Approach to Biomolecular Hardware ............................. 348
   E. Vaganova, S. Yitzchaik, H. Ovadia, S.E. Lyshevski,
   V. Khodorkovsky, I.F. Pierola
Raman study and DFT calculations of amino acids ............... 352
   V. Sonois, A. Estève, A. Zwick, P. Faller, W. Bacsa
Effect of surfactants on the size-distribution of starch
nanoparticles during wet grinding ............................. 356
   N.I. Bukhari, Y.B. Kang, Y.K. Hay, A.B.A. Majeed,
   M. Nadeem, S.H. Bai
Molecular Dynamics of Self-Assembled Monolayer Formation in
Soft Nanolithgoraphy .......................................... 360
   D. Heo, M. Yang, J. Jang
Nanotechnology for Building Security .......................... 364
   G. Elvin
Refined coarse-grain modeling of stamp deformation in
nanoimprint lithography ....................................... 368
   S. Merino, A. Retolaza, A. Juarros, H. Schift,
   V. Sirotkin, A. Svintsov, S. Zaitsev
Graduate Research Assistant ................................... 371
   A.C. Ritts, Q. Yu, H. Li
Thermal and Mechanical Response of POSS coated Nanophased
expandable foam core materials ................................ 375
   W.D. Jones, V.K. Rangari, S. Jeelani
Silica-alumina composite monoliths with a hierarchical pore
structure containing the MFI-type zeolitic films .............. 378
   W. Pudlo, V. Pashkova, M. Derewinski, A.B. Jarzebski
Ti02-Ag Porous Nanocomposites for Advanced Photocatalytic
Processes ..................................................... 381
   L. Baia, M. Baia, F. Vasiliu, L. Diamandescu, A. Peter,
   V. Cosoveanu, V. Danciu
Influence of the crystallite size of BaTiO3 on the
dielectric properties of polyester reactive resin
composite materials ........................................... 385
   B. Schumacher, H. Geßwein, T. Hanemann, J. Haußelt
Preparation of transparent electrodes based on CNT-s doped
metal oxides .................................................. 389
   M. Paalo, T. Tätte, U. Visk, R. Lôhmus, A. Lõhmus,
   I. Kink
Novel Hybrid Materials of Cellulose Fibres and
Nanoparticles ................................................. 392
   A.C. Small, J.H. Johnston
High bending stiffness paperboard laminates with reduced
weight ........................................................ 396
   G. Jogikalmath, L. Reis, D. Soane
Functionalization of multiwalled carbon nanorubes with
_-lactalbumin and _-lactoglobulin ............................. 398
   J. Zhou, Q. Yang, X. Pan, S. Gunasekaran
Forster transfer in coupled colloidal type-II and type-I
quantum dots .................................................. 402
   L.G. Mourokh, I.L. Kuskovsky, A.Yu. Smirnov, H. Matsui
Adsorption of Colloid Gold Nanoparticles on Charged Surface ... 405
   S.-D. Tzeng, C.-S. Luo, S. Gwo, K.-J. Lin
Generalized model for the aggregation rate of colloidal
nanoparticles and clusters induced by shear in the presence
of repulsive interactions ..................................... 408
   M. Lattuada, M. Morbidelli
Organic versus Hybrid Coacervate Complexes: Co-Assembly and
Adsorption Properties ......................................... 412
   J. Fresnais, J.-F. Berret, L. Qi, J.-P. Chapel,
Castaing Solubilization of Capsaicin and Its Nanoemulsion
Formation in the Sonication and Self-Assembly Processes ....... 416
   A.J. Choi, C.J. Kim, Y.J. Cho, J.K. Hwang, C.T. Kim
Modeling evaporation and ring-shaped particle deposition of
a colloidal microdroplet, with applications in biological
assays ........................................................ 420
   R. Bhardwaj, D. Attinger
Preparation of Copper-Bearing Nanofluids for Thermal
Applications .................................................. 424
   A.F. Velasco, O.J. Perales-Perez, G. Gutiàrrez

Nano Surfaces & Interfaces

Biofunctional core-shell nanoparticle deposition for
biochip creation by printing processes ........................ 428
   K. Borchers, A. Weber, S. Genov, I. Wirth, A. Grzesiak,
   G.E.M. Tovar
Surface Nanostructuration: from coatings to MEMS
fabrication ................................................... 431
   R. Pugin, N. Blondiaux, A.M. Popa, M. Klein, F. Montagne,
   E. Scolan, A. Hoogerwerf, T. Overstolz, M. Liley, M.
   Giazzon, G. Weder, H. Heinzelmann
Nanostructured thin layers of vanadium oxides doped with
cobalt, prepared by pulsed laser ablation: structure,
chemistry, morphology, and magnetism .......................... 435
   C.M. Teodorescu, G. Socol, C. Negrila, D. Luca,
   D. Macovei
Engineering superhydrophobic and superoleophobic surfaces ..... 439
   A. Tuteja, W. Choi, J.M. Mabry, G.H. McKinley, R.E. Cohen
Hypertransparent Nanostructured Superhydrophobic Self-
Cleaning Coatings on Glass Substrates ......................... 443
   Y.D. Jiang, Y. Smalley, H. Paris, A.T. Hunt
A Markedly Cntrollable Adhesion of Superhydrophobic
Sponge-like Nanostructure Ti02 Films .......................... 447
   Y. Lai, C. Lin, J. Huang, H. Zhuang, L. Sunb, T. Nguyen
Silane-based water repellent and easy-to-clean surfaces for
concrete structure improvement ................................ 451
   M.A. Kargol
Nanotube Formation and Surface Study of New Ternary
Titanium Alloys ............................................... 454
   H.C. Choe, Y.M. Ko, W.A. Brantley
Phenomena of Nanotube Formation on the Surface of Cp-Ti,
Ti-6A1-4V, and Ti-Ta alloys ................................... 458
   K. Lee, H.C. Choe, Y.M. Ko, W.A. Brantley
Electrochemical Characteristics of Nanotube Formed Ti-Zr
Alloy ......................................................... 462
   W.G. Kim, H.C. Choe, Y.M. Ko, W. Brantley
Effects of _-Stabilized Alloying Element on the Nanotube
Morphology of Ti-Alloy ........................................ 466
   S.H. Jang, H.C. Choe, Y.M. Ko, W. Brantley
Nano-diamond Coatings on Aluminum 319 for Improved
Tribological Properties ....................................... 470
   R. Blum, D. Kalyanasundaram, R. Nair, P. Molian
Oxygen plasma treated superhydrophobic nozzle for
electrospray device ........................................... 475
   Y. Lee, D. Byun, S.B.Q. Tran, S. Kim, B. Park, S. Lee
Fluorination effects on tribological characteristics of
hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films ...................... 479
   M. Rubio-Roy, S. Portal, M.C. Polo, E. Pascual, E.
   Bertran, J.L. Andújar
Au Nanoparticle Coupled- Surface Plasmon Resonance
Immuno-sensor for Sensitivity Enhancement ..................... 483
   H.-S. Kim, J.-H. Kim, S.-H. Ko, Y.-J. Cho, J.-H Kim
Synthesis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies of
poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) capped gold nanoparticles in a
hybrid composite .............................................. 487
   A. Mishra, P. Tripathy, S. Ram, H.-J. Fecht
Replication of micro/nano combined structure using
micro/nano combined aluminum stamp ............................ 491
   K.J. Cha, T.H. Kwon
Molecular dynamics study of ballistic rearrangement of
surface atoms during high energy ion bombardment on
Pd (001) surface .............................................. 495
   S.-P. Kim, K.-R. Lee
Templated virus deposition: from molecular-scale force
measurements to kinetic Monte Carlo simulations ............... 499
   S. Elhadj, G.H. Gilmer, R.W. Friddle, M. Estrada, M.E.
   Manchester, J.E. Johnson, J.J. De Yoreo, A. Noy

Nanofabrication & Direct-Write Nanolithography

Scanning probe-based fabrication of 3D nanostructures via
affinity templates, functional RNA and meniscus-mediated
surface remodeling ............................................ 501
   S. Chung, A.D. Presley, S. Elhadj, S. Hok, S.S. Hah,
   A.A. Chernov, M.B. Francis, B.E. Eaton, D.L.Feldheim,
   J.J. DeYoreo
Fabrication of biosensor arrays by DPN and multiple target
detection by triple wavelength fast SERRS mapping ............. 509
   R.J. Stokes, J.A. Dougan, R. Stevenson, J. Haaheim, T.
   Levesque, K. Faulds, D. Graham
Lipid Dip-Pen Nanolithography for Functional Biomimetic
Membrane Systems .............................................. 513
   S. Lenhert
Commercially Available High-Throughput Dip Pen
Nanolithography® .............................................. 517
   J. Haaheim, O. Nafday, J. Fragala, R. Shile, V. Val
Nanolithographic Patterning of Catalysts for Synthesis of
Carbon Nanotubes .............................................. 521
   R.V. Gargate, D. Banerjee
A Brief History of Thiols: An assembly of self-assembly ....... 525
   D.J. Graham
Low Cost Fabrication of Micro- and Nanopores in Free-
Standing Polymer Membranes for Study of Lipid Adsorption ...... 529
   J. Choi, A. Roychowdhury, S. Park
Surface plasmon polariton assisted organic solar cells ........ 533
   C. Kim, J-Y. Lee, P. Peumans, J. Kim
Synthesis of one-dimensional titanium dioxide
nanostructures ................................................ 537
   B. Cottam, S. Chyla, R. Menzel, A. Bismarck, M. Shaffer
Fabrication and optical properties of nanoscale arrays of Au
and Pd in polymers ............................................ 538
   S.V. Atre, S. Bhowmik, O.P. Valmikanathan,
   O. Ostroverkhova
Dynamic study on Nanometer size square Permalloy (NiFe)
antidot arrays; use as Monolithic Microwave localize
band-pass filter .............................................. 542
   B.K. Kuanr, L.M. Malkinski, M. Yu, D. Scherer, R.
   Camley, Z. Celinski
Micropatterning Layers by Flame Aerosol Deposition -
Annealing ..................................................... 546
   A. Tricoli, M. Graf, F. Mayer, S. Kühne, A. Hierlemann,
   S.E. Pratsinis
DNA-Templated Assembly of Protein Complexes at Nanoscale ...... 548
   G.E. Sroga
Bimodal Macro- Mesoporous Silica Network ...................... 552
   J. García Martínez, G. Abellán, A.I. Carrillo, N. Linares
New Method for large Area NIL - SCIL .......................... 556
   J. van Eekelen, J. Weixlberger
UV-NIL with optimal droplets .................................. 559
   V. Sirotkin, A. Svintsov, S. Zaitsev
Self-assembly of Functional Groups inside High Aspect Ratio
Silicon Nanopores ............................................. 563
   S. Moghaddam, R. Masel, M. Shannon
Electric Field Assisted Assembly of Perpendicular Oriented
ZnO Nanorods on Si Substrate .................................. 567
   O. Lupan, L. Chow, G. Chai, S. Park, A. Schulte
DNA-guided Assembly of Organized Nano-Architectures ........... 571
   O. Gang, M.M. Maye, D. Nykypanchuk, H. Xiong, D.
   van der Lelie
A Novel Self-Assembled and Maskless Technique for Highly
Uniform Arrays of Nano-Holes And Nano-Pillars ................. 574
   W. Wu, D. Dey, O.G. Memis, A. Katsnelson, H. Mohseni
Templated Self-Assembly of 5 nm Gold Nanoparticles ............ 578
   L.E. Ocola, X-M. Lin
Precision Placement and Integration of Individual Carbon
Nanotubes in Nanodevices by Fountain-Pen controlled
Dielectrophoresis ............................................. 581
   T. Schwamb, N. Schirmer, D. Poulikakos
A Novel Technique for Purifiction and Segregation of CNT
Using Inkjet Technology ....................................... 584
   J.S. Chaves, S. Chaves, T. Mangir
Periodic Nanowell Array using Template-Assisted Nanosphere
Lithography ................................................... 588
   S. Jung, J. Lee
Nanomaching of Silicon nanoporous Structures by Colloidal
Gold Nanoparticle ............................................. 592
   J. Zhu, H. Bart-Smith, M.R. Begley, R.G. Kelly, G.
   Zangari, M.L. Reed
Fabrication & Integration of nanobolometer sensors on a
MEMs process .................................................. 596
   S.F. Gilmartin, K. Arshak, D. Collins, D. Bain, W.A. Lane,
   O. Korostynska, A. Arshak, B. McCarthy, S.B. Newcomb
Silylation Hardening for Mesoporous Silica Zeolite Film ....... 600
   T. Kikkawa
Vertically aligned carbon nanowires (CNWs): Top-down
approach using photolithography and pyrolysis ................. 604
   S.W. Lee, J.A. Lee, S.S. Lee
INGAAS/GAAS Quantum Dot With Material Mixing .................. 608
   I. Filikhin, V.M. Suslov, B. Vlahovic
Large scale synthesis of SiC nanofibers from various carbon
precursors .................................................... 612
   A.C. Ritts, H. Li, Q. Yu
Identification of Endohedral Metallofullerenes by Method of
UV-VIS Spectroscopy ........................................... 616
   V.D. Dobrovolsky, N.S. Anikina, O.Ya. Krivuschenko, S.S.
   Chuprov, O.V. Mil'to, A.D. Zolotarenko
Vapor Deposited Nanolaminates ................................. 619
   B. Kobrin, M. Grimes, N. Dangaria
PECVD synthesis of Si nano-wires .............................. 623
   I.I. Kravcheko
Quantum Gates Simulator Based on DSP TI6711 ................... 626
   V.H. Tellez, C. Iuga, G.I. Duchen, A. Campero
Bismuth Triiodide Sheets Assisted Growth of Cadmium Sulfide
Binary Crystals and Branched Nanowires in Solution ............ 630
   H.Y. Li, J. Jiao
3D Nanostructured Silicon Relying on Hard Mask Engineering
for High Temperature Annealing (HME-HTA) Processes for
Electronic Devices ............................................ 634
   M. Bopp, P. Coronel, F. Judong, K. Jouannic, A. Talbot,
   D. Ristoiu, C. Pribat, N. Bardos, F. Pico, M.P. Samson,
   P. Dainesi, A.M. Ionescu, T. Skotnicki
Introduction of Mesopority in Zeolites Using Nanoparticles
Used as Hard Templates ........................................ 638
   J. García Martínez, A.I. Carrillo, N. Linares
Proposal of Porous Chromium Film Fabrication Method for an
IR Absorber ................................................... 642
   M. Kimura, M. Hobara
Research on Preparation of Nano-Barium Titanate and
Dielectric Property of Barium Titanate Ceramic Capacitor ...... 646
   X. Feng, X. Liu, Y. Cui
A Novel Technique for Purification and Segregation ............ 650
   T. Mangir, J. Chaves, M. Khairatkar, S. Chaves
Dip Pen Nanolithography® of Silver Nanoparticle Inks for
Printed Electronics ........................................... 654
   M. Parpia, E. Tevaarwerk, N. Amro, H.-T. Wang, J.
   Haaheim, S. Rozhok, T. Levesque
Using Scanning Thermal Microscopy Techniques for In-Situ
synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes at "room temperature
conditions" ................................................... 658
   S. Mukkisa, D. Banerjee

Nanoparticles & Applications

A Novel Method for the Production of a Vast Array of Metal,
Metal Oxide, and Mixed-Metal Oxide Nanoparticles .............. 662
   B.F. Woodfield, S. Liu, J. Boerio-Goates, L. Astle
Structure-Property Correlations in ZnO Tetrapods and Spheres
prepared by Chemical Vapour Synthesis ......................... 666
   R. Bacsa, M. Verelst, J. Dexpert, W. Bacsa, P. Serp
Two-nozzle flame synthesis of Pt/Ba/Al203 for NOx storage ..... 669
   R. Büchel, R. Strobel, S.E. Pratsinis, A. Baiker
Synthesis of Nanopowders and Their Production at the
Industrial Scale Using the Inductively-Coupled Plasma
Technology .................................................... 672
   R. Dolbec, M. Bolduc, X. Fan, J. Guo, J. Jurewicz,
   S. Xue, M. Boulos
Synthesis of Porous Nanostructured Silica Particles by
an Aerosol Templating Method .................................. 676
   H.-D. Jang, H. Chang, J.-H. Park, T.-O. Kim, K. Okuyama
Synthesis and Testing of Metal and Nitrogen Doped Nano-Ti02 ... 680
   Z. Zhang, J.A. Darr
Controlled Encapsulation of a Hydrophilic Drug Simulant in
Nano-Liposomes using Continuous Flow Microfluidics ............ 684
   A. Jahn, J.E. Reiner, W.N. Vreeland, D.L. DeVoe
   L.E. Locascio, M. Gaitan
Production of Polymer Nanosuspensions Using MicrofluidizerTM
Processor Based Processes ..................................... 688
   K.J. Chomistek, T. Panagiotou, S.V. Mesite, J.M. Bernard,
   R.J. Fisher
Formation of Pyrophoric _-Fe Nanoparticles from
Fe(II)-Oxalate ................................................ 692
   R. Shende, A. Vats, Z. Doorenbos, D. Kapoor, J. Puszynski
Rhodamine B Isothiocyanate-Modified Ag Nanoaggregates on
Dielectric Beads: A Novel Surface-Enhanced-Raman-Scattering
and Fluorescent Imaging Material .............................. 696
   K. Kim, H.B. Lee, H.J. Jang, J.W. Lee
Optical properties of 2D nanoparticle arrays .................. 700
   S. Portal, M.A. Vallvé, O. Arteaga, J. Ignes-Mullol,
   E. Bertran
Advanced fluorescent nanotracers: a broad field
of application ................................................ 704
   O. Raccurt, J. Samuel, O. Poncelet, S. Szenknect,
   F. Tardif
Development of Nanoparticle-Based Gold Contrast Agent for
Photoacoustic Tomography ...................................... 708
   Y.-S. Yang, S. Vaithilingam, H.T.-J. Ma, B.T.
   Khuri-Yakub, S. Guccione
Gold Nanoparticles as Colourants in High Fashion Fabrics
and Textiles .................................................. 712
   J.H. Johnston, M.J. Richardson, K.A. Burridge, F.M. Kelly
Silver Nanoparticles Synthesis from Highly Concentrated
Solutions ..................................................... 716
   G. Klein, E-M. Meyer, L. Si-Ahmed
Emulsions as Templates for Nanostructured Materials ........... 719
   C. Solans, J. Esquena, J. Nolla
Synthesis, Extraction and Surface Modification Of (Zn,Mn)Se
Nanocrystals Using Microemulsions As Templates ................ 722
   T. Heckler, Q. Qiu, J. Wang, B. Mei, T.J. Mountziaris
Synthesis of nanocrystalline CoFe204 using citrate-urea
assisted combustion process for lithium battery anode ......... 725
   I. Prakash, N. Nallamuthu, P. Muralidharan, M.
   Venkateswarlu, N. Satyanarayana
In-situ incorporation of Pd-MPTES complex in nanostructured
silica ......................................................... 729
   J. García Martínez, A.I. Carrillo, N. Linares
Production of Nanoparticles Sizes of Active Pharmaceutical
Ingredients (API) by Wet Comminution with DYNO-MILL ........... 733
   S. Goldberg, N. Roskosch
Silver nanoparticles synthesized on titanium dioxide
fine particles ................................................ 737
   N. Niño-Martínez, G.A. Martínez-Castañón, J.
   González-Hernadez, F. Ruiz
Free-standing SnO2 nanoparticles synthesized by
hydrothermal route ............................................ 741
   A. Fernández-Osorio, A. Vázquez-Olmos, R. Sato-Berru,
   D. Casas-Gutiérrez
Glycerol Assisted Polymeric Precursor Route for the
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline LiCoO2 Powders ................... 744
   S. Vivekanandhan, M. Venkateswarlu, N. Satyanarayana
Structure of Ni nanoparticles/TiO2 films prepared by sol-gel
dip-coating ................................................... 748
   A. García-Murillo, E. Ramírez-Meneses, J. Ramírez-
   Salgado, B.G. Sandoval-Robles, V. Montiel-Palma, H.
   Dorantes-Rosales, P. Del Angel-Vicente
Biphenyl-functionalized Ethane-silica Hybrid Materials with
Ordered Hexagonal Mesoporous Structure ........................ 752
   R. Virtudazo, E. Magdaluyo Jr., L. dela Cruz, E.
   Castriciones, H. Mendoza
Computational and experimental studies of non-metal-
terminated surfaces of anatase and rutile TiO2 ................ 755
   H.G. Yang, C.H. Sun, S.Z. Qiao, J. Zhou, S.C. Smith,
   H.M. Cheng, G.Q. Lu
Scattering properties of dense clusters of nanoparticles ...... 758
   M. Lattuada, L. Ehrl, M. Soos, M. Morbidelli
Synthesis of Janus Nanorods for Assemblies of
Thermoresponsive Rod Pairs .................................... 762
   R.I. MacCuspie, K. Park, R. Naik, R.A. Vaia
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel ZnO-Whey Protein
Nanocomposite at Low Temperature .............................. 766
   L. Shi, J. Zhou, S. Gunasekaran
Ferrite-Silica-Insulin Nanocomposites (FeSINC) for Glucose
Reduction ..................................................... 770
   N. Dwivedii, M.A. Arunagirinathan, S. Sharma, J. Bellare
Particles as Protein Markers: Nanoscale Microscopy Towards
Picoscale ..................................................... 774
   B.D. Shriniwas, R. Sharma, A. Sharma, C.J. Chen,
   V.V. Baile, V. Raghukumar
Investigations on the convective heat transfer in Ag- and Cu-
ethylene glycol nanofluids .................................... 778
   G. Dzido, K. Chmiel-Kurowska, A. Gierczycki,
   A.B. Jarzebski
Process Intensification Strategies for the Synthesis of
Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles and Fabrication of
Nano-Hybrid ................................................... 782
   S.F. Chin, K.S. Iyer, C.L. Raston, M. Saunders
Conductance Enhancement of Nanoparticulate Indium Tin Oxide
Layers Made by Printing Technique ............................. 786
   M. Gross, I. Maksimenko, H. Faber, N. Linse,
   P.J. Wellmann
Palladium/Polymer nanocomposite based Chemiresistive SO2
Sensor ........................................................ 790
   D. Meka, V. Onbattuvelli, S. Atre, S. Prasad
Structure-property relationships in Pd/Polycarbonate based
chemical sensors .............................................. 794
   S.V. Atre, O.P. Valmikanathan, D.B. Meka, S. Prasad
Toughening mechanisms of nanoparticle-modified epoxy
polymers ...................................................... 798
   R.D. Mohammed, B.B. Johnsen, A.J. Kinloch, A.C. Taylor,
   S. Sprenger
Self-Assembly of Polymers and NanoParticles in Personal
Care Products ................................................. 802
   M.C. Berg, N.A. Suddaby, D. Soane
Towards Nanoscaled Systems: New Dispersing Technologies ....... 804
   L. Fischer, S. Scheid, C. Thomas
Molecular approach for the synthesis of supported
nanoparticles on active carbon using noble metal clusters ..... 807
   C. Willocq, D. Vidick, S. Hermans, A. Delcorte, P.
   Bertrand, V. Dubois, M. Devillers
Evaluation of Antibacterial Activities of Zinc Oxide-
Titanium Dioxide Nanocomposites Prepared by Sol-Gel Method .... 811
   H. Chang, H. Leung
Nanoscaled Mg(OH)2 Used as Flame Retardant Additive ........... 815
   Z. Zhou, Z. Wu, M. Fransson, B. Zhou
NanoZeolites - porous nanomaterials for cleantech,
encapsulation and triggered release applications .............. 819
   W. Daniell, J. Sauer, A. Kohl


Non-destructive 3D Imaging of Nano-structures with
Multi-scale X-ray Microscopy .................................. 822
   S. Wang, S.H. Lau, A. Tkachuk, F. Druewer, H. Chang,
   M. Feser, W. Yun
An Embedded Atom Method for Alloy Nanoparticles ............... 826
   B. Shan, J. Hyun, L. Wang, S. Yang, N. Kapur,
   J.B. Nicholas
Ultrasonic Pulsed Doppler (USPD): A Novel Ultrasonic Method
for Characterizing Suspensions of Nanoparticles ............... 830
   S.A. Africk, C.K. Colton
Nanoparticle Measurement by Spectroscopic Mie Scattering ...... 834
   R. Trutna, M. Liu, D. Chamberlin, J. Hadley
Real time Crystallization of Nanoparticles Filled Natural
Rubber Under Stretching ....................................... 838
   J. Carretero-González, R. Verdejo, S. Toki, B.S. Hsiao,
   E.P. Giannelis, M.A. Lopez-Manchado
Nano cellulose crystallites: optical, photonic and
electro-magnetic properties ................................... 840
   D. Simon, Y. Kadiri, G. Picard
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Targeted Engineered Gelatin
Nanovectors for Gene Delivery and Transfection ................ 844
   P. Magadala, M. Amiji
Polyurethane Nanocomposites Containing NCO-Functionalized
Carbon Nanotubes and NCO-Functionalized Nanoclays ............. 848
   T. Nguyen, A. Granier, B. Pellegrin, M. Celina
Nanostructured LZO Films: Synthesis and Characterizations ..... 852
   H.-S. Chen, R.V. Kumar
Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring
(QCM-D): Real-Time Characterization of Nano-Scale
Interactions at the surfaces .................................. 855
   A. Jaiswal, S. Smoukov, M. Poggi, B. Grzybowski
Characterization of Different Surfaces Morphology in
Heterogeneous Catalyst ........................................ 859
   R. Mukherjee, A. Palazoglu, J.A. Romagnolia
Nanoparticle characterization using light scattering
technologies .................................................. 863
The real-time, simultaneous analysis of nanoparticle size,
zeta potential, count, asymmetry and fluorescence ............. 866
   R. Carr, P. Hole, A. Malloy, J. Smith, A. Weld, J. Warren
Applications Developments with the Helium Ion Microscope ...... 871
   L. Scipioni, J. Notte
Guided Self-Assembly of Block-Copolymer Nanostructures ........ 875
   A. Karim, B.C. Berry, S. Kim, X. Zhang, A.W. Bosse,
   S.H. Lacerda, K.G. Yager, R.L. Jones, J.F. Douglas, 
   R.M. Briber, H.-C. Kim
Raman Spectroscopy resolution limits overcome with
nanoscale thermal analysis for complete Polymer
Blend Characterization ........................................ 877
   J. Ye, K. Reading, K. Kjoller, R. Shetty
Attaching Biological Molecules to AFM Probes for Nanoscale
Molecular Recognition Studies ................................. 882
   W. Travis Johnson
Mechanical characterization of electrostatic MEMS switches .... 885
   F. Souchon, A. Koszewski, D. Levy, P.L. Charvet
Measurement of nanometric deformation of thin membranes
under controlled mechanical loads ............................. 889
   M. Jobin, V. Sidorenko, R. Foschia
Preparation and characterization of ultrasharp tungsten
wires ......................................................... 892
   M. Kulakov, I. Luzinov, K. Kornev
Room Temperature Growth of Single Intermetallic
Nanostructures on Nanoprobes .................................. 896
   M.M. Yazdanpanah, V.V. Dobrokhotov, A. Safir, S. Pabba,
   D. Rojas, R.W. Cohn
Use of Lateral Force Microscopy to Elucidate Cooperativity
and Molecular Mobility in Amorphous Polymers and Self-
Assembling Molecular Glasses .................................. 900
   D.B. Knorr Jr., J.P. Killgore, Т.О. Gray, R.M. Overney
Nanoscale Resolution Deformation Measurements at Crack Tips
of Nanostructured Materials and Interface Cracks .............. 904
   J. Keller, D. Vogel, A. Gollhardt, B. Michel
interfacial Nanocomposite Characterization by Nanoparticle
Debonding ..................................................... 908
   J.P. Killgore, R.M. Overney
Identification of individual nanocrystal structures and
morphologies by ТЕМ ........................................... 912
   P. Moeck
Interaction between alternating current and cathodic
protection over nano sized/structured surface metals .......... 916
   L. Lazzari, M. Ormellese, V. Bueno
Increased Piezoresistive Effect in Crystalline and
Polycrystalline Si Nanowires .................................. 920
   K. Reck, J. Richter, O. Hansen, E.V. Thomsen
Synthesis and Magnetic Characterizations of Manganite-Based
Composite Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications ........... 924
   A.K. Pradhan, R. Bah, R.B. Konda, R. Mundle, H. Mustafa,
   O. Bamiduro, R.R. Rakhimov, X. Wei, DJ. Sellmyer
Thin NIL films characterization (viscosity, adhesion) with
rheological nano-probe ........................................ 928
   A.A. Svintsov, O.V. Trofimov, S.I. Zaitsev
Fluorescence Tags-Based Inspection of Barrier Coatings for
Organic Light Emitting Diodes and Polymer Packages ............ 932
   Y. Zhang, Y.-Z. Zhang, D.C. Miller, J.A. Bertrand,
   R. Yang, M.L. Dunn, S.M. George, Y.C. Lee
Nanomechanical characterization of UV curable hyperbranched
polymers ...................................................... 936
   J. Kim, Z. Chen, B. Chisholm and S. Patel
Assessment of the Impacts of Packaging, Long-Term Storage,
and Transportation on the Military MEMS ....................... 940
   J.L. Zunino III, D.R. Skelton
Vice President World-wide Sales & Marketing ................... 944
   L. Derrig, A. Kuzmin
Influence of nano size on various properties of Sn1-xCoxO2
nanocrystalline Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors ............... 947
   K. Srinivas, P. Venugopal Reddy
Synthesis and characterization of Dy2O3 nano crystalline
power by using a combustion Urea process ...................... 951
   M. Vijayakumar, N. Nallamuthu, M. Venkateswarlu,
   N. Satyanarayana
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Tin Powder
by Reactive Milling ........................................... 955
   J.O. Lara, H.B. Ramírez
Thermal and Optical investigation of Y2O3 nanocrystalline
phosphors ..................................................... 959
   D. Tatar, H. Kaygusuz, F. Tezcan, B. Erim, M.L. Ovecoglu,
   G. Ozen
The Effect of Oxygen Beam (0+7,100 MeV) and Gamma
Irradiation On Polypyrrole Thin Film .......................... 962
   S. Chandra, R.G. Sonkawade, P.K. Kulriya, F. Singh,
   D.K. Avasthi, S. Annapoorni, J.M.S. Rana, R.C. Ramola
The Effect of Inclusion of Nanoparticles on the Rheological
and Morphological Properties of Triblock Copolymer Gels ....... 965
   M.A. Paglicawan, J.K. Kim
Replication of nano dimple structures by injection molding
with rapid thermal control system ............................. 969
   M. Rha, J.M. Park, Т.Н. Kwon
Rheological Characterization of Melt Compounded
Polypropylene/clay nanocomposites ............................. 973
   M. Abdel-Goad, B. Kretzschmar, P. Potschke, R.
   Al-maameri, G. Heinrich
Comparative thermodynamic study of functionalized
homogeneous and multilayer latex particles .................... 977
   M. Corea, J.M. del Río
Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of sponge-
like nickel nanoparticles ..................................... 981
   E. Ramírez-Meneses, M.A. Domiguez-Crespo, H.
   Dorantes-Rosales, A.M. Torres-Huerta, V. Montiel-Palma,
   G. Hernández-Tapia
Magnetic Properties Of Iron-Filled Multiwalled Carbon
Nanotubes ..................................................... 985
   N. Aguiló-Aguayo, J. García-Céspedes, E. Pascual,
   E. Bertran
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Eu3+-doped
Gd2O3 ......................................................... 990
   S. Jáuregui-Rosas, O. Perales-Pérez, M. Tomar, W. Jia,
   O. Vásquez, E. Fachini
Biologically synthesised Silver nanoparticles using a
Bacterial Culture Isolated from the riverine bank of
Ganges in India ............................................... 994
   N. Ahmad, S. Sharma, A.K. Ghosh
Comparative Study Of Effect Of Various Reducing Agents On
Size And Shapes Of Gold Nanoparticles ......................... 998
   A. Kumar, N. Dhawan
Shape-Controlled Synthesis and Catalytic Behavior of
Supported Platinum Nanoparticles ............................. 1002
   C. Liu, M. Fransson, B. Zhou
Deposition and Characterization of Platinum Nanoparticles
on Highly Orientated Pyrolytic Graphite ...................... 1004
   N. Elizondo Villarreal, C. Novar, J.P. Zhou, L. Alvarez
   Contreras, R. Tel Vered
Effects of the Shape of Nanoparticles on the
Crystallization Behavior of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Nanocomposites in the Flow Fields ............................ 1008
   B.C. Kim, K.H. Jang, W.G. Hahm, T. Kikutani, J. Lee
Effect of thermal treatments on the structure of
photoactive titanium oxides .................................. 1012
   M.V. Diamanti, S. Codeluppi, A. Cordioli, M.P. Pedeferri
Maintaining Clean Surfaces in Cryogenic Measurement
Environments ................................................. 1016
   J. Lindemuth
A Study about Surface Chemical-Physics Mechanisms Occurring
for Interacting Metal Nanostructures / gas NO2 ............... 1019
   S. di Stasio, V. Dal Santo
Nanostructure LB films of novel OPV compounds ................ 1023
   B. Jimenez-Nava, V. Alvarez-Venicio, M. Gutierrez,
   M.P. Carreon-Castro
Nanostructured films of novel azocompounds ................... 1027
   Y.A. Valdez-Hernandez, E. Rivera, M.P. Carreon-Castro
Preparation and Characterization of Bi-2212 thin films
using pulsed laser depostion technique ....................... 1030
   N.T. Mua, C.N.R. Rao, A. Sundaresan, T.D. Hien, N.K. Man

Initiatives, Education & Policy

Welcome to Nanotech Germany, Research in Germany -
Land of Ideas ................................................ 1034
   F. Sicking
Highlights of the R&D activities in the nanotechnology area
performed by the Italian Interuniversity Consortium on
Materials Science and Technology (INSTM) ..................... 1038
   D. Gatteschi, T. Valente
The importance of R&D alliances to sustain a
nano-biotechnology ecosystem ................................. 1043
   J. Wauters
Leveraging the Nation's Nanotechnology Research Centers:
True interdisciplinary buildings foster a seamless
transition from lab bench to consumer ........................ 1046
   A. Soueid, G. Adams, M. Schaeffer, S. Riojas
Bridge a Gap between Nanotechnology R&D, Business
and Public ................................................... 1050
   M. Sekiy, S. An, S. Ishizu
Europe's First Institute of Piezoelectric
Materials & Devices .......................................... 1052
   M.G. Cain
NanoEnergy- Technological and economical impact of
nanotechnology on the energy sector .......................... 1054
   W. Luther
MEMS and NEMS research for education ......................... 1057
   M. Husak, J. Jakovenko
Designing the new engineer and scientist ..................... 1061
   J. Wauters, J. De Wachter
Nanotechnology in Pharmaceutical Education In USA ............ 1064
   Y.V. Pathak, A. Koomer
Partnering in Nanotechnology Ventures: Critical Decision
Factors ...................................................... 1068
   J.L. Woolley
Why Does One Nano Lab Cost More Than Another? ................ 1071
   W. Wilson, A. Gregg

Index of Authors ............................................. 1075
Index of Key words ........................................... 1085

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